2558 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS February 13, 1979 MAN, Ms. HOLTZMAN, Mr. PEPPElt, Mr. GEP­ of Missouri, Mr. RICHMOND, Mr. BONIOR O! DONNELLY, Mr. DoRNAN, Mr. DOUGHERTY, Mr. HARDT, Mr. HOWARD , Mr. STARK , Mr. DORNAN , Michigan, Mr. BURGENER , Mr. LEHMAN, Mr. GOLDWATER, Mr. GRISHAM, Mr. GUYER, Mr. Mr. LUKEN, Mr. CHARLES WILSON Of Texas, MURPHY of Pennsylvania, Mr. BEVILL, Mr. HALL of Texas, Mr. HYDE, Mr. LOTT, Mr. Mr. LEDERER, Mr. LONG of Maryland, Mr. LUN­ MADIGAN, Mr. VENTO, Mr. HOLLENBECK, Mr. LUKEN, Mr. MARTIN, Mr. MOAKLEY, Mr. MONT­ DINE , Mr. AKAKA, Mr. RODINO , Mr. CLEVELAND, LAGOMARSINO, Mr. DIGGS, Mr. WILLIAMS O! GOMERY , Mr. ROBERTS, Mr. Russo, Mr. Rous­ Mr. DUNCAN of Tennessee, and Mr. RosE. Montana, Mr. PEPPER. Mr. FORD of Michigan, SELOT, Mr. SHUMWAY, Mrs. SPELLMAN, Mr. H.R. 1600: Mr. WHITEHURST, Mr. LAGOMAR­ Mr. MITCHELL of New York, Mr. GUYER , Mr. STOCKMAN, Mr. SYMMS, Mr. WALKER, Mr. SINO, Mr. RAHALL, Mr. WALKER, Mr. DAN­ MCCLOSKEY, Mr. RANGEL , Mr. WEISS, Mr. SI­ WHITEHURST, Mr. WYLIE, and Mr. ZEFERETTI. NEMEYER , Mr. ABDNOR, Mr. CONTE, Mr. HYDE , MON, Mr. FLOOD, Mr. LUKEN, Mr. GREEN, Mr. H. Res. 34: Mr. BUCHANAN, Mr. CAVANAUGH, Mr. ERTEL , Mr. SENSENBRENNER , Mr. HOWARD , OTTINGER, Mr. MOFFETT, Mr. DAVIS Of Michi­ Mr. CLINGER, Mr. CONTE , Mr. DIXON, Mr. DOR­ Mr. SEBELIUS , Mr. LLO YD, Mr. LOTT , Mr. KIND­ gan, Mr. HUGHES, Mrs. SPELLMAN, Mr. CARR, NAN, Mr. EDWARDS of Oklahoma, Mr. EVANS of NESS, Mr. MURPHY of Pennsylvania, Mr. BUR­ Mr. WINN, Mr. BLANCHARD, Mr. SCHEUER, Mr. Georgia, Mr. FINDLEY, Mr. GUARINI, Mr. HOL­ GEN ER, Mr. ROBINSON, Mr. WATKINS , Mr. SEIBERLING, Mr. BUCHANAN, Mr. DOWNEY, LENBECK, Mr. HUGHES , Mr. JOHNSON of Colo­ CHAPPELL, Mr. McCLORY , Mr. DAVIs of Mich­ and Mr. RAHALL. RADO , Mr. KOGOVSEK, Mr. LENT , Mr. LUKEN, igan, Mr. LEDERER, Mr. BADHAM , Mr. SOLOMON , H.J. Res 167: Mr. AKAKA, Mr ANDERSON Mr. MATSUI, Mr. MAZZOLI, Mr. MONTGOMERY, Mr. WINN, Mr. RosE, Mr. GUYER , Mr. WAMP­ of California, Mr. BINGHAM, Mr. BONIOR O! Mr. MURPHY of Pennsylvania, Mr. RAHALL, LER, Mr. CoLLINS of Texas, Mr. MATHIS, Mr. Michigan, Mrs. BOUQUARD, Mr. BREAUX, Mr. Mr. RATCHFORD , Mr. ROE , Mr. SANTINI, Mr. GARCIA, Mr. YOUNG Of Alaska, Mr. EDWARDS of CHAPPELL, Mr. CLEVELAND, Mr. CONTE, Mr. SIMON, Mr. SPENCE, Mr. WHITEHURST , Mr. Oklahoma, Mr. ZEFERETTI, Mr. GUDGER, Mr. DODD , Mr. DORNAN, Mr. DOWNEY, Mr. DUNCAN WoLPE, and Mr. McCORMACK . STANGELAND , Mr. WALGREN, Mr. ANDREWS of of Oregon, Mr. EDGAR, Mr. FAZIO, Mr. FOLEY, H. Res. 107: Mr. BUCHANAN, Mr. CONTE, North Dakota, and Mr. HAGEDORN . Mr. GLICKMAN, Mr. GOODLING, Mr. GRAY, Mr. FOWLER, Mr. GORE, Mr. MARLENEE , Mr. H.R. 1735: Mr. MOAKLEY , Mr. BoNIOR of Mr. JENRETTE, Mr. MADIGAN, Mr. MAGUIRE, RAHALL, and Mr. STANGELAND. Michigan, Mr. LEDERER, Mr. WHITEHURST, Mr. Mr. MARTIN, Mr. MILLER Of Ohio, Mr. MINETA, BINGHAM, Mr. SOLARZ, Mr. ADDABBO , Mr. RICH­ Mr. MITCHELL of New York, Mr. MYERS Of MOND , Mr. LAFALCE , Mr. BEARD of Rhode Is­ Indiana, Mr. 0BERSTAR, Mr. PANETTA, Mr. PETITIONS, ETC. land, Mr. DRINAN, Mr. COTTER , Mr. SCHEUER, PRICE, Mr. RANGEL, Mr. ROBERTS, Mr. ROSE, Under clause 1 of rule XXII, Mr. OTTINGER, and Mr. MOFFETT. Mr. SHANNON, Mr. SOLARZ, Mr. STOKES, Mr. H.R. 1739: Mr. CHARLES