PEACE Info (September 1, 2021) − 100 Senior NLD Leaders Arrested and Charged Since Myanmar Junta’s Coup − ‘I can’t betray our people at this age’ — Elderly Karen politician takes up arms against the junta − A Dozen Myanmar Militias Form Alliance to Overthrow Junta − Bodies of two Tatmadaw troops dumped in pit latrine − Villagers Concerned About Fighting Escalating In Loikaw Township − Myanmar’s Shadow Govt Calls on Firms to Shun Junta − Myanmar Junta Chief’s Wild Economic Plans at Odds With Reality − China’s Point Man on Talks Between Myanmar Govt, Ethnic Armies Made Quiet Visit − China special envoy makes unannounced Myanmar visit − UN Ambassador Assassination Plot Shines Spotlight on Shady Myanmar Businessman − Visions of a Federal Future for Myanmar are Fading Fast − Efforts being made to drop some Counter-Terrorism Law cases: Arakan State military govt spox − Kokang rebels have ‘the upper hand’ in fight against junta forces in Shan − Bodies In Military Uniforms Recovered In Muse District − KNLA’s Brigade 5 says it killed 118 junta soldiers in its territory last month − Fighting Continues – Burma Army Sends 200 Soldier to Retake its Camp in Central Karen State − တရ��မဝင�ရင�������မ�ပ���ံသည�� လ�ပ�ငန�� ၈ ခ� �ခင��ခ�က�မရ�� ရပ�ဆ��င��ထ��ရန� NUG သတ��ပ� − စစ��က�င�စ�က���တ��လ�န�ဖ��� PDF အခ�င��ခ�င��မဟ�မ�တ�ဖ����ပ�� �က ���ပမ��လ� − ဖယ�ခ�ံ�မ ���တ�င� စစ��က�င�စ�တပ�ဖ��� ��င�� �ဒသခံတပ�မ��� တ��က�ပ���ဖစ� − မ�က��န�� ကယ��မ�� �ဒသခံ ��ခ�က��သ�င��န��ပ�� ထပ�မံထ�က���ပ�ရ − လ� ��င��က��ခ���င� လ� ��င�လင��လ��မ ���အတ�င��ရ�� �က��ရ��အခ����မ�� စစ��ရ��င�က�လ တစ�လ�က��� �က��မင��လ��ပ�� �နထ��င�ရ� �က��ရ��မ��� ပစ�ထ��ခ��ရသ�ဖင�� စ���ရ�မ��န�ကရ − အ�ဏ�သ�မ�� ၇ လအတ�င�� စစ��က�င�စ���က�င�� ခ�င��တ��င��ရင��သ�� ၁၀၀ �က��� �သဆ�ံ� − �မ�င��တ�က အဖမ��ခံရတ�� ���ဟင�ဂ��အ�ပ�ခ��ပ��ရ�မ�� ��စ�ရက�အတ�င�� �သဆ�ံ� − ပ���စ�ထ��အဖ���ဝင�မ��� ရမ��က��ပစ�ခတ�မ���က�င�� က�ဆ�ံ�ခ��သ�တဦ� အပ�အဝင� က�ဆ�ံ��ပည�သ� ၁၀၄၁ ဦ� ရ��လ� − ��စ���စ�အတ�င�� အ�ဏ��ပန�လ��မယ�ဆ��တ�� စစ��က�င�စ���ပ�ဆ��ခ�က� ���င�ငံ�ရ�ပ�တ��တ� မယ�ံ�ကည� − က�လ�မ�� စစ�သ��တခ����ထ�က���ပ�တ��သတင��ထ�က� − �လယ���ဗ�ံ��က��လ�က�င��ရန� �လတပ�က တစ�ရက�တည�� ဗ�ံ�အလ�ံ� ၁၀၀ ထ�တ�ယ� − �န�ပည��တ��တ��င��မ�� ဗ��လ�ခ��ပ� �ဇ��မ����တင� တပ�မ�တ�� �လ�က�င���ရ� အရ�ရ��ခ��ပ� �ဖစ�လ� − NLD က�� တ��တ� က�က�ယ�တ�ဟ� ဗမ��ပည�သ��တ�ရ�� စ�တ�အည��က�� က��င�လ��က�တ� − တ��တ�အထ��က��ယ�စ��လ�ယ� �မန�မ�ခရ��စ��မ�� ဗ��လ�ခ��ပ�မ���က�� မင���အ�င�လ�င�န���တ�� − NLD က�� ဖ�က�သ�မ��လ��က�ရင� ဘ��ဖစ�လ����င�သလ� − ဦ��က���မ���ထ�န�� လ�ပ��ကံ�စခ��င��မ� �န�က�က�ယ�က ဦ��အ�က��ဆ��တ� ဘယ�သ�လ� − �မန�မ����င�ငံဆ��င�ရ� အ�ဆ�ယံ အထ��က��ယ�စ��လ�ယ�အ�န�ဖင�� ရည�မ�န��ခ�က�မ���က�� အထ��မ�က��အ�င� လ�ပ��ဆ�င����င�မည�ဟ� �မ���လင����က�င�� မ�လ�ရ������င�ငံ�ခ���ရ�ဝန��က�� ��ပ��က�� Page 1 of 71 − �မန�မ���ဒ�သ��င�� ASEAN အထ��သံတမန�၏ �ရ��ခရ�� − ရခ��င�မ�� အ�ကမ��ဖက�ဥပ�ဒန�� စ��ဆ��ထ��တ�� အမ� ၁၄ မ�က�� �ပန���ပ�သ�မ��ဖ��� �ပင�ဆင��န − တ���မစ�နယ���မထ� ဝင��ရ�က�လ�သည�� စစ��က�င�စ�တပ���င�� KNLA တပ�မဟ� ၆ တ����က�� ပစ�ခတ�မ��ဖစ�ပ��� − KNLA တပ�မဟ� ၆ တ�င�တ��က�ပ���ဖစ�၊ စစ��က�င�စ�ဘက�က ၃ ဦ�ဒဏ�ရ�ရ − �ရ�ဖ��မ ���နယ�ဘက� စစ�တပ�ရ�င��လင���ရ���က�င�� �ဒသခံတခ���� အ�မ�မ�ပန�ရ��က�သ� − မ�ံ�က����မ ���နယ� စစ��က�င�စ�တပ���င�� MNDAA တ��� တ��က�ပ�� ဆက�လက��ပင��ထန� − စစ��က�င�စ�၏ �တ�င�က�န��တခ�က�� က���ကန��တပ�ဖ��� တ��က�ခ��က�သ�မ��ပ��က� − သ�ံ�ရက�ဆက�တ��က� �ဖစ�ပ���ခ��သည�� မ�ံ�က���တ��က�ပ��တ�င� စစ��က�င�စ�တပ�ဖ���ဝင� ၂၃ ဦ� �သဆ�ံ� − သ�မ���ပည��မ ����က��အခ���� စ�သင��က��င��၊ ဘ�န���က���က��င��တ�င� တပ�ခ�ထ��သည�� စစ��က�င�စ�တပ�မ����ပန���တ�သ�မ�� − မ��င��ရယ��မ ���နယ� အတ�င�� TNLA �က��လက�လ�ထ� စ�ရင���က�က� − ထ��င��-�မန�မ�နယ�စပ�တ�င� မ��ယစ��ဆ�သယ�အဖ�����င�� ထ��င��စစ�တပ� ပစ�ခတ�မ��ဖစ� − �မန�မ���င�� ���င�ငံတခ���� ၌ က��ဗစ�က�က�ယ��ဆ�အတ�မ��� �တ��သ�ဖင�� WHO သတ��ပ� --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 2 of 71 100 Senior NLD Leaders Arrested and Charged Since Myanmar Junta’s Coup By The Irrawaddy | 1 September 2021 Myanmar’s military regime has charged at least 100 elected leaders, ministers and prominent members of the National League for Democracy (NLD) with high treason, corruption and incitement over the past seven months, as the junta steps up its efforts to destroy the party. Senior NLD figures who have been arrested and charged since the military’s February 