Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-87020-7 - Cambridge Introductions to Music Gregorian Chant David Hiley Index More information Index A solis ortus cardine,hymn 71, 72 antiphon for Benedictus 43 Aachen (Aix-la-Chapelle) 1, 99 antiphon for Magnificat 43 ad accedentes (Hispanic chant) 115 antiphon of the Blessed Virgin Mary 27 Adalbert of Poland, St, Office of 124 antiphon, for new historiae 124–7, 179 Adam of St Victor 132 antiphon, melodies 50–4 Ademar´ of Chabannes 159 antiphon, votive 154 adiastematic notation 181 antiphona ante evangelium 109, 110, 111 Adoration of the Cross 33, 142, 145, 154 antiphoner 107, 205 Adversum me exercebantur, communion 65 Antony of Padua, St, Office of 124 Aetheria (Egeria) 86 Apel, Willi 61 Afra of Augsburg, St, Office of 124, 175, 201 Apparuit caro suo Iohanni, antiphon 51, 53 Africa 96 Aquitainian notation 184 Agnus Dei 24, 79–82, 87, 154 Arezzo 170 AgnusDei,tropesfor 138 Armenian rite and chant 117 Agobard of Lyons 143 Atkinson, Charles 197 Aidan, St 93 Augsburg 147 Alcuin 94, 95, 143 Augustine of Canterbury 19, 93, 97, 108 Alexander II, pope 156 Augustine, St 86 Alexandria 84, 116, 117 Augustinian monastic order 9 Alia musica 168 Augustinian order of friars 9 alleluia 12, 23, 24, 70–1, 86, 91, 111, 121, 132, Aurelian of Re´omeˆ 168, 170, 197 144, 153 Alleluia Oportebat pati Christum 70 baculum 140 alleluia, new melodies 154 Bailey, Terence 112 alleluia, prosulas for 139 Bamberg, Staatsbibliothek, MS lit. 6 195 alphabetic letters, notation with 193 Bangor Antiphoner 112 Alypius 167 Beatus vir,tract 61 Amalar of Metz 128, 143 Beauvais 140, 141, 149 Ambrose, St 71, 86, 155 Bede 94, 97, 125 Ambrosian chant 111–12, 169 Benedicamus Domino 27, 82, 140 Ambrosian rite 108 Benedicite Dominum,gradual 58, 59 Anerio, Felice 209 Benedict Biscop 93, 94 Angelis suis,gradual 35 Benedict VIII, pope 87 Antioch 83, 84, 116, 117 Benedict, Abbot of Peterborough 124, 125 antiphon 26–9, 85, 88–90, 101, 104, 115, 123 Benedict, St 85–6, 158 241 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-87020-7 - Cambridge Introductions to Music Gregorian Chant David Hiley Index More information 242 Index Benedict, St, Rule of 71, 85, 88 Cassiodorus 163 Benedict, St, Rule of, excerpt 10 cathedral 8 Benedictine monastic order 9 Celestium minister donorum, responsory Benedictine monks 13, 155, 157–8 (Cuthbert) 125, 126 Benedictine order (cursus) of the Night Office Celica resonent, sequence 129, 131 13, 27 Celtic church 109 Benedictus 26, 27 Cesarius of Arles 71 Benedictus, antiphons for 50 Chailley, Jacques 217 Benedictus, tones 47, 169 chant books 204–6 Beneventan chant 112–14, 156 chant figur´e 211 Beneventan notation 184 chant, function of 2 Benevento 84, 95, 108, 112, 136, 183 Charlemagne 1, 94, 95, 99 Bern of Reichenau 159, 173, 175, 176, 180 Charlemagne, St, Office of 124 Bernard of Clairvaux 155 Charles III, emperor 99 Bobbio 93, 112 Charles the Bald, emperor 123, 166 Boethius 163–4, 166, 167, 168 Chartres 16, 213 Boniface 85, 94, 95 Chartres notation 118 books, liturgical, internal organization 29 Chartres, Bibliotheque` Municipale, MS 47 198 Bossuet, Jacques-Benigne´ 211 Chartreuse 155 boys, role