E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 115 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 164 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, JULY 26, 2018 No. 126 House of Representatives The House met at 9 a.m. and was Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- strengthen education, and combat called to order by the Speaker pro tem- nal stands approved. human trafficking. I have always relied pore (Mr. CURTIS). f upon her counsel and appreciate her f forthrightness and her integrity. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE As she leaves my office and begins DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the the next phase of her career working PRO TEMPORE gentleman from Maryland (Mr. BROWN) for a member of the California State The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- come forward and lead the House in the Senate, I know she will continue to fore the House the following commu- Pledge of Allegiance. serve the people of California well. nication from the Speaker: Mr. BROWN of Maryland led the f WASHINGTON, DC, Pledge of Allegiance as follows: July 26, 2018. I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the REUNITE EVERY CHILD I hereby appoint the Honorable JOHN R. United States of America, and to the Repub- IMMEDIATELY CURTIS to act as Speaker pro tempore on this lic for which it stands, one nation under God, day. indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. (Mr. BROWN of Maryland asked and PAUL D. RYAN, f was given permission to address the Speaker of the House of Representatives. House for 1 minute and to revise and ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER f extend his remarks.) PRO TEMPORE Mr. BROWN of Maryland. Mr. Speak- PRAYER The SPEAKER pro tempore. The er, today is the deadline for the Trump The Chaplain, the Reverend Patrick Chair will entertain up to five requests administration to reunite more than J. Conroy, offered the following prayer: for 1-minute speeches on each side of 2,500 children with their families. It is Dear God, we give You thanks for the aisle. clear to me that they are not going to giving us another day. As the Members f make this deadline. of this people’s House return to their Hundreds of parents have been de- respective districts for the August re- RECOGNIZING SARA CATALAN ported without their children. HHS has cess, grant them the generosity to (Mr. ROYCE of California asked and not been able to identify the parents of serve You as You deserve, to give of was given permission to address the nearly 100 children. their industry and not count the cost, House for 1 minute.) Even when the administration re- to fight for their convictions and not Mr. ROYCE of California. Mr. Speak- unites children and parents, there is heed the political wounds, to toil and er, I rise today to express my gratitude only chaos and confusion: not seek for rest, to labor and not ask to my deputy chief of staff, Sara Reunifications are occurring in park- for reward, except for knowing that, in Catalan, for her many years of service ing lots in the middle of the night; being their best selves, they do Your to the people of our congressional dis- Parents are not being informed of will. trict. I am indebted to her for her their rights and are desperately giving Bless the Members’ constituents, faithful service, her good work, sound up their chance to stay in this country. many of whom will be traveling with judgment, and perseverance. They don’t have access to lawyers; their families in the month to come. Constituents have often thanked me After reunification, there is no ra- May their recreation be safe and their for the attention and assistance they tionale in deciding which families are time together time to be remembered received from her and the dedicated released and which are sent to deten- with great joy. district staff that she put together and tion centers. May all that is done be for Your managed. This entire process is unacceptable greater honor and glory. Her passion for public policy is evi- and abhorrent. That is why I am intro- Amen. dent to all who have worked with her. ducing legislation to immediately ap- f She has been vital to my outreach and point a single authority to oversee re- proactive engagement with the diverse unification across the government. We THE JOURNAL communities of the district, ensuring need someone to effectively manage The SPEAKER pro tempore. The that everyone is heard. this process. Chair has examined the Journal of the She has also been valuable in assist- No more excuses. No more delays. last day’s proceedings and announces ing me with my efforts to prevent Mr. Speaker, we have to reunite every to the House his approval thereof. stalking, support victims of crime, child immediately. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H7691 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:10 Jul 27, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A26JY7.000 H26JYPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with HOUSE H7692 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 26, 2018 CONGRATULATING BROOKVILLE new ways that people are getting infor- substance abuse prevention and treat- EQUIPMENT CORPORATION ON mation; and see how we can get alerts ment block grants. ITS CENTENNIAL ANNIVERSARY through streaming services like Pan- We can also help young people build resilience by supporting our school- (Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania dora, Spotify, Netflix, and others. based health centers, where students asked and was given permission to ad- Ensuring that we take these steps are able to get healthcare in a conven- dress the House for 1 minute and to re- now, ahead of any future disaster, is ient setting. When students are empow- vise and extend his remarks.) critical for every community across ered to meet with healthcare providers, Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. this country, and I urge my colleagues ask questions, and receive needed care, Mr. Speaker, I rise today to congratu- to join us in supporting and passing they can become powerful advocates in late Brookville Equipment Corporation this timely and important legislation. turning the tide of this epidemic on its centennial anniversary. f around. For 100 years, Brookville Equipment RECOGNIZING SAM SNIPES Corporation has been a leading Amer- f (Mr. FITZPATRICK asked and was ican manufacturer of diesel locomotive TRADE ASSISTANCE FOR given permission to address the House engines, street trollies, and mining ma- FARMERS for 1 minute and to revise and extend chinery. his remarks.) (Ms. BLUNT ROCHESTER asked and In 1918, Mr. L.A. Leathers founded Mr. FITZPATRICK. Mr. Speaker, I was given permission to address the Brookville Locomotive Works when he rise today to recognize a legendary House for 1 minute and to revise and started installing railroad wheels on human being in Bucks County, Penn- extend her remarks.) gasoline-powered trucks. The company sylvania, who is celebrating his 100th Ms. BLUNT ROCHESTER. Mr. went into full-scale production of birthday. Speaker, I rise today and ask my col- gasoline- and diesel-powered loco- Morrisville resident Sam Snipes has leagues to join me in supporting my motives following World War I. lived a life defined by service and com- bill, H.R. 6483, the Trade Assistance for Over the course of its history, munity. Following in his father’s foot- Farmers Act. Brookville has constantly redesigned steps in the legal community, Sam As a member of the House Agri- and adapted its machines with new founded the Yardley firm Snipes & Col- culture Committee and a proud rep- technology to keep up with thriving in- lins after graduating from Temple Law resentative of Delaware, where 99 per- dustry needs. School and Haverford College. cent of our farms are family owned and It has also prevailed over many chal- Sam served as a dedicated public 1 in 4 acres are permanently preserved lenges, including a flood on July 19, servant for nearly three decades as the for farmland, we have seen firsthand 1996, where more than 8 feet of water Falls Township solicitor. For his com- the impact of retaliatory tariffs. Over the past 60 days, soybean and nearly drowned the company. With the munity service, Sam was honored with corn farmers across the country have help of Brookville’s dedicated work- the United Way of Bucks County suffered over $13 billion in losses, and, force, its family and friends, they were Founders Award and the Mark E. Gold- according to the Delaware Department able to restore the facility to 100 per- berg Award from the Bucks County Bar of Agriculture, our soybean and corn cent production in just 1 month. Association, among many other dis- The U.S. Small Business Administra- farmers have lost $28 million. tinctions. Delaware is a microcosm of the coun- tion recognized Brookville for its resil- Sam truly embodies dedication to try, with beautiful beaches, thriving ience with an award in 1999. our home of Bucks County. He still cities, and sprawling farms. We know Mr. Speaker, since 1918, the name lives on the Snipes Farm, where he how important agriculture is to our Brookville has meant quality. I wish grew up, makes frequent appearances country and our communities. them much continued success for years in parades and other community to come. My bill would create a permanent fix events, and serves on several boards.
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