1957 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE 5847. By Mr. RIVERS: By Mr. SCOTT of Pennsylvania: By Mr. CARNAHAN: H. R. 6952. A bill to authorize the transfer H.J. Res. 311. Joi;nt resolution establish­ H. R. 6963. A bill for the relief of Mr::;. Elba of naval vessels to friendly foreign countries; ing a United States Academy of Foreign Serv­ Haverstick Cash; to the Committee on the to the Committee on Armed Services. ice; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. Judiciary. By Mr. SILER: By Mr. FASCELL: H. R. 6953. A bill to amend the Internal H. R. 6964. A bill for the relief of Maria Revenue Code of 1954 to impose an import MEMORIALS Zaharis; to the Committee on the Judici­ tax on natural gas; to the Committee on Under clause 4 of rule XXII, memorials ary. Ways and Means. By Mr. LATHAM: By Mr. SCOTT of Pennsylvania: were presented and referred as follows: H. R. 6965. A bill for the relief of Carmen H . R. 6954. A bill to authorize the United By Mr. ALBERT: Memorial of the State Cruz-Sexton; to the Committee on the Judi­ States Court of Claims by its rules to create Legislature of Oklahoma relative to the de­ ciary. and to prescribe the functions and duties of velopment of the coal industry; to the Com­ By Mr. O'HARA of Illinois: trial and appellate divisions; to the Commit­ mittee on \Vays and Means. H. R. 6966. A bill for the relief of Mrs. Avis tee on the Judiciary. By Mr. PRICE: Memorial of the 70th Gen­ M. Barnard; to the Committee on the Judici­ By Mr. VAN ZANDT: eral Assembly, State of Illinois, approving ary. H. R. 6955. A bill to provide a vitalized and and supporting the decision of the United By Mr. SCRIVNER: equitable reserve program for the Armed States Suprame Court in the school segrega­ H. R. 6967. A bill for the relief of Brani­ Forces, and for other purposes; to the Com­ tion cases; to the Committee on Education slava Jancetovic; to the Committee on the mittee on Armed Serviqes. and Labor. Judiciary. H. R. 6956. A bill to provide for a suitable By the SPEAKER: Memorial of the ·Legis­ By Mr. TEAGUE of California: and distinctive lapel button which may be lature of the State of California, memorializ­ H. R. 6968. A bill for the relief of Velid worn by veterans of the Korean hostilities; ing the President and the Congress of the Mehmed Dag; to the Committee on the Judi­ to the Committee on Armed Services. United States relative to compensation of ciary. By Mr. BOGGS: postal employees; to the Committee on Post By Mr. WILSON of California: H. R. 6957. A bill to amend section 1033 of Office and Civil Service. the Internal Revenue Code of 1954; to the H. R. 6969. A b111 for the relief of Luz Ver­ Committee on Ways and Means. dugo Campbell; to the Committee on the By Mr. BERRY: PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Judiciary. H. R. 6958. A bill to provide that certain By Mr. WILSON of Indiana: lands shall be held in trust for the Oglala Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private H. R. 6970. A bill for the relief of C. A. Sioux Tribe in South Dakota; to the Com­ bills and resolutions were introduced and Nolan; to the Committee on the Judiciary. mittee on Interior and Insular Affairs. severally referred as follows: By Mr. BOYKIN: By Mr. ANFUSO: H. R. 6959. A bill to authorize the Secretary H. R. 6960. A bill for the relief of John PETITIONS, ETC. of the Interior to cooperate with Federal and Baltrusaitis (Baltrusaitieni); to the Com­ non-Federal agencies in the augmentation of .mittee on the Judiciary. Under clause 1 of rule XXII, natural food supplies for migratory water­ By Mr. BRAY: 207. Mr. BRAY presented a petition of Miss fowl; to the Committee on Merchant Marine H. R. 6961. A bill for the relief of Walter Grace A. Wright and 31 others, of the Metho­ and Fisheries. H. Beny; to the Committee on the Judici­ dist Home, Franklin, Ind., in favor of legis­ By Mr. CANNON: ary. lation to prohibit alcoholic beverage adver­ H.J. Res. 310. Joint resolution making ad­ By Mr. BROYHILL (by request): tising over the air or in the channels of in­ ditional appropriations for the fiscal year . H. R. 6962. A bill for the relief of Mrs. Al­ terstate commerce, which was referred to 1957, and for other purposes; to the Commit­ ston P. Coughlin, and others; to the Com­ the Committee on Interstate and Foreign tee on Appropriations. mittee on the Judiciary. Commerce. E X T E N. S I 0 N S 0 F R E M A R K S Washington Report by Bruce Alger pay the cost, thus relieving the taxpayer. We ment was already in escrow in a United must decide soon-and the people are con­ States bank, so Britain had the money; (2) cerned-whether