supplement for KOL NIDREI & YOM KIPPUR DAY 5781 ● Sep 27-28, 2020 (p 1) before candle lighting: donning the tallit Our fringed prayer shawl is worn exclusively for morning prayer except for this one night of the year, when our clothes – all white, if possible, except for the tallit’s stripes – are meant to remind us of the simple white shroud and tallit in which Jews are customarily buried. The tallit is also a way to wrap ourselves for this day’s arduous journey. Baruch Atah Adonai, Eloheinu Melech ha’olam, asher kid’shanu b’mitz’votav, v’tzivanu l’hitatef ba’tzitzit. after p 4: On This Night of Atonement God of forgiveness, on this night of atonement we come before You, haunted by memories of duties unperformed, of promptings disobeyed, of beckoning ignored. We confess that there were opportunities for kindness and service that we allowed to pass by us in the year just ended. We are ashamed of sins committed with evil intent, as well as of follies committed unwittingly or even with good intentions. Male us honest enough to recognize our transgressions, big enough to admit them, strong enough to forsake them. Humble us by showing us what we are; exalt us with a vision of what we may yet grow to be. Keep us mindful of our dependence on You, and help us understand Your need of us. United with you in a holy partnership, may we dedicate our lives to Your law of love. Kindle within us the fires of faith, and set aglow our courage to live the words we pray. after p 16: Ya’aleh This haunting reverse acrostic [piyut] begins at the end of the Hebrew alphabet and continues until alef, reminding us to review our year from the recent past back to its beginning in Tishri 5780/Oct 2019. Subsequent verses follow the same pattern as below, exchanging the middle, column as we make our way through the alphabet, backwards. .tach’nuneinu, tach’nuneinu mei’erev ad arev, ad arev (ת) Ya’aleh, ya’aleh .sha’vateinu, shav’ateinu mi’boker ad arev, ad arev (ש) V’yavo, v’yavo .rinu’neinu, rinu’neinu, ad arev, ad arev (ר) V’yera’eh m'nuseinu (מ) na’aka’teinu (נ) s’licha’teinu (ס) inu’yeinu (ע) pid’yoneinu (פ) tzid’kateinu (צ) qoleinu (ק) hadrateinu (ה) vi’udeinu (ו) zikhron’einu (ז) ḥinuneinu (ח) tahoreinu (ט) yisheinu (י) kipureinu (כ) l’ma’ano (ל) eileinu (א) eileḥa (א) enkateinu (א) bakasha’teinu (ב) gileinu (ג) dof’keinu (ד) May it go up – our supplication – from [the first to the second] evening of Yom Kippur. May it arrive – our plea – from the morning [of Yom Kippur] to the evening. May it be seen/revealed – our gladness – at [the final] evening. after p 16: Ki Anu Ameḥa Ki anu ameḥa v’Atah Eloheinu, anu vaneḥa v’Atah Avinu. Anu avadeḥa v’Atah Adoneinu, anu k’haleḥa v’Atah ḥel’keinu. Anu naḥala’teḥa v’Atah goraleinu, anu tzoneḥa v’Atah ro’einu. Anu ḥarmeḥa v’Atah notreinu, anu f’ulateḥa v’Atah yotz’reinu. Anu rayateḥa v’Atah dodeinu, anu s’gulateḥa v’Atah k’roveinu. Anu ameḥa v’Atah malkeinu, anu ma’amireḥa v’Atah ma’amir’einu. For we are Your people and You are our God. We Your children and You our parent. We Your servants and You our master. We Your congregation and You our heritage. …possession/destiny …flock/shepherd …vineyard/guardian …creatures/creator …faithful/beloved …treasure/protector …subjects/ruler …chosen ones/our chosen one. We continue in last night’s prayerbook for YOM KIPPUR MORNING, along with the following supplements. after p 31: Ashrei These beloved verses, beginning with “Happy are they who dwell in Your house…” are traditionally chanted three times a day. They consist largely of Psalm 145, an alphabetic acrostic. For many, the emotional centerpiece is the verse beginning Poteakh et ya’dekha, ”You open Your hand and satisfy the needs of all living creatures.” Or, as the 1928 Book of Common Prayer has it, in partial imitation of the King James Bible: “Thou openest thine hand and fillest all things living with plenteousness.” Listen for this verse (transliterated below) while watching for a physical hint: it is customary to extend one’s palm outward and upward in a gesture of receiving goodness from above while reciting this psalm’s 15th of 21 verses. .po’teaḥ et yadeḥa u’mashbi’a l’ḥol ḥai ratzon. You open your hand and satisfy the needs of all living (פ) after Ashrei: Nishmat Kol Hai After she read the translation of Nishmat, a generally prayer-averse BHC (p 2) member remarked last year: “Why, everything is in it! If