November/December 2018 INSIDE: Chapters that grew quickly • Women’s and mixed barbershop: myths vs. facts • The value of singing together November/ December 2018 VOLUME LXXVIII NUMBER 6 WWW.BARBERSHOP.ORG WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/BARBERSHOPHARMONY38 WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/BARBERSHOPHARMONYSOCIETY TWITTER: @BARBERSHOPNEWS INSTAGRAM: @BARBERSHOPHARMONYSOCIETY We know singing makes us happy, but research tells us that belonging to a singing community actually solves many MegaSing, 2010 International problems before they Convention, Philadelphia start. BHS Chief Strategy Officer Kevin Lynch has done a lot of research on the value of singing with others, and the plan is to bring that power (es- pecially singing barber- 20 shop) to exponentially LORIN MAY more people. 10 Pre-20th Century-1920s 10 Celebrate 80 years of the 12 1930s-1959 Barbershop Harmony Society 14 1960-80 Let’s look at some of the people, groups, and 16 1980s-2000s events that have made us who we are LORIN MAY, EDITOR, THE HARMONIZER, GRADY KERR, DAVID WRIGHT 18 The last five years See our Salt Lakc City insert between pages 16-17 of this issue. Register before Early Bird rates go away! On the cover 80 years of Barbershop History Departments EDDIE HOLT 2 8 THE PRESIDENT’S PAGE SHARE THE WEALTH Two exciting years for the Society, many ahead How the Marcsmen grew by 76% in 3 months 3 25 STRAIGHT TALK MAKING A DIFFERENCE Do you know the impact you are making? Two chapters on two coasts provide fire relief 4 Quartet canoe trip became more poignant weeks later TEMPO 30 Women’s champion has deep BHS family roots MEMBER SERVICE DIRECTORY A great Midwinter convention coming in Nashville: Where to find answers 7 32 HARMONY HOW-TO THE TAG Women’s and mixed barbershop facts & myths “Each Time I Fall in Love” November/December 2018 • The HARMONIZER 1 THE PRESIDENT’S PAGE Skipp Kropp, Society President • [email protected] Two exciting years for the Society, many ahead n this, my final column for The Harmonizer as BHS Presi- say ‘I knew it, they didn’t care about what I said and dent, I offer my perspective on the past two years. the plan is nothing like what I want.’ We have diverse First, some historical context: we are celebrating 80 opinions on some matters and it’s the job of the Stra- years as an organization, which inauspiciously started tegic Planning Committee and Society Board to decide Ias an inward-facing group of men who sang for their which way we go on those. I promise we will use all avail- own enjoyment. We began outreach efforts to impact able data to make the best decisions for the Society as an lives other than our own in 1959, when we established entity. It’s going to be an exciting year!” Harmony Foundation. We began to focus our charitable I confess that I got the time frame wrong—it’s actually efforts externally by supporting therapy via the Institute been an incredibly exciting and amazing two years. The for Logopedics until the late 1990s. Our “modern” Society Boards on which I’ve served since being elected journey began circa 2003 with Harmony Foundation in 2013 have been comprised of men who were and are supporting Society singing programs, such as the wildly able to think strategically. They deliberate and discus is- successful Youth Chorus Festival. We are now noted sues through the lens of their fiduciary obligation to the among the global music community for facilitating truly Society as a whole, not simply their own district, chapter, intergenerational singing. or personal preference. The Society is only beginning an In 2017, more than two years of member incredible journey. O.C. Cash and our founders read feedback and strategic planning efforts culmi- the cultural map of their day and seized the opportuni- nated in the announcement of our new vision, ties that would make for a thriving organization. We are “Everyone in Harmony.” Board and staff have doing the same. been working diligently to design and begin to implement programs aligned to the vision. My thanks to those with whom I’ve served As my term ends, my sincere thanks go to all of the Sharing what we love with all men on all of the Society Boards with whom I’ve had Our founders Since 2016, I’ve been awestruck by the the honor and privilege of serving. I also want you all depth of discussions surrounding Every- to know that Marty and our staff at Harmony Hall are read the cultural one in Harmony, both at the Board level incredible and it has been both a pleasure and a blessing map of their and in one-on-one meetings with mem- to have been able to work so closely with them. They bers. At last year’s International Conven- work tirelessly to include Everyone in Harmony. My day and seized tion, I was proud to