REPORT ON THB Administration of Burma FOR THE YEAR 1929-30 Rangoon Supdt., Govt. Printing and Stationery, Burma 1931 LIST OF AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS. IN BURMA. AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION PRESS, Rangoon. BISWAS & Co., 30, Lewis Street. Rangoon. BRITISH BURMA PRESS BRANCH, Rangoon. BURMA BOOK CLUB, LTD., Post Box No. 1068; Rangoon. INTERNATIONAL BUDDHIST BOO!! DEPOT, Post Box No. 97!, Rangoor., NEW LIGHT OF BURIIA. PRESS, 26 and 26A, Phayre Street. Rangoon. PROPRIETOR, THU DHAMA \VADI PRESS, 16-80,· Maung I{hine Street, Rangoon. RANGOON TIMES PRESS, Rangoon. MAUNG LU GALE. Law Book Depot, 42, Ayo-o-l!ale, Mandalay, MANAGER, CHAPPLE'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, 377, Lower Main Road llloulmein. IN INDIA, BOOK Co., LTD, 414A, College Square, Calcutta. BUTTERWORTH & Co. (India), LTD .. Calcutta. S. K. LAHIRI & Co.. 56, College Street, Calcutta. w. NEWMAN & co., Calcutta, THACKER, SPINK & co.. Calcutta ·and Simla, D. B. TARAPOREVALA, SONS & co., Bomhay, THACKER & Co. LTD., Bombay, CITY BOOK Co., Post Box No. 283, Madras. HIGGINBOTHA!I & Co., llladras. IN EUROPE, The ~ublications are obtainable either direct from the Office of the HIGH COMMISSIONER I<'OR INDIA, General Department, India Office Alclwych, Landon. \V,C.Z, or through any bookseller, Corrigendum. REPORT ON THE ADMINISTRATION OF BURMA FOR THE YEAR 1929-30. On page ii, line 10, . of the General Summary and on page 7, line 1, of the Report, for the words" His Excellency the Viceroy", substitute the words " His Excellency the Governor ". G.B.C.P.0.-No. 324, F. D., 8-9-31-570 TABLE OF CONTENTS. REPORT ON THE ADMINISTRATION OF BURMA FOR THE YEAR 1929-30, Part !.-General Summary. Part n.-Departmental Chapters. CHAPTER !.-PHYSICAL AND PuLITICAL GEOGRAPHY. PAGE PAGE PHYSICAL- POLITICAL-co11cld. Physzcal Features of the Country, 1921-22 and page 3 of Part II Area, Climate and Chief of the Reports on the Adminis­ Staples.-lSee pages· 1 to 8 of tration of Burma for the years Part II of the Report on the 1925-26 and 1926-27.) Administration of Burma for Details of the last Census : Tribes the yer 1921-22.) and Languages. -- (See pages 30 to 39 of Part II of the Report POLITICAL- on the Administration of Historical S111n111ary.-(See 1,Jages 8 Burma for the year 1921-22.) to_ 13 of Part II of the Repc;rt on the Administration of Changes in the Administra­ Burma ior the year 1921-22 tion- and page 2 of Part II of the 1. The Government 2 Report on the Administration 2. Administrative Territorial of Burma for the year 1928-2:1.) Changes ib. Form of Admi11islratio11.-(See 3. Additions to and Changes in pages 13 to 21 of Part II of the the <\chninistrative Stalf 3 Report on the Administration of Burma for the year ,921-22, Relations with Shan States page 2 of Part II of the R_eports and Frontier Affairs- on the Administration of Burma (i) Shan al/{l Kare1111i State,. for the years 1923-24, 1925-26, 4. Federated Shan States 4 1926-27, 1927-28 and 1928-29.) Character of Land Tenures : 5. Karenni States ... 6 System of Survey and Scttlc- 6. Other Shan States 7 111ent. -(See pages 22 to 26 of (ii) 1"lu: Chin Ifills. Part II of the Report on the ~ 7 Administration of Burma for the year 1921-22.) (iii) The Kachin Hill Tracts. Civil Divisions of British Territory.