Burma / Myanmar Bibliographical Project Siegfried M. Schwertner Bibliographical description DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD D.A. A note on Indo-Burma relations / by B. K. Dadachanji. – Beneath the Shwedagon Silchar, Assam: B. K. ; Calcutta : Manasi Pr., [1944?]. 88 p. D: HD-SAI(322 bez 95/1792)* Rangoon rhymes Keith , Alan Davidson Daehnel, Patrick Le nationalisme Naga / Patrick Daehnel ; sous la direction de D & [and] B country report : Myanmar (Burma) Jean-Luc Chambard. – 1980. – Paris 7, doct. de 3e cycle Dun and Bradstreet Corporation (ethnologie), 1980. Subject(s): Naga D.M.R . Ethnology Burma <Union > / Department of Medical Research F: Paris7-BU LSH) Myanmar <Union > / Department of Medical Research DAGA Documentation for Action Groups in Asia D.P.S. Design Printing Services Dagger division : story of the 19th Indian Division. – Bom- bay: Print. and publ. by G. S. Borker, [196-?]. 41 p., [2] DA folded p. of plates, illus., map. United States / Department of Army Subject(s): Great Britain : Army - Indian Division, 19th. Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Campaigns Da Cunha, Derek GB: BL-APAC(ORW.1987.a.1574) Renewed military buildups post-Asian crisis : the effect on US: CU(Kroch D767.6 .D12) two key Southeast Asian bilateral military balances / Derek da Cunha. − Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Dagley , David 2001. 16 p. − (ISEAS working papers : International politics Burmese invasion of Myanmar / by David Dagley. − 1995. and security issues, ISSN 0218-8953 ; 3(2001)) – December 28 l., map, bibliogr. l. 27-28. − California Polytechnic State 2001 Univ., B.A. thesis 1995. Subject(s): Burma : Military policy ; Military relations ; US: California Polytechnical State Univ, SLO, CA (CSluSP) Military relations - Thailand ; Armed Forces Ref.: OCLC 32513267 Thailand : Military relations - Burma SG: ISEAS(DS501 I59W2 no. 3(2001)) Dagon weekly . – Rangoon. – Added title and text in Burmese NRL(RSIN) & Tampines(RSING) & Woodlands(R) : GB: SOAS: 20.11,1946-22.9,1948 (Per. 21/452.398 incpl.) English q327.160959 DAC US: UCD(Shields) & UCSD(IR/PS) : UA833.5 .D2 2001 Dagun T ārā Ref.: OCLC 49391914 Dagun T ārā / by Dagun T ārā. – Rangoon : Cakr āwal ā, 1951. 423 p. Da Cunha , Joseph Gerson <1842-1900> GB: BL-APAC(Bur B 749) Notes on the history and antiquities of Chaul and Bassein / by J. Gerson Da Cunha ... – Bombay: Thacker, Viking, Dahana , Abdullah Agoes <b. 1941> 1876. XVI, 262 p., plates, port., map. Sino-U.S. detente and Chinese relations with Burma, Cam- GB: BL(10055 df 4) bodia and Thailand / by Abdullah Agoes Dahana. − 1979. SG: RUBC(954.54792 DAC) IV, 69 l., bibliogr. l. 67-69. Ithaca, N.Y., Cornell Univ., US: CU LC(Microfilm DS-35) M.A. thesis 1979 Subject(s): China : Foreign relations - Burma Dacoits , Inc. : human rights violations committed by units / Burma : Foreign relations – China. personnel of Burma’s SLORC armed forces, 1994-1995. – SG: ISEAS(L.O. DS740.5 U6D12) [Portland, OR:] Project Maje, June 1996. 103 p., illus., map, US: CU(Kroch Thesis DS503 C81 1979 D129 + ; Rare & bibliogr. p. 8-11. – Typescript Mss. Archives Thesis 1979 D129) Subject(s): Burma : Human rights ; Forced labor US: CU(Kroch +JC599.B87 D12 1996) Dahlberg, Keith LC(JC599.B87 D12 1996) Flame tree : a novel of modern Burma / by Keith Dahlberg. − Bangkok: Orchid Pr., 2004. 