Yerbilimleri, 30 (3), 169–180 Hacettepe Üniversitesi Yerbilimleri Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi Dergisi Journal of the Earth Sciences Application and Research Centre of Hacettepe University Mineralogy of the Kraubath-type magnesite deposits of the Khuzdar area, Balochistan, Pakistan Khuzdar Bölgesi (Belucistan, Pakistan)’ndeki Kraubath tipi manyezit yataklarının mineralojisi Erum BASHIR, Shahid NASEEM, Shamim Ahmed SHEIKH, Maria KALEEM Department of Geology, University of Karachi, Karachi 75270, PAKISTAN Geliş (received) : 17 Ağustos (August) 2009 Kabul (accepted) : 17 Eylül (September) 2009 ABSTRACT Mineralogical studies of the magnesite deposits in the Khuzdar District, Balochistan, Pakistan were made using the X- ray diffraction (XRD) technique. These Kraubath-type magnesite deposits are hosted within serpentinized harzburgites, associated with Bela Ophiolite of Cretaceous age. The deposits occur as cryptocrystalline veins of stockwork-type, possessing botryoidal and bone habits. The ultramafic rocks of Bela Ophiolite were subjected to serpentinization. The hydrothermal fluids leached out Mg, Ca, Fe and other elements from the serpentinized rocks and finally carbonation of these ions resulted in the formation of their hydroxides and carbonates of different combinations to produce these de- posits. The XRD analysis of the ores revealed a high magnesite content in association with artinite, brucite, huntite, Fe- magnesite, dolomite, calcite and Mg-calcite. Initially, at low temperatures and low partial pressure from carbon dioxide (PCO2), metastable hydroxides and carbonates are formed, and these are gradually converted into a stable magnesite phase. The low abundance of allied minerals reflects the relatively high temperature conditions and PCO2 that convert metastable minerals into their stable magnesite phase. The study revealed an increasing temperature and PCO2 from brucite through artinite, hydromagnesite, huntite, and dolomite to magnesite. Principal component analysis (PCA) and correlation matrix analysis were also utilized to reveal the genetic affiliation that existed between these minerals. Keywords: Balochistan, Khuzdar, Kraubath-type magnesite, mineralogy, Pakistan. ÖZ Khuzdar Bölgesi (Belucistan, Pakistan)’ndeki manyezit yataklarının mineralojisi X-ışınları kırınım tekniğiyle araştırıl- mıştır. Kraubath tipi bu manyezit yatakları, Kretase yaşlı Bela ofiyolitleriyle ilişkili serpantinleşmiş harzburjitler için- de yer almaktadır. Bu çökeller, kriptokristalin damarlar ve botriyodal ve kemiksi. özelliklere sahip ağsı yatak şeklin- de oluşmuşlardır. Bela ofiyolitik kayaçları serpantinleşmeye maruz kalmışlardır. Hidrotermal akışkanlarca taşınan Mg, Ca, Fe ve serpantinleşmiş kayalardan gelen diğer elementler ve sonuçta bu iyonların karbonatlaşması, bunların hid- roksitlerinin oluşumuyla ve farklı bileşimlerdeki karbonatların bu çökelleri oluşturmasıyla sonuçlanmıştır. Cevherle- rin X-ışınları kırınım analizleri; artinit, brusit, huntit, Fe-manyezit, dolomit, kalsit ve Mg-kalistle ilişkili yüksek manye- zit içeriğinin varlığını göstermektedir. İlk olarak, düşük sıcaklıkta ve düşük kısmi karbondioksit (PCO2) basıncı altın- da, tedricen duraylı manyezit fazına dönüşen yarı-duraylı hidroksitler ve karbonatlar oluşmuştur. Yabancı mineralle- rin azlığı, göreceli olarak yüksek sıcaklık koşullarına ve yarı-duraylı mineralleri manyezit fazına dönüştüren PCO2’ye işaret etmektedir. Bu çalışma, artan sıcaklığı ve arinit, hidromanyezit, huntit, dolomitten itibaren brusitten PCO2 artı- şını göstermiştir. Ayrıca asal bileşen analizi (PCA) ve korelasyon matriksi analizi bu mineraller arasında mevcut olan kökensel ilişknin araştırılmasıi için kullanılmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Belucistan, Khuzdar, Kraubath tipi manyezit, mineraloji, Pakistan. E. Bashir E-mail: [email protected] 170 Yerbilimleri INTRODUCTION minerals. The CO2-rich fluids were either deri- ved from decarbonation of deep-seated carbo- Regionally, the study area belongs to the ophi- nates or decarboxylation of organic rich sedi- olite thrust belt, which marks the boundary bet- ments (Gartzos, 2004; Zedef et al., 2000). ween the Indian and Eurasian plates. Along the ophiolite, sedimentary rocks of Jurassic to Ter- Showings and deposits of Kraubath-type tiary age are also exposed on either side (Figure cryptocrystalline magnesite are widely exposed 1). The Bela Ophiolite is linked with the Alpine- within the Bela Ophiolite of the Cretaceous age. Himalayan Mesozoic Belt, which stretches from These deposits are hosted within the upper part the European Alps to the Himalayas. The Bela of highly fractured and imbricated ultramafic Ophiolite has characteristics of both a supra- complexes containing the serpentinized equ- subduction zone and mid-ocean ridge settings, ivalent of