The Island Vegetarian Quarterly Newsletter of the Vegetarian Society of Hawaii SUPPORTING HEALTH, ANIMAL RIGHTS, AND ECOLOGY VOL. 19, ISSUE 2, APRIL-JUNE 2008 Slaughter Investigation Shakes Nation Inside this Issue: A shocking undercover investigation by The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) revealed widespread mistreatment of “downed” dairy LEGISLATOR 2 cows—those who are too sick or injured to walk—at a Southern California READERS’ VOICES 3 slaughter plant. The investigation at the Hallmark Meat Packing Co. of Chino pulls open IN THE NEWS 4 a curtain on the scandalous treatment of animals slaughtered to supply the CALENDAR OF EVENTS 9 National School Lunch Program and other federal aid programs. Release of KAUAI POTLUCKS 11 the HSUS investigation shows slaughter plant workers displaying complete ANIMAL RIGHTS CORNER 15 disregard for the pain and misery they inflicted as they repeatedly attempted BOOK REVIEW 17 to force downed animals onto their feet and into the human food chain. RESTAURANT REVIEW 18 The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced the suspension VEGAN TIDBITS 19 of Westland Meat Co. as a supplier of the National School Lunch program and opened its own official inquiry only hours after the release of the HSUS investigation. The practice of slaughtering downed cows is especially trou- bling since downed animals may have a higher risk of being infected with Public Lectures:* bovine spongiform encephalopathy (also known as mad cow disease), E. coli, and Salmonella. CHEF JENNIFER FLYNN School districts rushed to purge their systems of meat from the plant. “THE SUPER FOOD GENERATION: Restaurants announced an end to purchases from the company. Political 14 FOODS THAT WILL leaders across the nation denounced the shocking conditions at this slaughter GET YOU GLOWING” plant—the nation’s No. 2 supplier of ground beef to the National School Tuesday, April 8th, 7 p.m. Lunch Program. Ala Wai Golf Course Clubhouse The USDA pulled its inspectors and shut down the cattle slaughter plant February 5th. USDA Undersecretary Dr. Richard Raymond cited “egre- JOHN CADMAN gious violations of humane handling regulations” as the reason. “A SUCCESSFUL VEGETARIAN Two employees of the now shuttered Hallmark Meat Company were SCHOOL LUNCH PROGRAM: charged with animal cruelty—the first worker with five felony counts under ONE MAN'S COMMITMENT” California’s anti-cruelty statute and three misdemeanor counts alleging the Tuesday, May 13th, 7 p.m. use of a mechanical device to move downer cows, and the second worker Ala Wai Golf Course Clubhouse with three misdemeanors involving downers. Never before in the knowl- edge of The HSUS have slaughter plant workers faced criminal charges of BRENDAN BRAZIER this nature. “THRIVE: BUILDING VITALITY ON A On February 17th WHOLE FOOD PLANT-BASED DIET” USDA announced a • “Slaughter Investigation Timeline” page 12 Tuesday, June 10th, 7 p.m. recall of 143 million • “Travesty of Beef” by Eva Uran, page 13 Ala Wai Golf Course Clubhouse pounds of beef from • “Shocked? Here are 5 Things You Can Do” Hallmark/Westland by Mark Hawthorne, page 16 *See page 9 for more details and Meat Packing Co., the • See the video footage and more details online Maui meeting times. nation’s largest beef at www.hsus.org. (Continued on page 12) Hawaii Legislature would send a sig- Legislator nificant message. The Island Vegetarian by Bill Harris, M.D. Say what? Well, obesity is a no- VSH Board Member brainer, but he explains that animal The Island Vegetarian is published agriculture is also a major contributor quarterly by and for the members of You can almost count on the fin- to the greenhouse gases that trap solar the Vegetarian Society of Hawaii. gers of one finger the vegans serving radiation, raise the temperature (as Al in the nation’s political bodies. Gore explained in An Inconvenient There’s former presidential candidate Truth), and melt the polar ice caps, P.O. Box 23208 Ohio Rep. Dennis Kucinich thus turning the future Makiki Heights Honolulu, HI 96823-3208 and...oops, another finger, Hawaii into beach-front property. As Joe po- 808-944-VEGI (8344) State Rep. Joe Bertram III, 11th Dis- litely explained it, “cow burps” (we [email protected] trict, Maui‑Kihei/Makena/Wailea. all know which end of the cow those VSH.org On March 8th Joe was our burps come from) are a major source VegHawaii.org monthly speaker at McCoy Pavilion, of methane gas, which is an even and as the club’s TV guy, I ap- more potent energy trap than CO2. He proached the meeting with trepida- also reiterated that modern animal Visit our website for a restaurant tion, because there would be no slides agriculture uses even more fossil fuel guide, TV