VOLUME V II, NO, 48, |WHOLE NO. 253J NEW YORK, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1934 ----------------------- -------PRICE 3 CENTS LAUNCH WORKERS PARTY OF U.S. Spartacus Youth Meets Workers Party Facts Third Convention of The National Convention of Workers O f Temporary National Head­ the Spartacus Youth League is quarters of the Workers Party C L.A . and A .W .P. In now in session at Stuyvesant Casino, New York City. Discus­ o f the U nited States: 112 East sions have revealed unanimous N.Y. Rally To 19th Street, N. Y. C. Phone AL- League Draws Balance sentiment for the constitution of gonquin 4-9058. Fusion Convention of the Spartacus League as the Support Party National Secretary: A. J. youth movement of the Workers Muste. Sheet of Six Years Party of the United States, poli­ tically subordinate to and organ­ The first mass meeting held by Official Organs: The New U.S. Revolutionaries izationally independent of the the Workers Party drew twelve M ilita n t (w eekly) 144 Second Bringing the Third National Convention to an end, the delegates adult revolutionary party. hundred workers as, winding up a Avenue, N. Y. C., Phone Gram- The Workers Party of the United States has been formed! of branches of the Communist: League of America, from coast to coast, A. J. Muste, National Secre­ week of conventions, the Party Amidst scenes of wildest enthusiasm, the unity convention of the and a packed visitors gallery of members of the New York branch, sang ercy 5-9524; The New Interna­ tary of the W.P., addressed the made its first public appearance at American Workers Party and the Communist League of America com­ with a solemnity arising out of deep conviction the classic chorus: tio n a l (m o n th ly), P. O. Box 119, convention Tuesday on behalf of Germania Hall Sunday night. pleted its historic task Sunday afternoon in Stuyvesant Casino, New “The International Soviet shall be the huiran race.” the National Committee. Max Addressing the largest group of Station D, N. Y. C. These ad­ York City. Out of its labors and deliberations has nr is tbi the only Comrade Max Shachtman announced the adjournment of the Third Shachtman, a pioneer leader of workers brought together by a po­ dresses hold until further notice. revolutionary party in the country. and last national convention of the C.L.A. There penetrated everyone the Young Workers League litical program in recent years out­ The full text of the declara­ On the ratification by unanimous vote of the fusion agreement, present a profound realization that a period had ended and a new one which first established the Com­ side the reformist and Stalinist tion of principles and the con­ comrades James P. Cannon of the C.L.A. and A. J. Muste of the A.W.P. begun. The Convention had unanimously voted to disband the C.L.A. munist youth movement in Am­ ranks, representative leaders re­ stitution of the Workers Party announced' for the two organizations that henceforth they owed alle­ by merging it with the American Workers Party in the Workers Party erica, addressed the convention flected in their appearance and ad­ of the United States appear on giance to the Workers Party of the U. S. and to no other organization. of the United States. on behalf of the outgoing Na­ dresses a cross section of the pro­ pages two and three of this is­ The entire audience was on its feet and the strains of the International Six years of successful activity as a propagandist group came to an tional Committee of the C.L.A. letarian foundations of the Work­ sue. They w ill be available in shook the rafters. The historic work was completed! Next week’s issue w ill contain a ers P arty. end. The balance sheet was written : pamphlet form at low cost Minneapolis and Toledo, exemplifying the new militancy of the full report of the convention. Insurgent leader of the coal min­ The ideas of Marx and Lenin, the spirit of proletarian international­ within a few days. American working class, were the stars that presided over its birth. ers for two decades, founder of the ism, the theory of the permanent i; Under the most favorable auspices, West Virginia Mine Workers Union, revolution, had been kept alive and the new party launches into its leader of the famed Logan County vital in the U. S. by the League. tremendous undertaking: the over­ march of twenty thousand armed Cadres had been built, armed with throw of capitalist rule in America, Party M ap s Canada W .P . miners across three counties in O ld G uard the intellectual weapons that alone, W .P . To Back and the creation of a workers’ state. when combined with organized