CATERHAM AUTO CataxLtd REPAIRS Est. 1946 All Mechanical The Caterham and District &Body Repairs Caterham’s longest established taxi Servicing, MOTs company Minis a Speciality CATERHAM Roffes Lane, Caterham Surrey CR3 5PT 01883 345151 01883 348748 Delivered door to door in Caterham-on-the-Hill, Caterham Valley, Chaldon, Godstone, www.caterhamtaxis.com INDEKenleyP, NethernEe-on-the-HNill and OlDd CoulsdoEn. NT 12th ANNIVERSARY EDITION! No. 145 June 2018 ESTABLISHED 2006 FREE Lexie is crowned Cater ham’s new On Saturday 5th May, nine- The ancient tradition is yMear-old aLexyie C aQrdy uwas ebeinge kepn t alive and well in crowned this year’s Caterham Caterham by local girls who May Queen by last year’s May work their way up through Queen, ten-year-old Ruby Birch. the ranks each year to ulti - Lexie, a pupil at St. John’s mately become May Queen, CoE Primary School, enjoys where the age limit is 16. street dance, tap dance and At the crowning, Lexie was cheerleading, and loves uni - attended by her retinue - corns and mermaids! Elise Cardy (Prince); Shanay Lexie said: “I’m so happy that Creasey (Crown Bearer); Lily- I am Caterham May Queen. I May Appleby (Banner love wearing the beautiful Bearer); Alfie Appleby dress and pretty crown, and (Drummer Boy); Scarlett can’t wait to open the Cater - Arnold (Fairy) and Aaliya ham Carnival on 9th June.” Fletcher (Fairy). BOOK NOW FOR Lexie Cardy. Photo by Kelly Lexie with her retinue of attendants following the crowning. Cardy. Photo by Sonia Hunt. CHILDREN’S SUMMER HOLIDAY SWIMMING COURSES at Warlingham School, Tithepitshaw Lane, Warlingham, on: Caterham's only independent vet surgery 23rd-28th July, 20th-24th August 28th August – 1st September CATCH US AT THE STREET PARTY! For more information and to book, 17 ESSENDENE ROAD, e-mail: [email protected] CATERHAM, CR3 5PB or visit [email protected] www.aquariusswimming.co.uk vetonthehill.co.uk 01883 341306 "Helping your pets stay healthy and live their life to the full" Free Registration & consultation for all new clients at our Caterham Practice. E-mail: [email protected] Coulsdon - 020 8668 6151 Caterham - 01883 744461 2 June 2018 2016 Advertising and Newsdesk: 01883 346641 Caterham Volunteer named Marie Curie’s Entries invited for the “Legacy Ambassador Great Caterham Bake Off of the Year” Caterham Women’s Institute vote. A volunteer in Caterham has is hosting The Great Cater - Cakes must be dropped off at been named “Legacy Ambas - ham Bake Off at the Food the Bake Off stand at the sador of the Year” by the ter - Festival on Sunday 10th June Food Festial in Croydon Road, minal illness charity, Marie and they hope that lots of Caterham on 10th June be - Curie, at their first ever local residents will take part. tween 10am and 12 noon. Fundraising Excellence Tim’s Pastry Club is sponsor - Entry forms are available on Awards held in London on ing the contest and there will the day or in advance from Thursday 19th April. The be fabulous prizes to be won. [email protected]. awards were held to celebrate There are six categories - Entry costs £3 and the win - and thank the many people “Showstopper” - a decorated ners will be announced at who have shown tremendous cake of your choice, at least 2.30pm. hard work and commitment to 20cms, one or two tiers; Lynn Turner from Caterham help the charity provide care “Large cake” - a cake of your WI said: “We hope we get and support for people living choice; “Cupcakes/muffins” - lots of entries to the Bake with a terminal illness and quantity: 12; “Tray bake” - Off. Tim Fisher from Tim’s their families. Karen Green with Alex Hyde-Smith and Alison Stedman at the Fundraising Excellence Awards evening. 12-15 piece tray bake, Pastry Club is our head judge Karen Green has been volun - square or rectangle; “Bis - and he will be able to give re - teering for Marie Curie for mum received from Marie support to people like my cuits/cookies” - quantity: 12; ally helpful feedback regard - more than 15 years at their Curie Nurses after she had mum so that their remaining “A cake to celebrate women’s ing the entries.” Caterham office, working been diagnosed with a termi - time is as easy and as peace - suffrage” - a cake of your For more information visit closely with fundraisers across nal illness. ful as possible. It is my way of choice to celebrate the cente - the Caterham WI website at: the South-East. She is also a Karen said: “It was a wonder - saying a very big thank you to nary of women receiving the www.caterhamwi.com. Legacy Ambassador, helping ful day and was humbling to Marie Curie.” to promote Gifts in Wills by be among so