History of Tae Kwon Do

History of Tae Kwon Do

oqNomilIErro luorstH o 'T roldeqc 32. CHAPTERL Historyof taekrcndo 1. Taekwondoin AncientTimes 'ihe historicalbackground of Iaekrvondo rlcvelopmentwill be explaineclfultowing rhc chronologicalorderol4 diliirent agcs; ,{ncientTimes, N,IiddleAecs, I{odcrn Ages and Prescnt'lirnes. A. The Origin of Taekwondo X{an bv nature has rhe instind to prescr-v.-his own lifc as well as hh race, ancl ttrcrerore engagerhimself in doing phvsical acLi'itiesall rhe Linrecither consciouslvor .ncnnscio'sly. Nfan cannor do r,irhout phrs;cai nolions an.l he grorusand dcvelopeson thern, rcgardless of time an.l space ln a'cient rimes peopre hacrno meansother trnn Lh,-bare haros ana bodv to delind thcnrselves;so they narurallv dcvelopedrhe bare.handlighting techniques. Evcn at the times \'hen arms $ere rlevelopedas thc delensiveor oliensiverneans, peopte connnued to euio,vthc barc.hard fighting rcchniquesfir rhc pLrrposeof bujlding phlsjcat sLr"nglhas wcll as shordng.lIthr.ugh matchesar the rituals of rribal communitics. In the earl,vhisrofv of rhe Korean pcninsula, therc $ere lhree tribes dllelline there, each enloying rvarrior.'smar.tial art contestsduring rhc ritual seavrns. At that timc peoplelearned t.-chniqLres liom rheir experierccsolfighring againstthe bcasrs rvhosedclansive aud ollbnsir,c (,.erc rnotions also the subjectofanal\,sis. Ir is believedthat u'o was exacdylhc tfrc groundiug of roday'sTackrvoncro, whose " ",r,;1i,..-. 'ame has clescendedfrom rn"^ . iak^, ,n . ro u rn. Lalcr in the lafter pafi ofancient limes on the Koreau ferillsula, t]rrec kinEdomscame inro cxistcnce,alw?,vs riyaling amolg thcmselvesfur thc heecmonv.fl"y *".. f"g*ro, Packjeand Silla. ail indutged in grorvingnational srrengdrwifi tfained warriors. Therefbre, the Kofcln histofy tells rhat there wcre mi]itary personalitiesanong the well_knownpromr. nenr natiornl lcaders01 fie rhree kingdoms,r|hich provcsthe milirar,v tcndercy olaruhllg hiefarch,v. r\s.a result,youih warrior's .hwaranedo" "cnours c,:rrpslcre oreanizcd.such as in Silla and oniri' in Kogurvo. $hich both adopledthe martiat art tninins as oneof rhc irnportantsurlccts-. 01 learning.A renownedmir iai art book)ook nf rh" ,r;,.. ".,,,-, "mu,vcdobo-ton&ii".,*:. , ; .." ..TackwondLr{the ol the days' called said; arr of hand.lo.hanci build strengthb.vmcans o,.using ,,,",,",j':i'j ;:5::ii llJ'lT]l],,.,,;*lTljlli l: pr.r.rorsrps5urlurrd p,n rqt (q pr.ro:d;q uuc su\tre Ixrtr r Jo srs?