Russian Entomol. J. 19(2): 111118 © RUSSIAN ENTOMOLOGICAL JOURNAL, 2010 The annotated list of longicorn-beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) of Central Moldova Àííîòèðîâàííûé ñïèñîê æóêîâ óñà÷åé (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) Öåíòðàëüíîé Ìîëäîâû V.Yu. Chyubchik Â.Þ. ×óá÷èê Institute of Zoology ASM, Laboratory of Entomology, Academic 1 str., Kishinev. E-mail: [email protected] Èíñòèòóò çîîëîãèè ÀÍ Ìîëäîâû, ëàáîðàòîðèÿ ýíòîìîëîãèè, óë. Àêàäåìè÷åñêàÿ 1, Êèøèíåâ. KEY WORDS. Cerambycidae, longicorn-beetles, crown traps, fauna. ÊËÞ×ÅÂÛÅ ÑËÎÂÀ. Cerambycidae, óñà÷è, êðîíîâûå ëîâóøêè, ôàóíà. ABSTRACT. The annotated list of longicorn beetles were deployed in 20082009 near villages Kozushna (~ was compiled based on the work conduted in 20042009 47°04N 28°37E) and Kaepriyana (~ 47°05N 28°31E), in five central areas of republic Moldova. Seventy-four Straesheny district. Crown traps were placed 7.513.5 species of longicorn-beetles have been collected by the m above the ground on dead trees (usually oaks, but author, and additional four species have been obtained sometimes also limes and ashes) in open well-lit areas from other collections. Callimoxys gracilis Brullé, 1832 on forest edges, along trails, and on recently harvested is recorded in the fauna of Moldova for the first time. timber plots. In total 821 specimens of longicorn beetles were analysed. ÐÅÇÞÌÅ. Ïî ðåçóëüòàòàì èññëåäîâàíèé, ïðîâå- Nomenclature is given following Danilevsky [2009]. ä¸ííûõ ñ 2004 ïî 2009 ãã. â ïÿòè öåíòðàëüíûõ ðàé- For each species, information on its distribution in îíàõ Ðåñïóáëèêè Ìîëäîâà, ïðèâîäèòñÿ àííîòèðî- Moldova is based on earlier publications. âàííûé ñïèñîê æóêîâ-óñà÷åé, âêëþ÷àþùèé 78 âè- The studied materials are kept in the following äîâ. Callimoxys gracilis Brullé, 1832 âïåðâûå óêàçû- museums and private collections: âàåòñÿ äëÿ ôàóíû Ìîëäîâû. ASM collection of Academy of Science of Moldova (Kishinev), CYN Centre of young naturalists (Kishinev, Moldova), Introduction AB Alexander Badaykin (St.-Petersburg, Russia), ABB Anton Bibilov (St.-Petersburg, Russia), Longicorn beetles have been studied in Moldova for AG Alexander Generalov (Moscow, Russia), approximately 100 years. The first list of Bessarabian AK Alexander Kisilev (Kishinev, Moldova), Cerambycidae containing 104 species was published by AD Anatoly Danilae (Kishinev, Moldova), Miller & Zubovskii [1917]. Subsequently, Medvedev & AZ Andrey Zubov (Kishinev, Moldova), Shapiro [1957] provided information on distribution of KV Konstantin Vaksov (St.-Petersburg, Russia), 107 species. A recent publication by Nekulisyanu & NB Nil Belonogov (St.-Petersburg, Russia), Baban [2005] lists 124 species. Analysis of all currently NP Nikolay Pichugin (Vladimir, Russia), available information [Miller & Zubovskii, 1917; Plavilst- SD Sergey Dementiev (Moscow, Russia), shikov, 1940, 1958, 1965; Medvedev & Shapioro, 1957; SV Sergey Vashchenko (Cherson, Ukraine), Nekulisyanu & Baban 2005; Baban, 2006; Dodelin et al., VCh Vitaly Chyubchik (Kishinev, Moldova). 