OF f • • • • 1J5W, ORIGINAL, AND CHEAP EDITIONS 01\ - --­............. ---­ MERCHANDISE OF EVERY DESCHIPTION. Imported Strings, Etc., of all IHnds. 0--­ ___• ~ ........ _~__ Ntw York: . JOB & ENKE, 15 BIBLE HOUSE (ASTOR PLACE), OPPOSITE COOPER INSTITUTE, BET. 3D AND 4TH A YEs. 1S74. --~~----- - L .JOHN Ross 01; eoMPANY, PRINTERS, 27 ROSE ST., NEW YORK.. ~- I~DEX:_ -.-­ llIUSIO. PA.GE Songs for One Voice, with accompaniment of Piano, . 3 Songs for more than One Voice, with accompaniment of Piano, . 9 Choruses, 1., II., . 10 Songs for ORe Voice, with accompaniment of Piano and Cello' (or Violin), 10 Songs with accompaniment of Orchestra, 11 Vocal Methods and Exercises, 11 ~-- I. PIANO SOLOS. a) Symphonies, Concertos, Sonatas,' Fantasi:1s, Varia­ tions, Transcriptions, etc., . 11 b) Overtures, . 3() c) Dances and Marches, 37 d) Potpourris, 41 e) Etudes,. .. ... 43 f) OpeNS, Oratorios, Cantatas, etc., in complete Piano Score, without words, 44 g) Do., with words, . .. 4.~ h) I.-}'lethods. n.-Studies and Exercises, 47 II. PIANO, 4 HANDS. a) Symphonies, Sonatas, etc., 48 b) Overtures, . 53 c) Dances and Marches, 54 d) Potpourris, . 55 e) Operas, Oratorios, Cantatas, etc., in complete Piano Score,. .'58 f) Studies and Exercises, 58 III. 2 Pianos, 4 Hands, . 58 IV. 2 Pianos, 6 Hands, . 59 V. 2 Pianos, 8 Hands,. 60 VI. Duos for Piano and Violin, 60 VII. Duos for Piano and Oello, 64 VIII. Duos for Piano and Flute, . 67 IX. Trios for Piano, Violin, and Cello, 69 X. Trios for Piano and 2 Violins, . .. 70 XI. Quartets for Piano, 4 Hands, Violin and Cello, 70 XII. Violin Solos, . 72 XIII. Duos for Violin, . 72 XlV. Trios for Violin, Viola, and Cello, . 73 XV. Quartets for 2 Violins, Viola, and Cello, 73 XVI. Quintets, Sextets, and Septets, 74 XVII. Schools for Violin, . 74 XVIII. Cello Solos, 75 XIX. Zither, . 75 XX. Organ and Melodeon, 78 XXI. Church Music, 79 XXII. .Music for Orchestra, . 84 XXIII. Schools for Different Instruments, 85 Theoretical, . 85 Musical Literature, 86 j 3nb & QEnftt's CATALOClt1B OF -N£lU, ®riginnl & ~l)tnp ~~ition5 OF IMPORTED AND DOME~TI~ MU~I~, AND MERCHANDISE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION.' Imported Strings, Etc., of all Kinds. l'I·v·'.. \ .. ;) 'l'\ ~ . yi,U New York: JOB & ENKE, 15 BIBLE HOUSE (ASTOR PLACE), OPPOSITE COOPER INSTITUTE, BET. 3D AND 4TH AVES. 1874. REMARKS. In this our new Catalogue of Sheet and Bound }Iusic our friends aml customers will find an assortment of about 5,500 different copies, em­ bracing more or less all branches, and contai.ning a variety of the rno"t ~clect Foreign and Domestic .Music ever introduced in the American market. Gooel salable music we always keep on hanelin large quantities. Teachers and Amateurs at a distance will be supplied with music for examination, with the privilege of returning what they cannot u~t', provided that they will pay express charges both ways. While thi8 catalogue was being printed, a large consignment of new music arrived from Europe which we have not been able to insert. 'Within l:!, month we shall publish two more catalogues. One ·will contain a large variety of Foreign and Dome::;tic Church Music, the other an extensive list of books on the Theory of Euucation and Instruction, School-books, etc., in the English, German, and French languages, as also a variety of Standard anu -:.