free SWEST COAST ARTS AND CULTUREFAQ Jay DeFeo Jens Hoffmann Kathan Brown Bay Area Latino Arts Part 1: Enrique Chagoya - MENA Report Part 1: Istanbul Biennial with Jens Hoffmann - Scales Fall From My Eyes: Bay Area Beat Generation Visual Art as told to Paul Karlstrom - Peter Selz - Crown Point Press: Kathan Brown SFAQ Artist Spread - Paulson Bott Press - Collectors Corner: Peter Kirkeby Flop Box Zine Reviews - Bay Area Event Calendar: August, September, October West Coast Residency Listing SAN FRANCISCO ARTS QUARTERLY ISSUE.6 ROBERT BECHTLE A NEW SOFT GROUND ETCHING Brochure available Three Houses on Pennsylvania Avenue, 2011. 30½ x 39", edition 40. CROWN POINT PRESS 20 Hawthorne Street San Francisco, CA 94105 www.crownpoint.com 415.974.6273 3IGNUPFOROURE NEWSLETTERATWWWFLAXARTCOM ,IKEUSON&ACEBOOK &OLLOWUSON4WITTER 3IGNUPFOROURE NEWSLETTERATWWWFLAXARTCOM ,IKEUSON&ACEBOOK &OLLOWUSON4WITTER berman_sf_quarterly_final.pdf The Sixth Los Angeles International Contemporary Art Fair September 30 - October 2, 2011 J.W. Marriott Ritz Carlton www.artla.net \ 323.965.1000 Bruce of L.A. B. Elliott, 1954 Collection of John Sonsini Ceramics Annual of America 2011 October 7-9, 2011 ART FAIR SAN FRANCISCO FORT MASON | FESTIVAL PAVILION DECEMBER 1 - 4, 2011 1530 Collins Avenue (south of Lincoln Road), Miami Beach $48$$570,$0,D&20 VIP Preview Opening November 30, 2011 For more information contact: Public Hours December 1- 4, 2011 [email protected] 1.877.459.9CAA www.ceramicsannual.org “The best hotel art fair in the world.” DECEMBER 1 - 4, 2011 1530 Collins Avenue (south of Lincoln Road), Miami Beach $48$$570,$0,D&20 VIP Preview Opening November 30, 2011 Public Hours December 1- 4, 2011 “The best hotel art fair in the world.” Lucas Soi ìWe Bought The Seagram Buildingî October 6th-27th For all your art supply needs, pick Blick. SAN FRANCISCO 979 MARKET ST. BETWEEN 5TH & 6TH 4154416075 20% OFF *Ao05141* ENTIRE PURCHASE OF NONSALE, INSTOCK ITEMS VALID 7/1/11/11 TO 10/1/11 Blick Art Materials, Retail Inc., coupon must be surrendered at time of purchase; no copies will be honored. Limit one coupon per visit. Valid only on non-sale, in-stock items. Not valid with any other discounts or promotion, phone/mail/ 9 internet orders, custom framing and printing and purchases of gift cards. san francisco art and design show & sale featuring 40 premier national and international exhibitors