DOWNLOADABLE ONLINE WOODWORKING PLANS ® http://www.woodonline.com MarkingMarking Gauge/TrammelGauge/Trammel Mark perfect arcs, circles, parallel lines, and perpendicular lines with our walnut and brass homemade tool. Not only does it work with the precision you require, but the metal/hardwood combina- tion makes for a great-looking tool as well. DP-00141 ©Copyright Meredith Corporation 2001 Page 1 of 8 1/4" brass wing nut 1/4" brass flat washer BODY EXPLODED VIEW #6 x 5/8" F.H. brass wood screws 9/64" shank hole, countersunk 1 /16 x 2 x 4" 3 brass top plate /32" pilot hole 1/2" deep 3 /32" pilot hole 11 / 16" 1 /2" deep C 1/4" holes 7 1/16 x 1"-diameter /16" A and B are brass cover plate B glued together. 3/4" A 5 #6 x /8" F.H. brass 3/8" hole wood screw 5/8" deep 1/4" brass 9/16" threaded insert 1 3 /4" hole 1 /4" deep 1 for storing pivot pin /4" hole, countersunk on bottom side 9 /64" shank hole, 9 countersunk on /32" hole bottom side #6 x 5/8" F.H. 1/16 x 2 x 4" brass brass wood screws bottom plate 1/4 x 2" F.H. brass machine screw epoxied 3/4" to brass bottom plate 1/4" brass pivot pin 15/8" long (made from 1/4" brass flush rod) Page 2 of 8 TM 3/8" hole 3 PENCIL HOLDER /4" EXPLODED VIEW 24" #6 x 5/8" F.H. 3/8" brass wood screws E 1 1" /8" V-grooves 1/16" deep 3/4" 1/16 x 3/4 x 3" brass side plate #6 x 5/8" F.H. 3 D /16" brass brass wood screws D wing nut 3/16" brass 10-24 x 11/4" F.H. flat washer brass machine screw epoxied to brass side plate 3/16" hole 3/16" hole, countersunk Bill of Materials Finished Size Part Qty. T WL Matl. A body ‡" 2" 4" W 1 B body ‡" 2" 1Œ" W 1 C body Ø" 2" 1Œ" W 1 D pencil holder ˇ" ‡" 3" W 2 E bar ‹" ‡" 24" M 1 Materials Key: W–walnut, M–maple Supplies: „×2×12" brass bar, „ׇ×12" brass bar, (1) 10-24×1‹" flathead brass machine screw with flat washer and wing nut, (1) ‹" brass flush rod, (1) ‹×2" flathead brass machine screw with washer and wing nut, (17) #6×fl" flathead brass wood screws, (1) ‹" threaded brass insert. Page 3 of 8 TM Note: Although the brass we used measures .064", it is often referred to as „"-thick brass. A See our source for a kit contain- ing all the necessary hardware in the Buying Guide at the end of the article. Let’s start by building the trammel body 1 Cut the trammel body parts (A, B) to the sizes listed in the Bill of Materials from ‡" walnut. With one end and both edges flush, glue and clamp the pieces togeth- er face-to-face. 2 Remove the clamp, and mark the centerpoint for the pivot-pin hole, where dimensioned on the Body Exploded View drawing. Drill a ‹" hole 1‡" deep in the end, where dimensioned on the drawing. (We did this on our drill press, using a brad-point bit.) 3 Cut the remaining body piece (C) to size. Note that part C is „" thinner than the thickness of body part B. 4 From „×2×12" brass bar stock, crosscut two pieces 4" long each Make a slight depression on the inside face of the brass plates for the top and bottom body with a countersink bit to remove the ridge. plates. You can cut the brass with 9 a fine-tooth blade on your band- To help eliminate bit wander, each ⁄64" hole. (We test-counter- saw, tablesaw, or scrollsaw. (We slide the drill bit as far as it will go sank holes in the remaining brass used the tablesaw with a 60-tooth into the chuck. This supports the stock first, allowing us to accu- carbide-tipped blade, a zero-clear- bit more, allowing it to flex less. rately set the depth stop on our ance blade insert, and a miter When drilling through the brass, drill press. The screwheads need gauge fitted with a wooden the bit may create a small ridge on to seat flush in the countersunk extension. The zero-clearance what will be the surface that holes later.) insert supports the brass for mak- mates with the walnut. If the 8 Using double-faced tape, adhere ing a safer and cleaner cut.) File ridge is not removed, it will pre- the bottom plate to the walnut or sand any burrs off the ends of vent the brass plates from mating body. Drill a „" guide hole the brass pieces. flush with the walnut body, creat- through the brass at the threaded- 5 Use a crafts knife to cut the Top ing a gap. To remove the ridge, insert location, giving you an and Bottom Plate full-size pat- mount a countersink bit into your accurate centerpoint for drilling terns. Using spray adhesive (we drill press, and very lightly the ›" hole into the wood later. used 3M spray mount #6065), machine the inside surface of 9 Separate the brass and wood, secure the paper patterns to the both pieces of brass plates to and drill a ›" hole fl" deep into brass. Carefully align the edges of remove the ridge. (As shown in the wood and a Ç" hole through the paper patterns with the brass. Photo A, above, we used a the brass for the threaded insert. 