Planetary Science

Planetary Science

Accretion 236, 416, 429 Basalts, Columbia River 269,272 heterogeneous 177, 220, 228,422 Basalts, Fra Mauro 203,217 homogeneous 228-9,422 Basalts, high-Al 300, 317, 330 secondary 420 Basalts, high-Ti 301, 308, 318 Achondrites, basaltic 338, 420 Basalts, highland 202, 228, 232 Agglutinates 128 Basalts, KREEP 214, 229, 251, 253, 326-7, elemental fractionation 130 330, 348 formation 126, 148 Bpsalts, low-K Fra Mauro (LKFM) 202, melts 127 214 Airy hypothesis 183 Basalts, low-Ti 300, 318 Akaganeite 21 7 Basalts, Luna 16 301, 317, 330 Alba Patera 52 Basalts, mare 243 Allende 378 ages 318 Allende inclusions 416, 425, 428 chalcophile 3 13 Altai Scarp 77 depths of melting 331 Aluminum-26 41 3-4,420,428 ferromagnesian elements 31 1 Anorthosites 205, 229, 249 high valency cations 309 Anorthosites, gabbroic 217 large cations 301 Apennine Bench Formation 38,78,93,215, lead 3 13 224, 273-4 nickel 31 1 Apennine Mountains 215, 346 origin 321 Apenninian series 26 oxidation state 292 Aphrodite Terra 55, 354 rock types 282 Apollo landing sites 11 sulfur 3 13 Apollo 14 37, 1 10, 227, 241 thickness 350 Apollo 15 187, 273, 351 trace elements 301 Apollo 16 110, 117, 187, 224, 238,240 volume 325 Apollo 17 109, 130, 167, 187, 267, 272 Basalts, mid-ocean ridge (MORB) 255 Apollo 1 l samples 267, 300 Basalts, VLT 200 Apollo 14 samples 187 Basins (see also Multi-ring basins) Apollo 16 samples 201 morphology 91 Apollo Soil Survey 202 peak ring 91, 92 Apollonian metamorphism 200 secondary 96 Archean 253 Basins, Callisto-Valhalla 76 Archean crustal composition 255 Basins, impact-ages 240 Argon Basins, lunar dates, resetting 239 A1 Khwarizmi 107 Argon-40 anomaly 162 Antoniadi 87 Aristarchus Plateau 224 Crisium 107 Assimilation models 326 Gargantuan 87 Asteroid belt 155, 422 Grimaldi 348, 351 Imbrium 26, 107, 209,224,241 Basaltic volcanism 263, 3 17, 436 Ingenii 348 Basalts Mendeleev 348 classification 284 Nectaris 42, 77, 107, 187, 238, 240 on Mars 335 Orientale 38, 107, 187, 348 on Vesta 338 Procellarum 81, 87 Basalts, Apollo 17 299 Schrodinger 82, 87 Basalts, Apollo 17 VLT 308, 330 Serenitatis 107, 241 476 Planetary Science Basins, mare 12 Crater counting 29, 93, 96 Basins, Martian Cratering flux 107 Argyre 5 1, 54 Cratering rates 61-2, 107 Hellas 51, 54 Cratering record 104 Isidis 5 1, 54 Cratering, early 12 Basins, Mercurian Cratering, secondary 28 Caloris 45, 50, 76 Craters Benches 277 cavity 65 Beta Regio 336 central peaks 76 Big bang hypothesis 410 production rate 101 Breccias Craters, dark halo 95-6, 265, 317 basalts in 200 Craters, lunar highland, magnetic properties 365-6 Anaxagoras 75 Breccias, "dike" 194 Archimedes 22, 27, 33 1 Breccias, dimict 192 Aristarchus 139, 224 Breccias, feldspathic fragmental 194 Camelot 119, 150, 167 Breccias, granulitic 198, 228, 232 Cone 195 Breccias, impact melt 195 Copernicus 17, 26, 75, 76, 93, 99, 352 Breccias, lunar 187-201 Cyrillus 71 Breccias, monomict 187 Eratosthenes 26, 39 Breccias, soil 187 Gassendi 98 Bunte breccia 89 Humboldt 98, 351 Inghirami 38 Calderas 64, 97 Janssen 33, 97 Callisto 257 Kepler 17, 26, 265 Capture hypothesis 424 Kopff 97 Carbon 316 Linne 68, 100 in lunar soils 159 North Ray 119, 195,238,240 Carbonaceous