CARDIFF COUNCIL CYNGOR CAERDYDD EXECUTIVE BUSINESS MEETING: 4 MARCH 2010 PERFORMANCE REPORT: PERFORMANCE FOR QUARTER 3 2009/10 (October-December) REPORT OF CITY & COUNTY TREASURER AGENDA ITEM: 2 PORTFOLIO : CORPORATE Reason for this Report 1. This report outlines the progress as at quarter 3 of 2009/10 against the objectives under the Economic, Social and Environmental Wellbeing and Cardiff Connections themes in the Corporate Plan 2009/12. 2. This report provides the Executive with the opportunity to monitor and evaluate progress made in delivering the Corporate Plan 2009/12 during quarter 3 of the current financial year and identify any necessary remedial action. Background 3. The Cardiff Performance Management Framework seeks to provide an alignment between the Council’s Corporate Planning arrangements, through Service Area Business Plans, to the objectives set for individual officers. 4. Performance is being reported against the themes of:- • Economic Wellbeing • Environmental Wellbeing • Social Wellbeing • Cardiff Connections 5. A summary corporate position for Quarter 3 2009/10 is provided within this report and more detailed information in terms of performance for quarter 3 of 2009/10 together with context from service areas is contained in Appendix A. The definitions used in respect of the illustrations set out below are: Page 1 of 8 Likely to meet the based on past trends of performance, or where there is target planned action later in the year the service areas consider that the target is likely to be met May meet the target based on the information currently available the service areas consider that there is reasonably possibility of meeting the target Unlikely to meet the based on current trends in performance, or where there target is an unplanned or planned change to action the service areas consider that the target is not likely to be met Improving based on a comparison with the most relevant period performance is improving Static based on a comparison with the most relevant period there is sustained or no change in performance Declining based on a comparison with the most relevant period performance has declined Performance – Quarter 3 2009/10 6. The following information provides a summary and overview of the performance indicator information when compared to its progress against the target set for 2009/10, an analysis of the performance trend over the last two years and separately issues arising from service areas as a result of monitoring the progress against the objectives. Summary - Overview of Performance Overall - performance against target Overall - performance trend 15% Likely to meet target Improving May meet target 41% Static Unlikely to meet target Declining 51% 56% 29% 8% Total number of comparable indicators: 79 7. In terms of numbers of indicators, the charts show that 67 out of 79 indicators monitored may or are likely to achieve their targets. Similarly, 46 out of the 79 indicators show an improving or static improvement trend with the balance of 33 indicators registering a declining trend at this stage of the year. Cardiff Connections Connection indicators - performance against target Connections indicators - performance trend 20% Likely to meet target 40% Improving May meet target Declining Unlikely to meet target 20% 60% 60% Total number of comparable indicators: 5 Page 2 of 8 8. In terms of the numbers of indicators, the charts show that 4 out of 5 indicators monitored may or are likely to achieve their targets. Similarly, 3 out of the 5 indicators show an improving or static improvement trend with the remaining 5 indicators registering a declining trend at this stage of the year. 9. A summary of the issues raised as a result of monitoring progress against the objectives in the Cardiff Connections section of the Corporate Plan 2009/12 are set out below. Each of the issues have been referenced to the appropriate objective in the Plan and the status of the objective colour coded with RED denoting that the objective is either behind schedule or where no information has been received to evaluate its status AMBER denoting that the service area has raised issues that require resolution for the objective to progress successfully GREEN denoting that the objective is on schedule, or on schedule to be delivered by an agreed deadline 10. Issues to address CC09 - (Corporate Asset Management) - Challenging market conditions and the delays to the disposal of some sites may lead to reduced receipts although further work as part of the Built Environment partner procurement work. CC16 – (Procurement Strategy) – good progress made in conjunction with the University of Glamorgan and now anticipated for approval by the Executive in September 2010. CC17 – (Revenue Income Optimisation) - indications are that the target will not be reached by the end of March 2010 as projects take longer than anticipated to be developed. However, a figure of £50,000 is likely to be achieved in 2009/10.. CC19 – (Job Evaluation/Pay & Grading) – Negotiations with the Trade Unions continue on a