(Laqt rt,r tlrrq,\\uoi)i 'rloJJr:tll.l, 'Ir€t )rlt uo slsa:a1ur1; ,(1r.ror:d:qr 1ndoi.rnSoy tr:rltllluru .reqn5o1r:sr rr quro.Ls,rorrrea pto uuJo .tur.'L s,roulr.\\ t)t. LnJ. Sururld I!.nu rqr no Jurrs sulrlnq \_ n-!gur"d tprntrr.{tr !o rsn:oi1 ;o rur-,sy Surtr:r,r:psir.{\P 'ir;rros slqru.q ! uolrriu III or sr\lrrrrlilql Jo rrlt rol srssJ.rlroJprl]r spEortrnrtruo:r ol tno Surol Put luorl l! sNx irr.utrl pur: i:olrq Sur 'sir:p -urlil tdnof ur pe.\rtsrrqLrosj! trql Prts osllr t1 o(nSoy )Lll rI ltnlu eqr roJ slul^r r..u{) r€lncloclrq1 lo iruo ser\ ioPrlo$I"rJlllxlns ll]ql Sur,ildull os pLr! sls:rluor luo,()rlrl 'llntr.tio rlr.trlN Ilqns',(:rqrr?'rrulp p.ro,l\sr: p.r.{olur,irqtrrrq\! rll! x lt r?J\.\rr,\i 0I 's.(xp uo pa:aqr* aldor,{,, :Suri?s o,(rnSo) Jo r}II JrIr Prqlr)srP llrru,\P trnsoqDplo rqr uo qooq,{:orsrqe:r1r1 v1:ors.:or::t,u )ql.lo rrqurru ! \L lrrll'5u1q5U r ulo{ slror)r.!euu rrll .\rolslqJo rrqorlrs Jql or nlllproJ]\i oq.\'\ ltrrnJo utru r iq nrrrur sI *irt(luos,,pro\\ :o.nodPrzrp.rl .uI :uorls r pizrus:iro tuop rql J]?prTosuoror rdLu:ue srrur ..)uquos, pilFr sd.rorI.rourt.t\\ -3ur1rqt uoueptrnojlnu()Irxr Jo rs.ts ll]ururslr uI'rr(4.rrJql Lll.Iouirqr ur sJqrrl .srurq]r '?Jro! u?H rltsor{ :rqr ic1 p:puno::ns lo r.IEd ul:rqlrou III uo prpunt4 sr.n r-r'i:n5o1 'g uo/bl{apJ,pue ,,oEquos,,s.o{rn6ox ',(prq:rdsr: Sururr:r1:rnlqd 1osrr.rlqnr pdnuud rqr p:ruo sr opro.lrltrr.Tqrr.\\ \un4,ll rrequos,,pur ..Suae.nq,,papr sror.r.rrt 5uo:rs orur s::rs8unoirrJrp Jsr!.ror srogll rr;l.r5 Surryruqroq .rr.\rd nlti :qr Sur-'per:oy.p pr:d urrquorr rqr uo j€ ll g LrrprirL,no1 o,(rn8o)Ipur rrro)Jo lr?d urrtsr:rqrnosrLlt uo /q l) [ uI p.punq uqrsuq r: rr.{1\qI< xlnsuruadnrJr('\ tr lr uo\urLrnru',) lrlL r.1,,.irp rrlrttloq pe .lrurliuosr-,,u opuo,{\Ii!.T. tr:qr p.rLLrnssr ilrsr:r;q uE:rrr 'snqJ r5r lNqt ur 1Lr)l?,\J.diprJ{r isrrolrrlun rp.r\oprro$riru.l srru.rur Ll:rrrl,$ Imuu: irrr or .r1qr:rdr:pr;c1 or ipr-rq.rqr sr lprt Et. s€url ru€cuY u opuwtea1 | 34 . CNAPTERI . Historyof Taekwondo .\ muralpaintnrg ofone ol rheRolal lonibsdePi(ri,,g Ihcsccnc ofa Korea!wresll;is b.uI at severalrombs ol Kogur,voda,-s. A nural painlingat thc SamsilTomb shows t$o warri,r, \ engagedin a Iacc.