presenting decorative and fine arts from all design movements of the 20th and 21st century including furniture, lighting, sculpture, paintings, glass, jewelry, silver, ceramics, photography, textiles, prints, rugs, and contemporary art and sculpture. and presenting 21POP a collection of ateliers of contemporary crafts people a rare tripod fauteuil by joseph-andre motte preview gala france c. 1949, hedge gallery benefiting the san francisco SFMOMA purchase through a museum of modern art gift from sf20/21 designers forum thursday, september 15, 2011 show & sale friday, september 16 to sunday, september 18, 2011 festival pavilion fort mason center produced by dolphin promotions, inc. chicago: 708.366.2710 florida: 954.563.6747 Tessie Wall lived here. Meridian celebrates the history of its home on Powell Street, its architect and its early inhabitants with the House at 100 dolphinfairs.com Arts Festival September 24th to November 26th, 2011 and Love and Bullets: a San Francisco Love Story, a fundraising gala filled with tango, historic libations, and costumed revelry on the evening of November 12, 2011. Including: sf20.net Exhibition by David Linger, Sandra Beard, Kimetha Vanderveen, curated by Theres Rohan. Talk by historian Gray Brechin. Readings by Herb Gold, Lawrence Ferlinghetti and Jack Hirschman. Classic film screenings on the Barbary Coast. Profound Fatigue an intermedia sponsors performance installation by M. Mara-Ann. Concerts with music and instruments of the period. Performances by Alexis Iammarino, Fred Frith, and Amy Lewis. Textile workshops by artist and costume historian Erin Algeo. san francisco art and design show & sale featuring 40 premier national and international exhibitors presenting decorative and fine arts from all design movements of the 20th and 21st century including furniture, lighting, sculpture, paintings, glass, jewelry, silver, ceramics, photography, textiles, prints, rugs, and contemporary art and sculpture. and presenting 21POP a collection of ateliers of contemporary crafts people a rare tripod fauteuil by joseph-andre motte preview gala france c. 1949, hedge gallery benefiting the san francisco SFMOMA purchase through a museum of modern art gift from sf20/21 designers forum thursday, september 15, 2011 show & sale friday, september 16 to sunday, september 18, 2011 festival pavilion fort mason center produced by dolphin promotions, inc. chicago: 