fortnightly basis. The job evaluation process has been extended due to the ongoing level of work required for non- teaching school staff. Further Validation panels will be required in Quarter 1 2010/11. Economic Wellbeing Economic indicators - performance against target Economic indicators - performance trend 9% Likely to meet target 36% Improving 27% May meet target 46% Static Unlikely to meet target Declining 64% 18% Total number of comparable indicators: 11 Page 3 of 8 11. In terms of the numbers of indicators, the charts show that 10 out of 11 indicators monitored may or are likely to achieve their targets. Similarly, 6 out of the 11 indicators show an improving or static improvement trend with the remaining 5 indicators registering a declining trend at this stage of the year. 12. A summary of the issues raised as a result of monitoring progress against the objectives in the Economic section of the Corporate Plan 2009/12 are set out below. Each of the issues have been referenced to the appropriate objective in the Plan and the status of the objective colour coded with RED denoting that the objective is either behind schedule or where no information has been received to evaluate its status AMBER denoting that the service area has raised issues that require resolution for the objective to progress successfully GREEN denoting that the objective is on schedule, or on schedule to be delivered by an agreed deadline 13. Issues to address EC03 - (Retail Jobs Initiative) - The number of centre users assisted into employment to date this financial year is 2001. The annual target is 3000. It is worth noting that this target forms part of the Council’s Improvement Agreement with WAG. EC09 - (Regional Transport Hub) - If additional funding cannot be achieved (in particular additional Transport Grant Approval) it will be necessary during the progression of the scheme to reduce the specification and potential scope of works in order to remain within the available resources. EC10 - (Park and Ride) - M4/A470 Park and Ride: RCT carrying out feasibility work on a range of sites in South RCT that would provide park and share opportunities. Site in Nantgarw Park previously identified as a major park and ride site is no longer available. EC14 - (International Business Park) - LDP and IBP to be addressed by Inspector. EC19 - (Response to economic downturn) - See comment regarding PI info for EC03. EC21 - (Cardiff Bay) - Funding available from Landfill tax credit budget. Additional funding request has been submitted to WAG to meet the additional budget required for the new facility. Response expected Jan 2010. EC24 - (Cardiff Museum) - Delay in Heritage Lottery Fund has resulted in a practical completion of August 2010. Page 4 of 8 EC26 - (Library Network) - Progress regarding Radyr Library remains an issue. Awaiting information for use of Section 106 monies on refurbishment options. EC27 - (Electronic Book Management) - Delay in securing receipts from the disposal of books will affect further enhancements to service. Social Wellbeing Social indicators - performance against target Social indicators - performance trend 15% Likely to meet target 35% Improving May meet target Static 45% Unlikely to meet target Declining 55% 40% 10% Total number of comparable indicators: 40 14. In terms of the numbers of indicators, the charts show that 34 out of 40 indicators monitored may or are likely to achieve their targets. Similarly, 26 out of the 40 indicators show an improving or static improvement trend with the remaining 5 indicators registering a declining trend at this stage of the year. 15. A summary of the issues raised as a result of monitoring progress against the objectives in the Social section of the Corporate Plan 2009/12 are set out below. Each of the issues have been referenced to the appropriate objective in the Plan and the status of the objective colour coded with RED denoting that the objective is either behind schedule or where no information has been received to evaluate its status AMBER denoting that the service area has raised issues that require resolution for the objective to progress successfully GREEN denoting that the objective is on schedule, or on schedule to be delivered by an agreed deadline 16. Issues to address SO04 - (School Attendance) - Average overall attendance for the autumn term was higher than for the previous term. SO06 - (CYP Plan) - Cross-agency groups have developed action plans to improve achievement of learners vulnerable to underachievement . SO13 - (Family & Young Carer’s Strategy) – Many improvement actions are in the process of being implemented but involve being monitored by task groups. An issue to be monitored is in respect of the Inter-agency understanding of resource availability and implications for children in need and their families. Page 5 of 8 SO19 - (Case Management Improvement) - Performance has improved and remains a priority but still unlikely to meet target to evidence children seen by a social worker.
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