Catholic Truth www.catholictruthscotland.com Contents Feast of the Assumption of Our Lady 15 August... Conference In Cork p.2 Advertisement Whodunnit? The Case of the Cancelled Conference & related articles p.3 - 6 Editor Book Review p. 7 Clare Webber Mgr Loftus: Holy Spirit Will ‘Rescue’ Church Using Heretic Kung ... p. 7 Editor Letters p.8; Letters Extra p.9; Late Mail p.16 Education p.10 The Law & The Prophets p.11 Editor Ecumenical Archdiocese of Glasgow p.12 Editor Memo: Religious Life to be Restored? p.12 Editor Defending the Defamed p.13 Martin Blackshaw Theology:does God “forget”? p.14 Even if you are on the brink of damnation Editor even if you have one foot in hell, even if you have sold your soul to the devil St Claude de la Colombière - as sorcerers do who practice black magic, and even if you are a heretic as A likely story? p.15 Editor obstinate as a devil, sooner or later you will be converted and will amend your Does New Bishop in Scotland life and will save your soul, if - and mark well what I say - if you say the Holy Signal Vatican II “BUD” (Business Rosary devoutly every day until death for the purpose of knowing the truth and Un-Disturbed) ? p.16 Editor obtaining contrition and pardon for your sins. Saint Louis de Montfort Communion in the Hand - The View from Heaven p.18 A Catholic Thinker Editorial p.20 Conference in Ireland What’s happening to the Catholic Church in Ireland? Saturday 24th September, 2011 Feast of Our Lady Of Ransom Keynote Speaker The Reverend Father Paul L. Kramer B.Ph, S.T.B, M.Div, S.T.L. (Cand.) The Mystery of Iniquity Revealed in the Secret of Fatima Plus... From the Belfast Fatima Centre, Tommy Price ... The Money Question Joe O’Connell, from the Fatima Centre in Cork ... Ecumenism and the U.N. Agenda ~V ~ Our Lady of Fatima From Scotland, Editor of Catholic Truth, Patricia McKeever ... What can the laity do? The Westlodge Hotel Seafield, Bantry, Co. Cork, Ireland For hotel bookings only Tel: 353 27 50360; Fax; 353 27 50438 * email '[email protected]' Discount for all overnight guests attending the conference Note: a number of people from England and Scotland have already booked Entrance: small charge payable at door Registration 9.30 a.m. - 10.15 a.m. Limited seats reserved on a first come, first served basis. Note: a number of people from England and Scotland have already reserved seats * To reserve seats, ring Mary: (00)353 86 0638551 The Catholic Church is the only thing which saves a man from the degrading slavery of being a child of his age . G.K. Chesterton 2 Whodunnit? The Case of the Cancelled Conference... being something abhorred By the editor... land who kindly agreed to speak on the subject of Fatima. - an imprisonable criminal Many of our internet readers Robert Sungenis, well known offence - to being almost will be aware of the sudden withdrawal American Catholic apologist also mandatory. No truly Catholic of Cardinal Burke from the Pro Eccle- agreed to address the conference, soul would dream of thanking Tatchell sia et Pontifice conference planned for choosing Scripture as his topic. Mr for his achievement in, literally (if I may Saturday, 18th June, venue the Meth- Sungenis is the author of several coin what I consider, in my humility, to odist Central Hall in Westminster. The books and is a renowned Scripture be a devilishly appropriate phrase Cardinal’s letter to Mrs McLeod (83) Scholar and founder of Catholic Apol- without receiving a visit from the Chairman of Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice ogists International which was re- Thought Police) perverting the course (PEEP) explaining this unconsciona- named The Bellarmine Theological of justice in this way. ble decision, was published on the Forum in August 2007. Robert Williams’ admiration PEEP website, along with Daphne’s The revised programme was for ‘gay rights’ activists doesn’t extend letter of reply. I should add published on the Pro Ecclesia web- to Fatima activists. He detests the “measured” and “respectful” letter of site. Then, blow me, it was announced traditional Catholic Faith with a ven- reply, well beyond the call of duty. (see that the supporting speaker booked geance - the old rite Mass, SSPX and p.5 for my own less than deferential letter to originally to share the platform with the experts who are challenging - very Cardinal Burke.) Cardinal Burke, Bishop Mutsaerts successfully - the Vatican line on the Turns out that the Cardinal from Holland had also withdrawn. Third Secret. Williams ignores the fact had received pleas from Suspicions grew that the per- that the Pope himself has contradicted “devout and faithful” son behind this sabotaging of the con- previous Vatican statements seeking Catholics not to