Оригинален научен труд Original Scientific Article DISTRIBUTION AND ECOLOGY OF THE GASTEROMYCETE FUNGI - ORDERS Phallales AND Sclerodermatales IN THE REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA Mitko KARADELEV1, Katerina RUSEVSKA1 & Kristina STOJKOSKA2 1Institute of Biology, Faculty of Natural Science and Mathematics, P.O. Box 162, Arhimedova 5, 1000 Skopje, the Repub- lic of Macedonia 2Macedonian mycological society, Mycological laboratory, Faculty of Natural Science and Mathematics, Arhimedova 5, P.O.Box 162, 1000 Skopje, the Republic of Macedonia ABSTRACT Karadelev M., Rusevska K. & Stojkoska K. (2008): Distribution and ecology of the Gasteromycete fungi - orders Phallales and Sclerodermatales in the Republic of Macedonia. Proceedings of the III Congress of Ecologists of the Republic of Macedonia with International Participation, 06-09.10.2007, Struga. Special issues of Macedo- nian Ecological Society, Vol. 8, Skopje. This is the first paper on systematic research on the gasteromycetes belonging to orders Phallales and Scle- rodermatales in the Republic of Macedonia. Within the researches in the Republic of Macedonia 15 species have been recorded: Clathrus ruber, Mutinus caninus, Phallus hadriani, P. impudicus, Astraeus hygrometricus, Pisoli- thus arhizus, Scleroderma areolatum, S. bovista, S. cepa, S. citrinum, S. meridionale, S. polyrhizum, S. septentri- onale, S. verrucosum and Sphaerobolus stellatus. The following four species are new for Macedonia: Phallus had- riani, Scleroderma bovista, S. cepa and S. polyrhizum. Two species are part of the Preliminary Red List of Macro- mycetes in the Republic of Macedonia - Clathrus ruber and Mutinus caninus. Pisolithus arhizus is a species from Appendix I of Bern Convention. Introduction ner1939; Sylejmani 1980; Tortić 1988; Karadelev et al., 2002b; Rusevska & Karadelev 2004) and Spha- Systematic research on orders Phallales and erobolus stellatus (Karadelev et al. 2003a.). Sclerodermatales in the Republic of Macedonia has not been conducted up till now and there are rela- Materials and methods tively few mycological papers concerned only with individual species of these orders. Publications mak- The sources of this paper are exsiccates de- ing reference to individual species are as follows: posited in different collections, research notes of the Astraeus hygrometricus (Pilát & Lindtner 1939; present authors. The previously published data are Tortić & Cekova 1975; Sylejmani 1980; Tortić 1988, also included so as to have the complete list of these Karadelev & Stojanovska 2002-2003; Rusevska & groups of fungi, while the most unpublished data are Karadelev, 2004.), Clathrus ruber (Pilát & Lindt- from the period of 2000th to date. Some of the spec- ner, 1939; Sylejmani 1980; Tortić 1988; Karade- imens, as mentioned above, have been preserved at lev 2000a; Karadelev et al. 2003a), Mutinus cani- the Botanical Department, Faculty of Science in Za- nus (Pilát & Lindtner 1939; Sylejmani 1980; Tortić greb, and in the National Collection of Fungi (FUN- 1988, Karadelev et al. 2002b; Rusevska & Kara- GI MACEDONICI) at the Institute of Biology, Fac- delev 2004); Phallus impudicus (Sylejmani 1980; ulty of Natural Science, Ss Cyril and Methodius Tortić 1988; Karadelev 2000d, Karadelev et al. 2002 University in Skopje. The collections in the fungari- a, b, c, 2003b, Karadelev & Rusevska, 2004); Piso- um of the Botanical Department, Faculty