pro­ 1921, w hich was stopped only- by the Federal troops, Brant Scott A. J. Muste w ill be the national letarian masses, can bring capital­ secretary of the new party. J. P. ism to an end and introduce the Big Drive To G reets N ew blazed away at the labor lieuten­ Threatens S.P. Left Wing In ants of the capitalist class and de­ Cannon w ill be editor of the official communist order of society. The weekly, the New Militant, with clared that only the Workers Party groundwork had been laid1 for the Harry Howe as associate editor. country’s sole revolutionary prole­ Rally Jobless Party’s Birth could smash the John Lewises and W ith S p lit build the fortresses of the working Trade Unions The theoretical organ, the New In­ tarian party—the Workers Party of ternational, w ill be under the edi­ class. the United States, a current in the The Commission on Unemploy­ The Workers Party of Canada, Boston, Mass.—At the very mo­ Formation of a progressive move­ torship of Max Shachtman and international movement sweeping Trade Unionists Speak ment of the Workers Party Conven­ formed about a year ago by the ment when American Workers feel ment in the trade unions and the an ex-A.W.P. member. Eleven com­ toward the foundation of a new, Vincent R. Dunne, one of the tion, with Anthony Ramuglia, pres­ Canadian section of the Interna­ the inspiring effects of the merger selection of concentration points in rades of the A. W. P. and eleven the Fourth International. three brothers all of whom were ident of the National Unemployed tional Communist League, is a of the A.W.P. and C.L.A. to estab­ industry were the two main points from the C.L.A. w ill comprise the The Third Convention reported League presiding, took up a num­ vigorous and healthy youngster, ac­ leaders of the Minneapolis drivers in their victorious strikes earlier lish the new revolutionary Workers of a program of action in the trade national executive, from which w ill substantial gains over the Second ber of problems connected’ w ith the cording to the report given by com­ Party of the U. S., the Socialist unions, adopted by a special con­ be chosen the political bureau of League Convention held' in October relation of the Workers Party to rade MacDonald, fraternal delegate this year, told of the rising pro­ gressive movement in the labor Party enters a new stage in the ference of trade unionist delegates 10 members. Louis Budenz and 1031 in New Y ork C ity. Three the N.U.L. and the tactics to be of the Workers Party to the Com­ unions throughout the Minnesota development of the crisis which and adopted unanimously by the Arne Swabeck w ill be the national years ago the Communist League used in building and extending the munist League convention. Com­ has been threatening it for several Unity Convention. organizers. (Opposition) was a skeleton or­ influence of the movement. rade MacDonald, as well as com­ district, and the role the Workers Party must play to bring together years. All genuine left-wing and pro These, and other important or­ ganization with branches in only a A decision was taken to recognize rade Spector, another Canadian Hard' on the heels of the hailing gressive elements throughout the ganizational agreements were few major cities. The report of the National Unemployed League as delegate, is a veteran in the radical the shattered left wing in the Am­ erican Federation of Labor as an by the G itlo w group o f the S. P. as country who w ill agree to work on reached in the opening session, the national secretary, Arne Swa- the largest and most effective or­ labor movement. Both were foun­ “the party of revolutionary unity”, essential step in preparing the the basis of the trade union policy which moved with Bolshevik effi­ beck rewaled that the membership ganization in that vast and' rela­ dation members of the Communist comes the announcement that the outlined in the Declaration of ciency and dispatch. Sleepless del­ had been doubled and that there tively untapped field, and to place Party of Canada and delegates to overthrow of capitalism. The Toledo auto workers’ strike meeting held here this week by the Principles w ill be approached and egates, without rest from the all- existed 21 branches in the major the Workers Party in fu ll support the 4th and 6th World Congresses national executive of the S. P., the invited to collaborate in the task of night sessions of their respective industrial centers from the Atlantic of the N.U.L., working vigorously of the Comintern. of last summer was represented by Ted Selander and Sam Pollack.
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