­ 8. 8 (See pages 26 lo 30 of Part II of the Report on the Adminis­ Condition of the People- tration of Burma for the year 9. 10 CHAPTER II.-ADMINISTRATION OF THE LAND. Realization of the Revenue- Settlements- 16. Progress of Settlements 13 10. Changes in lhe Law, Rules, 17. l:<'inancial Results 14 and Directions · 11 11. Demand, Collt:ctions, Remis­ Land Records- sions arid Outstandings 12 18. Area under Supplementary 12. Revenut> Proceedings and Survey ... 14 Coercive Processes ib. 19. Cost of Supplementary Survey ib. 20. Training of Officers 15 21. Transfers of Land ib. Surveys- Waste Lands- 13". Surveys by imperial Agency 12 22. Colonization 15 14. Surveys by Provincial Agency: 23. Grants .1;nd Leases for Cu\ti- Extension and Revision vation 16 Snrveys 13 24. Revenue-free. Grants and 15. Town Surveys and Surveys of · Assignments of Land Leased Areas ib. Revenue ib. iv CONTENTS. CHAPTER II. -:-AD1'UN~STRATION OF THE LAND,-·Concld, PAGE PAGE Go;veromeni Estates, and Revenue an;d RenJ;,p~-ing; · . Wards' ·Estates- . Classes- 25. Rangoon Estate . 16 27. Area held by Agriculturalis'(s 26. Other Government Estates ... 17 and Tenancies 17 J CHAPTER lil-,-PROTECTIQN; Legislative Authority.-(See pages Prisons- 57 to 59 of Part II of the Report 54. Accommodation 31 on the Administration of 55. Prisoners ib. Burma for the · year 1921-22). 56. Discipline 32 57. Financial 33 • 58. Vital 34 Course of Legisla~ion- .59. Miscellaneous 35 28. Work of the Legislative Council 18 Civil Justice- 29. General Acts affecting Burma 20 60. Courts 36 30. Ordinances affecting Burma ib. 61. Suits 37 3L Regulations affecting Burma 1/J. IJ2. Appeals ib. 32. Extension of Enactments to 63. rllc Jiigh Court ... ib. Sil.an. States ib. 64. Ge11eral 38 Registra~ion- Police-,,. 65. General. 38 66. Deeds registered ih. 33. Civ.il Police : Strength and 67. Income and Expenditure 39., Cost 21 54. Conduct, Education and Joint Stock Companies- Training ih. 68. 39 35. Buildfogs 22 36. Crime · ib. Local Bo~rds. A<lµiip.istJ;ation- 37. Working of the_ Police 23 69. Distris:,t Councils·, Cirde Boards. 38. Important Incidents - ib. a 1d Village Commiltees ••• 39 39. Offences under Special Acts 24 40. Non-cognizable Crimes ib. Municipal Administration.- 41. Preventive Law, Surveillance 70: Corporation of Rangoon 40 and lden(ificatiou iL 71. Other Municipalities 42 42. Punitive Police· .. 25 43. RaHway Police .. ib. Military- 44. M flitary Police .. 26 72. Str~ngth of the. G~rris~11 43 45. Rangoon Town Police 27 46 Village Administration 28 Marine~ 47. Wild Animals and Snakes ib. 73. Light-hou~es an~ Lig~t-ships 43 7'+. Rangoon Port Trust Adminis· tration ib. Criminal Justice- 75. Rangoon Pilot Service 44 76. Minor Ports .•. ib.. 48. High Court 29 77. Commercial Marine: Shipping 45 4.9. Sessions Courts ... 1b. 78. Commercial Marine : Wrecks.·. 50. Magistrates' Courts 30 and Casualties..... 46 51. Cases before the Courts ib. 79. Government Steamers and · 52. Trial of Cases ib. Launches ib. 53. Sentences 31 80. Marine Works.· and Surveys iii. CHAPTER IV.-PRODUCTION AND DtS'l'RIBUTION. Agriculture- Agricult ure-concld. 81. Occupied and Cultivated Area 48 86. Veterinary Departmental:Staff. 82. Area irrigated ... 