THE THREE SWORDS STAVANGER – NORWAY Summer/Autumn 2011 The Three Swords Magazine 20/2011 1 THE THREE SWORDS STAVANGER – NORWAY Summer/Autumn – Issue No: 20 The Three Swords Front Cover _ Major General Jean Fred Berger photo by MSgt HERBERT BERGER, photo collage by BRANDON CHHOEUN Back Cover _ JWC’s World News Today (WNT) photo by CONTENTS INCI KUCUKAKSOY The Three Swords Magazine 20/2011 1 Flowers were Norway’s first and immediate 4 response to terror. Flowers in front of the Oslo Cathedral in the aftermath of the Oslo and Utøya Island tragedies. Photo by CDR (Sg) Helene Langeland, Royal Norwegian Navy, Chief PAO, Joint Warfare Centre. Unless mentioned otherwise, all photos in this magazine are by JWC Public Affairs Office. 2 The Three Swords Magazine 20/2011 The Three Swords CONTENTS Summer/Autumn 2011 • Issue No 20 26 5 Commander’s Foreword 6 JWC Change of Command by Inci Kucukaksoy 13 Remarks: Prof. Ole Lislerud PAX - Peace and the Art of War 14 An Interview with Major General Jean Fred Berger 18 Cyberspace: Implications for NATO 40 Operations and the Joint Warfare Centre by Lt Col Todd Waller 26 Hybrid Threat: Countering Hybrid Threat Experiment, May 2011, Talinn, Estonia by Adrian Williamson 34 Observations from OUP by Maj Martijn van der Meijs 40 ISAF TE 11/01 and Interviews By Inci Kucukaksoy 47 Exercise STEADFAST JOIST 11 47 By Lt Col Heiko Hermanns 50 Gender Dimension By Lone Kjelgaard 55 Making Your Idea Stick: Uses and Abuses of PowerPoint (Part III) By Paul Sewell 58 Neo-Taliban and Information Environment By Hope Carr 62 New Multimedia Capabilities at JWC By Pete and Laura Loflin DuBois 50 65 Press Desk Within JOC By RRC-FR PAO The Three Swords Magazine 20/2011 3 JWC Public Affairs Office PO Box 8080, Eikesetveien 4068 Stavanger, Norway Tel: +(47) 52 87 9130/9131/9132 Internet: www.jwc.nato.int FROM THE EDITOR Dear Reader, I am honoured and pleased to I choose to think that there are things we can do to protect our be back at the Joint Warfare democracies from acts of terror and I believe that what we are doing Centre. It is a privilege to work here at the Joint Warfare Centre continues to represent a small but with so many dedicated and important contribution towards responding to that challenge. WELCOME highly skilled people to support To our new readers, welcome! NATO forces in their training To our returning readers, welcome back! and preparation for operations. I hope this new issue of The Three Swords, the magazine of the Ten years ago, the United Joint Warfare Centre, will be of interest to all. States was struck by the most CDR (SG) Helene M. W. Langeland gruesome terrorist attack. Like Royal Norwegian Navy most of you, I still remember JWC Chief PAO watching in disbelief live foot- age of the surreal assaults and their devastating results. The first questions that came into my mind were, “How could this happen?” and “Why would anybody want to at- tack America?” To think that somebody would consider launching an attack on the U.S. mainland was something totally unexpected to me, and probably to most other people as well. What happened served as an effective wakeup call, bringing into focus, among other things, the massive vulnerability of our open, multicultural democratic societies. Overnight average citizens started voicing concern about the safety and security of their society. On 22 July of this year, the unthinkable happened to Norway. All of a sudden, my small, peaceful country was shaken to its roots by a hor- rifying terrorist attack, and my and most other people’s view of Norway as the incarnation of a safe and peaceful corner of the world was shat- tered forever. Again and again, we asked ourselves how this could hap- pen. This time, however, that question quickly turned into: “Is it at all possible to defend our societies against terror? Or is terror the price we One minute’s silence for Norwegian victims at NATO HQ, have to be willing to pay for living in open, multicultural democracies?” 25 July 2011. Photo by NATO. The Three Swords Magazine JWC PAO: The Three Swords is the authorized unofficial CDR (SG) Helene Langeland, RNOR N publication produced by the JWC Public Affairs Thanks Lt Col Markus Beck, DEU A Office. It represents a compilation of articles, MSgt Herbert Berger Inci Kucukaksoy, NATO Civilian reports, news and general information related to CPO Wtr Garry A. Braddock Bente Heill Kleven, NATO Civilian JWC personnel and their families. The articles and David Keane opinions expressed in this publication are those Editors: Tudor Jelescu of the authors and do not necessarily represent Inci Kucukaksoy the official policy of NATO. The Editor reserves Bente Heill Kleven the right to edit or shorten submissions. Layout: PUBLISHED THREE TIMES A YEAR Inci Kucukaksoy 4 The Three Swords Magazine 20/2011 FOREWORD Major General Jean Fred Berger French Army Commander, Joint Warfare Centre am honoured and very pleased NATO’s operational headquarters to assume the command of are well trained, highly capable NATO’s Joint Warfare Cen- and ready to successfully execute tre. When I succeeded Lieu- and win our battles as Operation tenant General Wolfgang Korte Unified Protector HQ recently Ion 17 June 2011, I knew that I was demonstrated. taking over an experienced and mo- I would also like to take this op- tivated headquarters which is com- portunity to thank our Host Nation posed of thoroughly professional of Norway for her continuing com- and efficient personnel from the mitment and devotion to NATO. distinguished Nations of our Alli- As a NATO Commander, I am ance. The Joint Warfare Centre has very keen to achieve a more sus- an excellent reputation and being tained dialogue with our local part- part of such an outstanding team ners in Stavanger and maintain this and to be given the opportunity of strategic relationship at a higher leading that team makes me very level. This relationship is a matter of proud. It is a privilege for me to be major importance for me. I would in command of this Centre, espe- like to thank Norway for the kind- cially now that we are on track to ness and hospitality extended to us assume new capabilities to enhance here in Stavanger. and complement our core mission. With this foreword, I would like I know that together we will suc- to express, once again, my deepest cessfully manage the future chal- sympathies to the families, loved lenges we will undoubtedly face and promote transformation ones and colleagues of the victims of the Oslo and Utøya trag- within the NATO Alliance. I am looking forward to working edies. We honour the memory of those who died in the at- with all of you and together we will see our reputation grow. tacks. I know that the people of Norway stand united and will A significant contributor to our future impact is the cur- not let the acts of one individual harm the Nation’s solidarity; rent development of the new “Skolkan” setting for the NATO we stand shoulder to shoulder with them. Response Force (NRF). In autumn 2012, the first NRF ex- We do have an ambitious agenda ahead of us training ercise with this new exercise scenario will be executed. With NATO headquarters and staff and one thing is guaranteed: our new training facility in Jåttå, the Joint Warfare Centre is the last quarter of this year will be the Joint Warfare Centre’s One minute’s silence for Norwegian victims at NATO HQ, well prepared to provide an efficiency enhancement for our busiest ever. However, I am sure the hard work and dedication 25 July 2011. Photo by NATO. training events and exercises. With NATO’s most advanced of our team will surpass our responsibilities and obligations IT platform and state-of-the-art facilities, as well as the adding significant value as we collectively play our parts en- best trainers available in NATO, the Centre is making sure suring the continued success of the Joint Warfare Centre. NATO Headquarters Brussels (© NATO) and the JWC Training Facility Norway. The Three Swords Magazine 20/2011 5 ARTICLE BY Inci Kucukaksoy, Public Affairs Office, Joint Warfare Centre PHOTOS MSgt Herbet Berger, German Army, Joint Exercise Division, Joint Warfare Centre NE JWC Wolfgang Korte during a Change of Command ceremony held on Friday 17 June 2011. June during 2011. Korte held on FridayWolfgang Command ceremony aChange of 17 General Commander outgoing Lieutenant to Commander new farewell and bid fond a Army French Majorwelcomed General Berger JeanFred Centre as The its JointWarfare NGE O A F H C C O M C M W A W J N . D COMMANDER W EL C OMES Rooted in military tradition, the Change of Command ceremony is a celebration of continuity of command while commending the outgoing Commander for his professional excellence. (Clockwise from top right): Outgoing Commander Lt Gen Korte, Gen Bieniek and incoming Commander Maj Gen Berger; media interviews; Mrs Régina Berger; Brig Gen and Mrs DePalmer; Maj Gen Berger with Lt Gen Clément-Bollée; State Secretary of the Ministry of Defence Mr Ingebrigtsen and unveiling of JWC’s work of art. On 17 June, Major General Jean The programme began with a reception “Nothing is as volatile as Fred Berger, French Army, relieved in the New Building’s Dining Facility. success. New challenges Lieutenant General Wolfgang Korte, Ms Bjørg Tysdal Moe, Deputy Mayor German Army, as Commander Joint of Stavanger, welcomed the new Com- keep emerging, asking Warfare Centre ( JWC).
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