
THEMIS PORTS I PORTI DI THEMIS ΤΑ ΛΙΜΕΝΑ Manfredonia Μανφρεντόνια Barletta Μπαρλέττα Bari Μπάρι Monopoli Μονόπολι Brindisi Μπρίντιζι Gallipoli Γκαλίπολι Corfu Κέρκυρα Paxos Παξοί LEAD BENEFICIARY ΕΠΙΚΕΦΑΛΗΣ SOUTHERN ADRIATIC SEA PORTS AUTHORITY AUTORITÀ DI SISTEMA PORTUALE DEL MARE ADRIATICO MERIDIONALE ΑΡΧΗ ΛΙΜΕΝΙΚΟΥ ΣΥΣΤΗΜΑΤΟΣ ΤΗΣ ΝΟΤΙΑΣ ΑΔΡΙΑΤΙΚΗΣ ΘΑΛΑΣΣΑΣ piazzale Cristoforo Colombo, 1 - 70122 Bari +39 080 578 8511 [email protected] www.adspmam.it PARTNER BENEFICIARIES ΕΤΑΙΡΟΙ MUNICIPALITY OF GALLIPOLI CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OF BARI COMUNE DI GALLIPOLI CAMERA DI COMMERCIO DI BARI ΔΗΜΟΣ ΤΗΣ ΓΚΑΛΛΙΠΟΛΙ ΕΜΠΟΡΙΚΟ ΕΠΙΜΕΛΗΤΗΡΙΟ ΤΟΥ ΜΠΑΡΙ via Antonietta De Pace, 78 - 73014 Gallipoli (LE) corso Cavour, 2 - 70121 Bari +39 0833 275501 +39 0802174252 [email protected] [email protected] www.comune.gallipoli.le.it www.ba.camcom.it themis.adspmam.it PORT AUTHORITY OF CORFU MUNICIPALITY OF PAXOS AUTORITÀ PORTUALE DI CORFÙ COMUNE DI PAXOS ΟΡΓΑΝΙΣΜΟΣ ΛΙΜΕΝΟΣ ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑΣ ΔΗΜΟΣ ΠΑΞΩΝ Corfu, New Port - New terminal - 49100 Greece 49082 Greece +30 2661045551 +30 26623-60300 / 26620-32100/207 [email protected] [email protected] www.corfuport.gr www.paxi.gr @interregthemis MANFREDONIA TERRITORIAL AND MARITIME NETWORK SUPPORTING THE SMALL CRUISES DEVELOPMENT DA SOSTITUIRE themis.adspmam.it @interregthemis MANFREDONIAΜανφρεδονίας COMUNE DI GALLIPOLI Project co-funded by European Union, European Regional Development Funds (E.R.D.F.) and by National Funds of Greece and Italy Discover the experience of exclusive journeys Charming experiences and exclusive tours meant for luxury cruise tourism, around the territories of Puglia and Greece. The Interregional Project Themis is aimed at supporting and enhancing the minor ports and at consolidating the connections with the main ports and the local businesses. 2 Scopri tutte le esclusive esperienze di viaggio Esperienze di charme e itinerari esclusivi dedicati al crocierismo di lusso sui territori di Puglia e Grecia. Il progetto Interreg Themis è volto a sostenere e valorizzare i porti minori e a raff orzare le connessioni con i porti principali e con le imprese del territorio. ΖΗΣΕ ΤΗΝ AΠΟΛΥΤΗ ΕΜΠΕΙΡΙΑ ΜΟΝΑΔΙΚΩΝ ΤΑΞΙΔΙΩΝ Ανακαλύψτε συναρπαστικές εμπειρίες και αποκλειστικά δρομολόγια σε πολυτελή κρουαζιερόπλοια στα εδάφη της Απουλίας και της Ελλάδας. Το έργο Interreg Themis στοχεύει στην υποστήριξη και ενίσχυση των μικρότερων λιμανιών και στην ενίσχυση των συνδέσεων με τα μεγαλύτερα λιμάνια και με τις τοπικές επιχειρήσεις. 3 MANFREDONIA The town of Manfredonia in the province of Foggia, with its splendid gulf and its ideal position, represents the gateway to Gargano and the so many tourist attractions linked to the surrounding territory. Built by order of the king of Sicily, Manfredi, the king it was called after, Manfredonia is one of the main port and sea towns in Apulia and has got a big cultural and naturalistic heritage. While walking along the narrow steets of the historical centre, it is possible to admire aristocratic buildings, important churches such as the Cathedral of St.Lorenzo and the Swabian Castle, a real symbol of the town. The old and the new coexist in perfect harmony and the cooking traditions have been handed down untouched up to date, thus off ering visitors the authentic tastes of local delicacies, such as the so called caciocavallo podolico cheese and many recipes linked to