49 and Veterinai:y School 53 83. The Agricultural Department so 87. Cattle Disease ... ib. 84. Agricultur~J Research ... 51 8~. Live-stock 54 85. Seed Distribution and Demon­ 8lJ. Agricultural Loans 55. stration 52 90. Protection from Floods ib. CONTENTS,· v.· CHAPTER IV.-PRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION, PAGE PA' Weather and Crops-- frade- 91. Character of the Season 56 111. Maritime Tracie-: Total. Value­ 92. Outturn and Prices ib. and Revenue 67 112. Import Trade .ib. Co-operation- 113. Export Trade 69 114. Intra- provinci.tl Seahorne 93. Administrative and General 57 Tracie 71 94. Central Banks 58 115. Transfnmlicr Tr:1tle with 95. Agricultural Credit Societies 59 China, Siam and Dependen­ 96. Other Societies ib. cies ib. 1)6. Banks ib. Horticu It u re- 97. Agri-Horticullural Societies ... 6JPublic Works- 117. Administrati\·c and General. .. 72 Forests- (i) Roads and Buildings. 98. Forest-Reserves, Forest Settle­ ment, Demarcation, Survey 118. Comunmications 72 and Working Plans 60 119. Buildings : Central and 99. Protection of Forests 61 Provincial 73 100. Improvement of Forests 62 i'20. Miscellaneous 74 101. Exploitation of Timber ib. Iii) Railways a11d Tramways. Mines and Quarries- 121. Rai!waJs : Construction and 1_02. The Indian Mines Act 63 Surve~·s 75 103. New Concessions 64 122. Accidents and Interruptions ib. 10~. Petroleum 65 123. Traffic and Finapce 76 1()5. Lead, Silver, Zinc and Copper 1:2.J.. Tramways 77 Ore iii. 106'. Rubies, Sapphirt::s and Spinals ,,, .. liiiJ Ca11rtls. 107. Other Minerals ... ib. 108. Quarry Stones and Clay 66 123. Navigation Canals 77 Manufactures- Irrigation- 109. Principal Industries 66 126. ·Capital Account Works 77 110. Fadories ib. 127. Other Irrigation Works 79 CHAJ?TER V.-REVENUE ANU FI:>:AN.CE. Financial Relations between (b) Provincial Revenue and Central and Provincial Finance-concld. Governments- · 140. Ganja, Cocaine and Morphia 87 128; 80 141. Stamps ib. 142. Furest Revenue ... ib. 143, Canal (navigation and irriga- (a) Central Revenue and tion) Embankment and Finance-- . Drainage Revenue 88, 129. Total Central figures 81 J (c) Local Funds. 130. Customs ib. 131. Tqxes on Income ib. 144. District Funds, DeP,uly Com­ 132. Salt-General 82 missioner's Local Funds 133. Consumption of Salt ib. and Circle. l<'unds 88 134. Opium 83 145. Rangoon Municipal Fund .. ; 89 146. Other Municipal l<'unds 90 (b) Provincial Revenue -·and 147. Rangoon DevelopmenfTrust Finance. ·· Fund 91 J 48. Rangoon Port Trust Fund ib. 135. Total provincial figures R3 149. Other Local Fui1ds · ib. 136- Land Revenue 85 137. Excise-General ib. Paper Currency- 138. Excise-Opium .. ib. 139. Excise-Alcoholic Liquors 86 vl CONTENTS, CHAPTER VI.-VITAL STATISTICS AND MEDICAL SERVICES. PAC;E PAGE Births and Deaths- Medical Relief-conc/d, 151. Area under Registration and 161. Bunna Government Medical Total populat10n 93 School 99 152. Number of Births and Deaths ib. 162. Pasteur Institute and Bac- 153. Causes of Death 95 teriological Laboratory tb. 154. Cinchona Febrifuge 97 /63. Mental Hospitals ib. Immigration and Einigration- ,.j Public Health- 155. 97 164. Principal Works and Ex pen- diture 100 Medical Relief·- Vaccination- 156.
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