Winthrop University Digital Commons @ Winthrop University The Johnsonian 1990-1999 The Johnsonian 3-30-1994 The Johnsonian Spring Edition Mar. 30, 1994 Winthrop University Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.winthrop.edu/thejohnsonian1990s Recommended Citation Winthrop University, "The Johnsonian Spring Edition Mar. 30, 1994" (1994). The Johnsonian 1990-1999. 124. https://digitalcommons.winthrop.edu/thejohnsonian1990s/124 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The Johnsonian at Digital Commons @ Winthrop University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Johnsonian 1990-1999 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Winthrop University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. JOHNSONIAiTenth J3sue: Spring Edition, 70th Year The Winthrop University Student Newspaper N March 30,1994 Students react to grade changes by Sam Mosher the system. News Writer "I don't know the circum- stances exactly but this makes Since the grade change it seem really easy to change scandal many Winthrop stu- the grades," Bailey said. dents have been wondering "Justfrom talkingto people how the scandal will directly it seems as if Winthrop has affect them. kept it toned down," she said. There are now many ques- "I don't think it has really hurt tions circlingthe minds ofWin- Winthrop's reputation. throp students regarding the "I do know I will be double ease of changing grades and checking my grades from now faith in the administration. on," Bailey said. During the course of the Junior Sharon Mitchcll investigation the computer svs also s»id the scandal makes it tem was checked back to 1984. seem to have grades changed. There were 68 changes found "I don't think Winthrop is in the thousands of grades re- tarnished because she got corded. caught," Mitchell said. "I think Senior Scott McLellan, a it's because ofhow easy it seems computer science major who to infiltrate the system." works in technical support, said Ola Johnson said the inci- it would be easy to find out dent has brought down the access codes. morale of students in his "If you know what you are classes. doingyou can just look over the "I feel that the apathetic person's shoulder," McLellan trend that permeates Winthrop said. has been enhanced by this McLellan said despite the story," Johnson, a junior at controversy he thinks the net- Winthrop, said. "Now no one work is secure. really is going to care about "I have access to many dif- what is going on here." ferent systems because of my Some students on campus job," McLellan said, "and from feel the same way sophomore vhat I have seen they seem Andrea Nickle does. secure. There are logs and "I've really been much to tracking systems to trace any- busy to be paying attention to one in the system." that," Nickle said. "What is Heather Bailey, a junior going on with that story any- art major feels less sure about way?" Thomson Hall to receive Photo by Joel Nichols new furniture for rooms Steppin out by Sam Mosher was how long ithad been since The Association of Ebonites first ever "Miss Ebonite," Tumiko Pinckney, right, and this News Writer the hall received new furni- year's Mr. Ebonite, Kevin Page, left, as she accepts her crown and her trophy after the ture,"Timmons said. "Thomson pageant Friday night. First runner-up is Bridgett Moses. The contest drew five Thomson Hall will be re- also worked because men and ceiving new furniture by the women live there, so there was contestants. fall 1994 school year. no preferential treatment." Cynthia Cassens, director The furniture was chosen of residence life, said the furni- by an evaluative committee and ture should be here by the first student polls. Grabiel 'totally psyched' week of June. "The committee was made "It will be all set up by the up of people from the physical time the students arrive in the plant and campus planning and fall," Cassens said. design," Cassens said. "We about her new position Thomson was chosen over wanted people who knew what the other halls for several rea- they were looking for." by Eileen B. Jones dents," Frank Ardaiolo, vice "I work better with ateam," There was a furniture expo, Grabiel said. sons according to J.T. News Writer president for student life, said. Timmons, assistant director of Feb. 6. All students were in- "Additionally, Cristina consis- The new dean of students vited to preview the furniture. wants to improve and increase residence life. "Totally psyched" are the tently demonstrates concern "There have been various "We had 220 students fill words M. Cristina Grabiel used for detail, common sense, con- communication between the out surveys about the furni- departments so they can help studies done recently to deter- to describe the reaction she cern for student development mine which halls lose the most ture they liked," Cassens said. had to her recent appointment and compassion-an unbeat- each other. "We combined the information She said if