(o.fuccm:rlch in rakkron iTaekwondo] stance,ancl a ihird at thc iiane tomb shotn the sccnt olKorean nrestling bout, clearlr distingulshing^it liom thc laekk,von It can be assumedliom lhc pai ling of taekl)on nratch that thc dead $as eithcr a Lrck' kyon practiccr or thc subjerrofcondolence rvith danccsard martial art "Ilwarang" C, Silla's and Taekkyon 'fhc Kingdomof Silla nas founrltrd,rndte south€aslcrnpan ofthc KoreanI'eninsrrlr under the circumslancesofno imnrecliatethrcal from ouisidc, bur along t'ith lhe birth ol PaekjeKingdom Lrnils west llank and lhe stan of invasionsb,v Kogurlo fiom thc north, Sillarvas impelled to arm itselllith thc developmentofmatial aris "hr'arangdo" In lict, is the t,vpicalcxlnple of Silla's martirl afts, which h an assrnr' "sonbae" lalion of Kogurvo s s1'stem.Thc merrrbersof thc \oulh eroup o1h*aranQdo rvcrc $'ell traincd rvith the sensesof lilial pierv, lolrlll lo the kingdom and sacrilicialdcvotlor to societvto bccome important pcrsonalitiesfor thc rein of kingdom. Notable among lhenl were Kim YuSin and Kim Uhun.Chrrrvho madc a definirecontribuLion tcr the unilicdtion oi thoscrhrce klngdonx. The Chronicle o1 Old Chosun describedthe life of hrvarangs.mctrbcrs ol huarangdo: "hruarangs "'e.. selcrtcd bv the kingdom rhrough contcslsardi after sclcction,thev livcd togclher in a group. indulgi g themsehcsi learning, trcrclsing subakiokl lorm of Trck' rvondo).linclng and horsc.riding.and sonetimesthc,v rnioyed various samesincluding the Korcan wrestlingiSsirum).In peacclime, hrarangs sened for thc bcnefitsol commu"it es working on emergcncvaids and corsifuction of for'tressesand roids. and thcv $ere alwa,vs 'rrqp LlreJ 'Zl qtr{\ irntrruls lxrrqrlnrJlrl pu€ suolt?7lur:ro rurs lql P I .niquosPur:irltrnrq q}og 'suo-rro lerr8opuril::oqr uu4 sdrors,ror::r.11 rpno'i rql qlotlSurtorputiq o,tn3o) ror,,8u?Ir,\\H, ur (requosr Pro,r II1 qrr,n iiunrtrur :rurs .rLllstx{ €llIS ur isw:no' Il :.!!rr,\Joslurocl 5ur,\\olloJ rqr iq prursnt sI q.Iq.'! 'or(rnSo){ 'xlIs or urlop p.rpulq os|r s!.!! lt rrr przr:qndod sx.!\ rroi)PJirl Io 1rs aqi sV EIIISol ortrnEol urorJ polllrusuprl uo/i44ael 'G 5ultunl rorrlP iro uern:nos u, iu.n_ tsrrs,Snx:un) .rc1,.1!sJo !.dtatr -uny ror.ur.$lo .nrnrs 'opr1o.{rpn.L s,iepol uI u,\!oqssrr sl.IE l?rrlr|LLI rr prsn rrr,n srnbrurlrJr )oq prtr Plilq rlloq t"ql SIIIqIrfrs'r:qla5o1 :mc{dr {uo1rlrlrl, pu" ts:nbruqr.rr purLlt,,ltqnsr lo surrJl aqr qrod; 111rglull ur 1!rll rlql:rrllou '\lprr sr rl 'p \',1 \' 'o ur urrs rru rl:rll{$ s:)lJo rsn )tll pue 11sr11rg;"1ourni uo'(cl, s.{rpot sr\oqr osp rnlrls rql r.1o srlqdrsJr {l opuLr,\ll?rJ Jo [r:rr iJl].rochu:rtuor)ql ur ilslj lr]llr I .,uo,\\1sunt lrrql .t.irx. 1u€u Suorrsr trs1o1 3ur:5urny1o outrs rq1 uo rr.