RNI No: KERMAL/2008/27569 Registered No. KL/CT/209/2018-20 01/07/ 2020 Price ` 60 Mathrubhumi Yathra July 2020 60 Mathrubhumi Yathra Mathrubhumi - The Complete Travel Magazine - July Magazine Travel The Complete Off-Road ന륍ꤿകുളം 2020 നനോർ配配 സꤿകꤿം Wildlife മസോയ配മോര കലഹോരꤿ അരꤿപ്പ Heritage Simple & ന�ോൽകകോണ്ട Travel Taste Beautiful പുകെ-ന�ോവ Trekking Laos സൂനകോ തോഴ配 വര ® crum.JJ@qID 6lnJ21J1CBQ01(D)m> CBL6lllca'n.O:l�lm 6>6>ruru1Wjo m1o6YOlm n.JJ316>� @3 .. a t1c0>u6.. ... rt.16a, 6l.!l.lmJJ rt.16a, 63:>�mJ rt.16a, 0:>C/ll n.JJa. Clid3>J6Yl6 rt.1Ja, CliC/lJ@ml'rt.1Ja, lil<.m3l6lLC/lcnl'm> rt.1J� COl&S60lil, @&llllClJJl"-'Jo OnJJn'll<B,(J)&6Tll&lB�"'•• lill.a,-9J [61llJnlillrromJ'n.J:l$ 6l.a,J6m' ml&m!ilJ6lS [nJOlJCOl60T3ulldl6l' @a.o.Jl.a,@lilJClJJ ®To@o@o .a,adl(!]Jdl6l2! @* Global ffi Innovative ('i) Unmatched � experience )g" products 'Ill technology Surface Decor • Ceramics • Bathware Spa • Steam • Sauna • Wellness Kitchen Faucets • Interior & Exterior Products N IARMANI/�.!!1L��!m� �[email protected] I KOHLER. II VitrA II � II � I 1 60 $ Price: 100 Page: Page: I‑mW‑m‑ t‑Z‑ i‑ §‑ f‑p‑w‑ 2020 Ad‑n‑ b‑m‑ ¡‑ Y‑ I‑ f‑p‑w‑ July 11 s-s-N-\-b-p-w a-y-m³-a-m-d-p-w h-n-b-ä‑v--\-m-a-p-w I-w-t-_-m-U-n-b-b-p-w X-m-b-v--e-m³-U-p-w A-X-n-c-p-X‑oÀ-¡-p-¶ s-I-m-¨-p-c-m-P-y-a-m- Issue: W-v e-m-t-h-m-k-v. t-£-{-X-§Ä-, K-p-l-IÄ-, N-c-n-{-X-t-i-j-n-¸-p-IÄ-, c-m-{-X-n-¨-´-IÄ... e-m-t-h-m-k-n-s-e-¯-p-¶ k-©-m- c-n-IÄ-¡-v-- B-k-z-Z-n-¡-m³ H-t-«-s-d h-n-t-i-j-m-\-p-`-h-§-f-p-ï‑v. s‑X-¡-p-I-n-g-¡³ G-j-y-b-n-s-e h-fÀ-¶-p-h-c-p-¶ S-q-d-n- 12 k-w s-U-Ì‑n-t-\-j³ I-q-S-n-b-m-W-v-- C-u c-m-P-y-w. e-m-t-h-m-k-n-s-e e-p-h-m-M-v {-]-_-m-M-v-, h-m-M-v h-n-s-b-M-v-, h-n-bâ‑n-b-m-³ Vol: Vol: F-¶-n-h-n-S-§-f-n-e-q-s-S-b-p-Å b-m-{-X-m-h-n-h-c-W-a-m-W-v P-q-e-m-b-v e-¡-w "b-m-{-X-'b-n-s-e {-]-[-m-\ B-IÀ-j-W-w. C-u a-g-¡-m-e-¯-v a-m-X-r-`-q-a-n-I-p-S-p-w-_-s-¯ I-®-o-c-n-e-m-g-v-¯-n-b h-n-t-b-m-K-a-m-b-n-c-p-¶-p a-m-t-\-P-n-M-v U-b-d-ÎÀ F-w.]