Studio & Location Lighting Secrets Index Numerics Dodge tool, 150–151 1D Mark III, 102 Elliptical tool, 153 5D Mark II, 75, 104, 119, 120 enhancing details, 158–159 5k movie light, 110 Exposure, Layer panel, 163 17-40mm lens, 75 Flashlight fi lter, 139 24mm lens, 8 framing, 150–151 24-105mm lens, 11–12, 15, 104 F-Stop, changing, 142–143 28-75mm Di lens, 99 gray spotlight, 141 50mm lens, 8, 142, 143 Healing Brush tool, 51, 139 55mm lens, 110 high-fashion stylized look, 148–149 70-200mm lens, 102–103, 119–120, 126 Hue/Saturation, 118 85mm lens, 8, 94, 142 lens, changing, 142–143 105mm lens, 142 Levels panel, 36 135mm lens, 8 Light Types, 141 200mm lens, 8 Lighting Eff ects fi lter, 141 550 EX fl ash, 89 Magic Wand tool, 124 movie-star-style lighting, 162–163 A MZ Soft Focus fi lter, 103 accent light, 120 Omni light, 140–141 Adaptive Exposure setting, Topaz Adjust orange spotlight, 141 plug-in, 159 overview, 138–139 adaptor ring, 4 post-processing, 88 Adjustment layer, Photoshop Quick Selection tool, 143 black and white, 144–145 Radial Blur fi lter, 160–161 image saturation, 139 Rectangular Marquee tool, 163 Adobe Photoshop refl ections, 26 Adjustment layer, 139 Render Lighting Eff ects, 140 anchor points, Preview window, 141 Sepia Action fi lter, 77 artistic eff ects, 156–157 Shadow/Highlight, 118 black and white background, 115 Spotlight option, 140–141 black and white images, 144–147 Surface Blur tool, 117, 135 Burn tool, 114 COPYRIGHTED Totally MATERIAL Rad Mega Mix actions, 126 burned edges, 93 Triangle Treat factor setting, 143 Clone Stamp tool, 51, 65, 139 vignette, 152–153 Color Box, 141 White Point eyedropper, 36 color eff ects, 154–155 advertising photography, 46 color enhancement, 177 Alien Bee lights, 123 Color Picker window, 145 Alien Skin Soft ware, Bokeh plug-in, 142–143 Color Replacement tool, 139 ambient light, 75 composite images, 20 Ambrotype setting, Silver Efex Pro, 147 203 Studio & Location Lighting Secrets anchor points, Photoshop Preview window, 141 light placement, 34 Antique Plate, Silver Efex Pro, 147 refl ector set-up, 34, 60–61, 85 aperture, 10, 15, 82 repositioning fl ash, 38 aperture priority (Av), 15 subject, interacting with, 67–68 Apple Lightroom, 88 trifl ector, 69 architectural photography, 80 Bevel Background, Frame Library plug-in, 151 artistic eff ects, Photoshop, 156–157 black and white adjustment layer, Photoshop, Av (aperture priority), 15 144–145 Avenger products, 194 black and white background, Photoshop, 115 black background, 6, 91, 96, 104, 135 B black-and-white images baby shots, 32–33 enhancing, 146–147 Back to Back Design Works studio sets, 112 light in frame, 56 Back to Back website, 192 lighting large space, 55 background main light selection, 57 Bevel Background, 151 models, 58 black, 6, 91, 96, 104, 135 prints, 144–145 black and white, 115 production, 54 blanket, 95 blanket background, 95 cloth, 124, 168 blinds, Venetian, 66 color, 16 blue gel, 116, 125, 130 dark, 28, 90, 135, 176 blue Omni, Photoshop, 141 draped, 40 blurring image, 111 exposure challenges, 24 body language, 46 gray, 36, 57, 88, 110, 130 Bogen Imaging importance of, 17 cold shoe adapters, 60 lighting, 9, 16, 34, 100, 183 tripod, 75 painted fabric, 