4498 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE MAY 17 Office and Post Roads at 10 a. m., Wed­ resolution to extend the provisions of the Springs and Grain Valley, Mo., urging enact­ nesday, May 19, 1943, to consider H. R. Bituminous Coal Act of 1937 for a period of ment of HoUEe bill 2082 as a war measure; 687. Public hearings will be held. 90 days; without amendment (Rept. No. to the Committee on the Judiciary. - · 450). Referred to the COmmittee of the 759. By Mr. LAMBERTSON: Petition of COMMITTEE ON IMMIGRATION AND Whole House on the state of the Union. Rev. Wright M. Horton, and 21 other citizens NATURALIZATION Mr. SASSCER: Committee on Naval Affairs. of Frankfort, Kans., and community, urging The Committee on Immigration and S. 879. An act to amend the act entitled support of House bill 2082, introduced by,. Hon. "An act authorizing a reduction in the course JosEPH R. BRYSON, of South Carolina, to re­ Naturalization will hold hearings at 10 of instruction at the Naval Academy,"- ap­ duce absenteeism, conserve manpow-er, and a.m. on Wednesday, May 19 and Thurs­ proved June 3, 1941 (55 Stat. 2~8) without speed production of materials necessary for day, May 20, 1943, on all bills dealing amendment (Rept. No. 451) . Referred to the the winning of the war, by prohibiting the .with the Chinese Exclusion Act, H. R. Committee of the Who1e House on the state manufacture, sale, or transportation of alco­ 1882, H. R. 2309, H. R. 2428, and H. R. of the Union. holic liquors in the United States for the 2429. Mr. COLE of New York: Committee on duration of the war and until the termina­ Naval Affairs. H. R. 2629. A bill to provide tion of demobil1zation; to the Committee on COMMITIEE ON THE MERCHANT MARINE AND an allowance for quarters and 10ubsistence for the Judiciary. F'ISHERmS mitlshipmen of the Naval Reserve; with 760. By Mr. FISH: Petition of 64 residents The Committee on the Merchant amendment (Rept. No. 452). Referred to the o! Dutchess County, N.Y., favoring the enact­ Marine and Fisheries will hold a public Committee of the Whole House on the state ment of House bill2082, a measure to prohibit of the Union. the manufacture, sale, or transportation of hearing on Thursday, May 20, 1943, at Mr. PATTON: Committee on Accounts. ­ alc'oholic liquors in the United States for the 10 a.m. on H. R. 2612, to extend the ef­ House Resolution 237. Resolution granting duration of the war and until the termina­ fective date of the act of December 17, a gratuity to the estate of Rose Ann French; tion of demobtlization; to the Committ-ee on 1941, relating to additional safeguards to without amendment (Rept. No. 453) . Re­ the Judiciary. the radio communications service of ferred to the House Calendar. 761. Also, petition of a committee of 50 ships of the United States. from Orange County, N. Y., favoring the en­ actment of House bill 2082, a measure to pro­ PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS hibit the sale of intoxicating liquors for the EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, ETC. Under . clause 3 of rule XXII, public duration of the war, and until the termina­ tion of demobilization; to the Committee on Under clause 2 of rule XXIV, executive bills and resolutions were introduced and the Judiciary. communications were taken from the severally referred as follows: 762. By Mr. FITZPATRICK: Petition of the Speaker's table and referred as follows: By Mr. WARD: Bronx Council, Am-erican Jewish Congress, 417. A letter from the Secretary of War, H. R. 2715. A bill relating to the classifi­ New York City, endorsing and urging the t~nsmitting a draft of a proposed bill to cation of substitute post-office clerks and passage of House bill 2328, introduced by the prohibit the allowance of credit in the· com­ substitute city letter carriers in first- and Honorable WALTER LYNCH; to the Committee putation of lump-sum payments to Air Corps second-class post offices, and substitute on the Post Office and Post Roads. Reserve officers under the provisions of sec­ laborers in the Postal Service and Railway 763. Also, petition of the Trade Union tion 2 of the act of June 16, 1936, as amend­ Mail Service, and for other purposes; to the Council of the American Labor Party, urging ed, for active service hereafter 'performed Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads. the defeat of the Connally bill (S. 796); to the during the present wars and for 6 months By Mr. COMPTON: Committee on Military Affairs. thereafter; to the Committee on Military H. Res. 238. Resolution creating a special 764. By Mr. SCHIFFLER: Petition of Mr. Affairs. committee to study artd investigate the ac­ and Mrs. William H. Young and other resi­ 418. A letter from the Secretary of the In­ tivities of the Office of Price Administration; dents of the Wheeling area of West Virginia, terior, transmitting a draft of a proposed bill to the Committee on Rules. urging the establishment of a Chiropractic to provide for the classification of the public H. Res. 239. Resolution to provide for ex­ Corps in the