1 coup include at least four government ministers, 10 chief ministers, 30 ministers of state and regional cabinets, 44 elected lawmakers and members of party offices nationwide, and seven other senior party members. There are 93 political parties in Myanmar, but the NLD is the only one that has been targeted by the military regime. Most notably, the junta has brought various charges against ousted State Counselor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and President U Win Myint in an effort to keep them behind bars for years. Daw Aung San Suu Kyi faces a total of 10 cases and a potential prison sentence of 75 years in total. The junta has accused her of accepting cash and gold, as well as of abusing her authority and funds donated to a charity foundation she leads. She also faces charges for the illegal possession of walkie-talkies, breaching COVID-19 restrictions, incitement and one case under the Official Secrets Act. Detained NLD senior leaders. Myanmar’s military detained Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, President U Win Myint and other senior officials of the NLD-led government before dawn on the day of the coup. Chief ministers of the states and regions, parliamentary speakers at union and state and regions level were also detained during the takeover, along with other senior leaders and members of the NLD’s Central Executive Committee (CEC). Coup leader Senior General Min Aung Hlaing has claimed that the coup was staged because the NLD committed “election fraud” during the 2020 general election that the NLD won by a landslide. The results of the election have since been annulled and the party faces the possibility of being disbanded. NLD members continue to face arrest, including those who won seats in the 2020 election. Several detained party members have been killed while in detention. Numerous members face arrest warrants and have gone into hiding, while NLD offices have been raided, vandalized and forced to close. Page 3 of 71 Over 300 NLD leaders, ministers, elected lawmakers and other members at party offices are currently being detained. The four detained ministers of the NLD-led government have been accused of violating the Official Secrets Act and the Anti-Corruption Law. U Win Myat Aye, the ousted Minister of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement, and ousted Upper House Speaker Mahn Win Khaing Than have been charged with corruption and high treason respectively. Both were re-elected in the 2020 election. Detained NLD senior leaders. Since the coup, U Win Myat Aye has been made the Minister of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management for the shadow National Unity Government (NUG), while Mahn Win Khaing Than has been appointed as NUG prime minister. Corruption charges have also been brought against NLD ministers and officials who were renowned for their good reputations while in office and who enjoyed the support of the general public. Of the 13 chief ministers who are still being detained, nine have been accused of bribery, abuse of their authority and embezzlement of public funds under the Anti-Corruption Law, all charges that carry long prison terms. One chief minister has also been charged with incitement. The other chief ministers are likely to be charged soon. Members of the NLD’s CEC face harsher charges. Detained NLD vice-chairman Dr. Zaw Myint Maung, who is also the Mandalay Region Chief Minister, has been charged with alleged corruption, incitement and breaching of COVID-19 restrictions. Dr. Zaw Myint Maung, who has blood cancer, caught coronavirus while being detained in Mandalay’s Obo Prison and was put on oxygen support. On June 7, the Magwe Chief Minister Dr. Aung Moe Nyo, who is also a member of the CEC, was sentenced to two years in prison on an incitement charge. He was accused of publishing statements saying that the junta’s State Administration Council is not an official government.
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