we just said this section, we wouldn’t need to say another thing.” Yes, it’s that sublime. Here is one of its most beautiful passages: Ilu finu malei shira ka’yam, ul’shoneinu rina ka’hamon galav; u’sfateinu shevaḥ k’merḥavei rakia, v’eineinu m’irot ka’shemesh v’ka’yarei’aḥ; v’yadeinu p’rusot k’nishrei shamayim, v’ragleinu kalot ka’ayalot – ain anaḥnu maspikim l’hodot l’ḥa, Adonai Eloheinu v’Elohei avoteinu… If our mouths were filled with song as water fills the sea, and our tongues rang with Your praise as tirelessly as the roaring waves; if our lips offered adoration as boundless as the sky, and our eyes shone in reverence as brightly as the sun and moon; if our hands were spread in prayer as wide as eagles’ wings, and our feet ran to serve You as swiftly as deer; we would still be unable to thank You adequately for the smallest fraction of the numberless bounties You bestowed on our ancestors and on us. after Ashrei and Nishmat Kol Hai: haMelekh A special passage for Yom Kippur begins with a cantorial flourish adorning one single word: haMelekh, the King. Ha’Melekh (3x) yoshev al kisei ram v’nisah, shoḥen ad marom v’kadosh sh’mo. V’ḥatuv: ran’neinu tzadikim b’Adonai la’y’sharim nava t’hilah… The King, enthroned on high in majesty. You, who abide forever, magnified and hallowed be Your name. after p 40: l’El Orekh Din This majestic piyut, an alphabetic acrostic, is sung on Rosh haShanah as well. After each verse, the phrase b’yom din alternates with the phrase ba’din – on the day of judgment / in judgement. Please join in responsively after each verse is sung in Hebrew, with the phrase b’yom din and then ba’din. L’boḥen l’vavot b’yom din, goleh amukot ba’din; l’dover mei’sharim b’yom din, l’hogeh dei’ot ba’din… who ד ,reveals the hidden things ג who searches all our hearts, and ב …Let us proclaim the sovereignty of God א .…remembers the covenant ז who bestows mercy, and ו ,knows our innermost ideas ה decides righteously, and after p 50: traditional Torah reading for Yom Kippur, Leviticus 16: 1 - 34 1st aliyah, verses 1 – 6. YHWH spoke to Moses after the death of the two sons of Aaron who died when they drew too close to the presence of YHWH. YHWH said to Moses: Tell your brother Aaron that he is not to come at will into the place behind the curtain, in front of the cover that is upon the ark, lest he die; for I appear in the cloud over the cover. Thus only shall Aaron enter that place: with a bull of the herd for a sin offering and a ram for a burnt offering. He shall be dressed in a sacral linen tunic, with linen breeches next to his flesh, and be girt with a linen sash, and he shall wear a linen turban. They are sacral vestments; he shall bathe his body in water and then put them on. And from the Israelite community he shall take two he-goats for a sin offering and a ram for a burnt offering. Aaron is to offer his own bull of sin offering, to make expiation for himself and for his household. 2nd aliyah, 7 – 11. Aaron shall take the two he-goats and let them stand before YHWH at the entrance of the tent of meeting; and he shall place lots upon the two goats, one marked for YHWH and the other marked for Azazel. Aaron shall bring forward the goat designated by lot for Adonai, which he is to offer as a sin offering while the goat designated by lot for Azazel shall be left standing alive before YHWH, to make expiation with it and to send it off to the wilderness for Azazel. Aaron shall then offer his bull of sin offering, to make expiation for himself and his household. He shall slaughter his bull of sin offering 3rd aliyah, 12 – 17. and he shall take a panful of glowing coals scooped from the altar before Adonai, and two hand- fuls of finely ground aromatic incense, and bring this behind the curtain. He shall put the incense on the fire before YHWH, so that the cloud from the incense screens the cover that is over [the ark of] the pact, lest he die. He shall take some of the blood of the bull and sprinkle it with his finger over the cover on the east side; and in front of the cover he shall sprinkle some of the blood with his finger seven times.He shall then slaughter the people’s goat of sin offering, bring its blood behind the curtain, and do with its blood as he has done with the blood of the bull: he shall sprinkle it over the cover and in front of the cover.
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