WILSON of Texas. VAN DEERLIN, Mr. WAXMAN, and Mr. 53. The SPEAKER presented a petition of H.R. 1986: Mr. FISHER. ZEFERETTI. the city council, Boston, Mass., relative to H.R. 2036: Mr. MITCHELL of Maryland; Mr. the allocation from the 1979-80 Community HYDE, Mr. CONTE , Mr. MOAKLEY, Mr. AKAKA, H.J. Res. 74; Mr. APPLEGATE , Mr. BADHAM , Development Block Grant Funds for a new Mr. MILLER of California, Mr. LAFALCE, Mr. Mr. BAFALIS, Mr. BURGENER, Mr. CHAPPELL, Federal building in the city of Boston, which ERDAHL, Mr. CORRADA, Mr. FORSYTHE, Mrs. Mr. CoLEMAN, Mr. CoLLINS of Texas, Mr. was referred to the Committee on Govern­ FENWICK, Mr. KILDEE , Mr. WOLFF, Mr. YOUNG DAN DANIEL, Mr. DERWINSKI, Mr. DEVINE, Mr. ment Operations. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS THADDEUS KOSCIUSZKO land, he used to help found a school for heroes. Because he loved freedom for all freed black people that was one of the regardless of class or race, his heart is first of its kind. buried where he spent the last days of HON. JOHN G. FARY Kosciuszko used the experience he had his life, in free Switzerland. We can re­ OF ILLINOIS gained in America when he returned to member him with respect and allow that IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Poland in 1784. He worked for reform in memory, of Thaddeus Kosciuszko and of Tuesday, February 13, 1979 his homeland which resulted in the con­ our American Founding Fathers. to in­ stitution of May 3d, 1791. With some spire us to work toward and pray for • Mr. FARY. Mr. Speaker, distinguished similarities to the American Constitu­ liberty for all men.e colleagues, today is the 233d anniversary tion, Poland's established a constitu­ of the birthday of a Polish patriot who tional monarchy, granted tradespeople fought for liberty in America, Thaddeus THE 61ST ANNIVERSARY OF LITH­ equal rights with the nobility, and im­ Kosciuszko. His commitment to the ideals UANIAN INDEPENDENCE proved the condition of the serfs. How­ of freedom and liberty brought him to ever, in 1793, Poland was partitioned by this country. The enthusiasm he ~ound Russia, Prussia, and Austria. HON. WILLIAM M. BRODHEAD here for those same ideals, inspire him OF MICHIGAN to return to Poland where he led a up­ With his mind, as always, full of the rising against the partitioning of his wn ideas of freedom and equality for all IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES men, Thaddeus Kosciuszko initiated a country by Russia, Prussia, and Austria. Tuesday, February 13, 1979 revolt against Russian domination on Kosciuszko was born on February 12, March 24, 1794, with the following words: o Mr. BRODHEAD. Mr. Speaker, on 1746. He graduated from the Royal Mili­ In the presence of God, and in the presence February 16, we commemorate an im­ tary School in Warsaw with a degree in of the whole of mankind, and more par­ portant day for all freedom-loving military engineering having specialized ticularly before you, Na1tions, in which free­ people: The 61st anniversary of the in fortifications. After continuing his dom is treasured above all earthly goods, Declaration of Independence of Lith­ studies in Paris, he heard of the begin­ I declare that, exerting our indisputable