Leukemia (1999) 13, 1993–1999 1999 Stockton Press All rights reserved 0887-6924/99 $15.00 http://www.stockton-press.co.uk/leu Frequent co-expression of the HOXA9 and MEIS1 homeobox genes in human myeloid leukemias HJ Lawrence1, S Rozenfeld1, C Cruz1, K Matsukuma1, A Kwong1,LKo¨mu¨ves1, AM Buchberg2 and C Largman1 1Division of Hematology and Medical Oncology, Department of Medicine, University of California VA Medical Center, San Francisco, CA; and 2Kimmel Cancer Center, Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, PA, USA There is increasing evidence that HOX homeobox genes play these leukemias.12 Recent work has shown that the engine- a role in leukemogenesis. Recent studies have demonstrated ered co-expression of the Hoxa-9 and Meis1 genes in murine that enforced co-expression of HOXA9 and MEIS1 in murine 13 marrow leads to rapid development of myeloid leukemia, and hematopoietic cells leads to rapid development of AML, that these proteins exhibit cooperative DNA binding. However, indicating a synergy between the two genes and suggesting it is unclear whether co-activation of HOXA9 and MEIS genes that co-activation of these genes is sufficient for transform- is a common occurrence in human leukemias. We surveyed ation. expression of HOXA9 and MEIS1 in 24 leukemic cell lines and We have recently demonstrated that HOXA9 and HOXA10 80 patient samples, using RNase protection analyses and proteins can interact with the MEIS1 protein and stabilize immunohistochemistry. We demonstrate that the expression of 14 HOXA9 and MEIS1 in leukemia cells is uniquely myeloid, and MEIS1-DNA interactions on consensus binding sites. These that these genes are commonly co-expressed in myeloid cell data support the notion that the leukemogenicity of the lines and in samples of acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) of HOXA9 and MEIS1 genes is related to the concerted actions all subtypes except in promyelocytic leukemia. While HOXA9 of their protein products on gene targets. A major question is expressed in most cases of chronic myelogenous leukemia, remains whether co-activation of these genes occurs in human MEIS1 is weakly expressed or not at all. Immunohistochemical leukemias. In this study we surveyed expression patterns of staining of selected AML samples showed moderate to high levels of HOXA9 protein, primarily cytoplasmic, in leukemic both genes in a large panel of human cell lines and primary myeloblasts, with weaker and primarily nuclear staining for samples of leukemia, and observed frequent lineage-specific MEIS1. These data support the concept that co-activation of co-expression of these two genes in AML. HOXA9 and MEIS1 is a common event in AML, and may rep- resent a common pathway of many different oncogenic mutations. Materials and methods Keywords: homeobox genes; myeloid leukemia; oncogenes; tran- scription factors Leukemic cell lines and patient samples Twenty-four human leukemic cell lines were studied, as out- Introduction lined in Figure 1. All lines were maintained in media as pre- viously described.15 Cryopreserved cell samples from 80 There is increasing evidence that DNA-binding proteins enco- patients, gathered from six different centers, with various ded by the HOX family of homeobox genes play a role in forms of myeloid and lymphoid leukemias and myelodyspla- leukemic transformation. Several HOXA and HOXB genes are sia were studied and subclassified according to the French– expressed in myeloid leukemias,1–3 with HOXC genes American–British (FAB) nomenclature. The original samples expressed predominantly in lymphoid malignancies.4,5 Evi- contained a range of 30–100 × 106 cells each and in some dence that mutations of HOX genes occur in human leuke- cases were over 10 years old. In all cases, leukocytes were mias comes from characterization of the t(7;11) translocation, isolated by either a buffy-coat preparation or Ficoll–Hypaque seen in rare cases of acute myelogenous leukemia (AML),6 and density centrifugation before freezing in liquid nitrogen. Cryo- which results in the fusion of the HOXA9 gene with a nucleo- preserved samples were thawed quickly by shaking in a 37°C porin gene.7,8 However, these studies do not establish a causal water bath, diluted in warm RPMI with 10% fetal calf serum, role for HOX genes in leukemic transformation. In this regard, pelleted, washed with medium and repelleted for RNA iso- the enforced expression of HOXB8 together with IL-3 in lation by the guanidinium thiocyanate/acid phenol method.16 murine marrow cells leads to myeloid leukemia;9 similarly, Samples of normal marrow and peripheral blood leukocytes over-expression of Hoxa-10 can induce myeloid leukemia were prepared as previously described.4 after a long latency period.10 These findings suggest that mis- expression of HOX genes can contribute to transformation but additional genetic events are required. RNase protection analysis Support for a role of HOX genes in spontaneous leukemias arose from studies of the BXH-2 mice, which develop a high Templates were constructed by