in many Government serv­ a just-announced British tax cut of $280 mil­ EXTENSION OF REMARKS ices we pay our way or charge it to Uncle lion suggested they could pay (and we could OF Sam, and like the ostrich with head in sand, cut our taxes); (3) over $8,000 million in pretend it is not costing us, all the while de­ economic aid plus untold billions in military HON. BRUCE ALGER manding budget cuts. aid had earlier gone to Britain; (4) we are in OF TEXAS The House passed the Export-Import Bank effect supporting Britain's welfare programs. Act extending the expiration date 5 years The vote was divided without pattern, but IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES from 1958 to 1963. The bank, financed by it passed 218 to 167. I voted against it. Tuesday, April 16, 1957 United States dollars, has made loans of A trip by our Interstate Committee mem­ $5,277,000,000 to 68 countries as aid to United bers through the United Aircraft plant build­ Mr. ALGER. Mr. Speaker, as a weekly States trade in manufactured and agricul­ ing, the Pratt & Whitney aircraft engine and service to my constituents I report most tural products. Charging interest sufficient Sikorsky helicopter at Hartford and Bridge­ briefly the week's legislative and Con­ to repay the Treasury 2%, percent, the Bank port, Conn., a.dded to our aircraft knowledge. gressional activities in which I partici­ has lost only $500,000 with $9 million in loans The J-57 and J-75 jet engines being teste(i pate. The following is the current past due, and has paid its own expenses, were regular infernos of power (a horsepower report: which are 1.7 percent of gross income, while now roughly requires two ounces of en­ building a reserve of $435 million. This pro­ gine weight, as blades whirl 11,000 revolu­ WASHINGTON REPORT gram has been one of the Government's more ·tions per minute) . The helicopter fiights (By Congressman BRUCE ALGER, Fifth District, businesslike arrangements. were magic carpetlike as we went almost Texas) The a.mendment of Anglo-American finan­ straight up and down in traveling between The Department of Commerce and related cial agreement, the British loan, posed a real airports. Shuttle services will soon be prev­ agencies appropriation bill for 1958 was re­ question. The Great Britain loan of $4,472 alent throughout the country. Igor Si· duced $69 million (9% percent) below 1957 million requires a 50-year annual payment of korsky was as interesting as his fabulous en­ expenditures and $218 million (25 percent) principal and interest of $138 million with gineering reputation would suggest. He en­ below the budget request. Savings thus far an option of canceling the interest portion thusiastically reminisced about his early this year in six appropriations now total (approximately $81 million) if certain trade helicopter, "A fine machine. Its only $1,039,000,000 (7.2 percent of $14,300,000,000). and currency conditions prevail making re­ fault-it wouldn't fly." They fly now-all Really impressive savings-that is, cutting payment difficult. Now Britain wants to sizes and styles. below 1957 expenses-are infinitesimally cancel this year's payment or work out a new The CONGRESSIONAL RECORD of April 8 car­ small. Government is still growing, more agreement, hence this amendment. The ries a Dallas constituent's letter to a fellow than the population increase, most discour­ amendment would set up a new formula per­ Texas Congressman (which be then put in aging. In the CAA portion of the bill air mitting postponement of payment. Argu­ the RECORD), commenting on and approving traffic safety will be increased with more radar ments for: ( 1) A better chance of our being the courage of the Member who opposes Fed­ control and personnel on the airways traffic repaid; (2) A needed ally needs help; (3) _eral handouts when, most tempting of all, lanes. The suggestion bas been made that Secretary Humphrey favored it. Arguments the Federal money is for his own district. those aircraft using the airways could help against: (1) The $81 million interest pay- To this constituent, and many other Dallas 5848 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE April 16 residents for recognizing the problem and try's great crisis. Neither did rooster In spite of man, it was, anyway. The in­ commending me, my thanks. Yes, it is feathers originate with Paul Revere in fluence of that life thunders through tough, and public understanding and ap­ the early evening of the night of his time. proval are necessary. General Twining; the new head of the famous midnight ride.
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