Site 6086 (Boreal Stand 86): St. Ignace, Mackinac County, Michigan, Township 41N, Range 4W, Section 10. 1956-07-24 [s.l.]: [s.n.], 1956-07-24 https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.dl/TEC45NKMV4ZKF8U This material may be protected by copyright law (Title 17, US Code). For information on re-use see: http://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.dl/Copyright The libraries provide public access to a wide range of material, including online exhibits, digitized collections, archival finding aids, our catalog, online articles, and a growing range of materials in many media. When possible, we provide rights information in catalog records, finding aids, and other metadata that accompanies collections or items. However, it is always the user's obligation to evaluate copyright and rights issues in light of their own use. 728 State Street | Madison, Wisconsin 53706 | library.wisc.edu : Data Yorn Wo. 20 Plent cology Research Univ. of Wisconsin 36 tae ae oe Boone FORSSTS : Stand We, af Oe Mes hf : ‘\ : a oe ae H-Igraty rt us Ht mace Wt pinitn oe 9 Mat Names St Sqyack- N: Machen Locality: oe My ae County: Mitkina, if ®: 4 R: AW Sec: (0 a) ae Tater lg 24 SD Observers: ee : er | Size of Stand 60 101: eM pe Shee oF heme Sampled: : a0 Forest Type: (2//M, - Spruce ~ babar Satiomp Soil Fype: oe ae Popography: Slope: Directions 8 % s iS Prat ef ed = Abang. tail # ytd : ed tay wile Table Wet-Mace — Wel. 3 iy brat dandy - bavuly any bsabaceara parla, - rnb Aa abavert repli Moves Open Grown Tress: % Canopy? ; ee. Stumps: er ee he. 4. 7. : 10, A oe 20 50 a. lis : ae « ee 3. 6. 9. 12. Si agi ; . oy - Te ee : Soil Data: : ees ie ie rE NW P00 CK Ca” Mg Org. Mat. = Colloids © WHC. RO ee a ee a hee ae z ia Oe ee Neel See a gk alee eennn a Spee acpecaneeS acer | area ees aS GE DEPTH CHARACTERISTICS (Color, Texture, Structure, ete.) pS ee, ee — | Ay ue Mad — Mack ~~ Ts ack ee Pedege Ag Lifint ed -~ ad = So Le ee Se ; eee “ a ‘ Parent Material: : * a \ * Maps BFS oy : j : ; a = i eo : oa ae se : J : . a Pos : Sete PE hp i es ee eile 7 Wer. Data Form No. 16 Plant Ecology Research University of Wisconsin TREE DATA SUMMARY SHEET Spruce fon Sfpute- for -rrupud hardwoods. Station Number: S$ jms [of] aap ar] | te [tt] tat Set ae] it ae] te fe fice me 1/21/31 | | [ool [| [Hoole glosiizelase| | fee ee Ed ee ee iced Vogt, a oe pie Lo te ee fo. soos | a] 9] | [sg] ai ssl [300|/a7| zs] 4al ans] | bite LY ee ee betas tl Pa Ld ee | rim me | 8] 3] | | [aga| slasl [aseluslo7iosjaes| fees [roll | | [az] slot [asl iaz| ollie] | ene tt i ae ll A ee fe sere Ee rope» | 21 31 | | [vst ifos| [e7| asi2s| sel ag] | oem | bet to da Le eee | pence a et Ed eee cd P| eee moe | tL ie | bite ne ee le a a a ee ee main oocs |29{72| | | [rpsal gs] 7as|_ [ttl 4osleno|sa.s{isy-s| | Rew a Po toe ee ee fare ta { TT | | [el ats] [sal p¢los{osfas] | ee ee pe ee Lwras |W [ial | | aA