708.366.2710 florida: 954.563.6747 dolphinfairs.com sf20.net sponsors 441 O’Farrell St. San Francisco, CA 94102 EVER [email protected] www.evergoldgallery.com GOLD 415.796.3676 GALLERY Exile and the Kingdom Also Owen Takabayashi Ever Gold Residency August/September 2011 Opening Reception: Thursday, September 1st 2011 Exhibition Ends: Saturday, September 24th 2011 Fountain art fair LA 2011 9.30 – 10.2, 2011 Lot 613 613 Imperial St, Los Angeles, CA www.fountainartfair.com WWW.FOUNTAINARTFAIR.COM SYSTEM BEING ACCEPTED AT FAIR TO CHANGE THE ART APPLICATIONS General Public Hours: 12pm – 7pm. Special Events: Friday, Sept. 30th & Saturday, Oct. 1st, 7pm – 1am Admission is $10, or $15 for weekend pass ADVERTISEMENTS ARE COMING SOON : ALWAYS UGLY!!! A Special 4 Episode crossover Covering Art in the Bay Area...and Beyond?!? http://whatisartlive.blogspot.com/ http://www.youtube.com/whatisartlive We’re Serious, Fo’ Real yo! Marketing and Public Relations for the Arts aopublic.com twitter.com/aopublic LOS ANGELES SAN FRANCISCO SEPT 7-11 SEPT 22-25 The Bicycle Film Festival is a celebration of bicycles through art, film, and music. bicyclefilmfestival .com SFAQ :HU-YHUJPZJV(Y[Z8\HY[LYS` 0ZZ\L(<.:,76*; 4(:;/,(+ *65;90)<;69: ;()3,6-*65;,5;: n 7H\S12HYSZ[YVT )H`(YLH3H[PUV(Y[ZWHY[ -V\UKLYZ7\ISPZOLYZ,KP[VYZ+LZPNU 7H\S12HYSZ[YVTMVYTLY>LZ[*VHZ[9LNPVUHS+PYLJ[VYVM[OL:TP[OZVUPHU»Z ,UYPX\L*OHNV`H .YLNVY`0[VHUK(UKYL^4J*SPU[VJR (YJOP]LZVM(TLYPJHU(Y[PZ[OLLKP[VYVM6U[OL,KNLVM(TLYPJH!*HSPMVYUPH ^YP[[LUI`!1\SPV*4VYHSLZ 4VKLYUPZ[(Y[ ¶ <*7YLZZHUKHJVLKP[VYVM(ZPHU(TLYPJHU(Y[! 4HUHNPUN,KP[VY ART ETIQUETTE (/PZ[VY`¶ /LPZJVH\[OVYVM;\YUPUN[OL;PKL!,HYS`3VZ(UNLSLZ (UKYL^4J*SPU[VJR 4,5(9LWVY[WHY[ 4VKLYUPZ[Z ¶ HUKH\[OVYVM9HPTVUKZ:[HWYHUZ!(Y[VM;YHUX\PSP[` 1LUZ/VMMTHU!0Z[HUI\S)PLUUPHS Questions on Conceptual Art HUK;\YI\SLUJL ^YP[[LUI`!(UKYL^4J*SPU[VJR & *VW`,KP[VY Art World Complaints ,YPU(IUL` 1VOU/LSK1Y :JHSLZ-HSS-YVT4`,`LZ >YP[LY*\YH[VY(Y[/PZ[VYPHUSVJHSHY[PZ[1VOU/LSK1Y^PSSILWYLZLU[PUNH )H`(YLH)LH[.LULYH[PVU=PZ\HS(Y[ by Tom Marioni ,KP[VYPHS(ZZPZ[HU[4HUHNLY WHWLYVU1VOU*HNLH[H)SHJR4V\U[HPU*VSSLNLJVUMLYLUJL[OPZMHSS/PZ (Z[VSKI`7H\S2HYSZ[YVT 4HYPUH.VUJOHYV]H PU[LY]PL^Z^P[O*HNL9H`1VOUZVU(SSHU2HWYV^HUK==HSLJHUILMV\UK ^YP[[LUI`!1VOU/LSK1Y VUSPUL ,KP[VYPHS(ZZPZ[HU[Z 3H\YH1VULZ*OHYSV[[L4PSSLY1LZZPJH-SLTTPUN4HYPZH>LKLTL`LY 7L[LY:LSa 1HTPL(SL_HUKLY ^YP[[LUI`!