stand with Marty in heartfelt thanks as well go to my wife, Nancy, for sup- opportunities the Rainbow Room (a long-standing so- porting me the past two years, for being who she is, and cial gathering of gay Barbershoppers) as just for loving me. that would help we committed that the vision Everyone the Society in Harmony includes everyone. Singing knows no social, racial, gender, or any thrive. We are other boundaries. What matters is that [email protected] we welcome everyone who wants to sing doing the same. in harmony. We continue our commitment to preserve the all- male singing experience for those who prefer it. We’re also pleased to welcome women into the Barbershop November/December 2018 Volume LXXVIII Number 6 Harmony Society, to support women’s and mixed bar- Complete contact info: pages 30-31 bershop singing, and to enable and support barbershop The Harmonizer (ISSN 0017-7849) (USPS 577700) is published bimonthly by the singing in communities around the world internation- Barbershop Harmony Society, 110 7th Ave N, Nashville TN 37203-3704. Periodicals Postage Paid at Nashville TN and at additional mailing offices. POST- ally. Our goal is to facilitate lifelong singing everywhere. MASTER: Send address changes to The Harmonizer, 110 7th Ave N, Nashville TN 37203-3704. Advertising rates available upon request at [email protected]. Publisher The Board’s fiduciary duty to all members assumes no responsibility for return of unsolicited manuscripts or artwork. In my Jan./Feb. 2017 column in The Harmonizer, I stated Postmaster: send address changes to editorial offices of The Harmonizer, 110 7th Ave N, Nashville TN 37203-3704 at least 30 days before the next publication date. that “…it won’t come as a surprise to you to hear that (Publications Agreement No. 40886012. Return Undeliverable Canadian Addresses to: the [2016] survey data shows that Barbershoppers are Station A, PO Box 54, Windsor ON N9A 6J5. Email: [email protected]) A portion of each member’s dues is allocated to cover the magazine’s subscription both a vocal and an opinionated lot, and don’t always price. Subscription price to non-members is $25 yearly or $5 per issue; foreign subscrip- agree on issues. Thus, when our strategic plan is pub- tions are $35 yearly or $7 per issue (U.S. funds only). lished, some of you will immediately think ‘Wow! They © 2018 The Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America, Inc. dba The Barbershop Harmony Society. were listening to me!’ Others will read the plan and Printed in the USA 2 The HARMONIZER • November/December 2018 • www.barbershop.org STRAIGHT TALK Marty Monson, CEO / Executive Director • [email protected] Do you know the impact you are making? ow did you enjoy your District conven- Boise Chordsmen after the RMD con- tions and festivals? Did you sing a tag vention and participate in their wonder- with someone you’ve never met before? ful Idaho Youth Barbershop Festival. Did you hear the plans for your dis- Two days of nearly 500 middle school Htrict for 2019? How about Everyone in and high school choir singers (a new Harmony updates by our Society board 500 each day) to experience the joy of representative or Harmony Hall staff? So barbershop harmony. When you add the much is happening within BHS to help audience members who attended each move us into a healthy, sustainable orga- evening concert, the total exposure was What’s on Marty’s daytimer? nization. Have you taken the time to step almost 1,000 people each day. Holy cow, • Nov. 9-10, MAG7 back and just reflect on the impact we’re that gives me goosebumps! Meetings, Nashville making? Two beautiful things happened at the • Nov. 14, Strategic As the staff and board representatives RMD convention. After the chorus con- Planning Committee who attended the District conventions test, everyone sang “America the Beauti- (SPC) provided Everyone in Harmony updates, ful” as a massed choir. (Check out the • Nov. 28 Chorus America we asked the following ques- video posted by RMD, with Pikes Peak in & NAfME meetings, DC tions during the House of Del- the background on a beautiful day. Link • Nov. 28, SPC meeting egates meeting or Everyone in at www.barbershop.org/harmonizer.) What • Nov. 28-29, MBHA Harmony update meetings: 1) a great experience. On Saturday night, meeting, Baltimore, MD who’s excited about Everyone during the evening show of champs, they • Nov. 30, cLEAN the in Harmony? 2) who’s nervous had a couple guest choirs show up and HALL, Nashville about Everyone in sing. The local Colorado Springs Sweet • Dec. 3-7, All-Staff onsite Harmony? and 3) Adelines chorus, Velvet Hills Chorus, meetings, Nashville Experiencing the who’s both excited sang wonderfully under the direction of • Dec.
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