of Science lothus arhizus (Tortić 1988, Karadelev et al. 2003b, in Zagreb, have been mostly collected and examined Karadelev & Rusevska, 2004); Scleroderma areola- by M. Tortić. All other species without any fungar- tum (Karadelev et al. 2003b; Karadelev & Rusevs- ia marks in the text have been collected and deter- ka, 2004); S. citrinum (Karadelev 2000d; Karadelev mined by the present authors. et al. 2003b, 2004a); S. verrucosum (Pilát & Lindt- The identification of the species has been done 208 Distribution and ecology of the Gasteromycete fungi - orders Phallales and Sclerodermatales... according to Jülich (1984), Breitenbach & Kränz- is, 26.02.2007, exs. MAK 07/6850; Kozarnik, 200 lin (1986), Pegler et al. (1995), Hansen & Knuds- m, meadow in Querco cocciferae-Carpinetum ori- en (1997), Calonge (1998), Krieglsteiner (2000) and entalis, 03.01.2006, leg. Karadelev; around Kuca- Dähncke (2001). In a few cases, the names of the lat, 200-300 m, Querco cocciferae-Carpinetum ori- species have been modified according to Index Fun- entalis, 02.01.2003, leg. Karadelev; road to Pogana, gorum 2005 and http://www.mycobank.org/Myco- 250 m, meadow, 10.07.1983, exs. MAK 83/7729; Taxo.aspx. The species are reported alphabetically. 350-370 m, dry grassy places, 06.09.1983, exs. Under each fungal species data of geographical dis- MAK 83/7728; Ranavec, 400 m, Querco coccifer- tribution, altitude, forest association, substrate, data ae-Carpinetum orientalis, 23.08.2006, leg. Kara- source and previous publications are provided. dalev; Demir Kapija: Kaludjerska Chuka, 600 m, Marks and abbreviations: meadow, 21.05.2005, exs. MAK 05/4908; road to leg. - legator (collector) Chelevec vill, Querco cocciferae-Carpinetum orien- exs. - collections in which the dried material talis, 10.12.2005, exs. MAK 05/5511; Dobra Voda (exsiccatum) is deposited Mt: above Jagol Dolenci vill., Radilica, meadow in Ref. - references (sources of records of the Quercetum frainetto-cerris, 25.10.2007, exs. MAK taxon) 07/8228; Jagol Dolenci vill., meadow in Quercetum vill. - village frainetto-cerris, 850 m, 24.10.2007, leg. E. Mura- Mt - mountain ti; Popovjane vill., Quercetum-frainetto-cerris, 750- BSRS - Biology students research society 800 m, 05.12.2007, exs. MAK 07/8549; Galichica * - new species for the Republic of Macedonia Mt: Trpejca vill., exs. MAK 05/7977; Gevgelija: Davidovo vill., meadow, 08.10.1998, leg. Karade- Resultes lev; Miravci vill., Argacho, 300 m, Querco coccifer- ae-Carpinetum orientalis, 22.05.2005, leg. BSRS; 1. Astraeus hygrometricus (Pers.) Morgan (Fig. 1) near Negorci vill., 80-200 m, Querco coccifer- Collection: BEO, herb. Karadelev, herb. ae-Carpinetum orientalis, 09.04.2005, exs. MAK Sylejmani, MAK, PRM, SKO, ZA. 05/4832; Gradishki Planini Mt: Kolitsko vill., 700 Ref.: Pilát & Lindtner 1939; Tortić & Cek- m, oak forest, 09.2005, exs. MAK 05/911; Jablani- ova 1975; Sylejmani 1980; Tortić 1988, Karadelev ca Mt: above Gorna Belica vill., Dupka, 1550-1750 & Stojanovska 2002-2003; Rusevska & Karadelev m, beech forest, 10.07.2006, exs. MAK 06/5817; be- 2004. tween Gorna Belica vill. and Vevchani vill., 1400- substrate: soil 1200 m, meadow, 11.07.2006; below Gorna Bel- Bistra Mt: Lazaropole vill., footpath to St. ica vill., Jankov Kamen, 1300 m, beech forest, Gjorgija church, 1300 m, beech forest, 08.08.2005, 11.07.2006; Krstec, 1650 m, pasture, 12.07.2006, exs. MAK 05/5221; Sretkovo vill., 1000 m, beech