the departments students to off-campus hous- as dean of students. able combination." ing," Timmons said. "We've given us by the committee and "I'm challenged and ex- Gabriel said she is looking work together, they could elimi- the polls and sent them out to nate some of the redundancies noticed when students leave cited," Grabiel said. forward to working with Tom Thomson they don't move to companies we have worked "She is an extraordinary Webb, director of student ac- between the departments and with." tivities and Catherine Holmes, make them more efficient. another hall, they move off- and passionate administrator campus." and educator, dedicated to the director of career services, "Another consideration See THOMSON, pg. 5 care and nurturing of stu- because they are so creative. See GRABIEL, pg. 5 INSIDE Final Four festivities O News'/1 -5 O Fine Arts / 8 O Sports /12-13 on pgs. 12-13 O Opinion / 6-7 O Spotlight / 9 Q Lifestyles /14 O Announcements/ 7 O Entertainment /10-11 O Distractions /15 Win prizes, too! Page 2 The JOHNSONIAN March 30,1994 Sexual harassment can be dealt with by Kirsten Frillici situation, Rankin said. Special to The Johnsonian For sexual harassment vic- "/ can't imagine tims, the counseling center in Even though sexual ha- that there is a Crawford, offers free counsel- rassment is not seen or heard ing to anyone for up to ten often on Winthrop's campus, campus where sessions in an academic year. that does not mean it does not "We women h ave a respon- exist. sexual harass- sibility not to cry wolf," par- Cristina Grabiel, director ticularly when it comes to deal- of Student Development said, ment doesn't ex- ing with sexual harassment "I can't imagine that there is a ist" cases, Rankin said. campuses where sexual harass- -Cristina Grabiel Junior Amy Gallaher, 20, ment doesn't exist." Director of Student from Goose Creek, S.C., said, Dr. Jane Rankin, associ- Development "Sexual harassment is a major ate professor in counseling for problem right now. but I Winthrop at counseling ser- haven't been exposed to it." vices said there has only been nature." Gallaher said as awareness one student that she knows of Sexual harassment is most increases on the subject, the who has had a sexual harass- common in the work place, but rates of sexual harassment will ment claim. That student has trends are showing professor- decrease. since graduated. student occurrences also. This Freshman Melissa Corn According to Winthrop's occurs most often when the said, "Sexual harassment is a sexualharassmentpolicy in the boss/ professor is a male and serious problem because I know student handbook, sexual ha- proposes to the co-worker/ stu- a friend on campus who is be- rassment will notbe condoned dent to have sexual relations. ing harassed by another stu- If any student who believes he "Thisisstartlingto believe, dent." Pholo by Kirsten Frillici or she has been sexually ha- not only that it is happening, Com, 18, from Savannah, Anyone for tennis? rassed by a faculty member but that it can effect everyone Ga., said thather friend ishav- needs to contact the Vice Presi- anywhere," said Kiera ingproblems in school with this Student Vince Pearson enjoys a game a table tennis dent. for Student Life in 209 Kephart, 21, a junior from Co- ongoing situation. during the weekend. Dinkins. lumbia, S.C. "She doesn't want to tell A new definition of sexual Rankin said that a victim because she doesn't want to harassment will be voted upon of sexual harassment has con- excuse herself to the public," by a committee to be included fused feelings about the situa- Corn said. Warm weather effects in the student handbook early tion and different people react Clinical psychologist, Dr. this year. The new definition differently to sexual advances. Lois Veronen said, "We need is, "Sexual harassment is de- Some may feel angiy, scared, better our education on cam- students' study habits fined as unwelcome sexual ad- hurt, assertive in seeking re- pus on what sexual harassment vances, requests for sexual fa- course, or some may just not isand what responsibilities the by Denise Stubbs E. C. Brink, a sophmore vors and other conduct of sexual want to bring attention to the faculty has to the students." News Writer political science major, said, "I study less during warm The weather has turned weather. Lately I've been out President's room gets renovations, warmer and students have bike riding." been taking advantage of it to Senior political science get outside. major, Leigh Gladney agrees. can be used for receptions, ACC Around campus, students "I study less because there is so are seen sitting in the sun with much more I'd rather be doing by Kip Carpenter then we can worry about that stalled, the walls painted, cabi- friends and sometimes study- outside." Special to The Johnsonian (renovations) and the raise for nets built and more furniture ing between classes.
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