HORTSCIENCE 42(3):718–720. 2007. the effects of pesticide use in urban areas and the potential for the development of resis- tance to insecticides, the identification of Evaluation of Warm-season plants with resistance offers an effective and environmentally responsible alternative Turfgrasses for Resistance to the for managing this pest. Differences in the susceptibility of several cool- and warm- Chinch Bug, Blissus occiduus season turfgrasses to chinch bugs have been well documented (Ahmad et al., 1984; Baker Thomas E. Eickhoff1, Tiffany M. Heng-Moss, and et al., 1981; Gulsen et al., 2004; Heng-Moss Frederick P. Baxendale et al., 2002; Lynch et al., 1987; Mathais et al., Department of Entomology, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, 202 Plant 1990; Ratcliffe, 1982; Reinert and Dudeck, 1974). In buffalograss, Heng-Moss et al. Industry Building, Lincoln, NE 68583-0816 (2003) identified the cultivars Cody and Additional index words. bermudagrass, buffalograss, zoysiagrass, plant resistance, IPM, Tatanka as tolerant, whereas Prestige integrated pest management, plant breeding exhibited both tolerance and antixenosis to B. occiduus. Further research by Gulsen et al. Abstract. The chinch bug, Blissus occiduus Barber, has been documented as a serious pest (2004) identified the buffalograss genotypes of buffalograss, Buchloe¨ dactyloides (Nutall) Engelmann, and zoysiagrass, Zoysia ‘184’, ‘196’, and ‘PX3-5-1’ as highly resis- japonica Steudel, turf grown in the Midwest. In addition to these two warm-season tant to B. occiduus. Although researchers turfgrasses, several other warm-season grasses, including bermudagrass, Cynodon have identified resistance in bermudagrass dactylon (L.) Pers., may also be at risk of B. occiduus infestations. This research and zoysiagrass cultivars to other turfgrass evaluated selected bermudagrass and zoysiagrass cultivars for resistance to B. occiduus. pests, including bermudagrass mites, Erio- Eleven zoysiagrass and four bermudagrass cultivars were evaluated for resistance to phyes cynodoniensis Sayed, fall armyworm B. occiduus using no-choice studies under greenhouse conditions. Based on turfgrass Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith), hunting damage ratings, the zoysiagrasses ‘Diamond’, ‘Zoro’, and ‘Emerald’, and bermudagrass billbug Sphenophorus venatus vestitus Chit- ‘Mini Verde’ were identified as moderately resistant to B. occiduus. The zoysiagrasses tenden, and tawny mole cricket Scapteriscus ‘Zenith’, ‘Meyer’, and ‘Crowne’, and bermudagrasses ‘Tifway 419’ and ‘Tifsport’’ were vicinus Scudder (Braman et al., 1994, 2004; characterized as highly to moderately susceptible to B. occiduus. These results provide Reinert et al., 1993, 2005), very little infor- the first report of resistance to B. occiduus in zoysiagrass and bermudagrass germplasm. mation is available on the susceptibility of zoysiagrass and bermudagrass germplasm to chinch bugs. The recent emergence of B. The western chinch bug, Blissus occiduus Blissus occiduus has a reported distribu- occiduus as a serious pest of zoysiagrass, and Barber, is one of four chinch bug species tion, including Arizona, California, Colo- its potential to damage bermudagrass, under- commonly associated with turfgrasses in the rado, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, New scores the need for information regarding the United States. In addition to B. occiduus, the Mexico, and Oklahoma in the United States; susceptibility of these grasses to this insect common chinch bug [Blissus leucopterus and Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, pest. Accordingly, the objective of this leucopterus (Say)], the hairy chinch bug and Saskatchewan in Canada (Baxendale research was to evaluate selected bermuda- (Blissus leucopterus hirtus Montandon), and et al., 1999; Bird and Mitchner, 1950; Slater, grass and zoysiagrass germplasm for resis- the southern chinch bug (Blissus insularis 1964). This chinch bug’s host range includes tance to B. occiduus. Barber) are considered serious turfgrass numerous agriculturally and horticulturally pests. These four chinch bug species are part important crop, weed, and turfgrass species of a chinch bug complex that have a wide (Bird and Mitchner, 1950; Eickhoff et al., Materials and Methods distribution extending primarily east of the 2004; Farstad and Staff, 1951; Ferris, 1920). Rocky Mountains and from Mexico to Although the original report of B. occiduus as Eleven zoysiagrasses and four bermuda- Canada (Vittum et al., 1999), and have a a turfgrass pest was on buffalograss [Buchloe¨ grasses were selected and screened under well-documented host range that encom- dactyloides (Nutall) Engelmann], (Baxendale greenhouse conditions to evaluate their resis- passes many economically important crop, et al., 1999) it has since emerged as a tance to