T I-I E ETRIE WEEKLY "What a waste it is to lose one's mind - or, not to have a mind is being very wasteful. How true that is. " -Dan Quayle Volume XXXID, Number 16 1000 Hilltop Circle, Baltimore, MD 21250 February 2, 1999 New Officers Join the Ranks Grant Allows Hiring of Three New UMBC Police Officers GABE MARCUS ing, which is a wide departure from Re1riever Weekly Edilorial Slaff the philosophy of policing taught when most of the department's of­ With the assistance of a federal ficers went through training. grant designed to encourage the The new officers were hired last application of community polic­ August and went through training ing, UMBC Campus Police have at the Maryland Police Training for the first time ever hired three Commission. They have an addi­ new officers with close ties to the tional 90 days of field training to university, according to Interim complete at UMBC before they Jay Friess I Retriever Weekly Staff Police Chief John Cook. begin their regular shifts. Close Call: Area firefighters respond to douse flames which consumed a three foot by 10 foot section "Most folks we hire are those In addition to their fresh ideas, of the roof of the campus poli~e station on Tuesday evening. who retire or transfer from other each of the three officers have a police agencies," said Cook. "T special connection to UMBC. ·guess you can say they went from Bruce Perry was a 1997 gradu­ Fire Threatens Police Station the bottom up, which I feel gave ate, majoring in Bio-Psychology. us the quality of police officer "I found out about the job be­ JAY FRIESS 6:15 p.m. Waite drove around to patcher about the fire, Waite said that's much more in touch with the cause I used to work here as a stu­ Re1riever Weekly Slaff Wri1er the front of the burning building he heard Conklin's voice over the needs of the University. " dent marshal," he said. "I came and informed Officer Dennis radio confirming the blaze. Cook noted that the current phi­ back to visit one day and I found A UMBC student saved the cam­ Conklin, who was standing out­ The dispatcher called the area l.osophy of policing - the philoso­ out there was an opening." pus police station and its occupants side, of the danger. fire departments, and trucks and phy used to train the new officers from serious harm when he spot­ "They couldn' t see the flames equipment from four area depart­ - is based on community polic- see POUCE, page 4 ted and quickly reported a fire on from their side of the building," ments - Arbutus, Westview, the roof of the building's construc­ said Waite. "The fire was on the Catonsville and Halethorp - ar­ tion area last Tuesday. back side of the building, so they rived at the scene within minutes. Bradly Waite, a senior majoring couldn't see or smell it." Firemen worked to douse the ftre, in political science, spotted the Conklin instructed Waite to no­ which consumed a three foot by three foot tall flames as he was tify the dispatcher while he went ten foot section of the roof. driving out of parking lot 6, near to see the flames for himself. Min­ Sergeant Earnest Howe, the of­ the Westhill apartments around utes later, as he was telling the dis- ficer in charge, declined to com­ ment to reporters on the scene con­ cerning any details of the fire. "Policy prohibits us from giving out details on emergency situa­ tions," explained Howe. "I can tell you that there was a fire on the roof and that no one was hurt." Batallion Chief Kurak of Balti­ more County Volunteer Fire De­ momentary ~~a;~~~ partment Station 13 was more stop in the forthcoming. Kurak said that, from University viewing the scene and talking to Center the construction workers that had been working at the site earlier, the Amy Banowetz I Retriever Weekly Staff firemen had determined that the Into the Field: New officers (left to right) Bruce Perry, Stacy Tucker and Dan Sexton will contribute additional community policing to the UMBC campus. Jay Friess thinks the The intrepid Features University should be kava-kava: peering, team reveals the best Men's renamed the People's panning and panting, bargains on required basketball wins thelr10'• Republic of UMBC, the Focus team swaps reading, jofns the chess straight game, Jessica Rothfus and lenses and probes team at the top of t11at basketbalf's Lady Emily Bernstein have some putrid pdols of crazy wheel, challenges Retrievers suffer two very different views on pathogenic pestilence. you to whip up a setbacks and Sports Ed. drug /egctlization, the Translation: Focus on Vafentlne's "Day trtbute Chfls Kerner is angry Commuting Students diseases and other to Ma ryland's favorite about those bfoody NBA Association speaks. and