The University of Sheffield Department of History YORKSHIRE POLITICS, 1658 - 1688 being a ThesIs subitted for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy by CffERYL AROLRRT Ui^ August, 1990 - 393 - APPENDIX - 394 - YORKSHIRE MEKBEPS OF THE COJ(ONS, 1679-1681 BOROUGH HP. 1, 2. .3. County + Henry Lord Fairfax * 4 * + Charles Lord Clifford 4 * * Aldborough x Henry Art]aington 4- Sir Godfrey Copley [1] * 4 4 Sir Bryan Stapleton 4 Sir John Reresby Cl] 1 Beverley + Sir John Hotham 4 4 4 + !icbael Varton • * * Boroughbridge x Sir Thonas Mauleverer * 4 * - Sir Henry Goodricke * Sir John Brookes Hedon x Sir Hugh Bethell * 4 d. -HenryGuy * 4 William Boynton [21 * * Hull x Leniuel Klngdon . * x Villia Raden Sir Michael Warton * * William Gee * 4 Knaresborough x Sir Thonas Slingsby 1 4 * + Villiain Stockdale * 4 * Kalton x Villiam Palines * 4 * x Sir Watklnson Payler # 4 * Northallerton + Sir Gilbert Gerard * 4 * x Sir Henry Calverley 4 4 4 Pontefract + Sir John Dawney * * * 4- Sir Patience Yard 1 * * Richmond x Thonas Cradock * 4 x Humphrey Wharton * * * John Darcy * Ripon - Sir Edind JennIngs 4 x Richard Sterne 4 * 4 Christopher Wandesford 4 * Scarborough x Villia Thompson * 4 + Francis Thompson * * * Thirsk + Sir VillIam Frankland 4 4 * x Hon. Nicholas Saunderson * 4 Sir William Ayscough * York + Sir John Hewley * 4 * x Sir Henry Thompson * * 4 - 395 - Key to Table of Yorkshire Xembers of the Coinons. 1679-1681 + voted in favour of the Exclusion bill division, 21 May 1679 - voted against the Exclusion bill division x absent on the Exclusion bill division (Source - Browning & Xilne, B,I,H,R,, xxiii (1950), 205-25.) Roman Type : new to parliament Bold Type Cavalier parliament X,P,, sane borough Underlined Cavalier parliament 1!.P., different borough Italics former I(.P. , not Cavalier parliament or same borough Columns 1, 2 & 3 First 1679, Second 1679 & Oxford Parliaments * sat in parliament d. deceased during the course of the parliament Notes 1. Sir John Reresby was unseated by Sir Godfrey Copley on petition before the vote on the Exclusion bill. 2. Sir Hugh Bethell died during the prorogation of the second 1679 parliament and was replaced by William Boyiton in a by-election. - 393 - NOTES - 397 - NOTES TO THE INTRODUCTION 1, J.Childs, 'Restoration and Revolution, 1660-1714', The Historian, 2 (1984), 25. 2. A. Coleby, Central Government and the Localities: Hampshire 1649- 1. (CUP., 1987); SIC. Roberts, Recovery and Restoration In an. English County; Devon Local Administration 1646-1670, (Exeter, 1985"; P. Jenkins, The Making of a Ruling Class: The Glamorgan Gentry 1640- 119.Q., (Cambridge, 1983); P.1. Norrey, 'The Restoration Regime in Action The Relationship between Central and Local Government in Dorset, Somerset and Wiltshire 1660-1678', HI,, 31 (1988), 789-812; MS. Child, 'Prelude to Revolution: The Structure of Politics in County Durham, 1678-1688', (Unpublished PhD, University of Maryland, 1972); P.S. Challinor, 'The Structure of Politics in Cheshire, 1660-1715', (Unpublished PhD, Wolverhampton Polytechnic, 1983), 'Restoration and Exclusion in the County of Cheshire', Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, 64 (1981-2), 360-85; 3.5. Morrill, Cheshire 1630-1660: County Government and Society during the English Revolution, (Oxford, 1974); J.T. Cliffe, The Yorkshire Gentry From the Reformation to the Civil Iax., (London, 1969). 