Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA Vol. 88, pp. 8016-8019, September 1991 Biochemistry Glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol/inositol phosphoglycan: A signaling system for the low-affinity nerve growth factor receptor (development/inner ear/cochleovestibular ganglion/ant-ostol phosphoglycan antibody) JUAN REPRESA*, MATfAS A. AVILAt, CRISTINA MINERf, FERNANDO GIRALDEZt, GUILLERMO ROMERO§, ROSA CLEMENTEt, JOSE M. MATOt, AND ISABEL VARELA-NIETOt¶ *Departamento Ciencias Morfol6gicas and *Departamento Bioqutmica, Biologfa Molecular y Fisiologfa, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Valladolid, 47005 Valladolid, Spain; §Department of Pharmacology, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22908; and tInstituto de Investigaciones Biomddicas, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientfficas and Departamento Bioqufmica, Universidad Aut6noma de Madrid, Arturo Duperier 4, 28029 Madrid, Spain Communicated by Sidney Udenfriend, June 7, 1991 (received for review April 15, 1991) ABSTRACT Nerve growth factor (NGF) exerts a variety of that IPG would be conserved for some of the developmental actions during embryonic development. At the early stages of actions of insulin and NGF, which could use a common inner ear development, NGF stimulates cell proliferation, an signaling pathway, shared perhaps with other related growth effect mediated through low-affinity receptors. We have stud- factors, to regulate cell growth. The present work provides ied the possibility that the glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol/ further support for the involvement of this glycosyl-PtdIns/ inositol phosphoglycan (glycosyl-Ptdlns/IPG) system is in- IPG pathway in transducing the mitogenic effects of NGF on volved in transmitting this NGF signal. Endogenous glycosyl- the early developing inner ear by showing the following PtdIns was characterized in extracts of cochleovestibular gan- results: (i) the presence of endogenous glycosyl-PtdIns and glia (CVGs) that incorporated [3Hglucosamine, [Hjglactose, IPG, the latter with strong mitogenic activity; (it) the ability [3lH]myristic acid, and PH]palmitic acid. Incubation of CVG of NGF to stimulate glycosyl-Ptdlns hydrolysis in parallel with NGF produced a rapidiand transient hydrolysis of glyco- with its biological activity; and (iii) the ability of anti-IPG syl-Ptdlns. Hydrolysis was complete at 100 ng/ml, and the antibodies to block the biological effects of NGF. half-maximal effectoccurred at25 ng/ml, overlapping with the concentration dependence of the mitogenic effect of NGF. An IPG was isolated from embryonic extracts. It had biological MATERIALS AND METHODS effects similar to those reported for the insulin-induced IPG in Preparation of Explant Cultures. CVGs (statoacoustic gan- other tissues. It exerted a powerful mitogenic effect on CVG, glia) were aseptically isolated from 72-h chicken embryos, as comparable to that of NGF. Both the IPG- and NGF-induced described (2), and staged according to ref. 15. The standard cell proliferation were blocked by anti-IPG antibodies that culture medium consisted of serum-free medium 199 with recognized the endogenous IPG on a silica plate immunoassay. Hanks' salts and 2 mM glutamine (Flow Laboratories), These results show that CVG possesses a fully active glycosyl- supplemented with 15 mM NaHCO3. Incubations were car- PtdIns/WPG signal transduction system and that the prolifer- ried out at 370C in a water-saturated atmosphere containing ative effects associated with NGF binding to low-affinity re- 5% C02/95% air. ceptors require IPG generation. Histology. CVGs were fixed in 4% (wt/vol) para- formaldehyde and processed for histology. Determinations of Cell proliferation during embryonic development is strictly tissue volume were made using morps'ometrical methods on regulated and this control is believed to be exerted by the serial sections as described in detail in ref. 16. local expression ofgrowth factors and their receptors. Insulin CVG Labeling and Glycosyl-PtdIlns Purification. CVGs and nerve growth factor (NGF) emerge among the molecules were radioactively labeled for 24 h in the presence of[3Hlglu- that are able to trigger and support cell division in distinct cosamine, [3H]galactose, [3Hlmyristic acid, or [3H]palmitic embryonic neuronal and nonneuronal populations (1-3). In a acid at 100 ,uCi/ml (New England Nuclear; 1 Ci = 37 GBq). variety of cells, insulin stimulates the hydrolysis of a mem- At the end of the incubation period, CVGs were collected, brane glycophospholipid containing inositol, sugars, and placed in 0.2 ml of phosphate-saline buffer, and 0.2 ml of saturated fatty acids (4-6). This glycosyl-phosphatidylinosi- ice-cold 10% (wt/vol) trichloroacetic acid was added to each tol (glycosyl-PtdIns) has been found in several cell mem- sample. After standing for 15 min at 40C, cellular