E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 116 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 166 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 2020 No. 95 House of Representatives The House was not in session today. Its next meeting will be held on Friday, May 22, 2020, at 11 a.m. Senate WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 2020 The Senate met at 10 a.m. and was RECOGNIZING THE DAILY IOWAN and we are working for the American called to order by the President pro Mr. GRASSLEY. Journalists, as we people. All month, we have been in ses- tempore (Mr. GRASSLEY). all know, serve as the watchdog for ac- sion, passing national security legisla- f countability, particularly to keep gov- tion, confirming key nominees, and holding hearings on the coronavirus PRAYER ernment responsible. These journalists inform and investigate issues impor- crisis and the effectiveness of the his- The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- tant to their readers, from human in- toric rescue package the Senate wrote fered the following prayer: terests to public interests. Right now, and the Senate passed. Let us pray. We are heeding medical guidance and Heavenly Father, today, restore in a lot of focus is upon the COVID–19 pandemic. taking new precautions, but we are our lawmakers faith in the ultimate showing up and getting things done. triumph of Your plan for our Nation The University of Iowa’s independent Over across the Rotunda, in the and world. Help them to realize that newspaper, the Daily Iowan, has been House, crickets—their lights are off. the power of Your providence will en- named the ‘‘Best All-Around Daily Stu- The doors are locked. The people’s able them to navigate every challenge dent Newspaper’’ by the Society of Pro- House has shown up for a grand total of and tragedy. Trusting in Your might, fessional Journalists. This prestigious 2 legislative session days since March. may they embrace Your promise to do honor follows its recognition as the Well, 2 days in 8 weeks is a blistering more for them than they can ask or 2020 ‘‘Newspaper of the Year’’ by the pace. imagine. Iowa Newspaper Association. Lord, in spite of difficulties, dis- I come to the floor to commend the Last week, they flew into town to appointments, and despair, reassure team of collegiate journalists in the pass Speaker PELOSI’s latest 1,800-page them that You are still in control. Re- student-run newsroom at the Daily liberal wish list. Diversity and inclu- mind us all that in everything You are Iowan. These awards show that the sion in the marijuana industry wasn’t working for the good of those who love staff’s hard work and commitment to going to study itself, after all. That You, who are called according to Your their craft rise above the rest. had to be an A–1 priority during this purposes. You are the cream of the crop. Con- crisis. The Speaker’s proposal was so We pray in Your loving Name. Amen. gratulations and keep up the good unserious and so far left that it could work. not even unite her own conference. f I yield the floor. Even after a 2-month sabbatical, House PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE f Democrats could not contribute any- The President pro tempore led the thing serious. RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: Yet they did find the time to keep LEADER I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the fishing for another impeachment. More United States of America, and to the Repub- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- than a year after the Mueller report lic for which it stands, one nation under God, jority leader is recognized. thoroughly debunked the collusion indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. f conspiracy theory, Democrats are still The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mrs. pursuing the administration in court BUSINESS BEFORE THE SENATE LOEFFLER). The Senator from Iowa. over that document. In a new Supreme Mr. GRASSLEY. Madam President, I Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, Court brief the day before yesterday, ask unanimous consent to speak for 1 week after week, this Capitol has been House Democrats said they have the minute in morning business. a study in contrasts. Call it the tale of right to continue because—listen to The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without two Chambers. Over here in the Senate, this—the President’s impeachment did objection, it is so ordered. the lights are on, the doors are open, not actually end with his acquittal. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S2511 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:43 May 21, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A20MY6.000 S20MYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S2512 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 20, 2020 The House Democrats are now claim- abortion above all else. Disrespecting The last time our Nation faced a pan- ing the impeachment that ended in human life is their central mission, and demic on this scale, the 1918 Spanish February is not really over. Their brief they just took advantage of a national flu, the Attending Physician’s office says they are weighing ‘‘whether to crisis and helped themselves to tens of was still more than a decade away from recommend new articles of impeach- millions of taxpayer dollars they were even existing. Dr. Monahan has had to ment.’’ And referring to Chairman clearly forbidden from taking. break unprecedented ground in his cru- NADLER’s Judiciary Committee, ‘‘the It goes without saying that the cial role on multiple levels, but, true to Committee’s investigation did not money must be sent back imme- form, he has adapted on the fly to serve cease with the conclusion of the im- diately—right now. As we shine a light his country. peachment trial.’’ That is Chairman on Planned Parenthood’s misrepresen- Dr. Monahan has developed detailed NADLER’s argument in a court case. tations, we cannot let their actions advice for Members and committees. Perpetual investigation and per- jeopardize this important program His team is working around the clock petual impeachment—if only someone with the tens of millions of Americans to answer questions and to keep us could have predicted this. If only any- who are benefiting from it rightly. healthy. Expertise and attention to de- one had warned that House Democrats’ Remember, the PPP has pushed $500 tail are nothing new from our Attend- opening the Pandora’s box of weak im- billion into the economy across more ing Physician, who has spent a proud peachments would affect our country than 4 million loans. The average loan career in military service. The Senate into the future. Of course, Senate and size is just $118,000, giving paychecks is lucky that the public service of this House Republicans warned precisely instead of pink slips for tens of mil- decorated rear admiral and celebrated that, and here we are. lions of Americans. instructor has brought him to us. We It is a suitable complement to the My hometown of Louisville, KY, is certainly are grateful to him and his other ongoing incident, where a Fed- home to the baseball bat factory that entire team. eral judge has taken it upon himself to makes the world-famous Louisville I am happy to report that we aren’t prolong a case that the actual prosecu- Slugger. For a few months, the bat fac- the only ones taking notice. tors want to drop. tory was a temporary casualty of Mr. President, as a measure of our These are fascinating legal stand- COVID–19. This month, the manufac- collective gratitude, I ask unanimous ards. Investigations no longer end turer secured a PPP loan, and 171 em- consent that this recent New York when a jury acquits someone and pros- ployees were pulled off furlough and Times feature profile of Dr. Monahan ecutions no longer end when charges put right back on the payroll. So 171 be printed in the RECORD. are dropped. The House Democrats family stories went from pain and There being no objection, the mate- would rather spend a fourth consecu- chaos back to stability because of this rial was ordered to be printed in the tive year trying to cram their politics program. That is just one business in RECORD, as follows: into the legal system than actually one city in one State. [From the New York Times, May 16, 2020] govern the country during a pandemic. There is also an automotive parts DOCTOR TO CONGRESS AND SUPREME COURT Fortunately, as I laid out, the Senate supplier and a hoagie shop in Michigan, TOILS TO SIDESTEP POLITICS AMID PANDEMIC is up to the job. Every single day, the a fresh flower shop in Arizona, a burger (By Emily Cochrane) historic CARES Act that we wrote and joint and a community nonprofit in WASHINGTON—When Senator John Bar- passed to fight this pandemic continues North Carolina, and on and on and on. rasso, Republican of Wyoming, sought guid- to come online. Direct payments hit Four million loans across all 50 States ance on how to protect his family, including families’ accounts. Support for major and new loans are still being issued as his 94-year-old father-in-law, when he re- industries helps to prevent mass lay- we speak. This is what serious legisla- turned home from the nation’s capital amid offs. Resources for doctors, nurses, hos- tion looks like. This is what serious so- the coronavirus pandemic, a doctor offered him some blunt advice.
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