rao|imo| —_|sbs{io0.o|(m.o| rea] sooo] | et a ae oe Data.Form No. 19 Plant Ecology Research Univ. of Wisconsin POINT RECORD TREES NORTHERN PINE-HARDWOODS Stand No. pe te | et te pom a ree ines ee emit | dt eeu pee dE etm oo ee pe eter a pr i a eae | eg ie tie ee ee ie vm A ee a a me ee [rile be ee. Se eee gt a ome ee ae Wee ee = [rnin ESD ET Ee ee tee ed eee 8 em ee Be Slate: 3 po Eee | rat —Tie er te Ther tet er Data:Form No. 19 Plant Ecology Research : Univ. of Wisconsin POINT RECORD TREES NORTHERN PINE-HARDWOODS Stand No. &- (7 L mirevmef i | 2 pe ef ts Ts Ts | fee eee —-f ee 7 eee ot ee ee pee Pe ee de ere pore Ft eee a ee ae a ei A ee peer ee dene ce fw | Ee De meaty fees ee ea eee ae tt ee pre Fa Le poe a eg mo pee a Eee oe ie | ee ae fe AA ee me pie a i ee te eae oe oa cee a | Data:Form No. 19 Plant Ecology Research : Univ. of Wisconsin POINT RECORD TREES NORTHERN PINE-HARDWOODS Stand No. _ wire pif t | cs ts | ef ee] | fates tes ee ee mee Ed ree ea biel PO er ae sree eS ea ee = HGH fetes es ee fret a ore ee ieee oe a ee ferme TT =.2 Ses. ee protic = ee a ee a bee | dd eee 4 ieee ee eet oe i ed Pa eee eee ee ee eae ese ee | eae Wut Ss ere gs" b= Jo S¢ LE | My, Cauppy = 67% he 1 LL : Data Form No. 84a Plant Ecology Research University of Wisconsin TABULATION FORM SPRUCE - FIR, SPRUCE - FIR MIXED HARDWOODS STAND NO. Sb elrfals|as|s]7[e]s frofmfrafia) fis |r| |r|] a0 fom Achillea millefolium Pe Actaea pachypoda aS Sak wa ae Se aS SSeS SSS ae Agastache foeniculum ttt +t} +++ +} 4} 4} +++ ++ +++ 4] pieescaeeene tt tt tt | |) Agrostis perennans Ht Ff} pee Allium tricoccum fete eae tt+++++++4++4+ +++ + +4 Alnus crispa ee |S | pe ee Ue | a |e |e Alnus rugosa Saeeeocn os 2 os ee Amphicarpa bracteata p+ttt tt ft tt edd Aepi Ti aemmmepeesen cect) ccf] Se fies ee] ace oe ee ee | re fe Lrg |e Anemone canadensis BSS at Sk hea eS Ss Se Se Sass Anemone cylindrica bd a ee Anemone _quinquefolia Skea ee eS ee Sees SSeS Saas Anemone virginiana SSS Rate See ere SSS ease ae ea Antennaria spp. ee af Ee fea a ee | Apocynum androsaemifoliu tot ttt tL fe] tf] Be} HH Aquilegia canadensis a a da Aralia hispida fa ee [i | Aralia nudicaulis ee eee Aralia racemosa a ee a eee || dectostamylon wrest | Po i Arenaria lateriflora Se Se eS Se ee Be ee Seabee Se Ee) Arisaema atrorubens ei Yd fe Td | oe ee Asarum canadense ps eee SIR ee a Te] Sh | Asclepias exaltata lee ees Pe fea al ap [eT a |e ae eel Aster acuminatus sere fe [i fee eet DT se ea |e Ce Aster ciliolatus ea] ff Lea ce [| Aster furcatus Ce ss es ee ee eS Ee eo Aster lateriflorus CEs a ee a De Ee Se Aster macrophyllus ea | ef a Sae e eaeee Aster nova-angliae Pee a ER eT YS a ee Aster paniculatus ee AN rea ee Ua edd a | Seale | Aster puniceus oa ce | ee |e a | | a | Aster sagittifolius es |e eed a | Pe ee ee Aster umbellatus ee |e ale ee | sl ele ee eee Athvriumfilixfemiga 2) Slee ie Athyrium thelypterioides | | [| [ [| [| [ [ [ TT T T TT 7 tT