INDEX A Bhreathnach, Niamh (Minister for Abbot, Charlotte , 146 Education) , 203, 210, 228–9n33, adult education , 303, 305–7, 315 280, 282–3, 288 Aikenhead, Mary , 97 Bicheno, James , 92, 95 Akenson, D.H. , 15–16, 362, 364 Bilingual Programme, Irish language , Alexandra College (Dublin) , 117, 119, 20, 22 154, 163n14, 169–70n104, Blackrock College (Dublin) , 143–4, 177–8n200 165n38, 169n95 personal accounts , 148, 150, 205 Blake, A.R. , 54 Allen, Richard , 148 Boland, John , 284 Andrews, Annette , 167n67 Bonel-Elliott, I. , 303 An Gúm publications , 269 Boulter, Hugh , 86–7 apprenticeship education , 309–311 Brennan, Séamus , 288 Association of Secondary Teachers Browne, Bishop Michael , 246–7, 281, (ASTI) , 159, 203, 250, 360 293n81 Brown, Martin , 4, 359–77 Browne, Dr. Noel , 345 B Burke, Dick (Minister for Education) , Banville, John , 141 281, 282 Beale, Dorothea , 116 Burke, Edmund , 84 Bell, Rev. Andrew , 46, 56, 89, 100n21 Burke-Gaffney, J. , 150 Belvedere College (Dublin) , 132, 143, Buss, Frances , 116, 118 150, 152, 161, 164n29, 172n150 Butler, Professor Edward , 60, 71, Bennett, J. , 213 79n50 © The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s) 2016 383 B. Walsh (ed.), Essays in the History of Irish Education, DOI 10.1057/978-1-137-51482-0 384 INDEX Byers, Margaret, 117–18, 119, 120, Clarke, Marie , 6, 297–316 136–7, 154, 161 Clifford, Dr. Louis , 185 Byrne, Thomas , 340 Clongowes Wood College (Dublin) , 145, 147–8, 163n14 Clune, William , 218 C Cobbe, Frances Power , 117 Campbell, Julia , 58 Colgan, Hugh, The Secondary Teacher , Cardwell, Edward , 67–8 209 Carew, Seán , 281 Colley, George (Minister for Carlile, Reverend James , 52, 56 Education) , 239, 246–7, 249–50, Carlton, William, 140 274, 276, 292n71 Castleknock College (Dublin) , 4, 144, Collins, Thomas , 183–4 145, 154, 163n14 Commissioners of National Education Castle, Richard , 54 in Ireland (CNEI) , 45, 361 Catholic Church Community Schools , 203, 226n1, dominant position in school system , 253–4, 305 11–12, 74, 132, 177n196, 315 comprehensive schools , 241–2, 249 employment of lay teachers , 143–5 continuation education , 299–303, 315 establishment of denominational Cooke Taylor, W. , 59–60 teacher training colleges , 18–19 Coolahan, John , 238, 361, 365, 366, funding of school system , 14 374 resistance to nondenominational Copleman, Dina , 3 education , 47, 48–9, 66–9, Corcoran, T., 85–6 67–8, 69–73 Corcoran, Rev. Timothy , 268, 341, Second Vatican Council , 280, 281 354n11 Catholic Social Guild (CSG) , 341 Corish, P., 136 Catholic Worker Movement (CWM) , Corridan, John , 342 343–4 Coyne, Edward Joseph, 340, 344–5, Catholic Workers’ College (CWC) , 3, 346, 347–8 339–53 Cromwell, Oliver , 85, 87 curriculum, 347–9, 356n42 Cullen, Clara , 3 origins , 344–7 Cullen, Mary , 105 religious ethos , 349–51 Cullen, Archbishop Paul , 66, 67, 70, Cerf, A.J.W. , 154 98 Chapman, Penny , 215 Cunningham, P., 219 Charter Schools, 2, 9, 86–7, 108–9, Curtis, Sarah , 89 141–2 Christian Brothers . See Irish Christian Brothers D Church Education Society , 10, 36n15, Dale, F.H. , 20, 135–6, 154, 156–7, 61, 73, 111 158, 160, 174n167 Clancy, P. , 238 Darley, Frederick , 54, 79n56 Clarke, Aidan , 85 Davern, Noel , 288 INDEX 385 Davies, Emily , 117, 118 abolishment of marriage ban for The Higher