A speciAl thAnks to Dialogue on Risk Management in Wine Trade Apec Dialogue on Risk management in wine tRaDe Pullman Hotel, auckland Programme 1 5-6 november 2012 day 1 5 aPec & WWtg Joint Forum 7 november 2012 day 2 43 day 3 93 DAY 1 5 nov Pullman Hotel, auckland 07.30 registrAtion Desk open 08.30 formAl welcome & keynote ADDress Introduction: Clare Fearnley, APEC Chief Official, NZ Keynote Speaker: Wayne McNee, Chief Executive, MPI, NZ Tony Battaglene, Winemakers’ Federation of Australia Tom LaFaille, Wine Institute, USA 12.30 Panel: Sirma Karapeeva, Senior Analyst, MPI, NZ (MC) lunch At pullmAn Philip Gregan, Industry Chair, CEO, NZ Winegrowers, NZ 14.00 2b. risk Assessment & mAnAgement - regulAtors only session 09.00 1. wine & risk - public/privAte DiAlogue Moderator: Carol Barnao MPI, NZ Moderator: Prem Malhotra, TISI, Thailand, a) Common frameworks & international standards, a) Outline of winemaking process, Dr Janet Dorozynski, DFAIT, Canada CODEX & HACCP, Dr Yukiko Yamada, Chief Scientist, MAFF, Japan b) Food safety risks, Dr Markus Herderich, AWRI , Australia b) Managing risks through regulation, Steve McCutcheon, CEO, FSANZ, Australia c) Trade/commercial risks, Dr John Barker, NZ Winegrowers, NZ c) Imports of alcoholic products and risk management, Wang Zhongyue, AQSIQ, China 16.00 10.30 coffee breAk coffee breAk 16.15 10.45 2A. risk Assessment & mAnAgement - regulAtors only session 3. risk strAtegies & trADe - public/privAte DiAlogue Moderator: Carol Barnao, MPI, NZ Moderator: José Raúl Ramírez Ramírez, MOH, Mexico a) Agrichemical Residues in Wine, David Lunn, MPI, NZ 16.45 b) Winemaking & packaging risks, Trade facilitation through coherence in limits and analysis, Claudia Carbonell, Vinos de Chile/Steve Guy, Wine Australia Dr Greg Hodson, Wine Institute, USA c) Labelling & bottling risks, Claudia Carbonell/Steve Guy 17.45 finish 1 | DiAlogue on risk mAnAgement in wine trade 2012 DAY 2 6 nov Pullman Hotel / villa maria, auckland 13.30 trAnsport to villA mAriA lunch 08.30 14.30 4. certificAtion - public/privAte DiAlogue 5. ‘where to from here?’ - public/privAte DiAlogue Moderator: Theresa McCarthy, TTB, USA Moderator: Andreas Clark, Wine Australia Participants’ presentations - Certification requirements in specific jurisdictions - Carol Barnao, MPI, NZ The Republic of Indonesia - Bernadheta Mia Tri Mareta, Ministry of Industry - Federico Mekis, Vinos de Chile Chile - Joaquin Almarza, SAG - Wang Zhongyue, AQSIQ, China Philippines - Pilar Marilyn M. Pagayunan, FDA - Tom LaFaille, Wine Institute, USA Viet Nam - Nguyen Huong Giang, Light Industry Department Australia - Steve Guy, Wine Australia 15.30 6. wrAp up seminAr & recommenDAtions Philip Gregan, NZ Winegrowers, NZ 10.30 coffee breAk 15.50 technicAl tour of villA mAriA Tour of winemaking facilities with Villa Maria winemakers 10.45 4. certificAtion cont. - public/privAte DiAlogue - Certification, an NZ perspective Drasko Pavlovich & Bruce Burdon, MPI, NZ 15.55 Group 1 Tour - US-China efforts to consolidate Certification, Karen Welch, TTB, USA - Chinese Tai pei import procedures, 16.05 Group 2 Tour Huimin Ho, National Treasury Agency, Chinese Tai Pei 16.45 7. session on QuAlity AnD winemAking risk Presenter Bob Campbell MW, NZ 17.30 informAl Drinks For Participants of APEC Seminar and WWTG 18.00 Speech by Minister for Food Safely, Hon. Kate Wilkinson, NZ 19.00 Bus back to Pullman Hotel 2 | DiAlogue on risk mAnAgement in wine trade 2012 aPec & WWtg Joint Forum DAY 3 7 nov Pullman Hotel, auckland 08.30 wwtg regulAtors forum Chair: Pete Thomson, Director of Plant, Food & Environment at MPI, NZ Apec regulAtors AttenD As observers There will be an opportunity for APEC Regulators to talk about regulatory practice within their jurisdictions 11.00 coffee breAk 11.15 formAl opening of wwtg AnnuAl meeting Chair: Wade Armstrong, Principal Trade Advisor, MFAT, NZ keynote ADDress chAirs’ reports 13.00 lunch At pullmAn 3 | DiAlogue on risk mAnAgement in wine trade 2012 freQuently useD Acronyms APEC Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation MPI Ministry of Primary Industries (New Zealand) Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine Master of Wine (generally regarded as one of the highest standards AQSIQ MW (China) of professional knowledge in the wine industry) AWRI The Australian Wine Research Institute NGO Non-governmental organisation CEEV/ Comité Comité Européen des Entreprises Vins Vins (European wine industry association) NZ New Zealand CEO Chief Executive Officer NZW New Zealand Winegrowers Codex Codex Alimentarius Commission OECD Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development DAFF Department of Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry (Australia) Organisation of the Vine and Wine OIV (the international governmental wine organisation) DFAIT Foreign Affairs and