many other Alex Hyde-Smith, Marie sharing her own personal amazing Marie Curie support - Curie’s Director of Fundraising Pastry classes for story. Her association with ers. I was completely said: “Karen is such an inspi - the charity began after expe - everyone at Oasis shocked and surprised when ration who has gone above riencing first hand the won - I was told that I had won the and beyond for the charity. Academy Coulsdon derful care and support her award. Everyone at Marie Curie is so on Saturdays “I decided to leave a gift in The Caterham and District grateful for her support. We Hands on pastry, chocolate and baking my will to Marie Curie be - hope that receiving this award classes taught by award winning chef. cause of the wonderful care as recognition of her efforts Delivered door to door in Caterham-on-the-Hill, Caterham Valley, Chaldon, Godstone, £40 per class including all ingredients, INDEKenleyP, NethernEe-on-the-HNill and OlDd CoulsdoEn. NT that my mum, Elsie Sands, shows how important she is printed recipes, tea and coffee. received. I want to help Marie to us. Without everything our The Caterham and District JUDGE AND SPONSOR OF THE Curie to continue providing fundraisers do, we cannot CATERHAM BAKE-OFF AT THE Independent excellent nursing care and continue our vital work.” FOOD FESTIVAL JUNE 10TH 2018 The Officers’ Mess Classes may be booked Coldstream Road through the website Caterham CR3 5QX. www.timspastryclub.com Facebook ‘Tim’s Pastry Club’ Editor: Julia Church Tel: 01883 346641 Tw i t t e r @timspastryclub Instagram ‘Tim’s Pastry Club’ E-mail: Editor@caterham 344 Limpsfield Road HAMSEY GREEN CR2 9BX -independent.co.uk www.caterham-indepen - 020 8657 9922 dent.co.uk Circulation: 20,000 Family orientated Circulated to Caterham, funeral directors of Whyteleafe, Kenley, distinction serving 62 3(5 +$ // Netherne-on-the-Hill, the local community 7K HK HDUWR I& DWHUKD P V& RPPXQLW \ Chaldon, Old Coulsdon with dignity and and Godstone. (Y HQWVW KL VP RQ WK respect - 24 hours a Sister paper: day, 365 days a year V W )UL GD\ RI HY HU\PRQWK &RPHG\&O XE The Warlingham and 6X QG D\ WK -XQH 6XP PHU )DL U District Independent )UL GD\W K-X QH /L YH 0XVL F1LJ KW Circulation: 6,000 to 6 HH) DFHE RR N :HE VL WH IRU PR UHG HWDL OV Warlingham, Hamsey Green, Farleigh and /L FH QVH GIRU &LYLO :HGGL QJ &HU HPRQL HV Chelsham. AQUARIUS SWIMMING CLUB 01883 344662 – 01342 459371 +D OOV 0 HHWLQ J 5RRPV IRUK LUH IRU Joint circulation of both Email [email protected] SDUWLHVPHH WL QJV ZDN HV publications: 26,000. To advertise in both SWIMMINGFor Beginners, ImproversLESSONS and and Advanced LIFESAVING Standards ZZZ V RSH UKD OOR UJ XN editions call Julia Church Established in 1979 and offering classes in ZZZ I DFH ERRN F RP F DWHUKD PV RSH UK DOO on 01883 346641 or e-mail julia@caterham- Caterham, Warlingham, Oxted, Hurst Green +DUHVW RQH9DOO H\ 5RDG &5 +< independent.co.uk A class to suit all ages and stages. We welcome new swimmers. Ask for a try out lesson! June 2018 2016 Advertising and Newsdesk: 01883 346641 3 St. Mary’s May Readers’ letters I am writing in response to th e Fair 2018 article last month, stating that On Saturday 12th May, St. Whyteleafe Village Council will Mary’s Church in Caterham not be awarding a grant to the held it’s May Fair. Thanks to Village Fête this year due to S SOCOC C C the great variety of stalls and HUGE STOCK CLEARANCE insufficient information being ROOM SIZE REMNANTS – HALF PRICE! the generosity of the visitors provided. to the Fair, the event raised The Village Council requires a Stephen Pennicard just over £1,700 for church bureaucratic process to be fol - funds. lowed, including the submis - 3 Station Avenue, CATERHAM, Surrey CR3 6LB sion of detailed accounts when the Whyteleafe Fête Commit - 01883 341824 tee asked them to pay directly to the suppliers. Sadly the Treasurer of the Fête Com - mittee had passed away and it was not possible to get hold of the paperwork in time. Unfor - tunately, the Village Council was unsympathetic and re - fused to support this impor - tant event despite a petition signed by nearly 200 residents in support of the Village Coun - cil funding the Fête by donat - ing 8p per month from the residents’ precept. It is very sad the council refuses to fund a longstanding and suc - cessful community event. They should certainly have listened to the Whyteleafe residents who signed the petition. Surely the Village Council is there to sup - port our community, not sit on the precept it receives from the residents’ council tax? Sakina Brad bury.
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