lipids were branes and bears a remarkable resemblance to the glycosyl- extracted and glycosyl-PtdIns was purified as indicated (5). PtdIns anchor of membrane proteins (7). NGF also promotes Purification ofIPG. IPG was prepared by treating glycosyl- the hydrolysis of a membrane glycosyl-PtdIns in cells where PtdIns purified from either rat liver or 3-day chicken embryos NGF is known to have profound biological effects (8). The with PtdIns-specific bacterial phospholipase C, as described hydrolysis of glycosyl-PtdIns produces a rapid intracellular (5, 14). PtdIns-specific phospholipase C from Bacillus thur- accumulation of its polar head group, an inositol phospho- ingiensis was a generous gift of S. Udenfriend (Roche Insti- glycan (IPG) that has been-shown to mimic a variety of the tute of Molecular Biology, Nutley, NJ). The concentration of biological effects of insulin (refs. 9-12; for a review, see ref. IPG was calculated by measuring free amino groups, con- 13). Recent experiments have demonstrated that a rat liver- sidering that each molecule ofIPG contains one amino group. derived IPG was able to copy the effects of both insulin and The biological activity of IPG from both sources was as- NGF on the early developing inner ear ofthe chicken embryo sessed in vitro by testing its capacity to inhibit the phosphor- (14). The two growth factors differentially regulate cell divi- ylation ofhistone IIA by the cAMP-dependent protein kinase sion in the otic vesicle and the associated cochleovestibular (17). ganglion (CVG) (1, 2). An interesting possibility is, therefore, Abbreviations: CVG, cochleovestibular ganglion; IPG, inositol The publication costs ofthis article were defrayed in part by page charge phosphoglycan; glycosyl-PtdIns, glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol; payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked "advertisement" NGF, nerve growth factor. in accordance with 18 U.S.C. §1734 solely to indicate this fact. ITo whom reprint requests should be addressed. 8016 Downloaded by guest on September 30, 2021 Biochemistry: Represa et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 88 (1991) 8017 Immunodetection of Chicken Embryo Purified IPG by Anti- A IPG Antibodies. Polyclonal rabbit anti-IPG antibodies were raised and tested as described (11). IgG was purified from immune sera by ammonium sulfate fractionation followed by affinity chromatography with protein A-agarose. IPG puri- fied from either rat liver or chicken embryos and several 1-1 simple sugars and inositols were spotted on a silica G60 TLC c- plate (Merck). Antigens were detected by autoradiography as .' PA described (18). -PtdCh 0 C- V. - RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Hydrolysis of Glycosyl-PtdIns by NGF. The glycolipid pre- cursor ofIPG was characterized by incubating isolated CVGs overnight with the following radiolabeled precursors of gly- cosyl-Ptdlns: [3Hjglucosamine, [3H]galactose, [3H]myristic acid, or [3H]palmitic acid. Polar lipids were then extracted and resolved by sequential acid-base TLC (5). After these treatments, a single labeled fraction with an Rf of 0.5 was CHCJ3 / MeOH / NH3 / H20 recovered, which was further purified by two-dimensional * 45 / 45 / 3.5 / 10 TLC. As shown in Fig. LA, a single spot was observed by fluorography of the plate. The chromatographic profile ob- Or. tained for CVG-isolated glycosyl-PtdIns was identical to that B 60 observed for rat liver glycosyl-PtdIns. Further studies were performed with the single fraction obtained after TLC in a basic solvent system. CVG-isolated glycosyl-PtdIns incor- porated [3H]glucosamine, [3H]galactose, [3H]myristic acid, 40 and [3H]palmitic acid. This pattern is similar to that reported for the insulin-modulated glycosyl-Ptdlns (5, 6). The pres- ence ofglycosyl-Ptdlns was confirmed by demonstrating that , 20 I the glucosamine molecule was covalently linked to PtdIns. 0 The glycolipid fraction, with an Rf of 0.5, from ganglia 'a 1 metabolically labeled with [3H]glucosamine was treated with 0 either sodium nitrite (pH 3.75) or Ptdlns-specific phospholi- 6c pase C from B. thuringiensis. Both treatments produced the :5 Time, min hydrolysis ofthe CVG-isolated glycosyl-Ptdlns, measured as radioactivity released in the aqueous phase. The percentage coWI 0 ofglycosyl-Ptdlns hydrolysis was 61.1% for the deamination 0 treatment and 34.65% for the phosphodiesteric cleavage (data .a 80 determined in two experiments performed in duplicate). C) These results indicate that CVG cells contain a glycosyl- c" 60 PtdIns molecule that could serve as the endogenous source of IPG. The ability of NGF to stimulate hydrolysis of glycosyl- PtdIns was determined by incubating CVG, prelabeled with [3Hlglucosamine, with NGF (25 ng/ml). Glycosyl-PtdIns hydrolysis was measured at the times indicated and analyzed 100
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