chondrites 13,97,313,378, Picard 266 380, 393,411,414,420,424,429 Plato 27 C1 abundance data 151, 381 Proclus 63 Catena Davy 94 Peirce 265 Cayley Formation 18, 27, 36, 40, 47, 109, Regiomontanus A 75 142, 187, 224 Shorty 97, 150, 298 Cayley Plains 109, 240 Sinus Iridum 27 Center of masslcenter of figure offset 344 South Ray 1667 Chalcophile elements 313, 379 Spur 298 Chondrules 134 Theophilus 71, 81, 238 formation 420 Tycho 17,26,93,109,138,167,227,355, Chromium 251, 329,331, 395, 425 437 in lunar crust 391 Van de Graff 87 in mare basalts 312 Craters, mare 186 Chromium/nickel ratios 391 central peaks 72 Clinopyroxene 325 wall terraces 72 Continental drift 439 Craters, Martian 95 Continental growth model 256 Craters, morphology 68 Copernican system 39 Craters, secondary 31, 94 Cordillera Formation 29, 38 Craters, summit 74 Cordillera Scarp 77, 187 Craters, terrestrial 101 Cosmic rays 158 Arizona Meteor 68 Cosmogenic nuclides 157 Gosses Bluff 74 Cosmogenic radionuclides 122, 163 Lonar 133 Cosmology 436 Manicouagan 133 Mauna Loa 14 upper mantle 402 Prarie Flat 85 Eclogite 322, 324, 351 Ries 36, 82, 89, 109, 194, 233 Ejecta 68 Sierra Madera 74 Element correlations 228 Craters, transient 90 Element fractionation 376 Craters, volcanic 95 Enstatite chondrites 381, 417, 420, 429 Crust, continental 180, 253, 377, 387, 430 Equilibrium condensation 416,423 Crust, lunar Equipotential surface 345 composition 200, 390 Eratosthenian system 39 highland composition 201, 227 Erosion thickness 356, 390 micrometeorite bombardment 165 Crust, Martian 257 rates 163 Crust, Mercurian 256 Eucrite parent body 338, 404 Crust, oceanic 253 Eucrites 394, 404, 420 Crust, terrestrial Europium 205, 243, 329 oceanic 389 enrichment 232 primitive 430 in lunar highlands 395 Crustal evolution 437 Europium anomaly 205, 308,326 Crustal uniformity 181 Exobiology 171 Crystal settling 331 Exposure ages 163, 165 Crystal-liquid fractionation 378,390-1,430 Fire fountains 148, 299-300 Crystallization, fractional 333 Fission hypothesis 396, 424 Crystallization trends Fission tracks 158 lunar 248 Fluidization 77 Stillwater 248 Fra Mauro Formation 26, 36, 368 Cumulate model 327 Fractionation 41 6 Curie temperature 365, 368 crystal-liquid 391 Curved rilles 282 melt-mineral 334 pre-accretion 393 Dark mantle deposits 272 Descartes Formation 34, 36, 109, 142, 186, Galactic cosmic rays 155, 157, 165, 168 203, 240 Galaxies 4 10 Descartes Mountains 119, 187 Gallilean satenites 57 Differentiation 236 Ganymede 257 crystal-liquid 435 Gardening 122, 165 lunar 244 Garnet 309, 325, 344,396 whole-moon 358 Geochemical anomalies 226 Double-planet hypothesis 424 Germanium 3 15 Dunite 205, 207, 233,249, 31 1, 378,400 Glasses (see also Agglutinates, impact glas- Dynamic assimilation model 326 ses, tektites) 128 color 130 Earth Emerald Green 297, 330 accretion 428 green, composition 299 age 234 iron sphemles 131 core 381 morphology 130 crust 430 orange, origin 299 expansion 49 selective vaporization 133 formation 429 volcanic 297 magnetic field 369 Gold 3 15 mantle 38 1, 396 Granodiorite 254 mantle, abundances 387 Gravity 345 oceanic crust 389 anomalies 348 primitive mantle 381 Gravity, lunar 345 478 Plnnetary Science Gravity, Martian 352 