184 p. Dadachanji , B. K. ISBN 974-524-048-6 ; 0759699607 The Indian National Congress and Indians overseas : with Note: Returning to Burma to teach for a month, Dr. George special reference to Indians in Burma : a letter addressed to Daniels and his wife, Vienna, had not expected to get in- Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru / by B. K. Dadachanji. – Bombay: volved in a war. But a renegade colonel disrupts the bal- S. M. Neksatkhan, 1946. 62 p. – (Hamara Hindostan publi- ance of power between the dictatorship and the insurgent cation) hill armies, flooding the Thai border with refugees. George Subject(s): East Indians : Burma discovers information crucial to ending the conflict - and US: UC(SRLF A 735126) his wife is held hostage to prevent his using it - at the D 1 Burma Bibliographical Project Siegfried M. Schwertner Flame Tree truce conference. The story of a man who has 9. / transl. by A. N. Eastman. – 1917. spent a lifetime avoiding confrontation, and who now 10. / transl. by A. N. Eastman. – 1918. 32 p. finds himself in a mediator’s role between a dictatorship GB: BL-OIOC: 1 (Karen B.81) and rebel armies fighting for survival. 1911 1914 (Karen B.82, 86) TH: CU(PL3978 D131F) 9-10 (Karen B.79, 80) US: CU(Kroch PS3554.A45 F5 2004) YU(SML) Daily summary of Burma press comment . – Rangoon : In- Ref.: OCLC 50506707 formation Section, British Embassy. – Title varies slightly. Subject(s): Burma : Burmese periodicals ; Burmese news- Dahm, Bernhard papers Leadership and mass response in Java, Burma, and in Viet- US: CU: 1949,May-Dec. 1950,Jan.-Dec (Annex + nam. – [197-?] 19 l. – At head of cover title: Seminar C. DS485.B79 G7) Subject(s): Burma : Social change ; Social conditions US: CU(Kroch +Pamphlet HN110) Daily Vacation Bible Schools in Burma : report Josif , George Demetrius Das Militär in ASEAN-Staaten auf der Grundlage un- terschiedlicher soziokultureller Voraussetzungen Daily summary of Burma vernacular press comment , Janu- ary 1952 to June 1959. – Rangoon : British Embassy, 1952- Südostasien-Handbuch : Geschichte, Gesellschaft, Po li- 1959. tik, Wirtschaft, Kultur GB: SOAS(Per 21.L/198.291) The Daily Herald Burma independence number . − Rangoon Dalai Lama < XIV > : Sam to` Chan`´ Sa tan`´´ c ā tuik`, 1948. 236 p., [3] l. of Bstan-‘dzin-rgya-mtsho plates, illus. (some col.), ports. − Souvenir to commemorate Burma's independence in 1948. − Added title in Burmese Dalal , A. H. SG: ISEAS(Microfiche 89/63581) Jap-occupation stamps of Burma and Malaya / comp. by A. US: CU(Kroch Microfiche 887 SEI 89 63581) H. Dalal. 1st ed. Raopura, Baroda: Kishensingh Chavda, Padmaja Publ., 1947. 22, 37 p., illus. Daily Manna . – [Burma : s.n., 197-?] 461 p. – In Karen Subject(s): Burma : Occupation stamps Subject(s): Karen language : Texts US: LC(HE6185.B872.J36) Burma : Devotional literature, Karen Ref.: OCLC 6355544 US: NIU(SEA-FML BV4810 .D3331970Z) Dale, John Gilbert Daily news bulletin Transnational legal space : corporations, states, and the Free Asian Socialist Conference <1,1953, Rangoon> Burma movement / by John Gilbert Dale. − 2003. 375 leaves, illus. − Davis, Univ. of California, Ph.D. (Sociology) Daily press summary : Burmese and Chinese language news- thesis, 2003. papers / American Embassy. – Rangoon http://uclibs.org/PID/11984 > Burmese press summary Subject(s): Dissertations, Academic < University of Califor- D: HD-SAI: 1964,Sept.