Markenbroschüre 2-12-e_Layout 1 04.04.12 14:04 Seite 25 STAMP ISSUE 14 JUNE 2012 300 YEARS OF THE LIECHTENSTEIN OBERLAND GERMANY – LIECHTENSTEIN JOINT STAMP LIECHTENSTEIN OLYMPIC SPORTS ASSOCIATION 2012 IN LONDON LIECHTENSTEIN PANORAMA – II GARDEN FLOWERS LIBA 2012 – POSTAL STATIONERY Markenbroschüre 2-12-e_Layout 1 04.04.12 14:03 Seite 2 3 300 Years of the Liechtenstein News from Philatelie Liechtenstein Oberland 6 Gemany – Liechtenstein Joint stamp Trade fairs 100 Years of Liechtenstein 10 Liechtenstein Olympic Sports Philatelie Liechtenstein will be repre- Stamps Association 2012 in London sented at the following stamp fair with Wednesday 9th May 2012 will see the 13 Liechtenstein Panoramas an information and sales stand: launch in the Vaduz Rathaussaal of the “Handbook of Liechtenstein Topical 16 Garden flowers 9–17 June 2012 Philately 1985-2011”, No. 35 in the 19 LIBA 2012 Salon du timbre 2012 Paris, France Swiss Topical Philately Association 21 Topical Philately Handbook publication series. This will be followed 22 Postmarks by a stroll through the Vaduz Städtle along the “100 Years of Liechtenstein 23 News from Liechtensteinische Stamps” Picture Walk to the National Post AG Museum. There the exhibition “The 24 LIBA 2012 ad-card and sticker Postage Stamp and its originals” will be officially opened and then viewed in a joint tour. Legal notice Publisher: © Liechtensteinische Post AG Editor: Philatelie Liechtenstein Text: Mathias Ospelt, Philatelie Liechtenstein Translation: Tradas Übersetzungsdienste, Schaan Design and typesetting: Gassner. Grafische Anstalt, Vaduz Printing: BVD Druck + Verlag AG, Schaan Photographs: Landesarchiv Liechtenstein 2 Markenbroschüre 2-12-e_Layout 1 04.04.12 14:03 Seite 3 300 Years of the Liechtenstein Oberland On 22nd February 2012 the Principality three, is far more abstract. Above the lit- 1.00) is devoted to the two northern of Liechtenstein remembered the pur- erally rendered silver ribbon of the Oberland communities of Planken chase exactly 300 years previously of Rhine the flags of the six Oberland com- (green and white) and Schaan (blue, the County of Vaduz (the present-day munities are shown rising in stylised white and red); the centre stamp (face Oberland) by Prince Johann Adam An- form, from the Dreischwestern massif in value CHF 1.40) shows the capital dreas von und zu Liechtenstein, at that the north (left-hand stamp) to the Mit- Vaduz (red, white and red) and the time officially resident in Vienna. With tagsspitz peak in the south (right-hand Walser community of Triesenberg (gold the Lordship of Schellenberg (the pres- stamp). Indicated in yellow are areas of and blue) and the highest-value stamp ent-day Unterland), acquired earlier in land erosion (mudflows) caused by the (face value CHF 2.60) the two southern 1699, the Princes of L iechtenstein now rocks which from time immemorial have communities of Triesen (white and blue) controlled two immediate fiefs of the plunged precipitously into the valley. The and Balzers (blue, gold and blue). Holy Roman Empire, which secured lowest-value stamp (face va lue CHF them at last a seat and a vote in the Diet of Princes of the Empire. In 1719 these two possessions were combined to form a discrete Imperial Principality: Liechtenstein had been born! As previously in 1999, when Liechten- stein celebrated “300 Years of the Liechtenstein Unterland”, this year’s ju- bilee stamp too has been des igned by the veteran Liechtenstein stamp design- er Louis Jäger. The 1999 design paid tribute to the five Unterland communi- ties of Eschen, Gamprin, Mauren, Ruggell and Schellenberg with their points of interest in a partially perforat- ed sheet of six stamps (face value CHF 0.90); the 2012 issue, likewise present- 3 ed partially perforated in a sheet of Markenbroschüre 2-12-e_Layout 1 04.04.12 14:03 Seite 4 FDC TECHNICAL DATA STAMP ISSUE 300 Years of the Liechtenstein Oberland FACE VALUES / SUBJECT CHF 1.00 Planken, Schaan CHF 1.40 Vaduz, Triesenberg CHF 2.60 Triesen, Balzers STAMP FORMAT 30 x 45 mm SHEET FORMAT 100 x 45 mm DESIGN Louis Jäger, Schaanwald PRINTING 6-colour offset Royal Joh. Enschedé, Haarlem PAPER FSC Tru White Litho PVA, 110 gm2, gummed 4 Markenbroschüre 2-12-e_Layout 1 04.04.12 14:03 Seite 5 MK 345 5 Markenbroschüre 2-12-e_Layout 1 04.04.12 14:03 Seite 6 Germany – Liechtenstein Joint Stamp Every child in Liechtenstein knows the stein Alpine Association (LAV). Today the Pfälzerhütte situated 2108 metres shelter, now enlarged by t he addition of above sea-level, the destination of those an annex building, is open for business first sweat-inducing school outings into continuously from June to October. the Liechtenstein Alps. For many of the The postal administrations of Germany country’s inhabitants paying at least an and Liechtenstein held a design compe- annual visit during the summer holidays tition for this “Germany-Liechtenstein or on mild autumn days to this rough Joint Stamp”. Joint stamps produced by brick-built rest station is moreover part two friendly countries continue to enjoy of a cherished tradi tion. But few know great popularity - after all they docu- how this mountain lodge came by its ment in an agreeable way the amicable name. relations between two states. The pres- FDC In May 1925 the Federation of Palati- ent “Pfälzer Hütte” stamp (face value nate Sections within the German and CHF 1.40) has been designed by Corin- Austrian Alpine Association decided to na Rogger of Biberach (Germany), the erect a mountain hut in the Rätikon winner of this competition. Her design is range. The site chosen was the Bettler- based on a photograph by the Liechten- joch, a mountain saddle on Liechten- steiner Meinrad Büchel, made available stein territory between Augstenberg and to her on request by the Liechtenstein Naafkopf, on the border with Austria Alpine Association (LAV). This stamp will and Switzerland. This proposal was wel- appear simultaneously in Germany as a comed b y the Government of the Princi- Deutsche Post 75-cent stamp. pality of Liechtenstein, which granted permission for the build in April 1926. On 5th August 1928 the Pfälzerhütte was officially inaugurated after a build- ing period of 113 days. In 1950, after the lodge had remained uninhabited for many years and been looted more than once, it was acquired by the Liechten- Markenbroschüre 2-12-e_Layout 1 04.04.12 14:03 Seite 7 7 Markenbroschüre 2-12-e_Layout 1 04.04.12 14:03 Seite 8 TECHNICAL DATA STAMP ISSUE Germany – Liechtenstein Joint Stamp FACE VALUES / SUBJECT CHF 1.40 Pfälzer Hütte STAMP FORMAT 44,2 mm x 26,2 mm PERFORATION 13 ½ x 13 ¾ SHEET FORMAT 115 mm x 158 mm DESIGN Corinna Rogger, Biberach PRINTING 5-colour offset Deutsche Bundesdruckerei GmbH PAPER Coated, gummed stamp paper 8 Markenbroschüre 2-12-e_Layout 1 04.04.12 14:03 Seite 9 MK 346 MK 347 Markenbroschüre 2-12-e_Layout 1 04.04.12 14:03 Seite 10 Liechtenstein Olympic Sports Association 2012 in London The “LOSV 2012 in London” stamp is For designing stamp series associated “Swimming” (face value CHF 1.00) and to honour the extremely active Olympic with the Olympic Games it h as become “Tennis” (face v alue CHF 1.40). These Sports Association formed 20 years ago a tradition for Philately Liechtenstein to are two Olympic disciplines for which by amalgamation of the FLSV (Principal- seek artists living where the actual con- two young Liechtenstein sportswomen ity of Liechtenstein Sports Association), tests are being held. For the London were selected in the winter of 2011: the LOK (Liechtenstein Olympic Commit- Olympics it has even been possible to Stephanie Vogt in the Tennis and Julia tee) established in 1935 and the SLSH find a Liechtensteiner: Marc Weymann Hassler in the Swimming (400 and 800 (Liechtenstein Sport Promotion Founda- comes from Vaduz and has lived and metres Freestyle). The duo is to be tion). As the umbrella organisation now worked for some 7 years in London as a joined in London by the athlete Marcel bri nging together 44 sports associations font developer and designer. He is re- Tschopp (Marathon). and 132 sports clubs in the State of sponsible for the design of the stamps Liechtenstein it supports these organisa- tions with their approximately 15,200 members in their activities and develop- ment projects. Two very special high FDC points for the LOSV which come round every four years are the Winter and Summer Olympic Games, for each of which Liechtenstein sportsmen and sportswomen are carefully selected and charged with worthily representing the colours of their homeland. This will be the case this year too, when from 27th July to 12th August this festival of sport, which the whole world is eagerly await- ing, will be held in London and will pro- vide as always breathtaking sporting highlights which will long endure in the spectators’ memory. 10 Markenbroschüre 2-12-e_Layout 1 04.04.12 14:04 Seite 11 11 Markenbroschüre 2-12-e_Layout 1 04.04.12 14:04 Seite 12 TECHNICAL DATA STAMP ISSUE Liechtenstein Olympic Sports Association 2012 in London FACE VALUES / SUBJECT CHF 1.00 Swimming CHF 1.40 Tennis STAMP FORMAT 31,5 x 31,5 mm PERFORATION 13 ¼ x 13 ¼ SHEET FORMAT 146 x 208 mm MK 348 DESIGN Marc Weymann, London PRINTING 4-colour offset Royal Joh. Enschedé, Haarlem PAPER FSC Tru White Litho PVA, 110 gm2, gummed 12 Markenbroschüre 2-12-e_Layout 1 04.04.12 14:04 Seite 13 Liechtenstein Panorama – II Mountains endure. And in the eventful shows the “Lawenatal” valley (face end spirits (known as Tobelhocker) dwell history of the Principality of Liechten- value CHF 1.00) on the left and the in the Lawena Gorge, a conspicuously stein they have always been the one “Valünatal” valley (face value CHF 1.00) confined place.
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