armed forces now; to the Com­ lands in Alaska; to the Committee on the penses of investigation authorized by House mittee on Military Affairs. Public Lands. Resolution 238; to the Committee on Ac­ 765. Also, petition of Mrs. Irwin Hamilton counts. and other residents of the Wheeling area of REPORTS OF CO:MMITTEES ON PUBLIC West Virginia, urging the establishment of a Chiropractic Corps in the armed ,forces now; BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS MEMORIALS to the Committee on Military Affairs. Under clause 2 of rule XIII, reports ·of Under clause 3 of rule Y~I. memorials 766. By Mr. HEIDINGER: Resolution of the committees were delivered to the Clerk were presented and referred as follows: Eldorado Central Labor Union, of Eldorado, Ill., signed by Robert Braddock, president, and for printing and reference to the proper By the SPEAKER:· Memorial of the Legisla­ calendar, as follows: William Gallagher, secretary, of said labor ture of the Territory of Hawaii; memorializ­ union, urgl:ng the continuance of the Na­ Mr. SHEPPARD: Committee on Appro­ ing the Preside_nt and the Congress of the tional Youth Administration and that a suf­ priations. H. R. 2713. A bill making appro­ United States-to ame~d the Hawa!ian Homes ficient appropriation be made therefor; to the priations for the Navy Department and the Commission Act, 1920, as amended, to permit. Committee on Appropriations. naval service for the fiscal year ending June the Commis~ion to grant certain licenses; to · 767. Also, petition of the Woman's Chris­ 30, 1944, and for other purposes; without the Committee on the Territories. tian Temperance Union, of Mill Shoals, Ill., amendment (Rept. No. 446). Referred to the signe.d by Vernon Staton and 66 other citi­ Committee of the Whole House on the state PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS zens of that community, urging the passage of the Union. of House bill 2082; to the Committee on the Mr. CANNON of Missouri: Committee on Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private Judiciary. Appropriations. H. R. 2714. A bill making bills and resolutions were introduced and 768. By the SPEAKER: Petition of Clifford appropriations to supply urgent deficiencies severally referred as follows: J. Durr, petitioning consideration with refer­ in certain appropriations for the fiscal year ence to the Select Committee To Investigate ending June 30, 1943, and for prior fiscal By Mr. CUNNINGHAM: H. R. 2716. A bill to provide for the pay­ the Federal Communications Commission; to years, and for other purposes"; without the Committee on the Judiciary. amendment (Rept. No. 447). Referred to the ment of $20,000 to Clarence Leaon Rounds, administrator of the estates of Gerald 769. Also, petition of sundry citizens of Committee of the Whole House on the state Minnesota, petitioning consideration of their of the Union. Rounds, deceased; Richard Gray, deceased; Virginia Grafton, deceased; and Geraldine resolution with reference to House bill 2082; Mr. KERR: Committee on Appropriations. to the Committee on the Judiciary. Report · pursuant to House Resolution 105 Titus, deceased; to the Committee on Claims. authorizing the Committee on Appropria­ By Mr. JONES: tions to examine into and determine the fit­ H. R. 2717. A bill granting an increase of ness of certain Government personnel to pension to Elizabeth M. Levering; to the Com­ continue in their employment; without mittee on Invalid Pensions. r. SENATE amendment (Rept. No. 448) . Referred to the By Mr. BARRY: · Committee of the Whole House on the state H. R. 2718 (by request). A bill for the re­ . M~NDAY, MAY 17, 1943 of the Union. lief of Lillian Woodward; to the Committee Mr. SABATH: Committee on Rules. House on Claims. The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown Resolution 236. Resolution providing con­ Harris, D. ~ D:,' "' offered the following sideratjori of House Joint Resolution 122, . PETITIONS, ETC. prayer: ' · ' joint resolution extending the provisions of the Bituminous Coal Act of 1937 for a pe­ Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions Gracious God, the Father Almighty, in riod of 90 days; without amendment .(Rept; and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk awe and ·rev-erence we, stand before Thy No. 449). Referred to the House Calendar. and referred as follows: greatness that we cannot measure. Yet Mr. DOUGHTON: Committee on Ways and 758. By Mr. BELL: Petition of Hattie Hal­ are we grateful that our eyes have seen Means. House Joint Resolution 122. Joint lar, of Blue Spring, Mo., and others from Blue beauty, our hearts have felt love, our 1943 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 4499 minds have discovered truth, and -.>ur to $20,000 (with an accompanying paper); to "Whereas the great milk-producing areas of wills have found purposes that lift A.nd the Committee on Appropriations and ordered the State and the fine herds of milk cows ennoble and tie us to causes greater than to be printed.
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