ClTY.Of Council Chamber. 336 P . Shafter, CA93263 AGENDA REGULAR MEETING SHAFTER CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JULY 16,2019 CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Mayor Alvarado Mayor Pro Tem Lopez Council Member Garcia Council Member Givens Council Member Prout PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Council Member Prout INVOCATION: Mayor Alvarado APPROVAL OF AGENDA: PUBLIC COMMENT: This portion of the meeting is reservedfor persons wanting to address the Council only on matters not listed on this agenda. Speakers are limited to five minutes unless ødditional time is needed þr translation. Please state your nome and address for the record before making your presentation. CONSENT CALENDAR: All items on the consent calendar are considered routine and non-controversial by staff ond will be approved by one motion if no member of the Council or public wishes to comment or ask questions. If comment or discussion is desiredby anyone, the itemwill be removedfrom the consent calendar and will be considered in the listed sequence with øn opportunity for øny member of the public to address the Council concerning the item beþre action is taken. ROLL CALL 1 . Approve General Checks: June 28, 2019 , July 2, 2019, July 8, 2019, July 1 | , 2019 . 2. Approve Payroll: June 30, 2019, July 1, 2019, July 3, 2019, July 5, 2019. 3. Approve Minutes: June 18,2019. 4. Approve Special Event Permit: COLOURS, Community Band Concert, Mannel Park, July 21,2019. 5. Approve Special Event Permit: Offrce of Assemblymember Rudy Salas, Back to School Supply Drive, 337 E. Lerdo Hwy, August 3,2079. 6. Resolution 2662: A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Shafter Approving and Directing Destruction of Certain Records. Shafter City Council Agenda July 16,2019 Paqe2 7. Find the proposed activity is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act; and adopt Resolution 2663,a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Shafter Authorizing the Public Works Director to Submit an Application to the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control City Public Benefit Grants Program. 8. Find that the requested action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act; approve the Restated Joint Powers Agreement, enclosed with the staff report; and authorize Councilmembers Givens or Prout to execute said Restated JPA on behalf of the City. 9. Find the proposed action is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act; and authorize the purchase of a new multi-function printer and installation from American Business Machines at atotal cost $15,350. COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS: On their own initiative, Council Members may make a brief announcement or a brief report on their own activities. Council Members may ask a questionfor clarification, make a refenal to stffi or take action to have staff place a matter of business on afuture agenda. No formal action by the Council will be taken unless an item is identified on the Agenda. CITY MANAGER COMMENTS AND REPORTS: PUBLIC HEARING: Should anyone challenge any proposed action which is the subject of a public hearing listed on this agenda, that person challenging any action taken after the public hearing may be limited to raising only those issues addressed at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City Council at or prior to this public hearing. 1 GOSSAMER GROVE DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER'S REPORT FOR SEWER AND REFUSE SERVICE CHARGES TO BE ASSESSED AND COLLECTED THROUGH THE TAX ROLL OF KERN COUNTY FOR FISCAL YEAR 2019-2020, OVERRULING PROTESTS' AND ORDERING SAID ASSESSMENT: a request to find proposed activity is exempt from California Environmental Quality Act because it applies only to the same approved residential development; and adopt Resolution 2664, a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Shafter Ovenuling Protests to and Adopting Engineer's Reporl on Sewer and Refuse Service Charges for the Gossamer Grove Development for Fiscal Year 2019-2020, Directing the Public Works Director to file a Copy of the Engineer's Report with the Kem County Treasurer-Tax Collector, and Authorizing the Kern County Treasurer-Tax Collector to Place the Charges on the Property Tax Roll. (City Manager Hurlbert) ROLL CALL MANAGEMENT REPORTS: 1 TWO ELECTRIC PUBLIC TRANIT VBHICLES FROM PHOENIX MOTORCARS PURCHASE: find the proposecl activity is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act; and approve the purchase of two electric public transit vehicles from Phoenix Motorcars in the amount of $325,022. (City Manager Hurlbert) ROLL CALL Shafter City Council Agenda July 16,2019 Page 3 2 MODIFIED COMMUNITY CORRECTIONAL FACILITY VEHICLE PURCHASE: a request to find the proposed activity is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act; and authorizethe purchase of two 2019 Chevrolet Equinox LS vehicles from Richland Chevrolet Company at acost of $47,500. (City Manager Hurlbert) ROLL CALL J EMPLOYEE MONTHLY PAY SCHEDULE: a request to find proposed activity is not subject to the Califomia Environmental Quality Act; and approve and adopt