Vol. 79 October 2004 No. 10 PLACES TO GO - PEOPLE TO SEE GRAND MASTER'S VISITATIONS 2004 ~. OCTOBER *5aturday, 9th - Gr. Encampment Rally, Aluta ~"'~1 ... ' Saturday, 16th - Herman & Tamara Schlott Testimonial, . -- i -'.. 'I. State College Saturday, 23rd - UN Dinner and program at Walker Lodge #306 All PA delegates invited. ... ".. t'~~'~·r~.- ~\.J.i'~~l:(". ,~~( .~,~: ~\J I,', , \\\ I *Saturday, 23rd - Memorial Service and Dedication; 10:.00 AM. .J _ • • \, I' . NOVEMBER *Saturday, 6th - Fall Allstate Rally - •. *Saturday, 13th - P.M. & L.A.P.M. Rally DECEMBER . ~, Saturday, 11th - Philadelphia Orphans Home Meeting - :. *denotes furnished by Plannins Board August 20, 2004 - District #28, Adoniram #739. INSIDE THIS EDITION SharpsviUe Presents Awards Sovereign Grand Lodge Proposed Budget The Best Odd Fellow Mount Hor Lodge #736 Essay Contest August 19, 2004 - District #29, Edith #812. And so much more! more phows on page 11 2 THE PEN N S Y L V A N I A 0 0 0 F E LL 0 \ ' October 2004 The OFFICERS OF GRAND LODGE THOMAS J. McHUGH .......... ............ .... GRAND MASTER PO Box 594, Pittston, PA 18640 570·883·7762 [email protected] Pennsylvania JAMES E. BLANEY ..... .... H."" " "" DEPUTY GRAND MASTER 2689 Winchester Ave ., Philddelphid, PA 19152 215-677·8392 jimheddl 01 @dol.cam JOHN S. CUPP. H... __ G D WARDEN Odd Fellow 2 W. Mdin St., Suite 517, Uniontown, PA 15401 72443 8·9001 jcu pp@VerizolLnd WILLIAM L. LOCKE .. ....... GRAND SECRETARY and Rebekah Magazine 1001 W. Hd rrisb urg Pike, Middletown. PA 17057 717·944·7419 ioofpaglsecty@m,n .com (USPS 426-500) RICHARD L HEFFNER .... ... ... GR AND TREASURER 8 S. 3rd St., Dillsburg, PA 1701 9 richardheffner©verizon.net NEVIN W. ADAMS .. ....... .... .. H. GRAND REPRE SENTATIVE Published in the City of Middletown, 951 Shoemdkersville Rd ., Shoemakersville, PA 955 5 610-9264462 [email protected] PA monthly by MAYNARD J. ERNST .. ............... .. GRAND REPRESEi'ITAnVE THE GRAND LODGE OF PO Box 105. T.t.lmy, PA 18085 HERMAN L. SCHLOn .. ..... JR. PAST GRA ND MASTER PENNSYL VANIA PO Box 4, Gdstonville, PA 15336-0004 724-348·2226 [email protected] INDEPENDENT ORDER CLYDE L DOnER JR. ... GRAND MARSHAL OF ODD FELLOWS RR1, Box 68, White ~n, PA 18661 1001 West Harrisburg Pike COURTNEY V. FRANKLIN . .. ... GRAND CONDUCTOR 7432 Boye r St, P\1iJ.!ddph.s. PA 19119 Middletown, PA 17057 E. KEITH HARVEY . H... .............._ .. ............ H.""",,, ...... GRAND CHAPLAIN 717-944-7419 272·12 Demund, Rd.• PI\ 18612 [email protected] CARL E. THOMAS JR . ............. ." .. GRAND GUARDIAN I 31 0 Durant St., Johnstown. PA 15906 RONALD J COLLINS .. ..... ..H. GRAND HERALD WILLIAM L. LOCKE 1432 Eckert St., P i tts bu~ PA 15212·251~ Manager - Editor MARC ROSENWASSER... .............. .. GRAND LODGE AnORNEY 1001 West Harrisburg Pike 1509 Ldwyers Buildin g, Pimb.. P 15219 Middletown, PA 17057 OFFICERS REBEKAH ASSEMBLY SARA V. BON SON Rebekah Coordinator IZEnA McGILL .. .... .. PRESIDENT 39 Queen St., Box 152 304 Constantine Rd., Smock. PA LS-4 Reedsville, PA 17084 DORIS GOERLITZ ... .. VICE PRESIDENT PO Box 36, Hdmlin. PA 15480 S]£J.689.£659 I ELAINE W.EEKLEY H ...... .. .. ........ WARDEN Publication Number 426500 19 Pebble Lane, Finl"""Ue. PA 1Sll2 Periodical Postage paid at Middlcwwn, LAURA LOCKE ... .. ........... .. ....... SECRETARY Pennsylvaniu 1001West Hdrrisburg Pike, MiddletoWl\, PA '70'57 717~77 and additional offices. I SARA V. BONSON .... ..... TREASURER 39 Queen St.. Reedsville, PA 1708.. IIUi67·2885 ** Pnstmattter ** TAMARA SCHLOn .. .............. .. .... _ .............. .... ........ JR . PAST PRESIDENT Send change \,f addre 's to: PO Box 4, Gastonville, PA 15336 724·34 2226 G/[email protected] Pennsvlvania Odd Fellow MARCIA LAVAN .... ........ .. .. ................... _ _........ DELEGATE TO I.A.RA and Rebekah Magazine 2515 Scrubgrd" Rd ., Jack,on Ca. PA 16133 1001 W . Harrisburg Pike WINONA HIGINBOTHAM . ...... MARSHALL Middletown. PA 17057 102 Counby Estate Rd., Uniontown. PA 15401 72~38-57 7 4 VERA CRUMP ..... CONDUCTOR SUBSCRIPTION RATES 286 Ridge Ldne. Murrys . e, PA 15668 Subscription price ............. ... ... $6.00 per year PHYLLIS J SHAKLEY . .. ....... _ ......... ..... .. H. CHAPLAIN 10 or more copies to 115 Spring St., Box 97, Petrolid, PA 16050 72....756-8370 one address ................................. $5.00 each BERNICE THOMAS.. INSIDE GUARDIAN 244 Rutter lone, Smock. PA 15480 724-437·2984 ROSTER ......... OUTSIDE GUARDIAN Lodge name, No. and address. night of meeting, 7591 Union St., Hdrtstown. PA 1613 1 814·382-0347 name and address and when a change is necessary LAURA D. HOMAN .. ..... ........ MUSICIAN be sure to mention the former addres.s. 3061 W. Whitehdll Rd ., Pennd. Fumdce, PA 16865 814-238·3 537 lAZEDA SIDWELL ....... .. .. COLOR BEARER Subscribers should be careful to give their cor­ 615 W. Crdwford Ave., Connellsvill e. PA 15425 724-626-1386 rect post office address and when a change is MARY ELLEN LOWTHER . ..... LEFT HERALD necessary b SUre (0 mention thl: fo rmer address. 571 Bitner Rd., Dunb.r. PA 15431 724·438·5790 BEVERLY SABUTULA .. H.. .......... ........... .... ... ....... RIGHT HERALD Articles f< r publi (Ion must rellch the office of 596 Bitner Rd., Dunbdr, PA 15431 724·438·7806 the Grand Lodge in Middletc)wo not lat~ r than CANDY BOWSER ..... .... SOLOIST the 5th of each month to insure their i.tlSernon 2833 Rt. 536, Mdyport, PA 16240 814·365·5328 in next mOl1lh'> issue. SANDRA COTNER .. .... H . PA FLAG BEARER RR#I, Box 967. Gemdon, PA 17830 570·758·1790 NANCY STRAUSSER ... H. ............ ...H . ... ............... ...... CANADIAN FLAG BEARER 121 Cornwall Ave., Ventor, NJ 08406 609·822·9242 PATRICIA NEWMAN ... REBEKAH FLAG BEARER REBEKAH MAGAZINE 3 STAliE OFnCES Dear Sisters and Brothers: My husband, Jack and I would like to GRAND ENCAMPMENT take this opportunity to thank so many of . HMmbu rg Pike, Middletown, PA 17057 717-944-9873 FAX: 717-948-9608 you that have continually kept us in your S. .......... ......................... .......................................... GRAND PATRIARCH prayers, for your phone calls, and for the ~~IC.m""•.Ie Rd., Shoemakersville, PA 19555 610-926-4463 [email protected] numerous cards from individuals as well ............................... ,.,.................... .. ........... GRAND SENIOR WARDEN as Lodges during his time of illness. Jack 1615 Locust Street, Reading, PA 19607-1716 610-374-9005 was in remission for several months, do­ SSl ER ............... ,............................... .. ........ ,....... GRAND JUNIOR WARDEN ing well, but came out of remission in May 889 S. Kentucky Drive, Elizabethville, PA 17023 717-362-8578 and has since been undergoing "heavy SEE _ _.. ............... .......... ..... GRAND HIGH PRIEST duty" Chemotherapy treatment. They are 1111 Jefferson St., Apt. 101, Latrobe, PA 15650 724-537-8148 now talking about doing a "Stem Cell ..... ....................................................................................... GRAND SCRIBE Transfusion" whereby they will harvest 35 Governor Drive, Reading, PA 19607-2815 610-777-5990 Istamml @comcast.net his own cells from the blood and freeze ERNST ............................................................................... GRAND TREASURER PO Box 105, Tatamy, PA 18085-0105 610-258-3812 them. Then they will give him more Che­ RAND . ., ", .... ,............................. .................................................. GRAND REPRESENTATIVE motherapy treatments and in time trans­ 8641 Ferndale St., Philadelphia, PA 19115 215-464-8641 plant his own cells back into his blood MOYER .......................... ' ..................... '...... .. ....................... PAST GRAND PATRIARCH with the hopes that the Bone Marrow will 120 Grandview Road, State College, PA 16801 814·238·8547 start to rebuild new and healthy cells on 5B..LERS .. ............................................................................................. ," .. '" GRAND MARSHAL its own. So we will still need your prayers 2453 Tower Rd., Mohrsville, PA 19541 as we go through these trying times. ....................... .......... , ........................... GRAND INSIDE SENTINEL Fraternally with Love, 316 S. Main SI., Sellersville, PA 18960 215-257-2059 Barbara McClellan ___..... .. ........ ,.............................................................................. GRAND OUTSIDE SENTINEL PATRIARCHS MILITANT DEPARTMENT COUNCIL HERMAN L. SCHLOn ............................................... DEPARTMENT COMMANDER PO Box 4, Gastonville, PA 15336-0004 724-348-2226 [email protected] (R) JOSEPH M. STRAUSSER ......................... ............ .... ...... ADJUTANT & SECRETARY 121 N. Cornwall Ave., Ventnor, NJ 08406-2212 609·822-9242 [email protected] DEPARTMENT ASSOCIATlO~ LA.P.M. AlJ)REY HUTCHINSON ................................................ ,................ .................. PRESIDENT STATE DEGREE RALLY 279 Rainbow Rd., Polk, PA 16342 814-437-5388 The State Degree Rally was very inter­ I. HAUSSLER ..... ,................. .................. ............... .............. ..... .. .... SECRETARY ested and enlightening. When you first 899 S. Kentucky Dr., Elizabethville, PA 17023 717-362·8578 entered the event you were welcomed as brothers. Refreshments and food was INTERNATIONAL CONTACTS served downstairs which was a welcome sight from our long travel down from S.G.l. Mount Hor Lodge #736. The rally had been very well organized and made every­ C. N.Ki LAWSON ... ,.. ,.. ,', ..... ..... SOVEREIGN GRAND MASTER one feel welcome. 6 Terry Drive, Perry,
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