World History • Ancient societies • Feudalism • Renaissance • Scientific Revolution • Magna Carta • American Revolution • French Revolution • World War-I • World War -II www.classmateacademy.com www.classmateacademy.com www.classmateacademy.com www.classmateacademy.com www.classmateacademy.com Around 900 B.C,dark Ages up to 776 B.C the Homeric epics (8th–7th century B.C) The Illyad (Troy war) and Odyssey First Olympics 776 B.C(end of dark ages ) • Cleisthenes (508 B.C) first Democracy in Athens 480 B.C Xerexes attacks Athens • Peloponnesian war (431-404 B.C ) • Athens and Sparta Leader of Colinth (Greece united=Hellenistic) First Leader Phillip-2 of Macedonia Alexander -2,(334 B.C )starts expanding www.classmateacademy.com Greeks : Some Important People • Socrates (470 B.C) : Good and Justice(Scientific approach breaking up of many inti many sub-parts). • Plato(423 B.C) : Republic State (Ideal state or Government),Theory of Forms(material world not real). • Aristotle(324 B.C): Teacher of Alexander the Great Physics,Biology,Zoology,metaphysics,Logic Ethics(Nicomachean Ethics) Logic: Kant (Critique of Pure reason) Biology and Medicine: classification Euclid,Pythagoras,Archimedes Hippocrates : Physician www.classmateacademy.com www.classmateacademy.com Greece Polity : • Oligarchy (Plutocracy: rule of few(rich)) • Tyrant(Monarchy) • Democracy : Athens(Demos=people, Cratos =rule) • Cleisthenes (508 B.C) first Democracy in Athens • Society Agrarian (Freemen =Citizens and Slaves(people defeated in wars would be slaves)) www.classmateacademy.com Roman Empire : • BC 27-14 AD-Agustus(First Emperor) • 306 AD-337AD-Constantine-1 ,adopted Christianity • 480 AD –The Western Empire Comes to an End • 1453 AD—The Eastern Roman Empire ends and Ottoman Empire Begins www.classmateacademy.com www.classmateacademy.com www.classmateacademy.com www.classmateacademy.com www.classmateacademy.com Feudalism : The Europe in the Middle Ages Fief : land Given to the military people. Vassal : the person who accepts the land became the vassal Lord : The person who is giving the land Serfs: who finally cultivated the land they were tied to land ,no mobility Tithe : tax paid by the serfs Corvee : Condition of unpaid labour by serfs Problems: it discouraged a unified government It was an individual arrangement between the people pledging fealty(loyalty),but in practise often resulted in wars www.classmateacademy.com www.classmateacademy.com www.classmateacademy.com www.classmateacademy.com www.classmateacademy.com Renaissance : Re Birth • 14-17 century(Printing press ,paper important in Spread of Ideas). • Started in Italy • Humanism- generally prefers critical thinking and evidence (rationalism, empiricism) over established doctrine or faith (fideism). • Politics-Machiavelli(The Prince),Thomas Moore. • Arts- Leonardo-da-vinci, Michelangelo. • Science-Copernicus,Galelio(Scientific method –Empirical Observation) • Religion-Martin Luther(Protestants,Calvin,Erasmus) www.classmateacademy.com www.classmateacademy.com www.classmateacademy.com www.classmateacademy.com www.classmateacademy.com www.classmateacademy.com The Discovery of New World and its Effects: Grains maize (corn) wild rice Pseudograins sunflower Beans peanut, Fiber long-staple and upland cotton Roots and potato, sweet potato, Tubers Fruits guava, papaya, tomato, Nuts cashew, Other cocoa, maplesyrup,, rubber, tobacco, www.classmateacademy.com The Triangular Trade www.classmateacademy.com www.classmateacademy.com www.classmateacademy.com Scientific Revolution: • Nicolaus Copernicus (1473–1543) published On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres in 1543. • William Gilbert (1544–1603) published On the Magnet and Magnetic Bodies, and on the Great Magnet the Earth in 1600. • Galileo Galilei (1564–1642) improved the telescope, with which he made several important astronomical discoveries, including the four largest moons of Jupiter, the phases ofVenus, and the rings of Saturn, and made detailed observations of sunspots. • Johannes Kepler (1571–1630) published the first two of his three laws of planetary motion in 1609. • William Harvey (1578–1657) demonstrated that blood circulates, using dissections and other experimental techniques. • Issac newton: “ Principa Mathematica“ www.classmateacademy.com www.classmateacademy.com Enlightenment : Age of Reason Factors Responsible Social Discrimination: There was widespread discrimination between the privileged and the unprivileged based on birth. Exploitation. Scientific inventions: Spreading inventions and education questioned existing beliefs and inspired new thinking. Political Absolutism: There was no democracy, no checks and balances, no separation of powers. There were despotic monarchies. There was no liberty for the masses. Feudalism: All the high offices were