Education of Women , primary teachers , 240, 272, 116 291n35 Day, Dorothy , 343–4, 346, 349, amalgamation of small schools , 355–6n26 246–7, 274 de Búrca, Seán , 273 building modernisation , 273–4 Delapsie, Mr. , 56 curriculum and examination reform , De La Salle, Jean-Baptiste , 89 247–9, 270 Department of Education, education Department of Education , 237–8, reform , 237–8, 244, 286–7 244, 286–7 Derrig, Thomas , 270–71, 272, 276–7, development of vocational and 281 technical education , 237 De Valera, Eamon, 21, 268, 271, 344 Education Act (1998) , 27, 196, Dilwort, W.J., 154 197, 288, 360, 375 disability free education scheme , 237, 242, campaigns for fundamental rights , 250–53, 274, 276–7, 289, 376 193–4 higher education , 254–9, 285 changes in societal perceptions , impact of global developments , 182–4 239–40 legislation , 195–7 integration of secondary and provisions in education , 181–98 vocational schools , 249–50, right to appropriate education , 253–4, 276 194–5 Qualifi cations Act (1999) , 288 district model schools . See model reduction of class sizes and schools overcrowding , 240–41 Dodds, Robert , 154 resistance of church and authorities Dominican Convent (Cabra) , 205–6 to changes , 238, 241–2, Donovan, Michael , 93 249–50, 251–3, 277 Dowling, P.J. , 85 Universities Act (1997) , 288, 321 Doyle, A. , 14, 190 education system . See Minister for Drummond, Thomas , 54, 61 Education; schools system Duggan, Br Bernard , 97 Edwards, E., 207 Duggan, Dr. Maurice , 262n37, 304 endowed schools , 133, 163n24 Dwyer, Rev. George , 92–3 F E Fagan, Frances , 167n67 Edgeworth, Maria , 89, 100n21 Fahy, Frank , 268 Education Act (1998) , 27, 196, 197, Faulkner, Pádraig (Minister for 288, 360, 375 Education) , 274, 279, 282, 283 education reform , 235–60, 267–89 . female education . See girls education See also comprehensive schools; Fisher, Margaret F. , 149 vocational education FitzGerald, Garret , 218, 232n98 386 INDEX Fitzgerald, Margaret, 149 Group Certifi cate examination , 275, Fitzpatrick, David , 112, 114, 125n48 302, 303, 315 Flanagan, Fionnula , 218 Gwynn, Stephen , 173n163, 204–5, Flanagan, Oliver J. , 247 227n10 Foley, Ruth , 150 Forgan, R. , 213 Fortescue, C.S. , 69–70 H free education scheme , 237, 242, Hall, Samuel , 93 250–53, 274, 276–7, 289, 376 Hanafi n, Mary , 203 Frehan, P.G. , 368 Harford, Judith , 3, 120, 122, 127n68 Harney, Mary , 284 Haslam, Anna , 119, 126n56 G Haslett, William Woods , 144, Gaelic Athletic Association (1884) , 15, 170n110 38n53 Haughey, Charles J. (Minister for Gaelic League (1893) , 15, 38n53 Education) , 288–9 Gaelscoileanna , 25, 42n113 Hayden, Mary , 154 Gallagher, Mary , 334 Hayes, John , 344 Gardner, P. , 131, 219 Hayes, Michael (Minister for gender, infl uence on education , 105–6 Education) , 268, 269 Gibson, Tony , 231n86 Heaney, Seamus , 218, 232n100 Gilson, E. , 326 hedge schools , 1, 2, 8–9, 13, 16, girls education , 105–122, 148–9 85–6, 109, 164n30, 361 class distinctions , 107, 111 Higgins, Jennifer , 365 education for middle-class girls , Higgins, President Michael D. , 218 115–20, 174n168 Higher Education Authority (HEA) , entry into higher education , 119–20 257–8, 279–80 ideology of domesticity , 105–7, Hillery, Dr. Patrick (Minister for 111–12, 121, 174n170, Education) , 5–6, 239, 240–43, 