XVIII WORLD CONGRESS OF PHILOSOPHY BRIGHTON UK 21-27 AUGUST 1988 PROGRAMME PROGRAMME PROGRAMM PROGRAMA nPOrPAMMA CONTENTS PROGRAMME AT A GLANCE FEDERATION INTERNATIONALE DES SOCIETES DE PHILOSOPHIE SPONSORS COMMrrTEES MESSAGE OF WELCOME CONGRESS PROGRAMME BOOK EXHIBITION SOCIAL AND TOURS PROGRAMME GENERAL INFORMATION MAP 1 O ( Q < > < 0 - 09.30-12.00 Opening Plenary - z Q X 12.00- 13.30 1 13.30-15.30 SI 3a S28 S26a R45 i i < no C C 1 M M MON DAY - 09.00-10.30 Plenary ffl c U < c 10.30- 11.00 J 11.00-12.00 Plenary Discussion o _ z X i 2 12.00- 13.00 C CC T C M O ! 1 1 13.00-15.00 f R29 S40b S44b R15 S39e S53C R40 Sla R32 R30 S27C S54d SI 2a S29b R24 S41b C C O E 1 1 1 15.00- 17.00 816a 849a 833a 839b R23 831 1 814a 811a 837b 817 S53m R43 R35 R39 S20a S S OS 1 1 1 1 1 17.00-19.00 839a R27 R10 854b S53g 85a 1 851 833d 88a 810 81b 853d 844a 812d r r 1 V C < no C M O - UESDA^* ST 09.00-10.30 Plenary ffl Q U < C 10.30- 11.00 J 11.00-12.00 Plenary Discussion C o o — z X O 12.00- J C C O O 13.30-15.30 827a 840c 821a 811c 839d 1 8531 R36 R41 812e R16 R33 88e 853b 833c 854c ^ R42 R26 813c ffl Q U < C 15.30-16.00 J 16.00-18.00 Colloquium 8ymposiu E 1 09.00-11.00 S53a R44 1 12.00-13.30 U N C H 1 13.30-15.30 S53k 1 17.00-18.30 Special Lecture r r is n n > < io C l O THUR SDA M 09.00-10.30 Plenary Q U < m C 10.30-11.00 1 J 11.00-12.00 Plenary Discussion — 12.00-13.30 1 U N C H CC £ C D 1 1 1 13.30-15.30 R38 S21b S20b S5b R25 1 R14 SI 2c S8b R18 SI 6b S24b SI 4b R13 S53c S39c Q U < m C 15.30-16.00 J 3 16.00-18.00 Colloquium Symposiu E C ( O FRIDAY M AU GUST 09.00-10.30 Plenary ffi Q < U C 10.30-11.00 J 11.00-12.00 Plenary Discussion 3 o 12.00-13.00 z X c C C o t C o M > O C c 1 1 1 1 13.00-15.00 S29a S8c S5c S53h 1 S40a S37c S26b R21 S33e Sic R12 R28 S20c 1 1 1 1 i 15.00-17.00 S37a S32a S24a SI 4c S4la SI 2b 1 S53j SI 3b S49b R19 S22 R20 S27d , S16c c C O 1 1 c 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 17.00-19.00 S27b S54a S53f S53I 1 S15 Sllb S8d S33b S32b R22 < SATl RDAY 2 UGU ST 09.30-12.00 Closing Session •a *•* c ( o 0 FEDERATION INTERNATIONALE DES SOCIETIES DE PHILOSOPHIE CO MITE DIRECTEUR Bureau President V. Cauchy (Montreal) Vice Presidents R. T. De George (Lawrence) A. Kosing (Berlin) T. Padilha (Rio de Janeiro) Secretary General E. Agazzi (Fribourg) Treasurer G. Rung (Fribourg) Hon Vice President H. D. Lewis (London) Members S. Avineri (Jerusalem) V. Mathieu (Turin) S. Bachelard (Paris) E. Mayz Vallenilla (Caracas) R. Barcan Marcus (Yale) G. F. McLean (Washington) Y. Belaval (Paris) V. Mshvenieradze (Moscow) M. Bunge (Montreal) F. Miro Quesada (Lima) A. Caturelli (Cordoba Arg) E. Moutsopoulos (Athens) P. Caws (Washington) S. H. Nasr (Philadelphia) L. J» Cohen (Oxford) I. Niiniluoto (Helsinki) J. Hartnack (Helsingor) T. Ntumba (Kinshasa) P. Henrici (Rome) R. C. Pandeya (Delhi) J. Hintikka (Tallahassee) J. Pelc (Warsaw) K. Hubner (Kiel) K. Schmitz (Toronto) N. Iribadjakov (Sofia) V. S. Semionov (Moscow) I. Kuguradi (Ankara) C. Wenin (Louvain-la-Neuve) A. Lopez Quintas (Madrid) K. Wiredu (Accra) J. Zeleny (Prague) SPONSORS The XVinth Congress is sponsored by the Royal Institute of Philosophy and the Aristotelian Society in assocation with the British Academy, the Irish Philosophical Society, the Irish Philosophical Club, the Mind