uania. I am happy to join with those ning of the Revolutionary W a r and de­ right t o resist tyranny and armed oppression, of Lithuanian origin in celebrating this cided to join the Americans. To the cause we join our forces as brothers and fellow citizens, inhabit ants of one country, sons significant occasion. of American Independence, he contrib­ of one Mot herland and swearing t o one an­ The struggle for Lithuanian freedom uted both his talents as a military engi­ other to spare no sacrifices and to use every has been long and difficult. Years after neer and his enthusiasm for liberty for means wit h which only t he holy love of declaring its independence and taking its a ll men. freedom can supply those who rise in despair place among the nations of the world, As an engineer, Kosciuszko helped to t o defend her... The liberation of Poland Lithuania was invaded in 1940 by the fortify Philadelphia and, when his tal­ from the army of oppression. t he restoration and security of her whole boundaries, the Soviet Union, an ally of Nazi Germany ents were recognized by the American suppression of all tyranny and usurpation, at the time. After World War II, the generals, built fortifications along the foreign and domestic. the es h bl iF< hm ~ nt of Soviets refused to restore independence Hudson River, at Saratoga, and at West n ational liberty and the independence of the to Lithuania and the other Baltic States. Point. The latter stands as a lasting me­ Republic-th at is t he sacred aim of our up­ In spite of these setbacks, courageous morial to his genius. He was also a val­ rising. Lithuanians continue their quest for iant soldier and, after the war, was made Kosciuszko was imprisoned by the Rus­ freedom. The Nobel prize-winning a brigadier genera l by Congress, given a sians and subsequently released but was human rights organization, Amnesty la r ge piece of land in Ohio and his back never a llowed to return to his homeland. International, reports that Lithuanian pay, which amounted to about $12,000. Todav, Thaddeus Kosciuszko lies bur­ citizens are currently being imprisoned This, and the funds from the sale of his ied in Krakow among Polish kings and for such so-called "crimes" as expressing • This " bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions w hich are not spoken by the Member on the floor. February 13, 1979 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 2559 nationalist sentiments in books and 3. Authorizations. by their senior citizen organization, to leaflets. The Soviet Union has blatantly To support these SBA activities, the fol­ spend 2 weeks in Washington. While in and consistently disregarded its obliga­ lowing amounts are authorized to be ap­ propriated: 1979 $1.635 bilUon, 1980 $1.616 Washington, the two seniors from our tions to the people of Lithuania under b1ll1on, 1981 $1.789 b1ll1on, 1982 $1.943 b11- area will join other senior interns from international agreements it has ap­ 11on. around the country, learning about Fed­ proved, including the United Nations 4. Disaster loan interest rates (Section eral programs and policies affecting all Charter, the Universal Declaration of 113).
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