3. D. Hey, Lorkshire from A.D.1000, (New York, 1986), p.1; AG. Dickens, 'The Extent and Character of Recusancy in Yorkshire, 1604', Y.A.J xxxviii (1951), 32. 4. D. Palliser, 'A Crisis in English Towns? The Case of York 1460- 1640', Northern History, xiv (1978), 108-125, 'York under the Tudors The Trading Life of the Northern Capital' in A. Everitt ed. Perspectives in English Urban History, (London, 1973), pp.39-59; P. Borsay, 'The English Urban Renaissance: The Development of Provincial Urban Culture c.1680-c, 1760', Social History, v (1977), 581-599; G.C.F. Forster, 'York in the Seventeenth Century' in P.M. Tillot ed., V.CH.. A History of Yorkshire: The City of York, (O.U.P., 1961), pp.160-206; D. Hirst, The Representative of the People? Voters and Voting in England under the Early Stuarts, (Cambridge, 1975), p.226; Henning, 1, 468; Reresby, Memoirs, 65-6; Mxbr. 14/83; Eodleiau Library, Rawlinson Nss D204, f. 17. 5. W.Y.R.O., QS1O/3-9, passim; N.R.Q.S.Recs., vi & vii, passim; G,C.F. Forster, The East Riding Justices of the Peace in the Seventeenth Century, (East Yorkshire Local History Society, 1973), pp.30-1. 6. Forster, East Riding Justices, 31; W.Y.R.O., QS1O/3-9, passim; 1{xbr. 10/76, 12/187. 7. S.C. Sainty, 'Lieutenants of the Counties 1585-1642', B. I.HR Special Supplement, no.8 (1970), 3?; Cliffe, Yorkshire Gentr y 201-2. 8 W.Y.R.O., QS1O/3-9, pim; N.R.Q.S.Recs., vi & vii, passim; Forster, East Riding Justis., 36; Al. Fletcher, Reform in the Provinces: The Government of Stuart England, (Yale, 1986), pp.100-5; North Riding Record Office. Annual Report 1970, p.24. 9. ClIffe, Yorkshire Gentry, Map : The Seats of the Yorkshire Nobility and Gentry in 1642, (inset). 10. Cliffe, Yorkshire GentrL, 169; Dickens, Y.A.J., xxxvii (1951), 24- 48. - 398 - 11. J.S. Morrill, 'The Northern Gentry and the Great Rebellion', orthern History. xv (1979), 66-87; Cliffe, Yorkshire Gentry, 3-10. 12. Reresby, passtm; Roebuck Yorkshire Baronets 1640-1760. FamiHes Estates and Fortunes, (Hull, 1980), pp.251-342. 13. ClIffe, Yorkshire Gentry, passim; Roebuck, Yorkshire Baronets, 367-8. 14. Cliffe, Yorkshire Gentry, 96, 110-3; Roebuck, Yorkshire Baronets, 16-17, 367. 15. Henning, ii, 190-3; Cliffe, Lr]s11ire Gentry, 99-100, 16. Roebuck, Yorkshire Baronets, 33, 257, 306. For the second Earl of Strafford's financial difficulties In the post-Restoration period see B.L. , Eg. 3329, ff22, 24, 29, Altborp Papers, C9/7, Strafford to Halifax, 21 July, 2? August 1683, 16 February 1687; H,M.C. Various Collections, ii, p.400. 17. Henning, ii, 292-3; C.R. Narkham, A Life of the Great Lord Fair1a, (London, 1870), pp.372-3. 389. Biographies of Fairfax include also LA. Gibb, The Lord General: A Life of Thomas Fairfax, (London, 1938) and more recently J. Wilson, Fairfax: General of Parliament's Forcesk the English Civil War, (London, 1985). 18. Henning, i, 700; LL...P ii, 1025, Iv, 520-1; l{.F. Keeler, Th Long Parliament. 1640-i, (Philadelphia, 1954), pp.113-4. 19. Cliffe, Yorkshire gentry, 3, 243, 289-90, 295. 20. Fletcher, Reform, 39-42. 21. Salnty, B,I.H.R. Special Supplement, No.8, 37; Cliffe, Yorkshire Gentry, 201-2. 