pubi1c honors unl­ slrfkcs-whydoo't they Chris Schob takes the vers ly. and chas ~your JUSt grow up? Yup. Blues away PAGE2 THE RETRIEVER WEEKLY NEWS February 2, 1999 InD THE SCENES Student Government to This Week's Mystery Woman: Become Legal Entity GAINESVILLE, Fla. - For the first time in history, Florida's pub­ Rosalie Messick lic un,iversity student governments could be recognized as a legal en­ tity. EMILY BERNSTEIN experiences that im­ If a proposed bill passes through Retriever Weekly Editorial Staff mersed her in the the Legislature, that legal status Spanish language. would make it impossible for uni­ Rosalie Messick, UMBC's Language She has visited versity presidents to abolish them. Teaching Coordinator for Spanish, is one Puerto Rico, Nicara­ The draft bill, introduced last of the busiest women on campus - espe­ gua and much of Eu­ week by Kevin Mayeux, Florida cially on the frrst day of classes. Aside rope, and has lived in Student Association director, pro­ from teaching three courses each semes­ both Spain and posed adding a statement to the ter ranging in level from l 01 to 202, Mexico. In 1996, she Florida statute that each student Messick is responsible for arranging and served as the resident government is organized by and ac­ rearranging classes to make sure there are director of the Mary­ countable to students. enough sections to go around to aU the land in Mexico pro­ "Basically, the bill puts in stat­ Spanish students (like the 90 currently on gram, a much-lauded ute guarantees that are already in the waiting list for Spanish 201). She also student exchange. place at UF," Mayeux explained. acts as a contact for teaching assistants, In her free time, she likes to ex­ "It will apply to all universities in and she is in charge of producing and dis­ ercise-biking, hik­ Florida." tributing teaching materials. ''There is a job description somewhere," ing, walking and camping particu­ Ethnicity Affects Academic she says, "but basically it's 'make it hap­ pen!"' larly. She has a fond­ Performance And that's exactly what she does. Her ness for dancing, too, NEW HAVEN, Conn.-Knowing organi'zational skills are beyond reproach, that an ethnic group excels at math­ Dave Chen I Retriever Weekly Staff though she hasn' t which is necessary given that every five danced much in a ematics may help its members get minutes or so, someone on staff comes to ing- "tore the room down and put it back up while. She also enjoys reading the Wash­ a better grade on their next Group her office, speaking rapidly in Spanish, .again." From this, she developed her abilities ington Post and the Baltimore Sun, as well IV test. needing a particular paper for a class or as a carpenter and an electrician to such an as National Geographic and the Nature According to a Harvard Univer­ having an urgent question about why the extent that after five years of working for Conservancy- not surprising given her sity study published in the January noon 202-level course suddenly had to be someone else, she ventured out to do home love of the outdoors. 1999 issue of Psychological Sci­ changed to a 201-level. improvement on her own. Often, she brings this awareness into the ence, subtle reminders of common Even as she was describing her current After only a year of that, however. she real­ classroom by including lessons on the cultural stereotypes can affect stu­ state as "brain dead," she was whizzing ized that she wanted to get back into her origi­ environment, making students learn words dents' academic performance. The around her office, gathering important nal chosen career. She asked her friend and such as "ambiente" (environment), "arbol" study found that Asian women documents, writing a memo and taking neighbor, Bob Sloane - now the Assistant (tree) and "hachero" (logger). might overperform or phone calls from concerned TAs whom Vice President of Student Academic Affairs "Life is recycling," she states, explain­ underperform on a test depending she says are "a pleasure to work with. in Modern Languages and Linguistics-who ingher "do unto others" mentality. "I treat on the "implicit activation" of dif­ They're such professionals." she should talk to about teaching some classes my resources well so others can make use ferent stereotypes. In spite of the time-consuming nature atUMBC. of them." "The study fits with this new of her job, it is obvious that she loves what "He said, 'Me. When are you starting?'" she "One person does something nice for generation of research [showing she does. recalled, smiling. "He just lit up like a Christ- another person, and that person does that] ..
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