16 website, 194 professional, 16 Bokeh plug-in, Alien Skin Soft ware, 142–143 unlit white, 57 Border option, Frame Library plug-in, 151 white, 36, 99, 111, 129, 133–134 bounced light, 119 working with, 168 Bradley, Shannon, 128 yellow, 131 brightness, 157 backlight, 15, 30, 56 budget shooting, 124 bags, Kata, 194 Burn tool, Photoshop CS4, 114 balancing light, 34–35 ball head, Really Right Stuff BH-55, 126 C Basic Lighting and Portraiture DVD, 199 camera. See also lenses; specifi c cameras beauty dish, 25, 54–55, 57, 128, 134 by name beauty photography, 19, 43 hot shoe, 75, 81, 84, 89, 100 behind the scenes images Kata bags, 194 diff user set-up, 60–61, 85 magnifi cation feature, 27 fl ags, 96 spot meter feature, 176 204 Index Camera Frame option, Frame Library Color tab, Topaz Adjust plug-in, 159 plug-in, 151 Community Gallery, FJ Westcott, 190 Canon 1D Mark III, 102 compact heads, Profoto, 129 Canon 24-105 mm zoom lens, 15 composite images, 20–21, 108 Canon 550 EX fl ash, 89 composition, photo Canon 5D Mark II, 75, 104, 119, 120 background, 16–17 Canon 85mm lens, 94 composite, 20–21 Canon Digital Learning Center website, 193 contrasting colors, 18 Canon Digital Photo Professional soft ware, 126 horizontals, 14 Canon EF 50 mm lens, 143 models, 22 Canon EOS 1D MK III, 103 off -center, 185 Canon EOS 5D, 94, 99 props, 19 Canon EOS 5D Mark II, 9, 89, 115, 122–123, 126 tone on tone, 18 Canon EOS-40D, 93 verticals, 14 Canon eTTL fl ash system, 82–83 zooming, 15 Canon Speedlite 580 EXII, 75, 99, 100, 126 constant aperture, 15 Canon Speedlite 580EX, 100 contrast, 18, 76, 157–158, 167 Canon ST-E2 Speedlite transmitter, 75, 89 controlling light, 171–172 Cartoon Preset, Topaz Simplify plug-in, 157 cookie, 110 catch light, 25, 65, 105, 128, 171 Creagh, Michael, 53 Chimera 3x4 soft box, 120 cropping image, 14 Cine Foil, 30 cucoloris, 110 Clear amount slider, Diff use Glow fi lter, 149 cyan gel, 132 Clone Stamp tool, Photoshop, 51, 65, 139 cloth background, 124, 168 D color dark background, 28, 90, 135, 176 blue gel, 116, 125, 130 dark vignette, 114 changing with gels, 16–17, 34, 99, 110, 132 Darken Contrast Vignette, Silver Efex Pro, 147 contrasting, 18 darkroom, digital, 77, 167 orrection, 118 Dave Cross fi lter, PhotoFrame, 164 cyan gel, 132 defi ning moment, 103 enhancing, 177 detail orange gel, 38 enhancing, 158–159 red gel, 110, 132 gaining model’s trust, 52 red Honl gel, 99, 100 hands, 48 removing, 40 increasing, 157–158, 167 tone-on-tone eff ect, 18 lips, 51 Color Box, Photoshop Lighting Eff ects nails, 49 dialog box, 141 nose, 50 Color Efex Pro, 36, 40, 77, 154–155, 180 reducing, 157 color eff ects, professional, 154–155 Details tab, Topaz Adjust plug-in, 159 Color Picker window, Photoshop, 145 Dieker, Amy, 129 Color Replacement tool, Photoshop, 139 Diff use Glow fi lter, Silver Efex Pro, 148–149 205 Studio & Location Lighting Secrets diff used backlight, 56 egg crate panel, 34 diff used camera strobe, 26 85mm lens, 8, 94, 142 diff used Canon Speedlite, 92 elaborate lighting, 123 diff used light, 173 Elinchrom RX-600 strobe light, 96 diff user Elliptical tool, Photoshop, 153 baby shots, 32 enhancing contrast, 76 black-and-white images, 146–147 FJ Westcott, 75 color, 