ty tT tt ty 7 Botrychium lunaria pe a es IAS fe aT a || pacenaeisien SSS eee Saas SSeS See Powerit mulettidum = l(a cfs fee Lf 8 cel a le ie | ee Botrychium virginianum BY ef ae Biachyelymumereceum fesse o| se [| |e el es altha palustri a ae a ee ee ee ee eed Calypso bulbosa epee | oP a a [ae ee Canpanulaleotundifetia<a:| sci | 215" | oa) |e alse esl (eae |e ee Carex arctata (Ss ee ae a | | |e Carex aurea eas a ea | ele ales |e Carex brunnescens ie ces ee Ee arex canescens ae |e | fo ere Data Form No. 84b Plant Ecology Research University of Wisconsin TABULATION FORM SPRUCE - FIR, SPRUCE - FIR MIXED HARDWOODS STAND NO. 36 PI 2 B/4/5/6) 78 Ad (910/12 j ) 3/4/5/6| 7169/0) OQ | Carex disper Pee Carex ebumea ete eae eee on BIBS ES Resa Sees Carex intumescens Pe a ea Le |e Carex leptalea tT EE] a -} 4 Carex pedunculata Pele eal +1} + +++-+ +++} PISiea| Carex pensylvanica r++} | tt cotta eee caste a Carex projecta ese ee LAN dP Piss Ye a |e | ae ee [ed Carex woodii t+ —+—+ +++ ++ f+ +f fff ff ft tt Gaulophyllumehalicroides | [eof esl eu SP fe | fel Gelastrus scandens p+—tt tt tf tt H+tttttt tt tt Chrysanthemum leucanthemm | [| [ [ | [ [ | | [ | [ T [ T TT TT Tt 7 | Chrysosplenium americanu +++] 4+} + +] 4} +] 4 HH EEF EH Cicuta maculata cea he ee eee a eee Cinna latifolia feed i ee | ee nl | Circaea alpina t+} ++ fff} $f} + ff Cirsium altissimum Be See ees eB ee eS eee ae aes Cirsium arvense PN Tae a ca | oes || Cirsium vulgare ptf it ff tf et ft tf} fo tt Glayecniavcacotinteaa so |e Vp a SS fe eS Te fe | a a [| Claytonia virginica hk la ha oll a gl ee Clematis virginiana a dT lea a ee Je | ed ces || Glemaeia vercieltarte< e| oe ee | | aaa eae Clintonia borealis hp ee Comandra richardsiana Ye Uo dS] |e | ne | P e| Comandra umbellata SE aa a ee [ee ee era [ee Comptonia peregrina Sa See aS sea See ee eee ee aes) Convolvulus:spitvameunc.o (5 = (sc | si) |e Peale | eae | ee ee ee Coptis groenlandicum |Y| | | | TY] | | [viv7t tT tT tT tT tT tT tT ty 3 [Zo Cotptlodinn waco oT Corallorhiza striata Pee a Sp aE aa ee | [| Corallorhiza trifida Ae ee ee ee ee Sea eae ornus alternifolia SS SS SS Ba Se Se ae Bae Cornus canadensis CaS a aa eee ESS See Se See Cornus racemosa ASS Swe eh See aS Eases Comus rugosa Aeneas SaaS Sea ae Se Seas Cornus stolonifera SSE Cory deli: aemperwineus sees |e 50 [ec ee [es fe fe teed a) a a ee | Corylus americana ae ee I pe pa ee ee Ei Corylus comuta Gs] ah af Pd I i i a ee Copeoments consteneye dT a Cynoglossum boreale ee fo eS fa eee | ee Cgc picsmsemte Fite [eal es | NY a | || a Cypripedium acaule [eee feed aed aN | et el tee ea eee nha kA chia tio cecal cd ed CGppesp einen treatin |e ofS Sf |S) cee foes [| a eal ee [le Cypripedium reginae ea ee ae i a el a Cystopteris bulbifera ptf ff Cystopteris fragilis fa ese a ae | ele | eal and Dalibarda repens aN farce |e ied a ee] ea af Data Form No.
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