B. occiduus. These grasses were weed, and turfgrass species. The hairy chinch serious pest of zoysiagrass (Zoysia japonica selected because they are commercially bug is found primarily in the northeastern Steudel) turf in areas of southeastern available and commonly planted. Grasses United States and is normally associated with Nebraska (Eickhoff et al., 2006). The evaluated included the zoysiagrass cultivars cool-season turfgrasses, whereas southern growing popularity of buffalograss as a Cavalier, Crowne, DeAnza, Diamond, Emer- chinch bugs occur in southern areas of the low-maintenance turfgrass requiring reduced ald, El Toro, Meyer, Palisades, Royal, United States and feed on warm-season levels of irrigation, nitrogen, and mowing Zenith, and Zoro, and the bermudagrass turfgrasses (Reinert et al., 1995). (Frank et al., 2004) has dramatically cultivars Jackpot, Mini Verde, Tifway 419, increased the amount of buffalograss planted and Tifsport. The buffalograsses ‘Prestige’ in newly developed areas, including southern and ‘378’ served as the resistant and suscep- regions of the United States. As these buffa- tible checks respectively in all experiments, Received for publication 5 Oct. 2006. Accepted for lograss stands experience chinch bug dam- because these buffalograsses have docu- publication 9 Dec. 2006. age, B. occiduus will likely seek out mented levels of resistance to B. occiduus. A contribution of the University of Nebraska Agri- secondary hosts in close proximity, such as The zoysiagrasses ‘Crowne’, ‘Emerald’, cultural Research Division, supported in part by bermudagrass [Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.] ‘El Toro’, ‘Meyer’, and ‘Palisades’, and the funds provided through University of Nebraska and zoysiagrass. Furthermore, research by bermudagrasses ‘Tifway 419’ and ‘Mini Agricultural Expt. Sta. project 17-062. Additional Eickhoff et al. (2006) indicates that of Verde’ were acquired from Turfgrass support was provided by the United States Golf B. occiduus documented grass hosts, the America (Cleveland, Texas). ‘Cavalier’, Association and the Nebraska Turfgrass Association. warm-season turfgrasses bermudagrass, ‘Diamond’, ‘Royal’, and ‘Zoro’ zoysia- We gratefully acknowledge Bob Wright and Tom Hunt for reviewing the manuscript, and Mitch buffalograss, and zoysiagrass are at highest grasses were obtained from M.C. Engelke at Stamm, Travis Prochaska, and Chelsey Wasem risk of serious damage. Texas A&M University (Dallas, Texas), and (University of Nebraska) for technical assistance. Currently, insecticides are available that ‘DeAnza’ zoysiagrass and ‘Tifsport’ bermu- 1To whom reprint requests should be addressed; will effectively control chinch bugs in turf- dagrass were provided by C. Rogers at the e-mail [email protected] grass. However, with growing concern over University of Arizona (Maricopa, Ariz.). 718 HORTSCIENCE VOL. 42(3) JUNE 2007 SHORT COMMUNICATIONS ‘Zenith’ zoysiagrass was purchased from When the mean damage rating of the was highly susceptible to chinch bug feeding Todd Valley Farms (Mead, Nebr.), and sto- B. occiduus-susceptible grass (‘378’) reached (mean damage ratings, 4.0 and 4.5 respec- lons of ‘Jackpot’ bermudagrass were 4.0 or more, the contents (soil and grass) of tively; mean number of chinch bugs, 39.2 and obtained from bermudagrass stands on the each cone-tainer were placed in a Berlese 61.3 respectively). These results support the University of Nebraska–Lincoln campus. funnel (Southwood, 1978) for 48 h. Extracted findings of Heng-Moss et al. (2003), who Sod plugs (diameter, 10.6 cm; depth, 8 cm) chinch bugs were collected in 70% ethyl noted that ‘378’ is highly susceptible to of ‘Prestige’ and ‘378’ buffalograss were alcohol and counted. Grasses were grouped B. occiduus. The zoysiagrasses ‘Meyer’, extracted from research plots at the John into one of four levels of susceptibility based ‘Zenith’, and ‘Crowne’ were highly to mod- Seaton Anderson Turfgrass and Ornamental on mean chinch bug damage ratings for each erately susceptible to B. occiduus feeding, Research Facility (JSA Research Facility), study. The four levels were designated as HS reaching a damage rating of $4.0 in at least University of Nebraska Agricultural Research (highly susceptible; chinch bug damage one of the studies. ‘DeAnza’ was moderately and Development Center, near Mead, Nebr. rating $ 4), MS (moderately susceptible; susceptible, with a mean damage rating The previously named grasses were vegeta- chinch bug damage rating $ 3 but < 4); MR of 3.3. ‘El Toro’, ‘Royal’, ‘Cavalier’, and tively established in the greenhouse in 35 · (moderately resistant; chinch bug damage ‘Palisades’ were moderately resistant to 50-cm flats and provided the vegetative plant rating > 1 but < 3), and HR (highly resistant; moderately susceptible, with
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