harzburgite (Bashir, 2008). The pro- and is also intruded by hotspot-derived mag- mising deposits are in Baran Lak, Pahar Khan, mas (Khan et al., 2007). Sheth (2008) also ve- Gangu and Nal (see Figure 1), and are being mi- rified the above assumption and showed oc- ned locally (Bashir et al., 2004). Magnesite oc- currences of rocks with affinities to Mid Ocea- curs either as veins, stockwork or as irregular nic Ridge Basalt (MORB), Ocean Island Basalt masses posessing botryoidal and bone habits. (OIB) and Island Arc Basalt (IAB) in the Bela Op- Various carbonates and hydroxides of Mg oc- hiolite. cur in the study area with varying proportions Magnesite deposits are formed by a number of in different localities. Each Mg-mineral exhibits processes (Pohl and Siegl, 1986; Schroll, 2002). a typical regime of formation and stability un- Among them two genetic types are important, der varying temperature, water and carbon dio- and the first type is known as the Veitsch type. xide partial pressure (PCO2). The mineralogical These are replacement-type and strata-bound convergence and the occurrence of the mag- lensoid deposits, consisting of coarse crystal- nesite minerals appear to be tools to illustrate line spar-magnesite hosted by marine plat- the dominance of kinetic and physicochemical form sediments. The second type of deposit is processes that prevailed in the study area du- cryptocrystalline and known as the Kraubath ring the formation of these minerals. The poten- type. These deposits are much smaller and less tial for decomposition of metastable hydrated frequent than the Veitsch-type. Bashir (2008) magnesium carbonate phases to stable mag- revealed that the magnesites of the study area nesite may represent the long-term stability of are genetically affiliated with cryptocrystalline the products of mineral sequestration (Wilson Kraubath type magnesite. They are commonly et al., 2009). The obduction of ophio lite, tec- found in contact with or in close proximity to tonics pulses and emplacement of dykes also the serpentinized ultramafic rocks of the Alpi- contribute to varia tion in the geochemical en- ne ophiolites (Sasvári and Kondela, 2007; Gart- vironment. zos, 2004). The aim of this paper is to present the results of The obduction of the Bela Ophiolite over the a study of the mineralogy of the magnesite de- continental margin of the Indian Plate creates posits of the Khuzdar area, in order to infer from a number of fractures and cracks in the host these the impact of kinetic and physicochemical rock. The fracturing phenomenon facilitates processes on the genesis of magnesite and allied water to initiate hydration of the ferromagnesi- minerals. The present study also highlighted the an rocks, causing serpentinization. The serpen- transformation pathway of magnesite through tinized rocks release Mg, Ca, Fe etc. via dis- the process of serpentinization. The mineralo- solution, leaching or other mineral-alteration re- gical information obtained from this study may actions. The released Mg ions may react with assists miners, exploiters and industrialists in water molecules to form brucite. Subsequently, better utilizing magnesite ore in Pakistan so that Mg along with Ca and Fe can react with dis- the mineral sector can play its proper role in bo- solved CO2 to precipitate different carbonate osting the economy of that country. Bashir et al. 171 Figure 1. Simplified map of the Khuzdar area showing sampling sites. Şekil 1. Örnekleme noktalarını gösteren Khuzdar bölgesinin yalınlaştırılmış haritası. ANALYTICAL METHODS diffractometer. Cu and K α radiation was used The samples of host rocks and magnesites during the analysis. The diffractometer was were first crushed using a jaw crusher, and gro- operated at 40 KV and 30 Ma. Randomly orien- und in a tema mill. The pulverized (-200 mesh) ted amounts of the samples were scanned from and moisture free samples were used for X-ray 10°-90° (2θ) with a step size of 0.05° (2θ). The analysis. The analyses of magnesite samples scanning speed was one degree per second. were carried out using a Bruker AXS 5000 X-ray 172 Yerbilimleri RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS water molecules forming brucite (Figure 2). Ki- netically, brucites are formed at a low tempera- Brucite ture, a basic pH and at a low PCO2. Brucite [Mg (OH) ] is reported from four samp- 2 Brucite [Mg (OH) ] deposits of economic interest les (UW2, PS, CG and SB) was studied thro- 2 are genetically linked to shallow level igneous ugh X-ray diffractograms. It shows a wide ran- ge of concentration (2-12.7%). The brucite rocks intruded into dolomite and/or magnesite- shows association with other Mg bearing mine- bearing sedimentary or metasedimentary rocks rals but more commonly it is related to magne- (Simandl et al.,
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