Delft University of Technology Gateway Sloterdijk 2050 Triggianese, Manuela; Kuipers, Tom Publication date 2018 Document Version Final published version Published in Stations as Nodes Citation (APA) Triggianese, M., & Kuipers, T. (2018). Gateway Sloterdijk 2050. In M. Triggianese , R. Cavallo, B. Nacima, & J. Kuijper (Eds.), Stations as Nodes: Exploring the role of stations in future metropolitan areas from a French and Dutch perspective (pp. 195-197). TU Delft Open. https://books.bk.tudelft.nl/index.php/press/catalog/book/682 Important note To cite this publication, please use the final published version (if applicable). Please check the document version above. Copyright Other than for strictly personal use, it is not permitted to download, forward or distribute the text or part of it, without the consent of the author(s) and/or copyright holder(s), unless the work is under an open content license such as Creative Commons. Takedown policy Please contact us and provide details if you believe this document breaches copyrights. We will remove access to the work immediately and investigate your claim. This work is downloaded from Delft University of Technology. For technical reasons the number of authors shown on this cover page is limited to a maximum of 10. Group B Gateway Sloterdijk 2050 Manuela Triggianese group : Isabella Flore, Sabrina Menger, Benedetta Gatti, Lindsay To m Ku i p e r s Wiginton, Ana Cvetić, Jolien Kramer, Salwa Cherkaoui El Baraka, Sebastiaan van Niele, Tom van Vilsteren Amsterdam’s major policy objectives on tourism, housing supply and future mo- bility, while creating a vibrant and dense urban place. At the same time, the number of train passengers in all big stations in An Infrastructural Node Amsterdam has been on the rise for many in a Fragmented Area years, and this number will break records 195 Situated at the core of a multi-layered in the near future. Amsterdam Central urban area with a typical industrial and Station now counts 185,000 passengers business zone character,1 Amsterdam per day, in 2030 that will be 300,000. At Sloterdijk station is located at the intersec- Sloterdijk station, today around 50,000 visit tion of four different districts: Sloterdijk I the node, while in 2030 about 110,000 people (north-east, facing the harbour), Bos and will pass through the station every day. As Lommer (south-east, towards the city cen- a consequence, and in order to improve ac- tre), Slotermeer (south-west, also known cessibility, safety measures and passenger as the Nieuwe West area) and Sloterdijk flows, a large number of investments has II (north-west or Westpoort). It is also been planned by the Dutch Railway man- placed at the heart of the Brettenpark (or ager ProRail to overcome this situation: for Brettenzone), the area that runs horizontal- example at Sloterdijk station, new park- ly from the Westerpark to Spaarnwoude. ing facilities for bicycles and new vertical The Brettenzone was already included by connections (escalators). Looking at the master planner Cornelis van Eesteren in different layers of the station building (the his General Expansion Plan of 1934, as a interior layout and the exterior connec- functional green division between a resi- tions), it becomes clear that Sloterdijk is dential area (Western Garden Cities) and a multimodal node with a very interesting industry (the Westelijk Havengebied). For integrated mobility system. Tram, buses the Structure Vision Amsterdam 2040, the (for long-distances), bike, train, metro and Brettenzone is referred to as an ‘east-west cars are currently crossing and parking at gradient’ between culture and nature. The Sloterdijk. station building is located next to the mo- When considering mobility transitions, torway and in an area where the municipal- mass transit must be the spine of the ity wants to realize more housing, hotels transport system with bikes as the main and public facilities. Sloterdijk centrum is first/last-mile mode. Policy should favour also part of the City of Amsterdam’s new shared over single-use modes to prevent vision for a port city, published in 2017.2 future traffic increase from automated ve- Does the building have to be converted hicles and align with the city’s aim to have into something else? Due to its interest- only zero-emission vehicles by 2030. ing multifaced urban character and as a major mobility hub in the fast-growing Main Port for global metropolis of Amsterdam, the (re) Netherlands Tourism development of the Sloterdijk area is a The primary goals for the development Research through Education: Amsterdam Sloterdijk major opportunity to support the City of of a new strategy for Sloterdik Centrum ▼▶ Scenario made by Group B imagery by Isabella Flore, Sabrina Menger, Bened- etta Gatti, Lindsay Wigin- ton, Ana Cvetić, Jolien Kramer, Salwa Cherkaoui El Baraka, Sebastiaan van Niele, Tom van Vilsteren are: to reinforce the integrity of the node stations and overhaul the indoor and out- in a fragmented urban place, facilitating door public space. Legacy transport infra- current