UNITED NATiONS Distr. SECURITY GENERAL S/5053/Add.l2/Add.1 COUNCIL 13 November 1962 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH REPORT TO THE SECRETARY-GENERAL FROM THE OFFICER-IN-CHARGE OF THE UNITED NATIONS OPERATION IN THE CONGO ON DEVELOFIYlENTS RELATING TO THE APPLICATION OF THE SECURITY COUNCIL RESOLUTIONS OF 21 FEBRUARY AND 24 NOVEMBER 1961 ADDENDUM TO ANNEXES I AND II Foreign military ~ersonnel reliably re~orted to ONUC to heve been s,t large in Katanga as from JElnUary 1962 -' 1. Additional foreign militory personnel reliably reported to ONUC to be still active in Katanga: DECOCK, J. Nation~lity not Imownj Adjutant-Chef. Listed as Commander of a company on an operational order found on the body of a mercenary killed during the fighting at Kitenge on 22 j\ugust 1962 between ANC troops and Ke.tanga Gendarmerie. Mission of the comprny in question was to co.pture Kebolo. Original of document in the possession of the ANC authorities. ONUC possesses [1 photocopy of the document. Supposed to have left Katangf1. along 'I'lith 88 other "volunteers 11 on 8 February 1962, aC,cording to a letter from Mr. Tshombe to the Officer-in-Charge dated 13 February 1962. DELBECQUE , J. V. Belgian volunteer, .c1jutant. According to diplomatic source, 'I'1['.S present in Katanga, probably as a mercenary, as of September 1962. Known to ON~C as having been a mercenary in 1961. Referred to in El report to the Surete from lueno, dated 17 June 1961 concerning the murder of the Administrator of luena on 16 June 1961. Delbecque was in Luena ot that time. Supposed to have left Katanga along with 88 other IIvoluntC'ersll on 8 February 1962, according to a letter from l~. Tshombe to the Officer-in-Charge dated 13 February 1962. 62-24018 / ... S/5053/Add.12/Add.l English Page 2 11 I DEMOULIN, JacQues * Belgian. Born on 6 April 1938 at Namur; pilot, recruited by Katangese Permanent Delegation in Brussels. Served in Katanga Air Force under Comdt. Delcourt. Surrendered to UN at Kamina at end of August 1961 and repatriated to Brussels from Kamina on 1 September 1961. Holds passport G.432105. Demoulin was reported to be b~ck in Katanga as of the beginning of March 1962, having come from South Africa. Message in the possession of the United Nations from the Katanga ~ir Force authorities in Kolwezi to Elisabethville instructs a certain Lt. Mbayo to send urgently all the IIbooks of Harvardll (navigating bool~s). These ifere to be given to lithe pilot Demoulinll for use at Kolwezi. LINDBERG-HANSEN, .•. Danish, Adjutant-Chef. Known to ONUC as a mercenary in 1961. Reported by foreign personnel in UN custody to be still at large in August 1962, when he is said to have participated in operations in the Kabongo-Kitenge area. MARTHIAS, . -: •. Nationality not known; Second Lieutenant. Listed as commander of a company on an operational order found on the body of a mercenary killed during the fighting at Kitenge on 22 August 1962 bet"lfeen ANC troops and Ka~anga Gendarmerie. Mission of the company in Question was to capture Kabalo. Original of the document in the possession of the ANC authorities. ONUC possesses a photocopy of the document. OP DE WEEGH, Johannes Paulus Dutch. Born on 13 July 1938 at Hennaarderadeel. Left Netherlands on 12 August 1959 for South Africa. Recruited for Katanga in March 1961 from Johannesburg, where he was a trainee at a mining school. Holds passport H.666257. ** Known to ONUC as a mercenary in 1961. Reliably reported to be still in Katanga in 1962. * See paragraph 3 below. ** The Netherlands Permanent Mission to the United Nations reports that Gp de Weegh IS passport has been withdrawn. / ... S/5053/Add.12/Add.l English Page 3 PIERARD, J. Belgian. Repatri~ted by the United Nations from Elisabethvil1e on 8 September 1961. ftpperently 1vas soon back in Katanga, and was listed among 89 "volunteers" who 1vere reported to have left Katanga on 8 Februe.ry 1962 accord:i.ng to Mr. Tshombe IS letter of 13 February 1962 to the Officer-in-Charge. According to a diplomatic source, was present in Katanga, probably as a mercenary, as of September 1962. PORTAEL, R. G. Belgian. Knmm to ONUC to have been 8, mercenary in 1961. J\ccording to a diplomatic source, was again in Katanga as of September 1962. PUREN, J·.C. South ~fricQn. Lieutenant or Captain in the Katanga Air Force. ONUC has in its possession messages dated 5 and 6 September 1962 from Puren in Kolwezi to the Elisabethville a.uthorities requesting a meeting with lithe Ministerll (unspecified) in Elisabethville. Puren was known to ONUC to have been a mercenary in 1961. He was a radio navigator. Apprehended by ONUC on 28 August 1961 in accordance 1vith paragraph A-2 of the Security Council resolution of 21 February 1961. Transferred to Kamina, but