The Greek New Testament, Stephens 1550

The Greek New Testament, Stephens 1550

Public Domain pdfs brought to you by JESUS BUY THE TRUTH AND SELL IT NOT Prov. 23:23 THY WORD IS TRUTH John 17:17 This text is The Greek New Testament Textus Receptus (Stephanus 1550) Prepared for the Web by Richard T. Dodds for Christian Hospitality Any feedback, including reports of errors found, would be welcome: mail to [email protected] THE COMPLETE NEW TESTAMENT th#v [Rou;y. ]Wbh'd de' e]ge;nnhse to'n ]Iessai;. 6 ]Iessai' de' e]ge;nnhse to'n Dabi'd to'n basile;a. Dabi'd de' o[ basileu'v e]ge;nnhse to'n Solomw#nta e]k th#v tou# Ou]ri;ou. 7 Solomw'n de' e]ge;nnhse to'n [Roboa;m. [Roboa'm de' THS# KAINHS# e]ge;nnhse to'n ]Abia;. ]Abia' de' e]ge;nnhse to'n ]Asa;. 8 ]Asa' de' e]ge;nnhse ; to'n ]Iwsafa;t. ]Iwsafa't de' e]ge;nnhse DIAYHKHS to'n ]Iwra;m. ]Iwra'm de' e]ge;nnhse to'n ]Ozi;an. 9 ]Ozi;av de' e]ge;nnhse = to'n ]Iwa;yam. ]Iwa;yam de' e]ge;nnhse APANTA to'n /Acaz. /Acaz de' e]ge;nnhse to'n ]Ezeki;an. 10 ]Ezeki;av de' e]ge;nnhse to'n Manassh#. Manassh#v de' e]ge;nnhse to'n ]Amw;n. ]Amw'n de' e]ge;nnhse to'n ]Iwsi;an. 11 ]Iwsi;av de' e]ge;nnhse MATTHEW to'n ]Ieconi;an kai' tou'v a]delfou'v au]tou#, e]pi' th#v metoikesi;av Babulw#nov. 12 meta' de' th'n metoikesi;an TO ' KATA ' MATYAION# Babulw#nov ]Ieconi;av e]ge;nnhse to'n Salayih;l. Salayih'l de' e]ge;nnhse to'n AGION= EUAGGE] LION; . Zoroba;bel. 13 Zoroba;bel de' e]ge;nnhse to'n ]Abiou;d. ]Abiou'd de' e]ge;nnhse to'n ]Eliakei;m. ]Eliakei'm de' Matthew 1 e]ge;nnhse to'n ]Azw;r. 14 ]Azw'r de' e]ge;nnhse to'n Sadw;k. Sadw'k de' 1 e]ge;nnhse to'n ]Acei;m. ]Acei'm de' e]ge;nnhse to'n ]Eliou;d. 15 ]Eliou'd de' e]ge;nnhse to'n ]Elea;zar. ]Elea;zar de' e]ge;nnhse 1 B I ; bl ov gene;sewv I ] HSOU # Cristou#, to'n Matya;n. Matya'n de' e]ge;nnhse ui[ou# Dabi'd, ui[ou# [Abraa;m. 2 [Abraa'm e]ge;nnhse to'n ]Isaa;k. ]Isaa'k de' to'n ]Iakw;b. 16 ]Iakw'b de' e]ge;nnhse e]ge;nnhse to'n ]Iakw;b. ]Iakw'b de' to'n ]Iwsh'f to'n a/ndra Mari;av, e]x h{v ] # e]ge;nnhse to'n ]Iou;dan kai' tou'v e]gennh;yh I HSOU S , o[ lego;menov a]delfou'v au]tou#. 3 ]Iou;dav de' Cristo;v. 17 Pa#sai ou}n ai[ geneai' e]ge;nnhse to'n Fare'v kai' to'n Zara' e]k th#v a]po' [Abraa'm e=wv Dabi'd, geneai' Ya;mar. Fare'v de' e]ge;nnhse dekate;ssarev> kai' a]po' Dabi'd e=wv th#v to'n [Esrw;m. [Esrw'm de' e]ge;nnhse metoikesi;av Babulw#nov, geneai' to'n ]Ara;m. 4 ]Ara'm de' e]ge;nnhse dekate;ssarev> kai' a]po' th#v metoikesi;av to'n ]Aminada;b. ]Aminada'b de' e]ge;nnhse Babulw#nov e=wv tou# Cristou#, geneai' to'n Naassw;n. Naassw'n de' e]ge;nnhse dekate;ssarev. 18 Tou# de' ]Ihsou# to'n Salmw;n. 5 Salmw'n de' e]ge;nnhse Cristou# h[ ge;nnhsiv ou=twv h}n. to'n Boo'z e]k th#v [Raca;b. Boo'z de' Mnhsteuyei;shv ga'r th#v mhtro'v au]tou# e]ge;nnhse to'n ]Wbh'd e]k Mari;av tw#j ]Iwsh'f, pri'n h\ sunelyei#n 1 TEXTUS RECEPTUS STEPHANUS 1550 au]tou'v, eu[re;yh e]n gastri' e/cousa e]k ou=tw ga'r ge;graptai dia' tou# profh;tou, Pneu;matov a[gi;ou. 19 ]Iwsh'f de' o[ a]nh'r 6 Kai' su' Bhylee'm gh# ]Iou;da, ou]damw#v au]th#v di;kaiov w\n, kai' mh' ye;lwn au]th'n e]laci;sth ei} e]n toi#v h[gemo;sin ]Iou;da. e]k paradeigmati;sai, e]boulh;yh la;yra sou# ga'r e]xeleu;setai h[gou;menov, o=vtiv a]polu#sai au]th;n. 20 tau#ta de' au]tou# poimanei# to'n