take the ference was Robert Ian Williams, an to bury the Message and “Secret” of platform since PEEP are RE/History teacher who has posed as Fatima: even as recently as his visit to critical of the English a friend of Daphne’s and PEEP for Fatima on 13 May, 2010 the Pope bishops. Well, they do ask years now. Daphne has welcomed said that the Message of Fatima con- the bishops to see to it that the Faith him into her home and has been very cerns the future and that those who is taught to pupils in Catholic schools kind to him - he’s an only child with consider it to relate to the past are and to put an end to the scandal of about as many friends as Nick Clegg deceived. ‘gay’ Masses in Westminster for the at a students’ union meeting. I’ve tried LGBT ‘community’ - that is, for part- to befriend him as well, but he doesn’t ‘Outed’ by the nered lesbians and gays, and for make it easy. He once admitted to me Jewish Chronicle... transgender people. But they don’t that he likes being a news-breaker burn rainbow flags and send letter and if there isn’t any news to break he Robert Williams is one of the bombs, and, anyway, the Cardinal makes it up. Some years ago, for “deceived.” And about more than Fati- knew all about the work of PEEP: example, he rang me very late to ask ma. He’s a post-Vatican II “convert” - here’s Daphne... a former Anglican who fits in perfectly if I’d seen Newsnight (BBC2 weeknights, with the foretold diabolical disorienta- “...We invited H.E. Cardinal Burke to 10.30 pm). When I replied in the nega- speak last October when we saw him tive (I’d begun my all-night prayer vigil tion that has brought the Catholic in Rome. He examined our files and early...) he told me excitedly that ‘gay’ Church to ruin, humanly speaking. He discussed our position with us quite rights activist Peter Tatchell had is about as Catholic as Tony Blair. extensively before he agreed to come threatened to “out” Cardinal Hume One thing’s for sure, though, and he himself chose to speak on The next day. I was astonished and spent Peter Tatchell won’t be crossing the Restoration of Church Discipline and the next day scouring every news out- street to shake hands with Robert Wil- the New Evangelisation. Why he let I could find for some mention of the liams for having the courage of HIS dropped out is a mystery none of us scandal. Nothing. When I quizzed convictions. For, while those of us who can explain, but it certainly was not Robert later, he said casually that know Robert, and know how he oper- because he learnt anything new about Tatchell had “probably” been talking ates, guessed that he was the anony- our apostolate which made us unac- about outing a senior Anglican church- mous person behind the “anti-Semitic” ceptable to him, because he knew all man. In simple English, Williams had slurs that led to the Chief Executive at the Methodist Central Hall cancelling about us months ago” (Posted on Catho- been making up the news again. Ru- lic Herald blog: Is this the end of Pro Ec- pert Murdoch wouldn’t need phone the conference, Williams, vociferous in clesia? I really hope not: but it should only hackers with this cookie on his staff. his criticisms of PEEP on the various survive if there is a parting of the ways - An By the way, this is the same Catholic Herald blogs on the subject, honourable end would be better than an anti- failed to divulge that little jewel of infor- papal future: it is, after all, supposed to be ‘pro Peter Tatchell whom Robert Williams pontifice’ By William Oddie, Monday, 20 June told me he so admired that he crossed mation - that he was behind the whole 2011) the street to shake hands with him on fiasco. It was only when the Jewish The news that the Cardinal one occasion. Why, I enquired, would Chronicle published their report and was withdrawing from the conference any Catholic, even a modernist con- named Robert Williams as the source, came on 14th June, leaving Daphne vert, do that? Answer: he admired that the truth came out. Robert Wil- very little time to find a replacement Tatchell’s tenacity in fighting for his liams ‘outed’ by the Jewish Chronicle speaker. Eventually, she contacted beliefs. - Peter Tatchell eat your heart out! Irish-American priest, Father Paul Really? Peter Tatchell has, Not content with having scup- Kramer, Fatima expert, author of sev- almost single-handedly, changed the pered the PEEP conference, once his eral books, living in retirement in Ire- culture of the UK into a place where- homosexual activity has gone from own starring role was exposed Wil- liams took to the blogosphere to sav- Continued on p.4 3 Whodunnit? The Case of the Cancelled Conference continued from p.3 ..
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