Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 374 International Conference on Man-Power-Law-Governance: Interdisciplinary Approaches (MPLG-IA 2019) Figurative structure of the Avar proverbs Magomed Magomedov Suleihat Mallaeva Zainab Omarova Doctor of Philology, Professor, Chief Doctor of Philology, Professor, Chief Candidate of Philological Sciences, Researcher at the G. Tsadasa Researcher at the G. Tsadasa Associate Professor, Dean of the Institute of Language, Literature and Institute of Language, Literature and Faculty of Dagestan Philology Art Art Dagestan State Pedagogical Dagestan Scientific Center of the Dagestan Scientific Center of the University Russian Academy of Sciences Russian Academy of Sciences Makhachkala, Russia Makhachkala, Russia Makhachkala, Russia Daniyal Magomedov Scientist G. Tsadasa Institute of Language, Literature and Art Dagestan Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences Makhachkala, Russia [email protected] Abstract–The article considers the artistic means used feature of a separate idiom, didactic meaning can be in the Avar language for the enhancing of the considered to be their integral characteristics [1]. S.I. expressiveness of proverbs: brevity, rhythm, alliteration, Ozhegov characterizes a proverb as a short folk rhyme, paired use of words, parallelism. Brevity is aphorism with didactic meaning; a folk aphorism [2]. characterized as the most important stylistic law of the proverb which gives it nativeness and distinguishes it Wide use of special stylistic means promotes from the maxim which is a literary version of the proverb. expressive function of proverbs. These means are: Imagery is also inherent in the Avar paremia, although it brevity, figurativeness, rhythm, rhyme, parallelism. is not obligatory. Imaginative transfer can be both metonymic and metaphorical. The brevity is a main stylistic law of a proverb. It is The rhyme in the paremia of the Avar language is the brevity which gives to a proverb folk origin and represented by the repetition of similar combinations of differs it from a sentence, the literary variant of a sounds in the semantic centers of proverbs and sayings. proverb. For example, short, apt proverbs which in a The end rhymes are not characteristic for the Avar few words gives colourful, rich knowledge of life: language as well as for the structural organization of ХьуцI лъалъаге! [HutsI l'al'age] Don’t pour the mire!»; paremias. Absence of the end rhyme is compensated by Цеве вилъа нахъеги валагье! [Tseve vil'a nah'egi wide use of alliteration (the initial rhyme) - repetition of valahe] Go ahead and look behind!»; Кьолаго босе, the same consonant sounds in the anlaut which enhances кьабулаго лълъуте! [K'olago bose, k'abulago l'l'ute] the expressiveness of the paremias. When gives – take, when bits – run away!» and others. Keywords–Avar language, proverb, structural bases, Figurativeness refers to Avar proverbs, though it’s brevity, figurativeness, rhythm, rhyme, parallelism not necessary attribute. In the Avar language there are fully figurative, partially figurative and non-figurative I. INTRODUCTION proverbs. Figurative shift has both metonymical and metaphorical character. Figurative phraseological units Wide use of special expressive means in proverbs is refer to different kinds of metaphor. Metaphor is used not occasional. A proverb is a verbal kind of folk for denoting a certain unit of speech. V.N. Teliya poetry. This circumstance makes some linguists doubt considers that metaphor is connected with human reference of proverbs to the phraseology. From our factor: owing to it the national cultural richness which point of view a proverb must be considered both in is gathered by language group in the process of its folklore and in phraseology. A proverb refers to historical development is depicted» [3]. Figurative folklore by its origin. But taking into account the fact transfer in proverbs of the Avar language is based on that a proverb is always reproduced in the speech, but the denoting of abstract notions and human relations by is not produced in it anew, we must refer a proverb to names of lifeless things and animals. Figurative phraseology. proverbs and sayings often consist of zoosemic names, II. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS names of everyday life things, for e.g.: хIама [hIama] donkey»: ХIамие хIалтIи камуларо. [HIamie hIaltIi Structural and semantic proverbs have an especial kamularo] There is always work for donkey»; борохь place among other phraseological units. Specificity of [boroh'] snake», цер [cer] fox»: Борхьихъего proverbs and saying is in the fact that they are equal щурщулев, царахъего гаргалев. [Borh'ih"ego with a sentence and are characteristic by a reservness shchurshchulev, carah"ego gargalev] As a creeping of a form. So far as reservness of a form can be a snake, as a speaking fox» etc. Copyright © 2019, the Authors. Published by Atlantis Press. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/). 42 Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 374 Amazing paradox of the poetics of the paremia lies The sources of phraseological synonyms are particularly in the fact that while using one and the various. The overwhelming majority of them appear as same type of linguistic phenomena as well as the a result of metaphorical interpretation of free word objects of the environment for creating new images, it combinations. Phraseological units which appear as a practically not only coincides with different nations, result of metaphorical interpretation of free word but also differs with its various aspects [4]. combinations are of high emotionality owing to colorful figurativeness. A wide-spread way of creating figurativeness in proverbs and sayings in the Avar language is A number of proverbs and sayings are represented parallelism which forms proverb structures consisting in the Avar language by several variants. Variety is a of two parts: Мискинлъи рогьо гуро, бечелъи гьунар basic feature of language and of performance of all гуро. [Miskinl"i roho guro, bechel"i hunar guro] units of a language including proverbs and sayings. Poverty is not disgrace; richness is not a great deed»; The notion of variant is based on philosophical Жавгьар кисинибги тун, капек балагьуге! [Zhavhar categories of common and individual of essence and kisinibgi tun, kapek balahuge] Having a pearl in the phenomenon. Variant is that individual category which pocket doesn’t look for a pence!» etc. besides common, invariant contains different from other variants individual category [5]. Expressiveness of proverbs and sayings is strengthened by phonetic and morphological Language variety of proverbs can be represented at peculiarities and by special speech means in their different levels of language: phonetic, morphological, structure. Rhyme is one of them. Rhyming syntactical and lexical. In Avar proverbs phonetical, components, as a rule, are the main notional centers of morphological, lexical and combined variation are proverbs and sayings: УргъичIого вагъани, represented. вагъичIого хола. [Urg'ichIogo vag'ani, vag'ichIogo hola] If you fight without thinking you will die before Phonetical variation got less spreading in Avar the fight»; РагIи гIарац буго, гIин тIами месед буго. proverbs. It is explained by the nature of the literary [RagIi gIarats bugo, gIin tIami mesed bugo] «A word language, by its tendency to preserve purity of its is silver, silence is gold». phonetic system from influence of dialects [6]. Phonetic variants are caused partially by problems of The figurativeness and general meaning of the Avar spelling, for e.g. the proverb: Росолълъе унти я contents which are higher than its uniqueness, often базарганассул гьирацца бачIунеб, я collect and reflect a recognized experience, which гьардухъанассул къвачIицца бачIунеб. [Rosol'l'e unti provides the paremia with convincement and verity, ya bazarganassul giratstsa bachIuneb, ya which can’t be called just a reprimand or annoying garduh'anassul k'vachIitstsa bachIuneb] «Illness comes super-estimation» [4]. to the village through goods of salesman or through a bag of beggar» is represented also by the following While researching proverbs it is necessary to touch phonetic variant: Росулълъе унти я базарганассул the problem of phraseological synonyms which is of гьирацца бачIунеб, я гьардухъанассул къвачIицца great scientific interest nowadays. First of all it is бачIунеб. [Rosul'l'e unti ya bazarganassul hiratstsa necessary to define the notion of phraseological bachIuneb, ya harduh'anassul k'vachIitstsa bachIuneb] synonym, types of phraseological synonyms and also [7]. characteristic features which differ phraseological synonym from lexical one. Just as two different words Morphological variation in Avar proverbs is have the same or close meanings in lexicology, in represented mainly in nominative and verbal phraseology there are word combinations the meaning components. A widely spread type of morphological of which either fully coincide or show certain semantic variation is variation of verb – predicate which can be or stylistic shades, for e.g. КIал богIое те! [KIal both finite and non-finite: Нусалда бичIчIизе ясалда bogIoe te] «Keep silent» = РагIи гIарац буго, гIин абулеб. [Nusalda bichIchIize yasalda abuleb] «They тIами месед буго. [RagIi gIarats bugo, gIin tIami say to daughter for a daughter-in-law to understand». mesed bugo] «A word is silver, silence is gold»; Variant: Нусалда бичIчIизе
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