(UKYL^4J*SPU[VJR 2H[OLYPUL)\YNL1LUU7YPLZ 1HTPL(SL_HUKLYPZJVV^ULYVM7HYR3PML:[VYLHUK.HSSLY`PU:HU-YHUJPZJV HUK7HWLY4\ZL\T7YLZZ/LPZHUH]PKHY[JVSSLJ[VYHUKOHZILLUHWH[YVU *YV^U7VPU[7YLZZ Premiering in Issue 7 *VU[YPI\[PUN>YP[LYZ VM[OLHY[ZPU[OL)H`(YLHMVYV]LY`LHYZ/LPZHJ\YYLU[)VHYK4LTILY 2H[OHU)YV^U 7H\S12HYSZ[YVT1VOU/LSK1Y1HTPL(SL_HUKLY3LPNO*VVWLY1\SPV*LZHY VM[OL/LHKSHUKZ*LU[LYMVY[OL(Y[Z^OLYLOLJOHPYZ[OL7\ISPJ7YVNYHTTPUN ^YP[[LUI`!3LPNO*VVWLY 4VYHSLZ+LYLR:VUN(\Z[PU4J4HU\Z *VTTP[[LL (Y[PZ[7VZ[LY!;VT4HYPVUP Submit your Questions & Complaints *VU[YPI\[PUN7OV[VNYHWOLYZ 1\SPV*tZHY4VYHSLZ by September 20th, 2011 =HSLYPV1LYY`)\YJOHYK+LUUPZ3L[IL[[LY 1\SPV*tZHY4VYHSLZPZHUHY[PZ[LK\JH[VYHUKJ\YH[VY/L[LHJOLZH[;OL:HU 7H\SZVU)V[[7YLZZ -YHUJPZJV(Y[0UZ[P[\[LHUKPZHSZV[OLMV\UKLYVM8\LLUZ5HPSZ(UUL_7YVQLJ[Z ^YP[[LUI`!1HTPL(SL_HUKLY 0THNLZ*V\Y[LZ`VM PU:HU-YHUJPZJVHUKPZJ\YYLU[S`HUHKQ\UJ[J\YH[VYH[[OL@LYIH)\LUH*LU submit to [email protected] 7H\SL(UNSPT,UYPX\L*OHNV`H=PU[HNL.HSSLY`.HSLYPH=LYTLSOVAHYPUH [LYMVY[OL(Y[Z/LPZYLWYLZLU[LKI`-YL`5VYYPZ.HSSLY`PU:HU-YHUJPZJV /HZOPTP3\OYPUN(\N\Z[PUL;LYLZH)\YNL4HY[OH9VZSVY.HSLYPL*OYPZ[PHU *VSSLJ[VYZ*VYULY 7L[LY2PYRLI` 5HNLS*HYSVZ=PSSH+H]PK1VULZ*YV^U7VPU[7YLZZ7L[LY:LSa9VILY[ +LYLR:VUN ^YP[[LUI`!+LYLR:VUN ,TVY`1VOUZVU*OLZ[LY2LZZSLY,Z[H[L7H\SZVT)V[[7YLZZ;OL-SVW)V_ +LYLR:VUNPZ[OLJVV^ULYVM7HYR3PMLZ[VYLNHSSLY`HUKPZ[OLW\ISPZOLYVM 7HWLY4\ZL\T7YLZZ :VJPHS4LKPH4HUHNLY -SVW)V_APUL9L]PL^Z ^YP[[LUI`!(\Z[PU4J4HU\Z 4HYPUH.VUJOHYV]H 3LPNO*VVWLY ;OYV\NOV\[[OLJLU[\YPLZ[OLYL^LYLTLU^OV[VVRÄYZ[Z[LWZKV^UUL^ (K]PZVYZ )H`(YLH,]LU[3PZ[PUNZ YVHKZHYTLK^P[OUV[OPUNI\[[OLPYV^U]PZPVU;OLPYNVHSZKPMMLYLKI\[[OL`HSS (\N\Z[ 1VOU:HUNLY,YPJ9VKLUILJR4HYPHUUH:[HYR7H\S12HYSZ[VT1VOU/LSK OHK[OPZPUJVTTVU![OH[[OLZ[LW^HZÄYZ[[OLYVHKUL^[OL]PZPVU\UIVY :LW[LTILY 1Y1+)LS[YHU1LZZPJH:PS]LYTHU;VT4HYPVUP7H\SL(UNSPT1\SPV*LZHY YV^LKHUK[OLYLZWVUZL[OL`YLJLP]LKOH[YLK;OLNYLH[JYLH[VYZ[OL 6J[VILY 4VYHSLZ4H\YPJL2HUIHY [OPURLYZ[OLHY[PZ[Z[OLZJPLU[PZ[Z[OLPU]LU[VYZZ[VVKHSVULHNHPUZ[[OLTLU VM[OLPY[PTL,]LY`NYLH[UL^[OV\NO[^HZVWWVZLK,]LY`NYLH[UL^PU]LU :WLJPHS;OHURZ <WJVTPUN:-(8+LHKSPULZ,]LU[*HSLUKHY(K]LY[PZPUN [PVU^HZKLUV\UJLK¯)\[[OLTLUVM\UIVYYV^LK]PZPVU^LU[HOLHK;OL` ;PUH*VU^H`)L[[L6RL`H9V`JL0[V3LPNO*VVWLY1VOUHUK1LZZPJH MV\NO[[OL`Z\MMLYLKHUK[OL`WHPK)\[[OL`^VU¶(`U9HUK;OL-V\U[HPU ;YPWWL;`ZVU=VNLS.YPMM>PSSPHTZ+LUUPZ2LYUVOHU2PK@LSSV^/LUY` >LZ[*VHZ[9LZPKLUJ`3PZ[PUNZ OLHK .\UKLYZVU(SHU)HTILYNLYL]LY`VUL^OVZ\WWVY[Z\Z[OYV\NOHK]LY[PZPUN
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