in performance of the liturgy 11, 107 cheironomic signs 198 breviary 205 Choron, Alexandre 212 Brittany 180, 183 Christe qui lux es et dies,hymn 71, 72 Bruno of Egisheim (Pope Leo IX) 159 Chrodegang, Bishop of Metz 95 Bruno, St 155 church year (calendar) 16, 22, 30–1, 32 Bulgaria 119 churches, interior layout 11–16 burial of the Host 145 Circumcision, Office of 140 Byrd, William 5 Cisneros, Cardinal Jimenez´ de 115 Byzantine chant 116–19, 170 Cistercian chant reform 179 Byzantine modes 168 Cistercian monastic order 9 Byzantine notation 118 Cistercians 154, 155 Byzantium see Constantinople Cˆıteaux 155 Cito euntes, antiphon 51, 52 calendar see church year Claire, Jean 110 Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 391 13 Clare, St, Office of 124 cantatorium 205 clef 194, 195 canticle 26 clefs in British manuscripts 195 canticles of Night Office 27 Cluny 157–8 cantio 140 Codex Calixtinus 140 cantor 8 Coislin notation 118 cantus (Ambrosian chant) 111 collegiate church 8 Canute, King of Denmark, Office of 124 Cologny, Biblioteca Bodmeriana, MS 74 194 Cardine, Eugene` 216 coloured staff lines 194 Carmelite order 9 Columba, St 93 Carmina Burana 147 Columban, St 93 Carthusian monastic order 9 Columbanus 112 Carthusians 154, 155 comma 165 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-87020-7 - Cambridge Introductions to Music Gregorian Chant David Hiley Index More information Index 243 Commemoratio brevis de tonis et psalmis Dominican order 9 modulandis 167, 194 Dominicans 124, 156 Commune sanctorum 29 Donatus 197 communion (chant) 12, 24, 35, 43, 65–6, 101 Du Fay, Guillaume 124 communion (chant), chromatic notes in 166 Dum lucem,responsoryverse 49 communion (chant), tropes for 136, 138 Dum transisset Sabbatum, responsory 146 communion verse tones 169 Compiegne` 123 East Syrian church 117 Compline 25, 27 Easter, date of 31 conductus 140–1 Ecce dies triumphalis, sequence (Victor) 132, Confortatus est, antiphon 45–7, 53 133, 139 confractorium (Ambrosian chant) 111 Ecce ego mitto vos, responsory 55, 56 Congaudent angelorum chori, sequence 129 Ecce veniet propheta 54 Constantine I, Emperor 83 ¯ech¯emata 170 Constantinople (Byzantium) 83, 84, 116, 117, Echternach 94 118 Editio Medicaea 208–11, 212, 213 contrafactum 132 Egbert, Bishop of York 98 convent 8–9 Egeria (Aetheria, Etheria) 86 Coptic chant 117, 198 Ego autem in Domino speravi, introit 63 Corpus Christi accepimus, transitorium 113 Ego sum via, antiphon 194 Council of Trent 208 Einsiedeln, Stiftsbibliothek, MS 121 193, 195, Credo 24, 87 213 Credo, new melodies 154 Ekkehard IV 192 Crux fidelis inter omnes, antiphon 19, 20 ekphonetic notation 118 Cumdoctorumetmagorum,conductus 152 Enchiriadis group of treatises 167–8, 180 Cuthbert of Lindisfarne, St, Office of 123, 125 England 93–4, 108, 123 England, chant in 95, 97 Daniel 36, 149 England, staff notation 184 Daniel, Play of 149 episema(ta) 192, 216 Danjou, J.-L.