Bibliography Writings of Robert K. Merton in the Sociology of Science Books (listed in order of publication) Science, Technology and Society in Seventeenth-Century England. In Osiris: Studies on the History and Philosophy of Science. Bruges, Belgium: Saint Catherine Press, Ltd., 1938. With new preface. New York: Howard Fertig, Inc., 1970; paperback edition, New York: Harper & Row, 1970. Social Theory and Social Structure. New York: The Free Press, 1949. Revised edition, 1957. Enlarged edition, 1968. The Student-Physician: Introductory Studies in the Sociology of Medical Educa­ tion. [Coedited with G. G. Reader and P. L. Kendall] Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1957. On the Shoulders of Giants: A Shandean Postscript. New York: The Free Press, 1965; paperback edition, New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., 1967. On Theoretical Sociology. New York: The Free Press, 1967. Papers (listed in order of publication) Papers marked with an * are included in this volume. “The Course of Arabian Intellectual Development, 700-1300 A.D.” [With P. A. Sorokin] Isis 22 (February 1935): 516—24. “Fluctuations in the Rate of Industrial Invention.” The Quarterly Journal of Economics 49 (May 1935): 454—70. ^“Science and Military Technique.” Scientific Monthly 41 (December 1935): 542-45. “The Unanticipated Consequences of Purposive Social Action.” American Sociological Review 1 (1936): 894—904. “Puritanism, Pietism, and Science.” Sociological Review 28 (January 1936): 1-30. “Civilization and Culture.” Sociology and Social Research 21 (November-De- cember 1936): 103-13. 562 Bibliography “Some Economic Factors in Seventeenth Century English Science.” Scientia: Revista di Scienza 62 (1937): 142-52. “Science, Population and Society.” The Scientific Monthly 44 (February 1937): 165-71. “Social Time: A Methodological and Functional Analysis.” [With Pitirim A. Sorokin] The American Journal of Sociology 42 (March 1937): 615-29. “Sociological Aspects of Invention, Discovery and Scientific Theories.” [With P. A. Sorokin] In P. A. Sorokin, Social and Cultural Dynamics. New York: American Book Company, 1937, “The Sociology of Knowledge.” Isis, 27 (November 1937): 493-503. “Social Structure and Anomie.” American Sociological Review 3 (1938): 672-82. *“Science and the Social Order.” Philosophy of Science 5 (1938): 321-37. “Science and the Economy of Seventeenth Century England.” Science and So­ ciety 3 (Winter 1939): 3-27. “Karl Mannheim and the Sociology of Knowledge.” The Journal of Liberal Religion 2 (Winter 1941): 125-47. *“Znaniecki’s The Social Role of the Man of Knowledge." American Sociologi­ cal Review 6 (February 1941): 111-15. *“Science and Technology in a Democratic Order.” Journal of Legal and Politi­ cal Science 1 (October 1942): 115-26. “Role of the Intellectual in Public Bureaucracy.” Social Forces 23 (May 1945): 405-15. *“Sociology of Knowledge.” In Twentieth Century Sociology, edited by Georges Gurvitch and Wilbert E. Moore. New York: Philosophical Library, 1945. “Mass Persuasion: A Technical Problem and a Moral Dilemma.” Chapter 7 in Robert K. Merton, Marjorie Fiske, and Alberta Curtis, Mass Persuasion. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1946; Westport: Greenwood Press, 1971. “The Machine, the Worker, and the Engineer.” Science 105 (24 January 1947): 79-84. “Selected Problems of Field Work in the Planned Community.” American Sociological Review 12 (June 1947): 304-12. “The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy.” The Antioch Review, Summer 1948, 193-210. *“The Role of Applied Social Science in the Formation of Policy.” Philosophy of Science 16 (July 1949): 161-81. “Election of Polling Forecasts and Public Images of Social Science.” [with Paul K. Hatt] The Public Opinion Quarterly 13 (Summer 1949): 185—222. “Comparison of Wissenssoziologie and Mass Communications Research.” In Robert K. Merton, Social Theory and Social Structure. 1949; enlarged edi­ tion, New York: The Free Press, 1968. “Introduction: Sociology of Science.” In Robert K. Merton, Social Theory and Social Structure. 1949; New York: The Free Press, 1968. “Social Scientists and Research Policy.” [With Daniel Lerner] In The Policy Sciences, edited by Daniel Lerner and Harold D. Lasswell. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1951. “The Research Budget.” In Research Methods in Social Relations, edited by Marie Jahoda, Morton Deutsch and Stuart W. Cook. New York: Dryden Press, 1951. Pp. 342-51. * “Foreword” to Science and the Social Order, by Bernard Barber. New York: The Free Press, 1952. Bibliography 563 “Brief Bibliography for the Sociology of Science.” [With Bernard Barber] In American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Proceedings 80 (May 1952): 140- 54. “Foreword” to Character and Social Structure, by Hans Gerth and C. W. Mills. New York: Harcourt Brace & World, 1953. “The Knowledge of Man.” In The Unity of Knowledge, edited by Lewis Leary. New York: Doubleday, 1955. “Studies in the Sociology of Medical Education” [With Samuel Bloom and Natalie Rogoff] Journal of Medical Education 31 (August 1956): 552-65. * “Priorities in Scientific Discovery: A Chapter in the Sociology of Science,” American Sociological Review 22 (December 1957): 635-59. “Some Preliminaries to a Sociology of Medical Education.” In The Student- Physician, edited by R. K. Merton, G. G. Reader and P. Kendall. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1957. “Bibliographical Postscript to ‘Puritanism, Pietism and Science’.” In Robert K. Merton, Social Theory and Social Structure. 1957; New York: The Free Press, 1968. “Procedures for the Sociological Study of the Value Climates of Medical Schools.” [with Richard Christie] In The Ecology of the Medical Student, edited by H. H. Gee and R. J. Glaser. Evanston, 111.: Association of Ameri­ can Medical Colleges, 1958. “Medical Education as a Social Process.” [With P. L. Kendall] In Patients, Physicians and Illness, edited by E. G. Jaco. Glencoe: Free Press, 1958. “The Scholar and the Craftsman.” In Critical Problems in the History of Science, edited by Marshall Clagett. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1959. “Notes on Problem-Finding in Sociology.” In Sociology Today, edited by R. K. Merton, L. Broom and L. S. Cottrell. New York: Basic Books, 1959. *“ ‘Recognition’ and ‘Excellence’: Instructive Ambiguities.” In Recognition of Excellence, edited by A. Yarmolinsky. New York: Free Press, 1960. “The Mosaic of the Behavioral Sciences.” In The Behavioral Sciences Today, edited by Bernard Berelson. New York: Basic Books, 1960. * “Singletons and Multiples in Scientific Discovery: A Chapter in the Sociology of Science.” In American Philosophical Society. Proceedings 105 (13 Octo­ ber 1961): 470-86. *“Social Conflict over Styles of Sociological Work.” In Fourth World Congress of Sociology. Transactions. Louvain, Belgium: International Sociological Association, 1961. 3:21-36. “Notes on Sociology in the U.S.S.R.” [With Henry Riecken] Current Problems in Social-Behavioral Research. Symposia Studies Series No. 10. Washington, D.C.: The National Institute of Social and Behavioral Science, 1962. Pp. 7-14. ^“Resistance to the Systematic Study of Multiple Discoveries in Science.” European Journal of Sociology 4 (1963): 237-82. *“The Ambivalence of Scientists.” Bulletin of the Johns Hopkins Hospital. 112 (1963): 77-97. * “Sorokin’s Formulations in the Sociology of Science.” [With Bernard Barber] In P. A. Sorokin in Review, edited by P. J. Allen. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 1963. “Basic Research and Potentials of Relevance.” American Behavioral Scientist 6 (May 1963): 86-90. 564 Bibliography “Practical Problems and the Uses of Social Science.” [With Edward C. Dev- ereux, Jr.] Trans-action 1 (1964): 18-21. “Foreword” to The Technological Society, by Jacques Ellul. New York: A. Knopf, 1964. “The Environment of the Innovating Organization.” In The Creative Organiza­ tion, edited by Gary Steiner. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1965. “On the History and Systematics of Sociological Theory” and “On Sociological Theories of the Middle Range.” In Robert K. Merton, On Theoretical Sociol­ ogy. New York: The Free Press, 1967. *“The Matthew Effect in Science: the Reward and Communication Systems of Science.” Science 199 (5 January 1968): 55-63. “Observations on the Sociology of Science.” Japan-American Forum 14 (April 1968): 18-28. “Seminars Without Constraint.” The Columbia University Forum 11 (Winter 1968): 38-39. * “Behavior Patterns of Scientists.” Copublished in American Scientist 57 (Spring 1969): 1-23, and American Scholar 38 (Spring 1969): 197-225. “Insiders and Outsiders: An Essay in the Sociology of Knowledge.” 1st ed. in Conspectus of Indian Society, edited by R. N. Saxena. Agra, India: Satish Book Enterprise, 1971: 2d ed. in Essays on Modernization of Under­ developed Societies. Bombay, India: Thacker & Co., Ltd., 1971. * “Insiders and Outsiders: A Chapter in the Sociology of Knowledge.” 3d ed. American Journal of Sociology 77 (July 1972): 9-47. “The Precarious Foundations of Detachment in Sociology.” In The Phenomenon of Sociology, edited by Edward A. Tiryakian. New York: Appleton-Century- Crofts, 1971. *“The Competitive Pressures (1): The Race for Priority.” [With Richard Lewis] Impact of Science on Society 21 (1971); 151-61. *“Pattems of Evaluation in Science: Institutionalisation, Structure and Functions of the Referee System.” [With Harriet Zuckerman] Minerva 9 (January 1971): 66-100. *“Age, Aging, and Age Structure in Science.” [With Harriet Zuckerman] In Aging and Society. Vol. 3, A Sociology of Age Stratification, edited by Matilda W. Riley, Marilyn Johnson, and Anne Foner. New York:
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