raw matter of very high quality, such as fi sh and olive oil. 4 The lovers of nature cannot but appreciate the wide selection of itineraries around the territory surrounding the town: the National Park of Gargano and the National Park of High Murgia, with naturalistic cool experiences in the woods and in the mountains, as well as the saltworks of Santa Margherita di Savoia, the largest ones in Europe, together with its spa waters immersed in picturesque landscapes rich in fauna. Finally an important attraction is the shistorical-religious heritage of the places of worship being famous all over the world, like San Giovanni Rotondo, linked to the fi gure of Father Pio and the sanctuary of Saint Michael Archangel. 5 MANFREDONIA La città di Manfredonia in provincia di Foggia con il suo splendido golfo e la sua posizione ideale rappresenta la porta d’accesso al Gargano e alle tante attrazioni turistiche legate al territorio circostante. Costruita per volontà del re di Sicilia, Manfredi, da cui appunto prese il nome, Manfredonia è una delle città portuali e marittime principali della Puglia e custodisce un vasto patrimonio culturale e naturalistico. Passeggiando per le stradine del centro storico si possono scorgere palazzi signorili, chiese degne di nota come la Cattedrale di San Lorenzo Maiorano e il Castello Svevo vero simbolo della città. L’antico e il moderno si fondono in perfetta armonia e le tradizioni culinarie giungono intatte sino ai giorni nostri regalando ai visitatori prelibatezze dai sapori autentici come il caciocavallo podolico e tante ricette legate alle materie prime di altissima qualità come il pesce e l’olio d’oliva. Gli amanti della natura non possono che apprezzare la vasta scelta di itinerari del territorio circostante la città: il Parco Nazionale del Gargano e il Parco Nazionale dell’alta Murgia con esperienze naturalistiche vivaci tra mare, boschi e montagne e le saline di Margherita di Savoia, le più vaste d’Europa, con le sue acque termali tra paesaggi suggestivi ricchi di fauna. Infi ne di grande attrattiva è il patrimonio storico-religioso dei luoghi di culto di fama internazionale come San Giovanni Rotondo legato alla fi gura di Padre Pio e il santuario di San Michele Arcangelo. 6 FOOD ΜΑΝΦΡΕΝΤΟΝΙΑ Η πόλη της Μανφρεντόνιας, στο νομό της Φότζιας, με τον υπέροχο κόλπο και την ιδανική τοποθεσία της, αποτελεί την “πύλη εισόδου” προς το Gargano και τα πολλά τουριστικά αξιοθέατα που υπάρχουν στη γύρω περιοχή. Η πόλη χτίστηκε με τη βούληση του βασιλιά Μανφρέδου της Σικελίας από τον οποίο πήρε και το όνομά της, είναι μία από τις πιο σημαντικές παραθαλάσσιες πόλεις της Απουλίας και διατηρεί μια τεράστια πολιτιστική και φυσική κληρονομιά. Περπατώντας στα σοκάκια του ιστορικού κέντρου μπορεί κανείς να παρατηρήσει αρχοντικά κτίρια, σημαντικές εκκλησίες, όπως ο Καθεδρικός Ναός του San Lorenzo Maiorano, καθώς και το Σουηβικό Κάστρο, που αποτελεί το πραγματικό σύμβολο της πόλης. Το παραδοσιακό και το σύγχρονο ενώνονται με απόλυτη αρμονία και οι γαστρονομικές παραδόσεις παραμένουν ανέπαφες μέχρι και σήμερα, προσφέροντας στους επισκέπτες λιχουδιές με αυθεντικές γεύσεις, όπως το caciocavallo podolico (είδος τυριού), και πολλές συνταγές με πρώτες ύλες υψηλής ποιότητας, όπως το ψάρι και το ελαιόλαδο. Οι λάτρεις της φύσης θα εκτιμήσουν τη μεγάλη ποικιλία αξιοθεάτων στην περιοχή γύρω από την πόλη: το Εθνικό Πάρκο του Gargano και το Εθνικό Πάρκο Alta Murgia που προσφέρουν δραστηριότητες ανάμεσα στη θάλασσα, στα δάση και στα βουνά, καθώς και τις αλυκές Margherita di Savoia, που είναι οι μεγαλύτερες στην Ευρώπη, με τα ιαματικά λουτρά τους μέσα σε εντυπωσιακά τοπία πλούσια σε πανίδα. Τέλος, ένας ακόμη σημαντικός πόλος έλξης είναι η ιστορική και θρησκευτική κληρονομιά των διεθνώς φημισμένων τόπων λατρείας, όπως το San Giovanni Rotondo, που συνδέεται με το πρόσωπο του Padre Pio καθώς και ο Ναός του Αρχάγγελου Μιχαήλ. 