{oqslsIJ r lo ,chqs rrll ,(ll?rrrdsg 'sa.ru|ls jjnorls Jrrsu4]o PuE)^rsuolrp purq_rr€cl s.LIru 3 Sul|{oqs'iq srldrurt t? parllrtrd err,,\ su| Iruruturtr:ql eterrpnr'(Ftl1r runesrll nt}iuo'(n rqr r" p:rlqrqxr ,(FLIJrrnr iqlSurlls p:lsiqd lr:ar83o u?tu rlsrlnrrrH E Jo srnllls irzuorq rl{l i)ro}arrqr pur souqdorrp rrlsrLIppnBrql .(q Paru:rnUnL(1:rlnrqred;ro'l s8rrur'ng 9t . sa0[ tuacuv u opuodlea.LI 35. CHAPTERI . Historvof Taekwondo (3) According to historicalrccords, as sonbaesin Koglryo usedlo compete in taekkyon gamesat thc time of their national lbstivals,hwarangs in Silla also played taekkyongames "palkwanhoe" "hantawi" (subak, doklyoni or taekkoni) at such fcstivalsas and thus sFtematicallydeveloping the ancienl fight;ngtcchniques into the taekkyon(orsonbae) as the basisol mafial arts by around A. D. 200 From the 4th century the hwarangslook the tak- kyon leson as a systemizedmafiial art at their learning housesto make it also popular' ized among ordinary people.so much so that their tcchniqueswere dcpicted on thc mural paintingsofancicnt warior tombs. Again, it is also true that taekkyonicoming down to Silla, was iurther developcdinto a schoolof martial art with the divisionof techniques,i.e ,bare hand techniquesand ldol t"h- niques, which {:an bc proved by the lact that both hand and lbol techniquesare ciearly shownin the ancientsculptures and Buddhrstrcstalues. tooq irorsrH oirot aqr u p.urqdx. uoifl.xl 'unvrq) r€rro! urapou aqt 01 uaop qrns s? pal|ursurr rq or sJtut8 {loJ rrll s? peulnurr 'rrol mrlleqns aql :rqJ Surur?I tr? I?Ir?rLr 'pu€q Jo uoddns slr u^!op n-ur,\{olssnqt t€ rlq -ell!,re suodea,ngo sod,(1.uau pur rrpModunii prq 'rr^eMoH srr.i lsel?Jstr rrr ,{rsuuri11o,ftoy eql 'sdr11lr aqr ur s:not uolt.odsurroJ lno tur.4{ 5ur1 z :a,u:eqm p;zrrl5ro are.l\rmnrqns Jo sts.lror rsnlr:q acelndodoqt n_uou€wlndod 'rrojrl:)q.T, 'ilsrl oslE s€.{\ rnql?qns €ururrrr i.rrrqrur ;o rs:no: ,{:oqnduror e I SuIIrtu .rror ils"u,t11 o.tuo)I sSull lll ilfxradsg uoi11rurl rmq)qnsr uI pJtsillrll qJnu )r)r\ Jo uo,{Ilae1 ,,llem'r(?lreLlt q5norqr rr:ard rsg srq pzq :erlr?:d rrqlouv nr{?qs areMJoo.r rrltlo sdo.rcl:qr1oruros u I'ts4 puzqlq8r"rsrq !tI^{ rtnoq eql .yo:q1d r: prq:und urtr{.r,\ rll'sanbnnlt:r uoilleet3o tsotuor rc'uod € tV,, :PI?s,{lsPu,(11 o,{ro) .lo sJl.trorr{D aqg qrodo trqt m patl:u€uo se,\t suods opuon{aeJ ttr{l Joord sr qrrv^\ \t$tuo) uo,{qaer go su.rou lurur$pnf ul€rrlr prlsrx? ip"rrl! ararlt rutrr leql ty sl"ngo sr dn p;prd r:a,l srltno{ pJllstur'uo,(Ilee1 iu?tu qrlrln ur saldurrro rcqlo Jo slol irr.{'!: irql, srtrlljo,{rellTlru Jrlorrq ol Prlrrlrs lrer\\ sruo p.

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