177 fl ash/diff user portraits, 62–63 detail, 158–159 kits, 59 digital darkroom, 167 lights, 92 portraits, 139, 158 LumiQuest, 191 environmental portrait, 8, 12 outdoor lighting, 170 envisioning end result, 167 RayFlash ring-light adapter, 99 EOS 1D MK III, 103 setup, 60 EOS 5D, 94, 99 testing, 36 EOS 5D Mark II, 9, 89, 115, 122–123, 126 diff usion panel, 57 EOS-40D, 93 digital darkroom, 77, 167 eTTL fl ash system, 82–83 digital eff ect, 32 Explorers of Light, Canon Digital Learning digital frame, 150 Center, 193 digital imaging, 167 exposure Digital Learning Center website, Canon, 193 challenges, 24 Digital Photo Professional soft ware, 126 metering, 176 digitally enhanced portrait, 158 readout, 34 dim lighting, 43 Exposure panel, Photoshop, 163 Discussion Boards, FJ Westcott, 190 Exposure tab, Topaz Adjust plug-in, 159 disequilibrium eff ect, 169, 181 extension tube, lens, 8 Dodge tool, Photoshop, 139 eye contact, 43 dramatic photography, 96 eye refl ection, 25 dramatic side light, 91 eyeglasses, 26 draped background, 40 eyes, 178 Duplex eff ect, Color Efex Pro, 155 F E factor setting, Triangle Treat, 143 Edge option, Frame Library plug-in, 151 fashion photography, 19, 134 EF 35-135mm f/4-5.6USM lens, 93 fast lens, focusing, 94 EF 50 mm lens, 143 Feather Radius, Photoshop, 152–153 eff ects feeling bounced light, 119 body language, 46 disequilibrium, 181 creating looks, 42 lighting, 40 eye contact, 43 LucisArt Whyeth, 109 makeup, 45 soft touch, 158 total transformation shots, 44 206 Index 50mm lens, 8, 142, 143 fl ash/diff user portraits, 62–63 55mm lens, 110 fl ash/lighting kit, 84–85 fi ll light, 40, 134 fl ash/refl ector portraits, 64–65 fi lters Honl Photo website, 197 Dave Cross, 164 Kelby Training website, 196 Diff use Glow, 148–149 Lexar website, 195 Flashlight, 139 LumiQuest website, 191 Glamour Glow, 36 off -camera, 92, 188 light blue, 125 PocketWizard website, 189 Lighting Eff ects, 141, 164 remote, 72 Lucis Art, 117 repositioning, 36, 38–39 MZ Soft Focus, 103 Rick Sammon website, 198 Render Lens Flair, 164 shoe-mount, 99, 197 Fine Art Textures set, 126 Strobist website, 188 fi ngernails, 49 testing, 36 fi nish, glossy, 27 Westcott website, 190 5D Mark II, 75, 104, 119, 120 wireless, 80–81, 84–85 5k movie light, 110 fl ash head, 38 550 EX fl ash, 89 fl ash meter, 24, 34 FJ Westcott Flashlight fi lter, Photoshop, 139 6-in-1 Deluxe Illuminator Refl ector Kit, 84 FlexTT5 12x50 strip light, 120 Hypersync ability, 82 24x32 inch soft box, 95 overview, 189 Community Gallery, 190 transceiver, 83 diff users, 60, 75 focusing Discussion Boards, 190 fast lens, 94 Masters Brush light, 116 on subject, 184 Photo Basic hot light (PB500) kit, 3 fog machine, 56 Spiderlite TD5s, 95 format options, 14 Strobelite Plus 3 Light Kit #231, 4 Frame Library plug-in, TD5 Flourescent lights, 116 PhotoFrame 4.0 Professional, 151 uLites, 94 frames, digital, 150 fl ags, 91, 96–97 framing, Photoshop, 150–151 fl ash Fresnel lens, 110 accessory, 90 f-stops, 11–12, 34, 76, 130, 142–143 Back to Back website, 192 Bogen Imaging website, 194 G Canon 550 EX, 89 garage studio, 6 Canon Digital Learning Center website, 193 Garcia, Stephanie,
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