the City of Shafter Employee Monthly Pay Schedule effective January 1,2019 - December 31,2019 (Revised }i4ay 6,2019). (City Manager Hurlbert) ROLL CALL 4. WESTAMERICA BANK PARKING AGREEMENT AND LICENSE: a request to find the proposed activity is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act; approve the enclosed Parking Agreement and License document with Westamerica Bank; authorize the City Manager to execute said document; and authorize recordation of said document. (City Manager Hurlbert) ROLL CALL 5 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACT FOR SURVEYING SERVICES FOR NORTH PARK NORTH SHAFTER TOPOGRAPHY STUDY A\ryARD: A request to find the requested action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act; accept attached proposals received for the Surveying Services for North Park North Shafter Street 'Works Improvements; and authorize the City Engineer or Public Director to award a professional services contract for said project at a value ofup to $50,000. 6. PROPOSTION 68 GRANT PROJECT RESOLUTION: a request to find the proposal is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act; and adopt Resolution 2665, a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Shafter Approving the Application for Statewide Park Development and Community Revitalization Program Grant Funds. (City Manager Hurlbert) ROLL CALL DEPARTMENT COMMENTS AND REPORTS: On their own initiative, Staff may make a brief announcement or a brief report on their own activities. Council Members may ask a questionfor clarification, make a refenal to stffi or take action to have staffplace a matter of business on afuture agenda. Noþrmal action by the Council will be taken unless an item is identified on the Agenda. RECESS: CLOSED SESSION 1 PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION: (Government Code 54957) Title: City Manager. Shafter City Council Agenda July 16,2019 Page 4 ADJOURNMENT: Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in a City Council Meeting, please contqct the City Clerk at (661) 746-5000 at least three (3) days prior to the meeting or time the special services are needed to allow City staff in making reasonable anangements to provide you with access to the meetíng. Any public record, relating to an open session agenda item, that is distributed within 72 hours prior to the meeting is available for public inspection in the City Clerk's Office at Shafter City HalL 336 Pacific Ave., Shafter, CA 93263. This is to certify that this Agenda notice was posted at City Hall and Police Dept. by 5:00 p.m., July 11, 2019. Yqzmina Pallares, S/5, City Clerk. July 16,2019 To Honorable Mayor and Members of the Shafter City Council REQUEST TO AMEND THE COUNCIL AGENDA AS FOLLOWS: Upon determination by a two-thirds vote, a request is made to amend tonight's agenda as follows: ADD TO CONSENT CALENDAR: 10. Approve Special Event Permit: Shafter True Value, Ribbon Cutting and Grand Opening, 113 N. Central Valley Hwy, August 2-4,2019. RECOMMENDATION Council make a determination by a two-thirds vote there is a need to take immediate action and that the need for action came to the attention of the council subsequent to the Agenda being posted. Scott Hurlbert City Manager AGENDA vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 06/28/2019 4:44:14PM City of Shafter Bank code : 06 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 136999 6/28/2019 0000261 PETTY CASH 31597 WATER DEPOSIT REFUND 405 SANTA MARIA 530-1001-00 176.34 31598 GATE FUNDS BD7093 571-1101-20 200.00 31599 WATER DEPOSIT REFUND 628 CAMP AVE I.C.M 530-1001-00 81.29 31600 GATE FUNDS BG1381 571-1101-20 200.00 31601 WATER KEY DEPOSIT REFUND S.F. 010-00-3143-00 25.00 31602 GATE FUNDS AP7005, AU9622 571-1101-20 400.00 31603 WATER KEY DEPOSIT REFUND K.Z. 010-00-3143-00 25.00 31604 GATE FUNDS AU1224 571-1101-20 200.00 31605 GATE FUNDS BC1001, AX5228 571-1101-20 400.00 31606 WATER DEPOSIT REFUND 424 MARK AVE K.K. 530-1001-00 165.97 31607 WATER DEPOSIT REFUND 301 ATKINSON AVE 530-1001-00 60.90 Total : 1,934.50 1 Vouchers for bank code : 06 Bank total : 1,934.50 1 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 1,934.50 Page: 1 vchlist Voucher List Page: 2 06/28/2019 4:44:14PM City of Shafter Bank code : 06 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount This voucher register approved by the City Council for the period and amount herein referenced. CERTIFIED BY MAYOR ___________________________________ MEMBER ___________________________________ MEMBER ___________________________________ MEMBER ___________________________________ MEMBER ___________________________________ Page: 2 vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 07/08/2019 1:01:48PM City of Shafter Bank code : 08 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 500948 7/8/2019 0011849 CDCR IM ACCT BRANCH HEADQUARTR JUNE 2019 INMATE RESTITUTION JUNE 2019 775-2150-00 3,444.94 Total : 3,444.94 1 Vouchers for bank code : 08 Bank total : 3,444.94 1 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 3,444.94 This voucher register approved by the City Council for the period and amount herein referenced.
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