22. Cliffe, Yorkshire Gentry, 238. 23. Cliffe, Yorkshire Gentry, 244-5; Fletcher, Refor, 297-300. 24. Cliffe, Yorkshire Gentry, 239, 244-5; Fletcher, Reform, 31-2. 25. Cliffe, Yorkshire Gentry, 250-5. 26. N. Kisblansky, Parliamentary Selection: Social and Political Choice in Early Nodern England, (C.U.P. 1986); Hirst, Representative. 27. R. Cust, 'Politics and the Electorate in the 1620s', in R. Cust & A. Hughes eds., Conflict in Early Stuart England, (London, 1989), pp.143-iSi. 28, R. Carroll, 'Yorkshire Parliamentary Boroughs In the Seventeenth Century', northern History, lii (1968), 71-3, 88; Henning, i, 472. 29. R. Carroll, 'The Parliamentary Representation of Yorkshire, 1625- 1660', (Unpublished PhD, Vanderbilt University, 1964), 408; Carroll, northern History, iii (1968), 81-3, 92-4; Henning, 1, 481, 486; V,C.H, North Riding, ii, pp.542-3; JE. Baker, The History of Scarborough - .399 - from the Earliest Times, (London, 1882), pp.72-83, 221-7, 245, 3013; A.J. Fletcher, 'Sir Thomas Wentworth and the Restoration of Pontefract as a Parliamentary Borough', Northern History, vi (1971), 88-97. 30. P.W. Ranier ed., The House of Commons 1558-1603, (3 vols., History of Parliament Trust, 1981), 1, 281-3. 31. Cliffe, Yorkshire Gentry, 282-295; Cust in Cust & Hughes eds. Conflict, 143-151. Quote is from Cust, 150. 32. Cliffe, Yorkshire Gentry, 295-335, 33. Cliffe, Yorkshire Gentry, 336-362. Quotes are from Cliffe, 338 & 341; Roebuck, Yorkshire Baronets, 367-8. 34. Cliffe, Yorkshire Gentry, 336-362. 35. Roebuck, Yorkshire Baronets, 44-6; Cliffe, Yorkshire Gentry, 116- 230, 343-8; 3. Bossy, The English Catholic Community 1570-1850, (London, 1976), pp . 4O 4-S; P.G. Holiday, 'Land Sales and Repurchases in Yorkshire after the Civil Wars, 1650-1670', Northern History, v (1970", 67-92; P.R. Newman, 'Catholic Royalists of Northern England, 1642-5', Northern Histor y , xv (1979), 88-95; }torrill, Northern History, xv (1979), 66-.87; H. i..ve1ing, crter thc?.i T Catholic Recusan-ts of the North R1din ofYorkshire. 1558-1790, (London, 1966), Chpts. 3 & 4, Post-Reformation Catholicism in East Yorkshire, (East Yorkshire Local History Society, 1960), pp.31-46, 'The Catholic Recusants of the Vest Riding of Yorkshire, 1558-1690', Proceedings of the Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society, (Leeds, 1963'), x part vi, pp.229-256. 36, R,M. Faithorn, 'Nonconformity in Later Seventeenth Century Yorkshire', (Unpublished X.Phil, Leeds University, 1982), 109-134; R.A. }!archant, The Puritans and the Church Courts in the Diocese of York 1560-1642, (Longman, 1960), pp.39-43, 51; C. Cross, 'The Development of Protestantism in Leeds and Hull, 1520-1640: The Evidence from Wills', Northern History, xviii (1982), 230-8; Wilson, Fairfax, 17; Cliffe, Yorkshire Gentry, 343-8, 256-281. 37. G.C.F. Forster, 'County Government in Yorkshire During the Interregnum', Northern History, xii (1976), 84-104; Thurloe State Papers, lv, 643. 38. Faithorn, 'Nonconformity', 13-55; A. Anderson, 'From Puritan t Nonconformity, 1660-1689: A Study in the Development of Protestant Dissent, with special reference to Yorkshire', (Unpublished PhD, Hull University, 1980), 2, 6; C.
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