subcloning a 378-nt fragment incidence of myeloid leukemia. A novel non-HOX homeobox of the HOXA9 cDNA, extending from amino acid 147 to the gene, Meis1, is up-regulated as a consequence of retroviral end of the coding cDNA at amino acid 270; and a 394 nt integration in 15% of leukemias arising in BXH-2 mice.11 Sub- fragment of MEISI, extending from amino acid 287 to the end sequent studies have revealed frequent activating insertions of of the MEISIa cDNA, into the sk+ Bluescript vector using stan- the Hoxa-9 or Hoxa-7 genes together with the Meis1 gene in dard procedures. Total RNA (25–50 g/samples) from individ- ual specimens was subjected to separate RNase protection Correspondence: HJ Lawrence, 1, rue Laurent Fries, BP 163, 67 404 assays for each gene, following previously published 17 Illkirch Codex, France methods. As an internal control for loading, a probe protect- Received 8 October 1998; accepted 26 July 1999 ing an 83-nt fragment of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate Expression of HOXA9 and MEIS1 in myeloid leukemias HJ Lawrence et al 1994 Figure 1 Expression of HOXA9 and MEIS1 in human leukemic cell lines. Total RNA was isolated from 24 immortalized human leukemic lines and subjected to separate RNase protection assays for HOXA9 (top panel) and MEIS1 (middle panel), using a probe for glyceraldehyde- 3 phosphate dehydrogenase (G3PD, lower panel) as an internal control for RNA loading, as described in Materials and methods. A clear signal for HOXA9 and MEIS1 is seen in 6/8 and 4/7 myeloid cell lines, respectively, with isolated expression of HOXA9 in the MB02 and M70E lines, and isolated expression of MEIS1 in a few of the non-myeloid lines. The signals for G3PD represent short exposure times to more clearly demonstrate relative loading. dehydrogenase (G3PD) was included in each assay. RNA iso- Burlingame, CA, USA). MEIS1 was detected with affinity-pur- lated from the KG-1 cell line was used as a positive control. ified guinea pig antibodies followed by biotin-conjugated anti- For patient samples, autoradiographs of RNase protection guinea pig rabbit IgG FAB fragment followed by detection experiments were developed for 1 day for visualization of the with ABC alkaline phosphatase. Specimens were coun- G3PD signal and for 3–7 days for HOXA9 and MEIS1. Densi- terstained with methyl green to visualize nuclei. Slides were tometric scanning of the RNase protection bands for HOXA9 mounted with Vectashield (Vector Labs), photographed and and MEIS1 were performed and normalized to the G3PD band scanned, and images were assembled and labeled on a Mac- from the same gel (to correct for differences in loading), and Intosh G3 computer with Adobe Photoshop. Protein then normalized between gels by comparing the signals for expression levels were scored on an arbitrary scale of +1to KG-1 cell RNA, as previously described.1 Expression levels for +4. both genes were then assigned a value of 0 to 4+. Results Immunohistochemical localization of homeobox proteins Myeloid-specific expression of HOXA9 expression in leukemic cell lines Previously unstained blood or bone marrow smears from selected samples of acute leukemia were fixed in 4% formal- Total RNA was isolated from 24 human leukemic cell lines dehyde (freshly prepared from paraformaldehyde) in PBS for and analyzed for HOXA9 expression by RNase protection 24 h. For immunohistochemical localization, HOXA9 was analysis. As shown in Figure 1, HOXA9 was expressed exclus- detected with affinity-purified chicken antibodies followed by ively in myelomonocytic cells, with the sole exception of the biotin-conjugated anti-chicken rabbit IgG FAB fragment bi-phenotypic MBO2 erythroid/myeloid line and the M70E (Jackson Immunochemicals, West Grove, PA, USA), followed megakaryocytic line. Two of eight myeloid cell lines tested, by detection with ABC alkaline phosphatase (Vector Labs, TMM and HL60, had no detectable HOXA9 message. The Expression of HOXA9 and MEIS1 in myeloid leukemias HJ Lawrence et al 1995 lymphoid lines studied were uniformly negative for expression Table 1. The expression of HOXA9 in these primary samples of this gene. This pattern of expression is virtually identical to was essentially identical to that seen in our previous survey the pattern previously observed for the neighboring for HOXA10 expression, using many of the same samples.1 HOXA10 gene.1 HOXA9 shows an exclusively myeloid-specific expression with rare exceptions, namely one of three cases of T cell leu- MEIS1 expression in leukemic cell lines kemia involving the t(10:14) translocation. Of the five cases of mixed-lineage leukemias involving translocations of 11q When the myeloid cell lines were assayed for MEIS1 one was positive and two showed barely detectable expression by RNase protection analysis, transcripts were expression (Table 1). Otherwise, HOXA9 message was uni- detected in all but one (THP-1) of the lines which showed formly undetectable in 18 samples of B cell acute lymphocytic HOXA9 expression (Figure 1).
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