International Trade (Canada) SAG Ministry of Agriculture (Chile) EC European Commission TISI Thai Industrial Standards Institute FDA Food and Drug Administration (USA), (Philippines) TPP Trans Pacific Partnership Fédération Internationale des Vins et Spiritueux FIVS (International Federation of Wines and Spirits) TTB Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (USA) FSANZ Food Standards Australia New Zealand WCO World Customs Organisation GI Geographical Indication WFA Winemakers’ Federation of Australia Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (internationally recognised HACCP system used to identify and manage significant food safety hazards) WIPO World Intellectual Property Organization MFAT Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (New Zealand) WTO World Trade Organisation MOH Ministry of Health (Mexico) WWTG World Wine Trade Group 4 | DiAlogue on risk mAnAgement in wine trade 2012 welcome & keynote ADDress DAY 1 08.30 The New Zealand Ministry for Tony Battaglene is the General As the Wine Institute’s Director Primary Industries (MPI) is a new Manager, Strategy and of International Trade Policy, ministry formed from the merger International Affairs for the Tom LaFaille works with U.S. Tax of the Ministry of Agriculture and Winemakers’ Federation of and Trade Bureau, U.S. Trade Forestry (MAF), the Ministry of Australia (WFA) - the national Representative, USDA and U.S. Fisheries (MFish) and the New peak body for the Australian wine Commerce Department officials Zealand Food Safety Authority industry. and international industry (NZFSA). organizations to reduce trade Tony Battaglene represents the barriers and open export markets MPI’s vision is growing and Wayne Mcnee Australian wine industry on all Tony BattagLene for U.S. wineries. ToM LaFaiLLe protecting New Zealand. The market access issues, including Ministry has 2500 staff and an the government to government Based in Washington, D.C., he operating budget of NZ$400 million. bilateral negotiations between Australia and the leads the U.S. wine industry European Union on wine, and leads the Australian delegation in the World Wine Trade Group and the Asia- Wayne joined the Ministry as industry delegation in a number of international fora Pacific Economic Cooperation Wine Regulators Forum Director-General of MAF in November 2010. including the World Wine Trade Group, a key multilateral and serves on the USDA Agriculture Technical Advisory organisation with the aim of liberalising the international Committee for Trade. Prior to his current role, Wayne was Chief Executive trade in wine. of the Ministry of Fisheries. In this role, he led the A former aide to U.S. Congressman and California State development of “Fisheries 2030”, a long-term strategy He is also President of the OIV Expert Group on Senator Mike Thompson (Napa Valley), Tom directed and action plan for the sector. Previously Wayne was Statistical and Economic Analysis and Co-chairs the FIVS wine-related legislation and regulatory issues in the U.S. Chief Executive of the Pharmaceutical Management Codex Alimentarius Commission Committee. He has a House of Representatives and California State Senate. Agency (PHARMAC). long involvement with APEC attending his first meeting He is a graduate of San Francisco State University and in 1996. He is also member of a number of Australian and the University of California’s Hastings College of the Law Wayne has a BPharm and PG Dip Clin Pharm from Otago International Committees dealing with carbon accounting and is a member of The State Bar of California. University. He has studied management and leadership and sustainability. at Mt Eliza Business School, Oxford University, Stanford University and INSEAD Business School. 5 | DiAlogue on risk mAnAgement in wine trade 2012 welcome & keynote ADDress Sirma Karapeeva has an Philip Gregan is the Chief extensive background in the Executive of New Zealand area of techncial barriers to Winegrowers, the national trade, standards and conformity organisation for New assesment. She has led New Zealand’s grape and wine Zealand’s technical barriers sector. The organisation to trade agenda, including the currently has approximately negotiation and implemention 1000 grower members and of TBT chapters of New Zealand 700 winery members. free trade agreements. She also SirMa KaraPeeva PhilliP gregan has significant experience with New Zealand Winegrowers government-to-government conducts a wide range of arrangement, such as mutual recognition and activities: providing a global marketing platform for regulatory cooperation arrangements. New Zealand wine; facilitating world-class research on industry priorities; giving the industry timely and Sirma has represented New Zealand at the WTO strategic information; and organising
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