2008; Danilevsky, 2009] suggests that Cerambycid fauna of Moldova is comprised about of 190 species. The present article is based on collections made by the author Taxonomic part in five central districts of Moldova: Straesheny, Yaloveny, Chyncheshty, Novye-Aneny, and Orchey. Familia CERAMBYCIDAE 1. Subfamilia PRIONINAE Material and methods Tribus AEGOSOMATINI 1. Aegosoma (s.str.) scabricorne (Scopoli, 1763) Specimens were collected by hand and using two REFERENCES: Miller & Zubowsky, 1917: 137 (Bendery, 4 different kinds of traps. Light traps were equipped by 17.VII); Medvedev & Shapiro, 1957: 197 (Bendery); Nekulisyanu UV lamps TLD15/05 and DRL 160W. Crown traps & Baban, 2005: 199; Danilevsky, 2009. 112 V.Yu. Chyubchik MATERIAL: 4$$ Kishinev, park the «valley of roses», from Redeny); Nekulisyanu & Baban, 2005: 200; Dodelin et al., 2008; a stub, 12.06.2003, leg. V.Chyubchik (VCh); 7 ex. hatched from Danilevsky, 2009. a stub of deciduous tree, larvae 19.06.2006, imago 19.07.2008, leg. MATERIAL: 2$$ Straesheny distr., Kozushna vill. env., on the V.Chyubchik (VCh, AG). flowers, 03.05.2005, leg. V.Chyubchik (VCh); 1# Yaloveny distr., Raezeni vill. env., 27.04.2007, leg. V.Chyubchik (VCh); 1# Tribus PRIONINI Chyncheshty distr., Saerata-Meresheni vill. env., 20.05.2008, leg. 2. Prionus coriarius (Linnaeus, 1758) V.Chyubchik (VCh). REFERENCES: Miller & Zubowsky, 1917: 137 (Bendery, 25.VI, Tribus LEPTURINI 1.VII); Medvedev & Shapiro, 1957: 197 (Bendery); Nekulisyanu & Baban, 2005: 199; Dodelin et al., 2008; Danilevsky, 2009. 10. Grammoptera (s.str.) ruficornis (Fabricius, 1781) MATERIAL: 1$ Vadul-luy-Vodae, VII.2000, leg. M.Moraru REFERENCES: Miller & Zubowsky, 1917: 137 (Voinovo, (VCh); 1 ex. Straesheny distr., Kaepriyana vill. env., forest, 9.V); Medvedev & Shapiro, 1957: 197 (Voinovo, Turunchuk); 22.07.2008, leg. V.Chyubchik (VCh); 1 ex (died specimen) some Plavilstshikov, 1965: 400 (Moldova); Nekulisyanu & Baban, 2005: locality, forest, under the log, 19.08.2008, leg. V.Chyubchik (AB). 200; Danilevsky. 2009. MATERIAL: 2 ex. Yaloveny distr., Raezeni vill. env., 2. Subfamilia LEPTURINAE 26.05.2005, and 27.04.2007, leg. V.Chyubchik (VCh); 1 ex. Tribus RHAGIINI Chyncheshty distr., Saerata-Meresheni vill. env., 20.05.2008, leg. Chyubchik (VCh). 3. Rhagium (Megarhagium) sycophanta (Schrank, 11. Alosterna tabacicolor (DeGeer, 1775) 1781) REFERENCES: Miller & Zubowsky, 1917: 137 (Kishinev, REFERENCES: Miller & Zubowsky, 1917: 137 (Voinovo, 25.V, 23.VI); Medvedev & Shapiro, 1957: 197 (Kishinev, Kalarash, 9.V); Medvedev & Shapiro, 1957: 197 (Voinovo, Bahmut forests, Bahmut, Redeny); Nekulisyanu & Baban, 2005: 200; Dodelin et al., on the oaks); Nekulisyanu & Baban, 2005: 200; Dodelin et al., 2008; 2008; Danilevsky, 2009. Danilevsky, 2009. MATERIAL: 1 ex. Yaloveny distr., Raezeni vill. env., MATERIAL: 3 ex. Straesheny distr., Kozushna vill. env., forest, 26.05.2005, leg. V.Chyubchik (VCh); 1 ex. Chyncheshty distr., on the dead oaks, 04.06.2004, leg. V.Chyubchik (VCh); 1 ex. Saerata-Meresheni vill. env., 20.05.2008, leg. V.Chyubchik (VCh); Straesheny distr., Kaepriyana vill. env., glade, on the logs, 2 ex. Straesheny distr., Kozushna vill. env., 05.06.2009, leg. 01.05.2008, leg. V.Chyubchik (VCh); 1 ex. Chyncheshty distr., V.Chyubchik (VCh). Saerata-Meresheni vill. env., forest, in flight, 21.05.2008, leg. V.Chyubchik (VCh). 