escaped on 31 August 1961. UN possesses a lIDepart du Katangall form issued by Gendarmerie Headquarters (Etat Major, Section G-l) and signed by Capt. De loof for Major De Troyer authorizing Puren I s departure for Durban by UAT on 4 September 1961. Reason for travel given as lIContract rene1ved ­ lt leave . It is stated that the return ticket will be paid by Katanga. FurenIS unit is described as "Section I\VI/Legere lt . His registration number is given as 201,944. Puren is also known under the name of de Vlaminck Ivan. According to letter dated 29 August 1962 (No. 101/0643) from Mr. Tshombe to the Secretaire dlEtat a la Fonction publique, de Vlaminck (Furen) and four other lttechnical personnellt were to be officially reassigned to Avikat (Katanga Air Force). Ordonnance 511/116 of 14 May 1962 had previously assigned all technicians of Avikat to the Department of Public Works (Travaux publics). /... S!5053/Add.12/Add.l English 1 Page 4 STERCKS, H. J. Eelgion volunteer. Knolvn to 01TUC to hove been a mercenary in 1961. Pccording to a diplonlutic source, wns present in Kntango, probably as a mercenary, as of September 1962. VOSICO, Patrick South .'frican. Eorn on 28 June 1935 at Rustenburg, Transvao1. Pilot in Ko..tanga .\ir Force, previously in South African Air Force. Repatriated by Unitecl. Nations to Johannesburg on 20 September 1961. Back in Katanga as of 29 Pngust 1962 E.ccording to letter of that date (No. 101/c643) from Mr. Tshombe to the Secretaire dlEtat h la Fonction publique stating that Vosloo and four other "technical personnelll Ivere to be officially reassigned to J\vilcat (Katanga J\ir Force). Ordonnance No. 511/116 of 14 May 1962 had previously assigned all technicians of\vikat to the Katangese Department of Public Works (Travaux publics). Vosloo IS iclentity card numbex' is given as 201,908. 2. Foreign military personnel listed in the Report of the Officer-in-Charge (S/5053/Add.12, ~nnex I, page 36, and Annex II) ~s having been at large in Katanga as from Jonuary 1962, about Ivhom additional information has since become 8vailable. ALLIANCE, Lucien-j'oseph Pierre Belgian volunteer. Eorn on 26 May 1935 at Verviers. Known to have been a mercenary in 1961. Served in 22nd Battalion of Gendarmerie at Iuena, havingA joined Gendarmerie on 12 June 1961. First arrived in the Congo in 1954, when he worked as a carpenter in Kindu (Kivu prOVince). Repatriated by ONCC frem Kamina to Brussels on 7 September 1961. ..:\ccording to a diplomatic source, \-TaS present in Katanga, probably o.s a mercenary, as of September 1962. ANTOlNE, Maurice FranGois Eelgian. Lieutenant; born on 11 July 1929 at Waillat (Belgium). Leader of the Groupe mobile Antoine which was operating in North Katanga at the beginning o~ 1961. Served in the Katanga Gendarmerie on a one-year contr~ct at 28,000 frs. monthly. ~pprehended with several other members of his group (Adjt.-Chef Bero, J\djt. Demoulin, f.djt. Goffinet, Adjt. Lambrecht, Major Maeke and Adjt. Ponthier) I .. · S/5053/Add.12/Add.1 English Page 5 and repatriated by ONUC from Leopoldville to Brussels on 17 September 1961. During his interrogation, he declared he wanted to remain in Katanga. Reported to be back as a mercenary in North Katanga in the Kongolo area on 1 December 1961, according to the diary of a mercenary (author unkno,{n) found by UN Ethiopian troops in the compound of the Union Miniere at Elisabethville dtITing the hostilities of December 1961. Supposed to have left KatanBa along ,{ith 88 other "volunteersll on 8 February 1962, according to a letter from IvIr. Tshombe to the Officer-in-Charge of ONUC dated 13 February 1962. Reported by mercenaries under UN detention to be again playing an important role in Katanga as of September 1962. Also reported by a diplomatic source to be present in Katanga at this time. ANTONISSEN, Joseph Franqois Belgian. Lieutenant. Repatriated by ONUC from Elisabethville on 10 September 1961. AccordinB to a diplomatic source, was present in Elisabethville, probably as a mercenary, as of September 1962. l3ARON, ... Belgian. Major. Reported by mercenaries under UN detention to be playing an important role in Katanga as of September 1962. Said to be one of the principal officers commanding the mercenaries at Jadotville. BEELEN, Jean Belgian. Known to have been a mercenary in 1961. Reported by a diplomatic source to be present in Katanga, probably as a mercenary, as of September 1962. BINET, Roger Henri Belgian volunteer. Repatriated by ONUC from Elisabethville on 6 September 1961. According to a diplomatic source, ,{as back in Katanga, probably as a mercenary, as of September 1962. BRACCO, Roger Joseph Belgian, Sub-Lieutenant, pilot in Katangese Air Force at Kol,{ezi.
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