leg. BSRS; Jakupica Mt: beech forest, 12.10.2007, forest, 25.05.2007, exs. MAK 07/6887; Bogdan- exs. MAK 07/8009; Gorno Vranovci vill., mead- ci: 150 m, Querco cocciferae-Carpinetum ori- ow, 800 m, 08.11.1998, exs. MAK 98/6531; vicin- entalis, 12.12.2005, exs. MAK 05/5512; Bolo- ity of Kichevo: 800 m, oak forest (Quercus frai- van, above Strelishte, 200 m, Querco coccifer- netto), 10.10.2005, exs. MAK 05/5329; Kochani: ae-Carpinetum orientalis, 26.05.2007, exs. MAK dam Gratche, (above artificial lake Kochansko Eze- 07/6896; 24.11.2007, leg. Karadelev; Gjavato vill., ro), r. Velika Reka, 500 m, Querco-Carpinetum ori- Gjurov Dol, 60 m, Coccifero-Carpinetum oriental- entalis, 22.04.2007, leg. BSRS; Kozhuf Mt: Hu- Fig. 1 Astraeus hygrometricus Fig. 2 • Clathrus ruber ■ Pisolithus arhizus Proceedings of the III Congress of Ecologists of Macedonia 209 Mitko KARADELEV et al. ma vill., 09.1983, exs. MAK 83/7731; Poljana na Aramiite, 10.09.1983, exs. MAK 83/7730; near 2. Clathrus ruber P. Micheli: Pers. (Fig. 2) r. Stara Reka, azonal vegetation, 18.07.2005, exs. Collection: BEO, herb. Sylejmani, MAK. MAK 05/5136; Marjanska Planina, Petkova Niva, Ref.: Pilát & Lindtner 1939; Sylejmani 1980; 300 m, pasture, 06.04.2007, leg. Ljupčo Melovs- Tortić 1988; Karadelev 2000a; Karadelev et al. ki; Konjsko vill., meadow, 600 m, 25.10.2007, leg. 2003a. Karadelev; vicinity of Kumanovo: D’lga vill., 650- substrate: soil 700 m, Querco-Carpinetum orientalis macedoni- Katlanovo: St. Bogorodica Monastery, cum, 12.03.2003, leg. Stole Stojanov; Staro Nago- 200m, Querco-Carpinetum orientalis, 23.10.2002, richane, Algunja vill., deciduous forest (Quercus, exs. MAK 02/2874; r. Pchinja (Kumanovo): Bis- Crataegus), 04.2007, exs. MAK 07/6655; Mariovo limska Klisura, leg. Stole Stojanov. (Prilep): road to Vitolishte vill., oak forest (Quer- cus trojana), 11.10.2005, exs. MAK 05/5422; Oso- 3. Mutinus caninus (Huds.: Pers.) Fr. (Fig. 3) govski Planini Mt: Kalin Kamen, 1650 m, pasture, Collections: MAK, herb. Sylejmani, PRM. 09.05.2004, exs. MAK 04/4032; Stanci vill., 900- Ref: Pilát & Lindtner 1939; Sylejmani 1980; 970 m, deciduous forest (Carpinus, Betula, Fagus), Tortić 1988; Karadelev et al. 2002b; Rusevska & 13.05.2007, exs. MAK 07/6706; Ponikva, between Karadelev 2004. Ivkov Preslap and Panagjur, 1550-1600 m, edge of substrate: soil beech forest, 11.07.2007, exs. MAK 07/8434; Pas- Bistra Mt: Lazaropole vill., footpath to adzhikovo, beech forest, 1100 m, 20.10.2007, exs. Sokolica, 1300-1400 m, deciduous forest (Fagus, MAK 07/8118; Pelister Mt: Kazhani vill., 1000 Corylus, Quercus), 06.08.2006, exs. MAK 06/5931. m, Pinus nigra plantings with Quercus cerris and Q. frainetto, 19.04.2002, leg. Karadelev; Prespa: 4. *Phallus hadriani Vent.: Pers. (Fig. 4) Slivnica vill., 1050 m, oak forest, 21.04.2002, leg. Collection: MAK. Karadelev; above Mite Bogoevski children‘s resort, substrate: soil 950 m, oak forest (Quercus pubescens, Q. frainetto), Kumanovo: Staro Nagorichane vill., 09.07.2006, exs. MAK 06/5834; vicinity of Skopje: 25.10.2005, exs. MAK 05/799; Negotino: Iljo Kuchkovo vill., above St. Gjorgija monastery, 400 Vilarov agriculture combinat‘s plantations, vine- m, meadow with Juniperus oxycedrus, 24.02.2007, yard, 04.11.2002, exs. MAK 02/2998; Osogovs- exs. MAK 07/6640; below Kozhle vill. (between r. ki Planini Mt: Krupishte vill., Populus nigra plant- Pcinja and r.
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