6 Fit your drill-press table with a Weldon countersink bit. It cuts 10 Install the ‹" brass threaded 9 fence. Chuck a ⁄64" bit into your clean with no vibration or burrs. insert in the ›" hole in the walnut drill press. Using the fence for See the listing in the Buying Guide (A). (To do this, we double-nutted 9 accurate alignment, drill the ⁄64" for our source.) a ‹" roundhead machine screw holes through both pieces of brass 7 Turn the brass pieces over (pat- and threaded the insert onto the where marked. tern side up), and countersink machine screw and against the Page 4 of 8 TM B Use the fence on your drill-press table to align the bit over the previously countersunk holes in the brass. nuts. Then, we used a wrench and tion the fence to align the bit over Continue using the ‹" spacer a screwdriver to drive the insert the countersunk holes. (See the between parts B and C for sup- squarely into the hole. We used Buying Guide for our source of port. Bandsaw the radii to shape. the screwdriver to press the insert this bit.) Drill the pilot holes for (We used a ‹" skip-tooth blade.) downward and the wrench to the brass screws into the walnut 13 Drill a ‹" hole through the thread the insert into the hole. as shown in Photo B, above. To trammel body (A, C). Countersink Doing this is more accurate than help hold part C in place, use a ‹" one end of the hole, where shown trying to drive the insert in place spacer, as shown in the photo. on the Exploded View drawing, to with just a screwdriver.) 12 Drive #6×fl" brass flathead house the head end of a ‹×2" flat- 7 11 Chuck a self-centering ⁄64" Vix wood screws through the brass head brass machine screw. bit into your drill press, and posi- and into the trammel body. 14 Drum-sand the two radii. Then, Page 5 of 8 TM lightly sand the edges and ends of 3 For hanging the completed end of the dowel with a screw. the trammel body. trammel, drill a ›" hole through Clamp the dowel in your work- the bar where shown. bench vise with the brass end up. Now, clean up the brass 4 Glue and clamp the pencil hold- File the edges of the cover plate and make it shine ers to the bar, aligning the V- flush with the edges of the dowel. 1 Using a round and a flat file (we grooves. See the Pencil Holder Then file and sand the round- used an 8" mill file and an 8" Exploded View for particulars. overs on the cover plate. round file), file a „" round-over 5 Cut two pieces of „ׇ" brass 3 Drill a Ï" pilot hole in the tram- along the edges of the brass top bar to 3" long to cover the outside mel body (B) for mounting the and bottom plates. face of the pencil holders. cover with a #6 screw. 2 Sand the exposed surfaces of Transfer the paper patterns, and 4 To form the pivot pin, cut a 1fl"- brass smooth. (To do this, we drill and countersink the holes long piece off the threaded end of used 180-, 220-, and 320-grit sand- like you did earlier with the brass a brass flush (toilet) rod. If the paper.) For an even shinier on the body. Note that the two threaded end is longer than ‡", appearance, sand with progres- screws on one brass plate are off- cut the threaded end to length, sively finer grits of sandpaper. If set from those on the opposite then crosscut to 1‡" long. Chuck the screwheads protrude just plate. Secure the two pieces of the threaded end into your drill slightly, they can be sanded flush; brass to the pencil holders with press. Start the drill press and use if they protrude too much, #6 screws.
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