The IT ESS JUNE 28, 1956 10I publication. and reuse for required Permission DFMS. / Church Episcopal the of Archives 2020. EPISCOPAL LEADERS DUN, center, is one of a large Copyright ISHOP B number of Americans who will attend the committee meeting in Hungary this summer, reported on page six. With him are two other leaders of the Ecumenical Movement, James W. Kennedy of New York and Dean Rose of General Seminary ARTICLE BY ERNEST T. WEIR SERVICES TeWITNESS SERVICES In Leading Churches In Leading Churches I For Christ and His Church THE CATHEDRAL CHURCH CHRIST CHURCH CATHEDRAL OF ST. JOHN THE DIVINE 112th St. and Amsterdam Mlai & Church Sts., Hartford, Omni. Sunday: Holy Communion 7, 8, 9, 10; I EDITORIAL BOARD Sunday. 8 annd 10:10 am., Holy Olm- Morning Prayer, Holy Communion mnunion; 9.30, Church School; 11 a.m., and Sermon, 11; Evensong and ser- JOHN PAIRXIAN BROWN, Editor; WV. B. SPOs,- Morning Prayer; 8 p.m., Evening Prayse. Weekdays: Holy Communion, Mon. 12 mon, 4. FORD, Managing Editor; KENNETH R. FORBES, Weekdavs: :Morning Prayer 7:45; Holy noon; Tues., Fri. and Sat., 8; Wed., 11; Communion, 8 (and 10 Wed.); GORDON C. GRAHAM, ROBERT HAMPSHIRE, Thurs., 9; W~ed., Noonday Service, 12:15. Evensong, 5. GEORGE H. 1MACMIURRAY, PAUL MOORE JR., JOSEPHs 1H. TITUS, Columnnists; CLINTON J. CHRIST CHURCH MSS. THE HEAVENLY REST, NEW YORK KEW, Religion and the Mind; MASSEY H. CAMBRIDGE, SHEPHERD JR., Living Liturgy; JOSEPH F. Rev. Gardiner M. Day, Rector 5th Avenue at 90th Street Rev. Frederic B. Kellogg, Chaplain John Ellis Large, D.D. FLETCHER, Problemns of Conscience. R1ev. Sunday Services: 8, 9, 10 and 11 a.m. Sunays: Holy Communion, 7:30 and 9 Weekdays: Wednesday, 8 and 11 a m. T~Jornin. Service and Sermon, 11. Thursdays, 7:30 a.m. T s:ys an oly Days; Holy Comn- publication. msmion, 12. Wednesdays: Healing Serv- ice, 12. Daily: Morning Prayer, 9; CONTRIBIiNG EDITORS: Frederick C. Grant, ST. JOHN'S CATHEDRAL Prayer, 5:30. F. 0. Ayres Jr., L. W. Barton, D. H. Brown DENVER, COLORSADsO and Evening Jr., R. S. Emrich, T. P. Ferris, J. F. Fletcher, Very Rev. Paul Roberts, Dean C. K. Gilbert, C. L. Glenn, G. 1. Hiller, A. Rev. Harry Watts, Canon ST. BARTHOLOMEW'S CHURCH C. Lichtenberger, C. S. Martin, R. C. Miller, Sundays: 7:30, 8:"30, 9:30 and 11. reuse W. M. Park Avenue and 51st Street E. L. Parsons, J. A. Paul, Paul Roberts, 4:30 p.m. recitals. 8 and 9:30 a.in. Holy Communion. Sharp, W. B. Sperry, W. B1. Spofford Jr., J. W. W~eekdays Holy Communion, Wadaes. for N. 9:30 and 11 am. Church School. Suter, S. E. Sweet, S. A. Temple, W. day, 7:15; Thursday, 10:30. 11 a.mn. Morning Service and Sermon. Welsh. lHoly Days: Holy Communion, 10:30. 4 p.m. Evensong. Special Music. Weekday: Holy Communion Tuesday at CHRIST CHURCH 10:30 am.; Wednesdays and Saints INDIANAPOLIS, IND. required at a.m.; Thursday at 12:10 Days 8 from Monument Circle, Downtown p.m. Organ Recitals, Fridays, 12:10. ed w eekly Rector Wi msis p ublish Rev. John P. Craine, D.D., The Church is open daily for prayer. T H theExcetio ofthe first week in January and Rev. Messrs. F. P. Williams, semimonhly romJune 15th to September 15th E. L. Conner by the Episcopal Church Publishing Co. on Sun. H.C. 8 12:15, 11, 1st S. Family CHURCH OF THE HOLY TRINITY behalf of the Witness Advisory Board. 9:30; A. f'. and Ser., 11. Permission 316 East 88th Street XWeekdavs: H. C. daily 8, ex. Wed. and NEW YORK CITY Fri. 7; H. D. 12:05. Noonday R1ev. James A. Paul, D.D., Rector Prayers 12:05. The subscription price is $4.00 a year; in Office hours daily by appointment. Sundays: Holy Communion 8; Church bundles for sale in parishes the magazine sells DFMS. School, 9:30; Mlorning Service, 11; Eve- quarterly at 7c a / for loc a copy, we will bill ning Prayer, 5. copy. Entered a Second Class Matter, August TRINITY CHURCH 5, 1948, at the Post Office at Tunkhannock, Pa., under the act of March 3, 1879. Rev. G. Irvine H-iller, S.T.D., Rector WASHINGTON CATHEDRAL Sunday Services 8, 9:30 and 11 am. Church MOUNT SAINT ALBAN Angus Dun, Bishop The Rt5. Rev. TRINITY CHURCH The Very Rev. Francis B. Sayre, Jr., Broad and Third Streets Deana SERVICES COLUMBUS, OHIO Sunday 8, 9:30, Holy Communion; 11, Rev. Robert WV. Fay, D.D. Episcopal set. (generally with MP, Lit or proces- R1ev. A. Freeman Traverse, Associate sion) (1, S. HC); 4,Ev. Wecdays: InLeading Churches Sun. 8 HC; 11 MP; 1st Sun. HC; Fri. the HIC, 7:30; Int., 12; Ev., 4. Open daily, 12 N, HC: Evening, Weekday, Lenten 7 to 6. services announced. of ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH I Noon-Day, Special