176–7n192 248, 250, 253, 256, 271–4, 275, role of female religious orders, 283 112–14, 121, 152, 174n167 Hime, Maurice , 132, 137, 138–9, role of feminism in education 149–50, 157, 164n29 reform , 106–7, 116–18, 121 Hislop, H. , 361 schooling for working class girls , Hore, Harriette , 149 108–114 Howard, John, 141 Girls Orphanage (Dublin) , 2 Howley, E. , 134, 165n38 Goffsbridge , 141 Hullah method , 58–9, 78n40 Grace, Br. Austin , 93 Hume, John , 218, 232n103 Greer, Germaine , 214 Hussey, Gemma (Minister for Grey, Sir George , 69 Education) , 279, 281–2, Grey, Maria , 117, 121 286, 287–8 INDEX 387 Hyland, A. , 18, 19–20, 301 Joyce, Patrick W., A Handbook of Hyland, William , 244, 253 School Management , 19, 72 I K Inglis, Henry , 95 Kavanagh, Catherine , 4, 321–35 inspectors , 359–77 Kavanagh, James , 81n74 incidental inspections , 362 Mixed Education-the Catholic Case role in school system , 16–17, 375 stated , 67 Intermediate Certifi cate examination , Keenan, Sir Patrick , 63, 70, 73, 134–5, 137, 304, 315 79n61, 134, 174n167 intermediate education system Kennedy, Patrick , 139–41, 150 (1878–1922) , 129–61, 162n10, Kennelly, Brendan , 218, 232n 104 163n14 Kent, Edmond , 342–4, 345–8 state involvement , 133–4 Keogh, Dáire , 2, 5, 83–99 Investment in Education OECD Kidd, Dr. George , 184 survey , 24–5, 225, 242–6, 253, Kildare Place Society (KPS) , 9, 16, 52, 259, 274, 283–4, 289, 304 58, 73, 74, 77n18, 89, 109–110, Irish Christian Brothers , 2, 5, 8, 66, 141–2, 361 83–99, 113 Killanin Report , 158–9 educational principles , 88–92, 94 Manual of School Government , 90–92, 95 L Presentation Rule , 89 labour colleges , 341–2, 352 . See also Irish language Catholic Workers’ College (CWC) Bilingual Programme , 20, 22 Lancaster, Joseph , 46, 56, 89, 90, curriculum developments following 100n21 Independence , 21–3, 23–4 learning diffi culties, provisions in linking competence in Irish to education, 181–98 increments and ratings , 24, 270 Leaving Certifi cate examination , revivalist policy in schools , 1, 3–4, 41n101, 205, 230n52, 237, 305, 13, 15, 20, 21–3, 24, 28, 236, 315 267–71, 367 Leman, Père, 143, 144 Irish National Teachers’ Organisation Lemass, Séan, 238–9, 251, 272, 276 (INTO) , 17, 82n88, 372 Lenihan, Brian, 279, 284 role in education reform , 268, 274, Lennon, Colm , 84–5 281, 282 Lethbridge, Mabel , 149 Limond, David , 3, 6, 339–53 literacy, impact of national school J system on rates , 11, 18, 28 Jellett, Lily , 148–9 Lucey, Bishop Cornelius , 278 Jellicoe, Anne , 117, 119 Luddy, M. , 112 388 INDEX Lynch, Finian (Minister for Marlborough Street Institution , 46, Education) , 268, 269, 274 47, 48–9, 50–51, 53–60, 62, 67, Lynch, Jack , 240, 251, 272, 275, 278 70–71, 111 Lynch, Patrick , 218–19, 232n105, Marshall, Jane , 146 244 M’Arthur, Dr. Arthur Alexander , Lyon, Stanley , 151 52–3, 56 Martin, Micheál (Minister for Education) , 283, 284, 285, 287, M 288 MacMahon, Bryan, 212 Masonic schools , 2 The Master , 129–30 Maurin, Peter , 343 MacNeill, Eoin (Minister for Maybury, Frances, 149 Education) , 270, 281, 288, Mercy Sisters , 8, 66 292n78, 364 introduction of pupil teachers, 68 MacPherson Education Bill , 268, 281 Methodist schools , 96–7 Madaus, G.F. , 365 Meyer, Kuno , 178n203 Magray, M.P.
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