-n. h-o-t-c-{‑µ-I-p-a-m-d-n-s‑â-X-v. b-m-{-X-I-s-f k-v-t-\-l-n-¡-p-I-b-p-w b-m-{-X-n-I-s-c B-Z-c-n-¡-p-I-b-p-w s-N-b-v-X B t-e-m-I-k-©-m-c-n-s-¡-m-¸-w A-\-p-b-m-{-X s-N-b-v-X k-l-{-]-hÀ-¯-I-s‑â H‑mÀ-a-¡-p-d-n-¸-p-w C-u e-¡-¯-n-e-p-ï‑v. s-X-¡³ B-{-^-n-¡-b-n-s-e I-e-l-m-c-n a-c-p-{-]-t-Z-i-§-f-n-s-e h-\-y-a-r-K-§-s-f t-X-S-n-b-p-Å k-p-Z‑oÀ-L k-©-m- July 2020 60 c-a-m-W-v C-u e-¡-¯-n-s-e a-s‑ä‑m-c-p {-]-[-m-\-s-¸-« h-n-`-h-w. B-\-I-f-p-w k-n-w-l-§-f-p-w P-n-d-m-^-p-I-f-p-w N-o-ä-¸-p-e-n- I-f-p-w \-m-\-m-X-c-w ]-£-n-I-f-p-w h-m-g-p-¶ I-e-l-m-c-n P-´-p-s-s-h-h-n-[-y-¯-n-s‑â i‑m-Z-z-e-`-q-a-n-b-m-W-v. ]-pÂ-t-a-S-p-I-f-p- s-S-b-p-w ]-q-¡-f-p-s-S-b-p-w k-u-µ-c-y-¡-m-g-v-N k-½-m-\-n-¡-p-¶ \-m-K-m-e-m³-U-n-s-e k-q-t-¡-m X-m-g-v--h-c-b-n-e-q-s-S-b-p-Å k-©-m-c-h-p-w C-u e-¡-¯-n DÄ-s-¸-S-p-¯-n-b-n-c-n-¡-p-¶-p. Off-Road ന륍ꤿകുളം C-´-y-b-p-s-S a-[-y-I-m-e N-c-n-{-X-¯-n-s‑â s‑I‑m-S-n-b-S-b-m-f-a-m-b t-K-mÂ-s-¡-m-ï t‑I-m-«-, h-S-¡³ k-n-¡-n-a-n-s-e നനോർ配配 സꤿകꤿം Wildlife മസോയ配മോര K-p-c-p-t-Z-m-M-v-a‑mÀ X-S-m-I-w-, ]-p-s-W- a-p-X t-K-m-h- h-s-c-b-p-Å c-p-N-n-s-s-h-h-n-[-y-§Ä F-¶-n-h ]-c-n-N-b-s-¸-S-p- കലഹോരꤿ അരꤿപ്പ Heritage ¯-p-¶ ^-o-¨-d-p-Ifpw C-u e-¡-¯-n-e-p-ï‑v. s‑I-\-n-b-b-n-s-e a-k-m-b-n-a-m-c h-\-y-P-o-h-n-k-t-¦-X-¯-n-s-e \-m-\-m-X- Simple & ന�ോൽകകോണ്ട Travel Taste Beautiful പുകെ-ന�ോവ c-w ]-d-h-I-f-p-w X-n-c-p-h-\-´-]-p-c-w A-c-n-¸ h-\-{-]-t-Z-i-¯-p-\-n-¶-p-Å X-h-f-h-m-b³ ]-£-n-b-p-w h-m-b-\-¡‑mÀ-¡-v Trekking Laos സൂനകോ തോഴ配 വര I-u-X-p-I-w ]-I-c-p-w. t-I-m-g-n-t-¡-m-S-v P-n-Ã-b-n-s-e H-m-^-v--t-d-m-U-v b-m-{-X-m-e-£-y-a-m-b \-¼-n-I-p-f-s-¯-¡-p-d-n-¨-p-Å t-e-J-\-h-p-w C-u a-m-k-w h-m-b-n-¡-m-w. Cover Design : Sunny Joseph a-l-m-h-y-m-[-n-b-p-s-S `-o-j-W-n-¡-v a-p-¶-n a-\-Ê-v a-S-p-¯-hÀ-¡-v B-Ë-m-Z-w ]-I-c-p-¶ A-\-p-`-h-a-m-h-s-« C-u Photo : shutterstock e-¡-w... MathrubhumiYathra The Complete Travel Magazine Chairman & Managing Editor Circulation Subscription Special offer P V Chandran Vipin Das To subscribe Yathra In India: For 6 issues: `350 Joint Managing Editor Asst-General Manager -Circulation P V Nidhish Mathrubhumi For 12 issues: `699 K P Kesava Menon Road (by registered post) Executive Editor Abroad: By air mail: 6 issues: `2520 Periodicals & Digital Kozhikode-673 001 12 issues: `5040 O R Ramachandran Phone: 0495-2362 546 (X]m tIm¸nIÄs¡m¸w k½m\§Ä e`n¡nÃ.) Email: [email protected] Chief Sub Editor MO/DD can be taken in the name of Mathrubhumi Mathrubhumi M M Press, K Viswanath payable at Calicut and to be sent to the Cherootty Road, Head-Circulation in the above mentioned address Sub Editors Kozhikode-673 001 P S Rakesh Online Subscription: Phone: Aamy Aswathy