7 VViaia ddelleelle AAntichentiche MMuraura VViaia TTribunaribuna 4 1 3 2 5 6 LLungomareungomare SSauroauro 8 1 HISTORICAL CENTRE OF MANFREDONIA 12 2 THE SWABIAN CASTLE 14 CATHEDRAL OF ST.LAWRENCE 3 MAIORANO 16 4 ST.CHIARA’S CHURCH 18 5 ST.DOMENICO’S CHURCH 20 NATIONAL ARCHAEOLOGICAL 6 MUSEUM 22 NATIONAL PARK OF GARGANO 26 ZAGARE OR MERGOLI BAY 28 BEACH OF VIGNANOTICA 30 MANACCORA BAY 32 BOSCO QUARTO 34 DAUNIAN CACIOCAVALLO CHEESE MADE FROM PODOLICA COW’S MILK 38 AROUND FARRATA FROM MANFREDONIA 40 MANFREDONIA AROUND MANFREDONIA Manaccora Bay MARGHERITA DI SAVOIA 44 Saltworks, spa National Park Beach of Vignanotica of Gargano Zagare or Mergoli Bay ARCHAEOLOGICAL PARK OF Bosco Quarto Sanctuary of Saint Michael the Archangel THE HYPOGEI IN TRINITAPOLI AND San Giovanni Rotondo THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL MUSEUM 46 MANFREDONIA Siponto ARCHAEOLOGICAL PARK OF THE DAUNIANS IN ASCOLI SATRIANO 48 Margherita di Savoia SIPONTO 50 SAN GIOVANNI ROTONDO (SHRINE OF PADRE PIO) 52 SANCTUARY OF SAINT MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL 54 Point your phone at the QR Code in order to access the interactive map! 9 10 11 HISTORICAL CENTRE OF MANFREDONIA The historical centre of Manfredonia, designed by Manfredi, and later redesigned and completed by Charles of Anjou, has been enclosing the community of this little town, since 1900. The special character of the historical centre of Manfredonia is represented by its streets made from pavement of lava stone, besides alleys and courtyards, inside which, a lively life involving all the inhabitants, still continues there. In the streets, in the white alleys of the historical centre, you can breath a spontaneous, genuine air, which is typically Apulian. The whole historical centre was reconstructed after the destruction by the Turks, which took place in 1620, and can be admired today in all its beauty. Its heart is Piazza del Popolo and Via Maddalena, one of its oldest streets. 12 CENTRO STORICO DI MANFREDONIA Il Centro storico di Manfredonia disegnato da Manfredi, poi ripensato e condotto a termine da Carlo d’Angiò, ha racchiuso fi no al 1900 l’intera comunità. La particolarità del centro storico di Manfredonia è quella di avere le sue strade caratterizzate da selciato fatto di pietra lavica, oltre a vicoli e cortili all’interno dei quali si svolge ancora una vita vivace che coinvolge tutti gli abitanti. Nelle strade, nei bianchi vicoli del centro storico si respira un’aria schietta, genuina, tipicamente pugliese. Tutto il centro storico è stato ricostruito dopo la distruzione dei Turchi avvenuta nel 1620 e si può ammirare in tutta la sua bellezza. Il suo fulcro è la Piazza del Popolo e Via Maddalena, una delle più antiche. Το ιστορικό κέντρο Το ιστορικό κέντρο της Μανφρεντόνιας, που σχεδιάστηκε αρχικά από τον βασιλιά Manfredi και στη συνέχεια τροποποιήθηκε και ολοκληρώθηκε από τον Κάρολο του Ανζού, περιελάμβανε μέχρι το 1900 ολόκληρη την κοινότητα.
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