-F. 212 Erik, King of Sweden, Office of 124 dasia notation 167–8 Eripe me,offertory 67 David of Wales, St, Office of 124 Eripe me, text used for different chants 5–6 Dendermonde Abbey, MS 9 159 Ethiopian chant 102, 117 Deprecamur te, processional antiphon 19, 20 Ex ore infantium, introit, troped 137 Descendit angelus Domini, antiphon 51, 53 Ex Sion species,gradual 191 Desclee´ 201, 213 Deus Deus meus,tract 61 Facta autem hac voce, responsory 55, 56 Dialogus de musica 170, 199 Feast of Fools 122, 140 diastematic notation 181 Feillee,´ Franc¸ois de la 211 didactic chants by Hermannus Contractus 175 final notes of Gregorian chants 167 Dies irae dies illa, sequence 135 Fleury Playbook 147 Directorium Chori (Guidetti) 209, 213 Francis, St 156 Disibodenberg 159 Francis, St, Office of 124 Dobszay, Laszl´ o´ 50 Franciscan order 9 Dominic, St 156 Franciscans 124, 156 Dominic, St, Office of 124 Franck, Cesar´ 216 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-87020-7 - Cambridge Introductions to Music Gregorian Chant David Hiley Index More information 244 Index Franks, and chant 94–9 harmony of the universe 163, 165–6 Frederick I Barbarossa, emperor 124 Hartker antiphoner see St Gall, Stiftsbibliothek, Frere, Walter Howard 101, 104 MS 390–391 Haydn, Joseph 42 Gajard, Joseph 216 Helena, mother of Constantine 116 Gallican cadence 131 Henry II, German emperor 87, 175 Gallican chant 109–11, 121 Henry II, German emperor, Office of 124 Gallican rite 108 Henry III, German emperor 156 Gallus, St 93 Henry of Finland, St, Office of 124 Gallus, St, Office of 123 Hereford breviary 199 gamut 171 Hermannus Contractus 118, 124, 125, 159, Gaudete in Domino semper, introit 63 173–7, 179–80, 201 Gaul 84 Hermesdorff, Michael 212 Georgian rite and chant 117 hexachord 166, 171 GerbertofAurillac(PopeSylvesterII) 156 Hic verus Dei famulus, conductus 152 Gimedia 129 hiermos 119 Gloria in excelsis Deo 24, 74–7, 79, 86, 143, 154 Highley 13 Gloria Spiritus et alme 154 Hildegard of Bingen 159–60 Gloria, tropes for 138 Hilduin, Abbot of Saint-Denis 123 Gloriosa sanctissimi, Office of St Gregory (Bruno Hirsau 157 of Egisheim) 156 Hispanic chant 96, 114–15 Good Friday 33 historia 38, 122, 123–7, 153, 159, 179 Gothic notation 183 Hodie celesti sponso, antiphon 40, 41, 49 gradual (book) 204 Hodie in Iordane, responsory 202 gradual (book), how many in church 107 Holy Saturday 34 gradual (chant) 12, 24, 43, 58–60, 144 Holy Week, ceremonies of 141 gradual, Iustus ut palma type 110 Homeric poetry 102 Graduale triplex 203, 216 Hrabanus Maurus 71 Granum cadit, antiphon (Thomas) 126, 128 Hucbald of Saint-Amand 123, 159, 166–7, 168, Greater Perfect System 163 171, 199 Gregorius praesul, ‘prologue’ to the gradual 98 HumbertofRomans 156 Gregory II, pope 94, 97 hymn 26, 27, 71–3, 86, 88 Gregory the Great (Pope Gregory I) 3, 35, 41, hymnary 205 90–2, 93, 97–9, 108, 156, 179 hymns, Byzantine 119 Gregory V, pope 156 Gregory XIII, pope 209 Improperia 33, 142 Gregory, Bishop of Tours 109 In plateis, antiphon 123 Gueranger,´ Prosper 212 Ingrediente Domino, processional antiphon 19 Guidetti, Giovanni 209 ingressa (Ambrosian chant) 111 Guido of Arezzo 162, 170–1, 174, 176, 180, Innocent III, pope 135, 157 194–5, 200, 215 Interrogabat magos Herodes, responsory 38 Guidonian hand 171 interval notation 201 interval notation of Hermannus 175 Haberl, Franz Xaver 213 intonation of lessons and
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