seamless pedestrian flows, and to structure (such as the parking lot) will be redevelop the node as a ‘place’ with a more transformed over time to accommodate an defined urban character,3 for the current us- expansion of mass transit and new shared ers of the station and the future inhabitants modes. The phasing plan recognizes that and visitors (target group). the future is unpredictable and leaves A group of young professionals started room for flexible uses and adaptation to the research and design process with a new realities. SWOT analysis, strategic planning tech- nique, by identifying strengths, weakness- Policy Instruments and 196 es, opportunities and threats related to the Design-Driven Solutions project planning of the Sloterdijk area in Gateway Sloterdijk 2050 proposes policy and comparison with Amsterdam’s city centre. design solutions guided by the follow- Based on the results of this comparative ing principles: establish Sloterdijk as a analysis, the proposed strategy, Gateway main port for Netherlands tourism, plan Sloterdijk 2050, envisions the Sloterdijk area for future mobility (growth in volume and as a gateway for tourists, commuters and modes), promote accessibility for all users, future residents alike. To support this vi- and emphasize a liveable public space. sion, the Sloterdijk train station will evolve Recognizing that change will be incremen- from its current state as a transport node to tal, the strategy proposes phasing and an a major key point in a cultural and mobility evolving role for the station over time. network, becoming one of Amsterdam’s prominent city centres. The design of the Main port for Netherlands station and its surroundings will be unified, tourism (2018–2030) and a unique identity will be developed for –Retain and improve Flixbus depot the station. –Relocate tour bus depot to Sloterdijk In the near future, the strategy proposes –Improve Flixbus depot directing flows of visitors, particularly tour –Establish tourism information centre bus groups and international bus traffic, to –Equip tourists to use sustainable mobility the station. This, combined with the first –Marketing to new types of tourists phase of new residential development, will build the critical mass required to estab- lish new programmes and activities at the station. Over time, the strategy proposes major infrastructural changes to improve the flows of passengers to and through the Future mobility (2018–2050) –New entrance and platform over east –Develop new mobility demonstration tracks centre in partnership with Havenstad –Parking converted to e-car, e-bus and employers (for instance BMW, Nissan) shared mobility drop-off area –Limit or eliminate private car parking in new buildings Master Plan –Expand car- and bike-sharing options in –Covering tracks east side new buildings and at station –Unified public space (indoor/outdoor) –Increase cost of parking at station each –Improve station access and flows year and use new revenue to build elec- tric chargers Room for a Flexible and –Convert parking spaces to drop-off lanes Unpredictable Future 197 for shared mobility (de-emphasize sin- The role of Amsterdam Sloterdijk station gle-occupancy) has already evolved over time. With the –Establish new metro and train line con- proposed strategy, the capability of the nections station to reinvent itself will be enhanced, along with its prominent role for the future Accommodating future of the district, for the city of Amsterdam passenger flows (2030–2050) and its region. From being an infrastruc- –Accommodation for +500 touring buses tural node, Sloterdijk will become one of –Cars are phased out gradually Amsterdam’s centres, in a dense urban –Bike parking located in various spots + community, offering alternative services underground and flexible uses for the visitors to come. –Link platform 9 and 10 with a bridge At the same time, urban and suburban net- –Unification of the public space works are tending towards a metro-type –Views across the space service and the competition between mo- bility modes has increased and will contin- Liveable public space ue to increase. This is a great opportunity (2030–2050) for rethinking our mobility places, how –Indoor/outdoor public space they are becoming a combination of trans- –Public space with amenities for play and port and urban facilities, a place ‘to be’ and relaxation not only a place ‘to pass through’. –Green space –Open spaces for various usage, flexibility Notes for future needs 1 The 1986 Teleport project made Sloterdijk a destina- –In design terms this would mean starting tion for offices. For more information, see: http://www. from the reorganization of modes weekvanhetlegegebouw.nl/sloterdijk-toen-nu-straks/. –From fragmented to unification 2 –Bikes access from both sides station Haven-Stad vision consists of the intensification and (re) development of 12 subareas. The full document is available –Ferry service at canal at: https://www.amsterdam.nl/projecten/haven-stad/.
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