and meeting schedules, or pictures, and the only PowerPoint- than the world’s automobiles, the re- newsletter archives, and more. ing would be Joe’s finger. He arrived sulting emissions also becoming by bus from the airport, dressed casu- greenhouse gases. ally with only a few notes, and he Joe has an interest in working Board of Directors took awhile to drop the V word, but it with VSH and agrees that while it’s was worth the wait. When he was difficult for people to testify in per- President: Alida Rutchick, M.Ed. done explaining his past involvement son, the Public Access Room at Vice Pres: Jim Brown in various green projects on Maui, it p a r @ C a p i t o l . h a w a i i . g o v , Secretary: William Harris, M.D. was “vegetarian” all the way. 808‑587‑0478 has streamlined the Treasurer: Mel Hertz, MBA, CFP This year Joe resurrected our process for getting simple messages to Directors: Lauralee Blanchard SCR151 from 2001 as SCR84 “re- key committee hearings. He also ob- Patrick Moore questing the Department of Education serves that as senators and representa- Karl Seff, Ph.D. and the Hawaii public school food tives become increasingly swamped service to develop nutritionally‑sound by e-mails, faxes, and phone calls, public school menu plans that include decisions on some issues will most Newsletter Committee vegetarian and vegan meals.” The easily be made by counting up the original bill SB2136 faced stiff oppo- “support” or “oppose” e-mails and Alida Rutchick, M.Ed. sition from the DOH and DOE (Ha- acting accordingly. Scott Owen Snarr waii Departments of Health and Edu- At the end, Board member Karl William Harris, M.D. cation) because of alleged difficulties Seff, Ph.D. summarized Joe’s talk as meeting USDA regulations. “a very moving presentation. we Mahalo However, John Cadman, have a new leader. whom I didn’t to all our volunteers! (thebeanpages.com/default.aspx) know about. let’s keep those letters school food services manager at and e-mails coming in.” If you have Haiku Elementary School on Maui not already done so, please e-mail and an upcoming VSH speaker, has VSH-News-Group at already demonstrated how to handle [email protected]. You The Island Vegetarian is available those USDA regs by serving reim- will then receive updates on pending on line three months after mem- bursable vegetarian meals there for vegetarian legislation with simple in- bers receive it; new issues will the past 10 years. structions on getting through to your now appear in color. A colorized Rep. Bertram thinks that vegetari- local government. version of the January issue can anism is the key to solving two major [email protected] b e a c c e s s e d o n l i n e a t problems: the growing rate of child- http://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/ www.vsh.org/newsletter.htm. hood obesity in Hawaii and global site1/house/members/rep11.asp warming, and he says that getting 808‑586‑8525 SCR84 through both houses of the Page 2 the Island Vegetarian ◆ April-June 2008 Readers’ Voices SUBMISSION You Have Thirty Send us your elevator speech in 150 word or less by June 1st at GUIDELINES Seconds to Inspire [email protected]. We will print as many of your responses as we can in the following issue of The Island Vegetar- The Island Vegetarian welcomes by Scott Snarr submissions. ian. Use “Elevator Speech” as the VSH Newsletter Editor subject line. Have a comment about a current Below are a few tips to get you event, an article we printed, or the You are riding in an elevator. started. Meanwhile, go out there and Your acquaintance, coworker, or make a difference. newsletter in general? Write a let- someone you barely know asks you ter to our editor, 75-200 words in why you are a vegetarian. You have • Be Yourself. Talk about your rea- length, and marked as “Letter to only thirty seconds before the elevator sons for being vegetarian. You are the Editor.” reaches the lobby and the two of you more likely to inspire others when part ways to capsulize your philoso- you talk about about what inspires Have a question about health or phy and deliver a resounding impres- you. nutrition? Mark it as “Ask Dr. sion. Your response is called your • Keep it positive. Remember, the Bill,” and it will be answered by elevator speech or elevator pitch. goal is to get others interested, not VSH Board member Dr. William Most opportunities that life gives to harangue them. Saying that one Harris. us to share our message with others can spare the lives of many animals come in the form of random short- is probably more effective than go- Want to try your hand at writing? lived moments like these that barely ing for shock value.
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