-1970,Nov. (incompl.)(reg 60 Z 24) nia, Davis >- Sociology SG: ISEAS(fANB9U58) AU:Univ of S Australia US: UCD(Shields LD781 .D5j 2003 D343 mf11) Daily rainfall recorded in Burma for the month ... [/ Mete- Ref.: OCLC 53950147 orological Department].– Rangoon : Govt. Print. and Staty., Burma (for C. S. L. R.) Dalhousie , James Andrew Broun Ramsay <1st marquis of, Subject(s): Burma : Rain and rainfall - Statistics - Periodi- 1812-1860> cals The Dalhousie-Phayre correspondence, 1852-1856 / ed. with GB: BL-DSS(3512.000000) introduction and notes by D. G. E. Hall ... – London : Oxford BL-APAC: 1938,Jan.-May 1939,April, May, Oct Univ. Pr., 1932. LXXII, 426 p., front., ports., fold. map. – 1940,Jan.-April, May-Nov London, Univ., Ph.D. (literature) thesis. – The correspon- 1941,Jan.-July (IOR/V/18/169) dence consists of 262 letters, of which 79 were written by OUL: 1983,Jan.- (BOD F Floor Retro Staff 9506 ; Thomas Spears. – Herbert 193 IND Main Libr IB. Burma W.1) Subject(s): Phayre , Arthur Purves < Sir, 1812-1885 > US: DWB LC(QC925.5.I427) Spears, Thomas <d.1868> British in Burma : History - Sources Daily readings in Kachin ... Burma : Colonization - History ; Bible : Selection < K a c h i n > History - Sources ; Foreign relations - Great Britain - History - Sources Daily strength for the needs : a religious book for continuous Great Britain : Colonies - Burma ; reading for 31 days / prep. in Sgaw by H. N. Eastman and C. Foreign relations - Burma - History - Sources ; H. Heptonstall. Transl. into Pwo by M. M. Rose. – Rangoon Colonial administrators - Burma - History : American Baptist Mission Pr. – In Pwo-Karen D: B-SBB(Up 4771/61 Potsdamer Str.) – 1911. 32 p. GÖ-SUB(8° H Print.un III,3678) 1. – 1917. 32 p. HD-SAI(reg 60 D 307)* – 1914. 32 p. GB: BL(9059 bb 13) 8. – 1916. BL-OIOC(T 12762) D 2 Bibliographical description D OUL(IND 28 D 18) India : History - British Occupation, 1765-1947 SOAS(GB 350/26589* ; 318321) GB: BL(G 148 f 3,4* ; 454 g 6,7 ; G 13655, 13656) MY: RUL SOAS(ED 79.1/11.797) SG: ISEAS(SCR DS485 B9D14) NUS(DS530.62 Dal) US: HU(Houghton Harv.Depos. ind 655.5f ) US: CU(Kroch DS485 B89D14) HU(Widener Ind 820.15) NYPL(Res. BGD) LC(DS485.B89D3) MnU Reprint from Dalrymple’s Oriental repertory, 1791-7 of por- UoC(Regenstein Stacks DS485.B89D2) tions relating to Burma / publ. by authority [i.e. G. E. Har- YU(SML Yale Class. Bj36.30) vey]. – Rangoon : Govt. Print. and Staty., Burma (for D. P. I.), 1926. 260 p., map. – Repr. from vol. 1. p. VII to IX, 97- Private letters of the Marquess of Dalhousie / ed. by J. G. A. 228 and 343-398 ; vol. 2. p. 337-404 and 477-482. – On Baird, with portraits and illustrations. Edinburgh ; London : spine: Dalrymple’s Oriental repertory (Burma) – Herbert 167 Blackwood, 1910. XI, 448 p., app., index. Note: A collection of letters and reports of officers of the GB: BL(010902 ee 7)* East India Company. BL-OIOC(T 10830) Subject(s): Burma : History <to 1824> - Sources US: CU(Kroch DS477.5.A3; Film 10336 Reel 296 no.3) D: HD-SAI(reg 60 D 109)* LC(DS477.5.A3) YU GB: BL(010055 d 43)* BL-OIOC(V 7893 ; V 22353 ; IOR/V/27/50/36) ditto.
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