~316 ·coNGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE .JUNE 5 purposes; without amendment (Rept. No. to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Thee, are but vanity and vexation of 2206). Referred to the Committee of the Commerce. spirit. If Thou comest dressed drably :Whole House. By Mr. RANDOLPH: as duty, may we earn at the last Thy Mr. ELLIOTT: Joint Committee on the H. R. 6673. A bill to amend section 6 of the Disposition of Executive Papers, House Re­ Civil Service Retirement Act of May 29, 1930, "well done." If Thou comest in the white port No. 2207. Report on the disposition of as amended; to the Committee on the Civil garments of truth, may we not fail to certain papers of sundry executive depart­ Service. follow the road though rough and steep. ments. Ordered to be printed. By Mr. BOREN: As we fare forth in Thy fear, prosper us Mr. ELLIOTT: Joint Committee on the H. R. 6674. A bill to insure the proper hos­ this day in our work; so may we fulfill Disposition of Executive Papers. House Re­ pital care to members of the armed forces; our daily tasks with honor and integrity, port No. 2208. Report on the disposition of to the Committee on Military Affairs. · walking ever in the ways of Thy com­ cettain papers of sundry executive depart­ By Mr. ROE of New York: H. R. 6675. A bill to provide for certificate mandments. In the dear Redeemer's ments. Ordered to be printed. name. Amen. Mr. STIGLER: Committee on Indian Af­ of meritorious award to State guards; to the Committee on Military Affairs. fairs. S. 1043.. An act to set aside certain THE JOURNAL lands in Oklahoma in trust for the Indians of On request of Mr. MAYBANK, and by the Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache Indian PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Reservation; without amendment (Rept. No. unanimous consent, the reading of the 2209). Referred to the Committee of the Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private Journal of the proceedings of the cal­ Whole House on the State of the Union. bills and resolutions were introduced and endar day Tuesday, June 4, 1946, was Mr. JACKSON: Committee on Indian Af­ severally referred as follows: dispensed with, and the Journal was fairs. H. R. 4983. A bill to provide for ad­ By Mr. BALDWIN of New York: approved. justments in connection with the Crow irri.i­ H. R. 6676. A bill for the relief of John MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT gation project, Crow Indian Reservation, Babjak and others; to the Committee on Mont.; with amendments (Rept. No. 2210). Claims. Messages in writing from the Presi­ Referred to the Committee of the Whole By Mr. HERTER: dent of the United States submitting House on the State of the Union. H. R. 6677. A bill for the relief of Edward nominations were communicated to the Mr. JACKSON: Committee on Indian Af­ J. Haddigan and John F. Haddigan; to the Senate by Mr. Miller, one of his secre­ fairs. H. R. 6195. A bill to amend section Committee on Claims. taries. 1 of the act of June 4, 1920 ( 41 Stat. 751) By Mr. PATMAN: entitled "An act to provide for the allot~ H. R. 6678. A bill for the relief of Mrs. Ger­ CALL OF THE ROLL ment of lands of the Crow Tribe for the dis­ trude Wooten; to the Committee on Claims. tribution of tribal funds, and for other By Mr. SHERIDAN: Mr. MAYBANK. I suggest the ab­ purposes," as amended by the act of May H. R. 6679. A bill for the relief of Louis sence o~ a quorum. 26, 1926 (44 Stat. 658); without amendment Schmidhamer; to the Committee on Claims. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The (Rept. No. 2211). Referred to the Commit- . clerk will call the roll. tee of the Whole House on the State of the The Chief Clerk called the roll, and Union. PETITIONS, ETC. the following Senators answered to their Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions names: REPORTS OF COMMI'ITEES ON PRIVATE and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk Aiken Hayden O'Mahoney BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS and referred as follows: Andrews Hickenlooper Overton 1929. By Mr. HANCOCK: Petition of Miss Austin Hill Pepper Under clause 2 of rule XIII, reports of Ball Hoey Reed committees were delivered to the Clerk Bessie M. Hubbs and other residents of Onon­ Barkley Huffman Revercomb daga County, N.Y., urging legislation to pre­ Bridges Johnson, Colo. Robertson for printing and reference to the proper vent the use of grain in the manufacture of Briggs Johnston, S. C. Russell calendar, as follows: alcoholic beverages; to the Committee on Brooks Kilgore Saltonstall Mr. LESINSKI: Committee on Immigra­ Agriculture. Buck Knowland Shipstead R. 1930. By the SPEAKER: Petition of the Burch La Follette Smith tion and Naturalization. H. 6403. A bill Bushfield Langer Stanfill for the relief of Mrs. Amelia Shidzee Naga­ governors' conference, petitioning consider­ Butler Lucas Stewart mine Toneman; with amendment (Rept. No. ation of their resolution with reference to Capehart McCarran Taft 2203). Referred to the Committee of the request for extension of selective service and Capper McClellan Thomas. Okla. Whole House. adoption of compulsory military training and Connally McFarland Thomas, Utah service program; to the Committee on Mili­ Cordon McKellar Tobey tary Affairs. Donnell McMahon Tunnell PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Downey Magnuson Tydings 1931. By Mr. ARNOLD: Petition of mem­ Eastland Maybank Vandenberg Under clause 3 of rule XXII, public bers of the Home Culture Extension Club, Ellender Mead Wagner bills and resolutions were introduced and Laclede, Mo., petitioning consideration of Ferguson Millikin Walsh their resolution with reference to the sugar Fulbright Mitchell Wheeler severally referred as follows: shortage; to the Committee To Investigate George Moore Wherry By Mr. HEALY: Supplies and Shortages of Food. Green Morse White H. R. 6668. A bill to provide additional fa­ Guffey Murdock Wiley Gurney Murray Wilson cilities for the prevention of labor disputes, ·Hart Myers and for other purposes; to the Committee on Hawkes O'Daniel Labor. By Mr. RANKIN: SENATE Mr. HILL. I announce that the Sena­ H . R. 6669. A bill to provide for apportion­ tor from North Carolina [Mr. BAILEY] ment of a veteran's pension, compensation, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5, 1946 and the Senator from Alabama [Mr. or retirement pay during hospitalization, in­ BANKHEAD] are absent because of illness. stit utional or domiciliary care, and for other (Legislative day of Tuesday, March 5, purposes; to the Committee on World War The Senator from Mississippi [Mr. Veterans' Legislation. 1946) BILBO], the Senator from Nevada [Mr. By Mr. CELLER: The Senate met at 11 o'clock a.m., on CARVILLE], and the Senators from Idaho H. R. 6670. A bill to amend title II of the the expiration of the recess. [Mr. GOSSETT and Mr. TAYLOR] are ab­ Social Security Act, as amended, by giving sent by leave of the Senate. insurance benefits under the Federal old-age The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown and survivors insurance provisions of that Harris, D. · D., offered the following The Senator from Rhode Island [Mr. act to survivors of veterans of World War II, prayer: GERRY] is necessarily absent. and for other purposes; to the Committee The Senator from Virginia [Mr. on Ways and Means. · Eternal God our Father, in the still­ ness of prayer, as the loud poundings of BYRD], the Senators .from New MexicO By Mr. DOMENGEAUX: [Mr. CHAVEZ and Mr. HATCH], and the H. R. 6671. A bill to extend, for one addi­ the builders cease, always we are con­ tional year, the provisions of the Sugar Act scious of a persistent knocking at our Senator from Maryland [Mr. RADCLIFFE] of 1937, as amended, and the taxes with heart's door and of a· tender, pleading are detained on public business. · respect to sugar; to the Committee on Agri- voice, which steals into the emptiness of Mr. WHERRY. The Senator from culture. · our self-content, calling: "If any mah Maine [Mr: BREWSTER] and the Senator By Mr. CELLER: from Indiana [Mr. WILLIS] are neces­ H. R. 6672. A bill to promote the progress will open· the door, :twill come in." So1- of science and the useful arts, to secure the emnize us with the knowledge that onfy sarily absent. national defense, to advance the national oiir hand can open the door that keel1's The Senator from North Dakota [Mr. health and welfare, and for other purposes; ti'hee out of our lives which~ witf:i'Otlt YouNG] is absent by leave of the Senate. 1946 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD~SENATE 6317 The PRESIDENT pro tempore. shores the evils of all foreign isms and crack­ S. 2297. A bill for the relief of Mrs. Joan Eighty-two Senators having answered pot ideologies, and preserve to us, themselves Nabi Velasquez; to the Committee on Immi­ to their names, a quorum is present. and their children, our priceless American gration. heritage. S. 2298. A bill granting a pension to the JOINT SESSION OF CONGRESS COMMEM- We aftlrm our faith and allegiance to the dependent parents of Frank A. Guadagnoli; ORATING THE LIFE, CHARACTER, AND Constitution of the United States and to the to the Committee on Pensions. PUBLIC SERVICES OF THE LATE PRESI­ principle of the sovereignty of man that it S. 2299. A bill for the relief of the estate DENT ROOSEVELT guarantees. We affirm our faith in our old­ of Lee Jones Cardy; and fashioned system of government by law, un­ The PRESIDENT pro tempore. House S. 2300. A bill for the relief of Horst der which this Nation has grown and pros­ Specialty Manufacturing Co.; to the Com­ Concurrent Resolution 152, providing for pered, and not in government by m an , under mittee on Claims.
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