monopolized by feudal lords. State authority was being misused for personal benefits. Arbitrariness: There was no rule of law. There were cahiers. www.classmateacademy.com Cultural Church: It dominated religious-cultural lives of people. It was an absolute tyrant and no one could speak against it. Its voice was the voice of God. Dissenters were suppressed brutally. There was no tolerance for different ideas and religions and only catholicism was allowed. Church indulged in massive corruption. Economic Exploitation: A small fraction of the population cornered most of the resources and lives of majority were miserable. Industrial revolution: Old landed groups lost their hold on economy and new groups emerged which were guided by different set of interests and ideas www.classmateacademy.com Age of Enlightenment : Age of Reason Dutch : • Spinoza • Pierre Bayle: French philosopher advocated separation of Science and Religion. Italy : • Alessandro Volta: • Luigi Galvani : Neuro Electricity • Cesare Beccaria: On Crimes and punishments Germany : • Mozart: Prodigal Musician • Immaneul Kant : Critique of Pure Reason Britain : • Adam Smith :Wealth Of Nations, Theory of Moral Sentiments. • Hobbes : The greatest Happiness of greatest people “Utilitarian and consequestialist”. “Levithan”-Founder of Social Contract theory(questioned divine right of kings) Liberal thought-the right of the individual; the natural equality of all men www.classmateacademy.com Other famous People: • Robert Hooke : father of science of microscopy. • David Hume :Treatise on Human Nature,Empiricist • Thomas Jefferson : United States Declaration of Independence (1776), especially "All men are created equal. • John Locke: The contractual basis of the state and the rule of law, personal liberty emphasizing the rights of property. The philosopher who believed that all people are born free and equal, with the rights to life, liberty, and property was • James Madison : Key role in Constitution ,Federalist papers Bill of Rights. • Montesquie : Separation of Powers. • Thomas paine : Common Sense ,Called for Independence. • : denounced the influence of religion Voltaire www.classmateacademy.com Liberty : Free will Thomas Hobbes, "a free man is he that in those things which by his strength and wit he is able to do is not hindered to do what he hath the will to do" (Leviathan) Sir Robert Filmer : A liberty for everyone to do what he likes, to live as he pleases, and not to be tied by any laws John Locke: Freedom is constrained by laws in both the state of nature and political society(Two treatise of government) J S Mill : On Liberty, ...nature and limits of the power which can be legitimately exercised by society over the individual Isaaih Berlin : Two Concepts of Liberty Negative Liberty: Free from arbitrary power ,tyranny Positive liberty : free to do www.classmateacademy.comanything you want • "country" denotes a region of land defined by geographical features or political boundaries. • Nation denotes a people who are believed to or deemed to share common customs, religion, language, origins, ancestry or history. However, the adjectives national and international are frequently used to refer to matters pertaining to what are strictly sovereign states, as in national capital, international law. • State refers to the set of governing and supportive institutions that have sovereignty over a definite territory and population. Sovereign states are legal persons. • The government is the particular group of people, the administrative bureaucracy, that controls the state apparatus at a given timewww.classmateacademy.com Sovereignty, in layman's terms, means a state or a governing body has the full right and power to govern itself without any interference from outside sources or bodies. Thomas Hobbes : Leviathan, Social contract for establishing sovereignty John Locke : Two Treatises of Government, questioned divine theory of kings Rosseau : the social contract ,Sovereignty located in people Montesquies: spirit of laws (separation of powers) A government is the system by which a state or community is governed www.classmateacademy.com Rousseau: • The Social Contract argued against the idea that monarchs were divinely empowered to legislate; as Rousseau asserts, only the people, who are sovereign, have that all-powerful right. Voltaire : • freedom of religion, freedom of expression, and separation of church and state. www.classmateacademy.com A government is the system by which a state or community is governed Plato : 5 types of government (Republic) Some types of government based on common features Aristarchy : Rule by small group of people with no involvement of large majority of population. Aristocracy People of noble birth Meritocracy People on the
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