3928 3928[ASSEMBLY) In July 1985 the Commonwealth introduced ?fighilatinrp Asurmbtig a new rural adjustment scheme which provides an interest subsidy for the State so that it can Thursday, 7 November 1985 borrow funds from commercial sources and so lend funds to farmers in need at THE SPEAKER (Mr Harman) took the sub-commercial rates. The basis of this ar- Chair at 2.15 p.m., and read prayers. rangement is contained in a new Common- wealth-State agreement. Under the new agree- RURAL ADJUSTMENT AND FINANCE ment the Commonwealth has formally agreed CORPORATION AMENDMENT BILL to provide to Western Australia an interest sub- sidy of approximately $430 000 which will en- Introduction and First Reading able the corporation to borrow approximately Bill introduced, on motion by Mr Evans $4.7 million to on-lend to farmers in 1985-86. (Minister for Agriculture), and read a first time. Although the demand cannot yet be assessed and will not become clear until after harvest Second Reading when farmers undertake their financial re- MR EVANS (Warren-Minister for views, it is certain that the demand will exceed Agriculture) [2.20 p.m.]: I move- $4.7 million. The Federal Minister for Primary Industry indicated on his recent visit to West- That the Bill be now read a second time. ern Australia that the allocation will be It is well known that agricultural industries in increased to enable a further $I million to be Australia are facing serious difficulties as costs borrowed under the scheme. continue to risc faster than commodity prices. The agreement also makes provision for the In Western Australia, the grain-based indus- State to approach the Commonwealth for ad- tries are especially vulnerable, particularly ditional funding if circumstances warrant. in areas which, with the exception of 1984, have experienced dry seasons in recent years. The agreement also includes aquaculture as a rural industry, which is not covered in the The rural adjustment scheme funded by the existing Act. Commonwealth has played an important role as lender of last resort in assisting with the The purpose of this amendment is to provide inevitable adjustment and restructuring in the for inclusion of the new, or fifth, agreement in industry and in enabling farmers to stay in the the Rural Adjustment and Finance Corpor- industry who would otherwise have been ation Act 197 1, as amended. It was not possible forced out. to simply include the fifth agreement as a schedule to the Act as the agreement is not an In July 1985 the Rural Adjustment and amendment to or part of existing Common- Finance Corporation Act 197 1, as amended, wealth-State agreements. Provision for the was enacted. This Act provided for the forma- amendment therefore mentions the new, or tion and operation of the Rural Adjustment fifth, agreement in addition to other agree- and Finance Corporation to assist with the ments or schemes covered by the Act. financial problems faced by the rural industry in Western Australia. This Act empowered the The amendment allows for the Rural Ad- corporation to administer existing rural recon- justment and Finance Corporation to adminis- struction and rural adjustment scheme funds, ter the agreement on behalf of the State. It emergency relief, drought loans, special allows for a fund, known as the 1985 Fund, to carry-on loans, and other Govern- be set up to receive and pay out moneys ment-sponsored rural financial measures. associated with the agreement. Funds can also be transferred into and out of the 1985 Fund Prior to July 1985. the Commonwealth from other funds such as the rural adjustment provided funds for rural reconstruction and ru- fund where this is considered necessary and ral adjustment schemes on an annual basis for prudent. The provision for fund transferability the States to on-lend to farmers at allows for continuity of funding when there is a sub-commercial interest rates with a scheduled temporary fund shortfall. agreement for the States to repay the funds to the Commonwealth. Also included in the amendment are a few minor changes which correct technical aspects In 1982-83 the rural adjustment scheme of the 1985 Act. provided $4.3 million to assist 95 farmers; in 1983-84, $ 10 million to assist 170 farmers; and I commend the Bill to the House. in 1984-85, $5.4 million to assist 91 farmers. Debate adjourned, on motion by Mr Old. [Thursday, 7 November 1985] 323929 ACTS AMENDMENT (WATER that is to happen we must find ways of provid- AUTHORITIES) BILL ing water, and Stinton Creek is part of that Second Reading overall armoury. If the member says Stinton Creek is to be excluded, what justification is Debate resumed from 29 October. there for putting into the programme in place MR TONKIN (Morley-Swan-Minister for of Stinton Creek other areas which are more Water Resources) (2.26 p.m.J: I thank the costly? Who is going to have to pay for that? It members for Dale and Floreat for their contri- will be the ratepayers and taxpayers of Western butions to the debate, and I will make some Australia. brief comments on those contributions. So the Opposition would go to the more ex- The member for Dale's speech quite clearly pensive alternatives. One cannot govern in that indicated his attitude to politics-the art of way. When the people from Stinton Creek govern ment-which is to step carefully on the came to see me they said they were concerned various stepping stones of popularity and as a that they would not be able to carry on result end up by being thoroughly inconsistent. agriculture in the way they had. It is a pity they For example, early in his speech the member did not tell me what was on their minds from for Dale commented, "We do not want so the stant, although I guessed. They said to me, much change. There is too much legislation." "We will not be able to carry on agriculture, He went on only one or two breaths later to talk and you are going to put regulations in our way. about the various anomalies in the rating controlling the use of pesticides and so on system. Of course, those anomalies were well which will make it impossible for us to carry on and truly alive and flourishing when the mem- as orchardists." ber for Dale was a Minister of the Court and O'Connor Governments. For nine years there I took technical advice because I am cer- were anomalies in the rating system and the tainly not an expert, and I was informed over then Governments did very little about them. and over again by officers of the Water Auth- ority that the guidelines we were talking about How can we change the anomalies in the were the kind of guidelines that were essential rating system-which we are committed to and for good orcharding, because if those people are working on-if we do not have legislative were putting so much pesticide on their or- changes? That is typical of the member for chards that it would damage a public water Dale's attitude, which leads him to be very in- supply system, they were poisoning the people consistent. through their fruit. I did not believe that was An example of the impossibility of governing happening, so clearly the amount of pesticides in that way-of appeasing everyone-is his they were using for their fruit was at a level comment about Stinton Creek. The member consistent with safe water supplies. for Dale commented that if the Liberal Party I was able to assure them after many meet- became the Government after the next State ings that their livelihood as orchardists would election, the gazettal of Stinton Creek as a water supply not be interfered with. In order for (hem to area would be withdrawn. In have an input into the matter I appointed an other words, the need for water for the people advisory committee to advise me and the of Perth would be sacrificed to political expedi- ency because some people have become upset Water Authority as to the guidelines. So the local orchardists were represented on the com- about Stinton Creek. We have demonstrated a mittee. I was not required by Statute to do that; need. The member knows very well it is very I did it as evidence of good faith. When the unlikely that he will be Minister for Water Re- guidelines were taken to a public meeting they sources. He also knows that if the Opposition were thrown out. The people said they would won Government after a year or two the new not accept them; they said they would not ac- Minister for Water Resources would go ahead cept anything except de-gazettal, if that is the because he would be acting on the same kind of advice that I am acting on. The member for right word, as a water supply area. Dale says there is no need, but he was the The remarkable thing is that at that meeting Minister who laughed at our efforts in Oppo- they then started to talk about rezoning and sition to talk about restricting the size of Perth. cutting up the orchards for residential pur- The member asked, "Are you going to build poses. That was never said to me at my meet- barbed wire fences around Perth and stop it ings with them. I said to them time and time getting bigger?" The member for Dale sub- again, "You have nothing to fear.
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