Advertisement www.mathrubhumi.com/ Yathra Anuranj Manohar 0495-2765381, 384, 388 Sunil Nambiar subscription Email: [email protected] e-mail: Senior Artist Dy. General Manager [email protected] Sunny Joseph Advertisement (Periodicals) For subscription/circulation enquiries: Fax: 0495-2760138 Mathrubhumi Call 0495-2362598, 2362650 (10 am to 5pm) Sr.Chief Photographer except Sundays and public holidays. Facebook: www.facebook.com/ Madhuraj K P Kesava Menon Road Kozhikode-673 001 2020 July Mathrubhumi mathrubhumiyathra Chief Photographer Disclaimer: Every effort is made to provide accurate and Web: B Muralikrishnan Phone: 0495-2362 577 up-to-date information. The publishers cannot accept Mobile: 9526037773 responsibility for any consequences rising from the use of www.yathramagazine.com Photographer information provided. 4 www.mathrubhumi.com/yathra N M Pradeep Email: [email protected] The Complete Travel Magazine Special Contributors 08 P P Sasindran 16 Subhash Sivaraman 40 Prabhu Mens Sana 52 Biju Raghavan 60 C K Venugopal 64 Abhilash Raveendran 74 Manu Rahman Regulars Inbox ...........................................................................39 Laos Photo Blogue .................................................... 12 16 Mobilogue .......................................................... 14 View Point ............................................................ 88 emthm-kv Travel Life ............................................................. 59 Kerala Sketches .............................................. 96 em-hWyw Parting Shot ...................................................... 98 Special Contributors 32 Andhra Pradesh 74 Trekking tKmÂ-sIm-ïþ kqt¡m F-¶ c-Xv-\-§-fp-sS tIm« AÛp-X Xm-gvhc Tribute ആ വലിയ യാ配ികꅍ앆 ഓർമയ㔕്㔕 .................. 08 Nambikulam സന്ാഷ配ിꅍ앆 ꅍകാടുമുടിയിൽ................... 52 Wildlife ചാꅍെയു赍㔕 അച്ഛൻ...................................... 60 Traveblogue 64 North Sikkim പുꅍെ ടു ന�ാവ- െുചിꥍാത ........................... 84 {]Im-i-sam-gp-Ip-¶ \o-e-¯-Sm-I-¡-c-bn 40 Kalahari \\hv ad¶ XpSn¸pIÄ Regulars 88 Viewpoint ]pÂ-ta-«n-se ]-Xw-K-em-hWyw TRIBUTE ആ വലിയ യാ配 ികꅍ앆 ഓർമയ㔕്...㔕 Yathra യാ配ാമ�ാഴി മ�ാ쥍ി �ാ祍祁പ�ായ യാ配ികമ앆 സ祍ാര�ഥങ്ങൾ എ啍ാലവ祁ം പ്രപ�ാദന�ാണ് .
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