\liseellaneous Books, and books suitablt> for presents. 'Yith the exception of a few works contained herein, a liberal dis. count will lJe allowed to the trade, to teachers, and to persons buying in large quantities. VOCAI~ MUSIC. SONGS FOR ONE VOIOE ,VITH AOCO}IPANIMENT OF PIAXO. Abt, Fr., At darksome Night. (In dunkler Nacht.) Sop. in E, Alto in D, each. .. .. .. :3!i Oupid, the Mocker. (Am or, del' Spotter.) Sop. in G, Alto in E, each. .. ......... ;')0 Good-Night, my Ohild. (Gut' Nacht, du mein herziges ., ... Kind!) Sop. E2", Alto B/, each. ... <j.) In Love's Embrace. (1m Arm del' Liebe.) Sop. F, Alto D each 3~ lrent .... : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : . : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :: ;~o I think of thee. (lch denke dein.) Sop. in B;, Alto in G, each................................ ,......... :lO Sleep well, sweet Angel! (SehIaf' wohl, du si.isser Engel du!) Sop. E)-, Alto C, each. .. ............. g.) ,Vhen the Swallows homeward fly. (Wenn die Sclnval­ ben). ....................................... ;jO WO~lld I.were a warbling Bird. (Mochte ,vohl ein Vog­ lelll selU. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. ....................... o............................... :3.) Adam, iil.d., Cantique de Noel. (Chrhitmas Song.) Sop. E.,-" Alto 0, each........................... , .......... , 40 Albites, L., Priere ala Vierge ~larie. (Sweetest of Mothers.).. ;)0 Annie of" Th.aI'8u. (Aennchen von Tharau.) Popular Song. ;W Ardite, .!L., II Baccio. (The Kiss.) vVultz, Sop. D. ........... '7;; ilriefiajUbum. Altst............................. _..........1 40 --- Bassst. Orig. Einb.................................2 20 Bareli., C., Del' Jungfrau Gebet.............................. 25 Bardazew§ka. Maiden's Prayer... .. ................ ;).') Bassrord, W. K., Tarantelle... .. .... 'i;} Beckel, J. C., :Maryland, fair Maryland....... .............. ao --- l\IcKeller's National Hymn............ ....... ........ ................... ... :{,j -- Hymn. (Our dear old Flag.)............. ............ 30 Beethoven, L. van, Adelaide. Ballade. Alto F ......... , GO --- Adelaide. Ballade. M:. -Sop. or Bariton G ........... , GO " Sop...................................... GO Beethoven's Lieder in Orig. Einb.. .. ..:3 00 Ausg. Lieder. No. 1-67.............................2 00 " " 'No. 1-30. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 80 " No. 1-18 .............................2 00 No. 1-30, fliT tiefe Stimme..... '" . .. .. 80 Sechs Lieder von Gellert, Op. 4S ..................... , 60 Sechs Gesange, Op. 75............................... , 75 An die ferne Geliebte, Op. 98 . 7;') Belhle~ New Jersey calls her Sons to Arms. .. .. .. .. .. :30 Herre, F'crd..,Loin de toL (Far from thee.).. .. .. .. :)5 Bishop, H. R., Home, sweet Home, in E. .................. , 30 . Home, sweet Heme, in F ...." . .. .. ................ 30 . -- I'm thinking now of thee, Love....................... :30 4 Bitter, C. H., Bach's gcistliche Lieder, 1. Heft.... _.......... 90 " " "2." ....................... _. 90 3. .. ........................ 1 00 4. " ...............1 25 Blalllilhin, Oh! would I were a Bird... " . .. .. ... .. .... 30 Bralllu!Il, G., Parole, aus Op. 7, No.2. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 40 Wiegenlied aus Simrock's Kinderbuch.. .. .•.. .... ... 25 Lieder und Gesange, Op. 11).. .. 90 " "Op. 46...........................1 25 Op. 47...........................1 25 Op. 48..........................1 25 " "Op. 49...........................1 25 BJunulcr, M., ~Iy Heart ic; like the gloomy Night. (Mein Herz ist wie die dunkle N acht). .. 35 EU]l"~c, If I 'were a Bird.....•...... , .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 30 Claribei, }Iy Heart is over the Sea. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 30 Colnuul9 ::\Iaiden of the Rhine. .. 30 De Eo:re, ::'IIy Home in the ",Vest. .. 30 D·e jAde, :Marscillaise Hyma. .. .. 30 Donizt.'tti, (;., Ask me not why..... ......................... 30 --- Dear France, I adore thee. .. 35 --- ' , La Notte c serena." (The Night is serene.) Barcarola. 35 Es~er, H., Farewell, beloved Forest Green. (Ade, du lieber Tannenwaldn.. , .................................. 31) Eitner, Rob!., Die Sonn' hat mich gewecket.................. 30 Fabiani, Dario, La:sciati amare. (Let me love thee.) Romanza Ten ............................................... 3;') I;"ranz, n., Gewitternacht, aus Op. 8, Xo. 6. .. .. .. .. .. 50 Faure, J., Far from thee.. .. .. .. .. .. 50 --- Pourquoi? (Why, then?) M(·lodie............ " . .. 35 Gabrid, ",cir;,;-., Nightfall at Sea. Alto....................... 35 (iiau 42': , "\V., Op. 21, Schnittcrlied...................... _.... '" 50 G ermania, Sammlung del' beliebtesten Vaterlandslieder.. 50 ~"';'lover, Gypsy Girl, or Charlotte Stanley........_ "............ , 30 Gordiglani, L., Os Sanctissimr.. Virgine. (Prayer to the Virgin.). 35 Gounod, Cll., A.u Printemps. (To Spring.)................... 50 --- "C'era un Re di Thule." (Reigned a King in Thule.)... 30 --- OU vou1ez-vous aller? (Tell me, 0 gentle ~'I.aiden!) Bar- carolle. Sop. G, Alto E, each...................... , 50 Gra"ben-J.loffmann, The brightest Angel. (Der schonste EngeL). ........................................... 3.5 Guglielmo, T'amo. (I love thee !) .................. , ... , ... , 35 t~nnlb~rt, ....,., The Tear. (Die Thriine: "Macht man in's Leben.").................................... " . ... 35 Ye merry Birds. (0 bitt' eueh, liebe Vi.'>gelein.) Ten. G, t3op. F, Contralto EJ, each.. .. .. .. .. ... 50 Ye merry Birds. (Oiseaux lcgers.) Sop. F... .. 50 Haydn, .Jm•. , With Verdure clad. Air from the Creation...... 50 Henriolll, P., Sweet Love, arise! (Liebehen, steh' auf !)...... , 50 Hensc11el, G., Op. 20, Zigeunerisches Standchen........ 50 lIeu-itt, )hids of Maryland................................... 15 --- ,Vill you love llP, Jennie dear?...................... 30 Hiller, Ferd., Op.26, 6 Gesi:inge ...........................1 25 -- Op. 26, No.6...................................... 25 l-liIne, Something to love me. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... ... 30 Iloelzcl G., Be mine! (Sei mcin !) ........................ - 33 -- LThe forsaken one. (Alpenklage.)..... 30 The Tear. (Die Thri:ine.) ................. , .... " .... 40 The Village Blacksmith's Bride. (Mein Liebster ist im Dorf del' SChmied.) .. .. 50 5 Ilo,v can I'leave thee! (Ach, wic ist's muglich.). .. no
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