Lateral transport 181, 122, 224 Gravity, Venusian 354 Lava, basaltic 21 Grooved terrain 257 Lava flows 269 on 10 337 Hadley Rille 115, 118; 269, 279, 281 Lava lakes 351 Haemus Mountains 36 Lead 299,426 Heat flow, lunar 14, 361 Liquid immiscibility 137, 333 Heterogeneous accretion model 424 Lithosphere, lunar 356 Hevelius Formation 29,38, 77, 109 thickness 352 Highlands 8, 21, 180-1 Lunar Cataclysm 104, 242 volcanism 63 Lunar core 344-345, 396 Highlands, crust 13, 87, 242 Lunar granites 208,243, 333 abundances 230 Lunar Sounder Experiment 356 ages 233, 238 Lunar-impact Theory 139 composition 201, 227, 390 major elements 230 Magma mixing 251 thickness 180-1, 345, 390 Magma ocean 104, 205, 209, 216, trace elements 231 236, 242-3, 245, 308, 315, 327, 345- Hot spots 11 5 6,430, 435 dubble constant 409 criteria 244 Hybrid liquids 326 depth 244 Magmas, primary 331 Ice 257 Magnetic anomalies 367 lmbiian system 26, 36 Magnetic dipole field 370 Impact glass 115, 130 Magnetic fields color 130 Earth 369 morphology 130 impact generated 368 terrestrial 135 lunar 368 Impact melts 66, 92, 187, 321 Mercury 370 Incompatible elements 229, 330, 386, 394 solar wind 369 Intercumulus liquids 246 Magnetism, permanent model 369 Interstellar clouds 410 Magnetite 365 Involatile elements 391 Mantle 10 257,429 discontinuity 244 lava flows 337 lower 386 Iodine-] 29 41 3 terrestrial 396, 402 Iridium 3 15 uplift 352 Iridium/gold ratios 220 upper 386 Iron 147, 365,402 Mare Iron/nickel ratios 31 1, 328 Crisium 63, 224, 264-5 Ishtar Terra 55, 354 Fecunditatis 301 Island-arc model 255 Hurnorum 78, 282 Isostasy 99, 351 lmbrium 19, 22, 26, 265-6, 269, Isotopic anomalies 413 270,350 Isotopic heterogeneities 414 Ingenii 87, 100 Isotopic variations 168 Marginis 100 Janssen Formation 29, 33 Orientale 19, 76-7, 266, 351 Jupiter 422, 424,428 Procellarum 27 Serenitatis 24, 266, 274, 350-1 Kant Plateau 35, 110, 187, 224, 238 Smythii 264 KREEP (see also Super-KREEP) 208,214, surfaces 264, 344 229, 251, 253, 31 7, 326 Tranquilliatis 267, 272, 3 18 volcanism 346 Mare-Highland contacts 122 Index 479 Maria 8, 13, 32 crust composition 200 Marius Hills 38, 274, 350 crustal thickness 356 Mars (see also Basins, Martian; differentiation 428 Plains, Martian; Volcanoes, electrical conductivity 358, 361 Martian) 91, 335, 422, 427 highland crust thickness 390 composition 404 interior 324 core 359 interior discontinuities 357 crust 257 magnetic field 364, 368 gravity 352 magnetism 364 seismology 356 melting 328 soil 121 moonquakes 354-5 surface 116 regolith 3 Mascons 184, 322, 325, 346, 350, Rima Fresnel 233 362, 363 seismology 354 Maunder Formation 77 soil 159, 161, 167 Maunder Minimum 168 Sulpicius Gallus 272 Maxwell Mountains 57 surface temperature 116 Megaregolith 104, 186, 246 temperature profile 362 Megaterraces 79, 82, 84 Multi-ring basins 12, 64, 76, 110, Melt rocks 201 186,264, 323,345 Melt sheets 68, 93 Melting Nectarian system 29, 33 depths of 33 1 Neon-E 414 whole-moon 328 Neptune 422 Mercury 335, 427 Nested Crater model 81 composition 403 Neutron fluxes 163 core 359,371 Nickel 131, 3 11, 326-7, 365, 401, 430 crust 256 Nickel/cobalt ratios 222 magnetic field 370 Nitrogen

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