lao;n mou to'n ]Israh;l. 7 e]nyumhye;ntov, i]dou' a/ggelov Kuri;ou To;te [Hrw;dhv la;yra kale;sav tou'v kat ] o/nar e]fa;nh au]twj#, le;gwn, ]Iwsh'f ma;gouv, h]kri;bwse par ] au]tw#n to'n ui[o'v Dabi'd, mh' fobhyh#jv paralabei#n cro;non tou# fainome;nou a]ste;rov. 8 kai' Maria'm th'n gunai#ka; sou. to' ga'r e]n pe;mqav au]tou'v ei]v Bhylee'm, ei}pe, au]th#j gennhye'n, e]k Pneu;mato;v e]stin Poreuye;ntev, a]kribw#v e]xeta;sate peri' a[gi;ou. 21 te;xetai de' ui[o'n, kai' tou# paidi;ou> e]pa'n de' eu=rhte, kale;seiv to' o/noma au]tou# ]Ihsou#n. a]paggei;late; moi, o=pwv ka]gw' e]lyw'n au]to'v ga'r sw;sei to'n lao'n au[tou# a]po' proskunh;sw au]tw#j. 9 oi[ de' tw#n a[martiw#n au]tw#n. 22 Tou#to de' a]kou;santev tou# basile;wv, o=lon ge;gonen i=na plhrwyh#j to' r[hye'n u[po' e]poreu;yhsan. kai' i]dou' o[ a]sth'r o`n tou# Kuri;ou, dia' tou# profh;tou le;gontov, ei}don e]n th#j a]natolh#j, proh#gen au]tou'v, 23 ]Idou' h[ parye;nov e]n gastri' e=xei, kai' e=wv e]lyw'n e/sth e]pa;nw ou{ h}n to' paidi;on. te;xetai ui[o'n, kai' kale;sousi to' o/noma 10 i]do;ntev de' to'n a]ste;ra, e]ca;rhsan au]tou# ]Emmanouh'l, o= e]sti cara'n mega;lhn sfo;dra? 11 kai' meyermhneuo;menon, mey ] h[mw#n o[ Yeo;v. e]lyo;ntev ei]v th'n oi]ki;an, eu{ron to' 24 Diegeryei'v de' o[ ]Iwsh'f a]po' tou# paidi;on meta' Mari;av th#v mhtro'v au]tou#, u=pnou, e]poi;hsen w[v prose;taxen au]tw#j kai' peso;ntev proseku;nhsan au]twj#, kai' o[ a/ggelov Kuri;ou, kai' pare;labe th'n a]noi;xantev tou'v yhsaurou'v au[tw#n, gunai#ka au[tou#> 25 kai' ou]k e]gi;nwsken prosh;negkan au]tw#j dw#ra, cruso'n, kai' au]th'n, e=wv ou{ e/teke to'n ui[o'n au[th#v to'n li;banon, kai' smu;rnan. 12 kai' prwto;tokon, kai' e]ka;lese to' o/noma crhmatisye;ntev kat ] o/nar mh' au]tou# I ] HSOU # N . a]naka;mqai pro'v [Hrw;dhn, di ] a/llhv o[dou# a]necw;rhsan ei]v th'n cw;ran au[tw#n. 13 ]Anacwrhsa;ntwn de' au]tw#n, i]dou' Matthew 2 a/ggelov Kuri;ou fai;netai kat ] o/nar tw#j ]Iwsh'f, le;gwn, ]Egeryei'v para;labe 2 to' paidi;on kai' th'n mhte;ra au]tou#, kai' feu#ge ei]v Ai/gupton, kai' i/syi e]kei# e=wv a\n 1 Tou# de' ]Ihsou# gennhye;ntov e]n Bhylee'm ei/pw soi;. me;llei ga'r [Hrw;dhv zhtei#n to' th#v ]Ioudai;av, e]n h[me;raiv [Hrw;dou tou# paidi;on, tou# a]pole;sai au]to;. 14 [O de' basile;wv, i]dou' ma;goi a]po' a]natolw#n e]geryei'v pare;labe to' paidi;on kai' th'n parege;nonto ei]v [Ieroso;luma, 2 mhte;ra au]tou# nukto'v, kai' a]necw;rhsen le;gontev, Pou# e]stin o[ tecyei'v basileu'v ei]v Ai/gupton> 15 kai' h}n e]kei# e=wv th#v tw#n ]Ioudai;wn? ei/domen ga'r au]tou# to'n teleuth#v [Hrw;dou> i=na plhrwyh#j to' a]ste;ra e]n th#j a]natolhj#, kai' h/lyomen r[hye'n u[po' tou# Kuri;ou dia' tou# proskunh#sai au]tw#j. 3 ]Akou;sav profh;tou le;gontov, ]Ex Ai]gu;ptou de' [Hrw;dhv o[ basileu'v e]tara;cyh, kai' e]ka;lesa to'n ui[o;n mou. 16 pa#sa [Ieroso;luma met ] au]tou#. 4 kai' To;te [Hrw;dhv i]dw'n o=ti e]nepai;cyh u[po' sunagagw'n pa;ntav tou'v a]rcierei#v kai' tw#n ma;gwn, e]yumw;yh li;an, kai' grammatei#v tou# laou#, e]punya;neto par ] a]postei;lav a]nei#le pa;ntav tou'v pai#dav au]tw#n pou# o[ Cristo'v genna#tai. 5 oi[ de' tou'v e]n Bhylee'm kai' e]n pa#si toi#v o[ri;oiv ei}pon au]tw#j, ]En Bhylee'm th#v ]Ioudai;av.

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