12. Pseudovadonia livida (Fabricius, 1777) REFERENCES: Miller & Zubowsky, 1917: 137 (Kishinev, 4. Rhagium (s.str.) inquisitor (Linnaeus, 1758) Bendery, 31.V, 3.VI, 4.VII as Leptura livida); Medvedev & REFERENCES: Dodelin et al., 2008; Danilevsky, 2009. Shapiro, 1957: 197 (Kishinev as Leptura livida); Nekulisyanu & MATERIAL: 2 ex. Kishinev, park, under a pine bark Pinus Baban, 2005: 200; Dodelin et al., 2008; Danilevsky, 2009. sylvestris, 26.04.2007, leg. V.Chyubchik (VCh). MATERIAL: 2 ex. Kishinev, park near the «Town Gates», 5. Akimerus schaefferi (Laicharting, 1784) 11.06.2004, and 08.06.2006, leg. V.Chyubchik (VCh); 2 ex. REFERENCES: Dodelin et al., 2008; Danilevsky, 2009. Straesheny distr., Kaepriyana vill. env., on the flowers of Crataegus MATERIAL: 1 ex. Straesheny distr., Kaepriyana vill. env., sp., 15.05.2007, leg. V.Chyubchik (NB); 5 ex. Straesheny distr., h~292 m, forest, on the flowers, 11.07.2008, leg. V.Chyubchik (VCh). Kozushna vill. env., on the grass including Erigeron sp., Euphorbia sp. and Chamomilla recutita, 05.06.2009, and 18.06.2009, leg. 6. Stenocorus (Anisorus) quercus (Götz, 1783) V.Chyubchik (VCh). REFERENCES: Miller & Zubowsky, 1917: 137 (Vadul-luy- Vodae, 16.V); Medvedev & Shapiro, 1957: 197 (Vadul-luy-Vodae); 13. Anoplodera (s.str.) rufipes (Schaller, 1783) Nekulisyanu & Baban, 2005: 200; Danilevsky, 2009. REFERENCES: Miller & Zubowsky, 1917: 137 (Voinovo, 3.V MATERIAL: 1$ Yaloveny distr., Raezeni vill. env., as Leptura rufipes); Medvedev & Shapiro, 1957: 197 (Voinovo 26.05.2005, leg. V.Chyubchik (VCh); 10 ex. Chyncheshty distr., as Leptura rufipes); Nekulisyanu & Baban, 2005: 200 (as Vadonia Saerata-Meresheni vill. env., forest, on the flowers Apiaceae, rufipes); Dodelin et al., 2008; Danilevsky, 2009. 20.05.2008, leg. V.Chyubchik (AG, VCh). MATERIAL: 2 ex. Straesheny distr., Staezhereni vill. env., on the flowers of Crataegus sp., 19.05.2008, leg. A. Zubov (VCh). 7. Stenocorus (s.str.) meridianus (Linnaeus, 1758) 14. Pachytodes erraticus (Dalman, 1817) REFERENCES: Miller & Zubowsky, 1917: 137 (Bahmut,Voinovo, 22.V, 231.VI); Medvedev & Shapiro, 1957: REFERENCES: Miller & Zubowsky, 1917: 137 (Kishinev, 197 (Bendery, Voinovo); Nekulisyanu & Baban, 2005: 200; Dode- Bendery, 28.V20.VI as Leptura erratica); Medvedev & Sha- piro, 1957: 198 (Kishinev, Bendery, Bahmut as Judolia errati- lin et al., 2008; Danilevsky, 2009. ca); Nekulisyanu & Baban, 2005: 200; Dodelin et al., 2008; Dani- MATERIAL: 1# Novye-Aneny distr., Chyrbovets vill. env., levsky, 2009. forest, on the tumbled down tree, 20.06.2006, leg. V.Chyubchik (VCh). MATERIAL: 1$ Chyncheshty distr., Meresheni vill. env., on 8. Dinoptera (s.str.) collaris (Linnaeus, 1758) the flowers, 03.07.2004, leg. A. Zubov (VCh); 1# Chyncheshty REFERENCES: Miller & Zubowsky, 1917: 137 (Kishinev, distr., Saerata-Meresheni vill. env., on the flowers, 20.07.2006, leg. Bendery, 110. 3.VI as Acmaeops collaris); Medvedev & V.Chyubchik (VCh); 1# Yaloveny distr., Raezeni vill. env., Shapiro, 1957: 197 (Kishinev, Bendery, Kalarash, Bahmut, Turun- died specimen, 16.08.2005, leg. V.Chyubchik (VCh); 1$ Straesh- chuyk as Acmaeops collaris); Nekulisyanu
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