Tenth Street, above Chestnut ST. PAUL'S PHILADELPHIIA, PENNA. CH4URCH OF THE INCARNATION 13 Vick Pack B The Rev. Alfred W. Price, D.D., Rector 3966 McKinney_ Avenue DALLAS 4, TEXAS ROCHESTER, N. Y. The Rev. Gustav C. Meckling, B.D., The Rev. Edward E. Tate, Rector Archives Minister to the H-ard of Hearing The Rev. George L. Cadigan, Rector The Rev. Donald G. Smith, Associate Sundav: 9 and II am., 7:30 p.m. W. W. Mahans, Assistant The Rev. Frederick P. Taft, Assistant The Rev. - Weekdays: Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs.,! The Rev. J. M. Washington, Assistant 2020. The Rev. Edward IV. Mills, Assistanst ! Fri., 12:30-12:55 p.m. Sundays: 7:30, 9:15, 11 am. & 7:30 Sunday: 8, 9:20 and 11. IServices of Spiritual H-ealing, Thurs., p.m. W~eekdavs: W~ednesdavs & Holy 12:30 am. Holy Days: 11; Fri. 7. and 5:30 p.m. Days 10:30 i CHURCH OF ST. MICHAEL ST. JAMES' CHRIIIST CHIURCH AND ST. GEORGE Copyright 117 N. Lafayette IN PH1ILADELPHIA SAINT Louts, Altssou U SOUTHs BEiN, ID. 2nd Street above Market The Rev. 1. Francis Sant, Rector The Rev. Robert F. Royster, Recf or Where the Protestant Episcopal Church The Rev'. Alfred Mattes, Minister of Education Sundav: 8, 9:15, 11. Tues.: Holy Com- 9 v,cas Founded- '1le Riev. F: ,est A. Harding, Rector The Rev. Donuald Stauffer, Asst. and munion, 8:15. Thursday, Holy Comn- College Chaplain munion, 9:30. Friday, Holy Coin- 9, 9:30, 11 a. in., High Sunday 11. Sundays: munion, 7. i Services, 9 and Canterbury Club, ! Noonday Prayers Weekdavs.j School. 4:30 p.mn.; 7:00 p.mi. 9 to 5. PRO-CATHEDRAL OF THE HOLY !Church open daily ST. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL TRINITY Shelton Square ST. PAUL'S MEMORIAL PARRS, FRANCE BUFFALO, NEW YORuc George V SAN ANTONIO, 'TEXAS I 23, Avenue S Grayson and W~illowv Sts. Very Rev. Philip F. McNairy D.D., Dean 1the Rev. Services:8:30, 10:30 (S.S.), 10:45 Rev. Jamnes Joseph, Rector Canson Mitchell Raddad; Boulevard Raspail Sun. 7:30 Holy Lu.; 9:00 Pair. Corn.;- I. D. Furlong Student and Artists Center 11:00 Service. Sun., 8. 9:30, 11; Mon., Fri., Sat., 71a Rs.Rev. Stephsen Keeler, Bishop Wed, and Hle Days, 10 am. Hloly H.C. 12:05; Tues., Thurs., H.C. 8am. Eu. Saturda prayers, sermon 12:05; Wed., H.C. Thie Var Rev. Sturgis Lee Riddle, Deans I v Sara nlt of IForgie - "A ii for AUl Americans" ness 11:30 to 1 pm. am., 11 am., Healing Service 12:05. VOL. 43, NO. 22 The WITNESS JUNE 28, 1956 FOR CHRIST AND HIS CHURCH Editorial and Publication Office, Eaton Road, Takktansock, Pa. Story of the Week Churches Seek Better Methods David R. Saunders, Prince- ton, N. J., will direct the study for Educational Testing Of Selecting Clergy Service. He said present plans call for the selection of an MAJOR DENOMINATIONS ARE TO COOPERATE experimental group of stu- publication. dents who will be given both IN A THREE YEAR RESEARCH STUDY and a new series of tests to be developed during the first * The nation's major de- isters working in a variety of reuse part of the study and the nominations and theological parish situations. for standard tests now in general seminaries will cooperate in a They indicated the study, use in most seminaries. The unique three - year research which will review the present results of both tests will then required study to find better methods testing and counseling meth- be checked against the in- for selecting and training ods of more than eighty semin- dividual student's actual per- future clergymen. aries, may also lead to the formance in seminary and on- Announcement of the pro- development of a new series of the-job to determine which is Permission ject, to be conducted at a cost psychological and personality most accurate in predicting his of about $85,000, was made tests especially oriented to the future effectiveness. jointly by officials of the requirements of theological DFMS. Plans for the study grew / National Council of Churches seminaries. out of a three-day consultation and the Educational Testing Tests presently in use, they of psychologists and Church Service. The latter agency is said, are often ill fitted for the Church leaders convened in 1954 by an independent testing and re- purposes of seminaries in Council at Edu- search organization with head- the National weeding out misfits among ap- Testing Service of- quarters in Princeton, N. J. cational plicants or in predicting the fices in Princeton. Episcopal The study will be conducted future on-the-job effectiveness the by Educational Testing Service of students.
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