Association, the Scots Philosophical Society, the Society for Applied Philosophy and the Welsh Philosophical Club: Gratitude is expressed to the following for their generous support: The Aristotelian Society The Binks Trust Brighton Borough Council The British Tourist Authority Brunei University The Department of Education and Science, H.M. Government Distillers pic The Earl of Halsbury Professor H. D. Lewis Lucas Industries pic Sir Robert McAlpine and Sons Robert Maxwell Esq. The Royal ^jinstitute of Philosophy The Sainsbuty Family Charitable Trust St. John's College, Cambridge 4 COMMITTEES NATIONAL POLICY COMMITTEE The Earl of Halsbury, (President and Chairman) A. Phillips Griffiths (Deputy Chairman) R. Newton (Treasurer) R, Bambrough S. Guttenplan D. Holdcroft H. Lewis A. Manser T. 0' Keefe The Lord Quinton T. Roberts Mary THes M. Warner J. W or rail PROGRAMME COMMITTEE A. Kosing (Chairman) E. Agazzi R. Bambrough V. Cauchy P. Caws L. J. Cohen A. Phillips Griffiths H. Lewis V. Mshvenieradze S. Nasr T. Ntumba J. Scannone Sir Peter Strawson EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE The Earl of Halsbury (President) E. Agazzi A. Kosing V. Mshvenieradze, A. Phillips Griffiths Mary Tiles 5 MESSAGE OF WELCOME/MESSAGE DE BIENVENUE/WILLKOMENSGRUB/MENSAJE DEBIENVENIDO/nPHBETCTBME HPEilCEXlATE/lfl KOHrPECCA THE PRESIDENT OF THE CONGRESS The Earl of Halsbury, F.Eng., F.R.S. I extend a cordial welcome to all participants in the XVinth World Congress. I hope you will benefit and profit from the 4 plenary sessions, 2 symposia and colloquia, the nearly 100 sections, 46 round tables and 33 society meetings; and above all, the opportunity to meet and discuss with colleagues from all over the world which will be available to you during the next week at Brighton. Je souhaite la bienvenue a tous les participants a ce XVIII Congr^s mondial. J'espere que vous profiterez pleinement des 4 seances plenieres, des 2 symposiums et des 2 colloques; ainsi que des quelques 100 sections, 46 tables roundes et 33 reunions des societes; et surtout, de la possibilite que vous aurez durant la semaine prochaine a Brighton, de recontrer des collegues venus du monde entier. Ein herzliches Willkommen alien Teilnehmern dises XVin Weltkongressesl Ich hoffe, dap Sie alle von diesen 4 Plenarsitzungen, 2 Symposien, 2 KoUoquien, annahrend 100 Sektionen, 46 Rundtischgesprachen und 33 Gesellschaftstagungen profitieren werden. Nutzen Sie vor allem wahrend dieser nachsten Woche die Moglichkeit zum Gesprach mit Kollegen aus alien Teilen der Welt. lUn bienvenido cordial a todos los congresistas que participan en este XVin Congreso Mundial! Espero que profiten de los 4 sesiones plenarias, 2 simposios, 2 coloquios, 100 secciones, 46 mesas redundas y 33 encuentros de sociedades. Sobretodo aprovechen de la oportunidad que tienen durante la proxima semana en Brighton para encuentros y discusiones con otros filosofos de todas las partes del mundo. OT BceH xiyuiH TrpMBeTCTByK) Bcex ynacTHMKOB XVIII MeMyHaponHoro KoHrpecca. fl Haxierocb, mto bm see losneMeTe an^ ceba ebirony m TTonbsy ot 4 nneHapHbix •aceaaHMH, 2 CHMTT03MyMOB H 2 KonnoKBHyMOB, TTOHTM 100 cexuHH, 46 Kpyrnbix CTOJiOB H 33 3aceflaHHH obmecTB, ho irpeMXie Bcero ot bobmokhocth BCTpeTHTbcn b BpaHTOHe B TeneHwe cnexiyHMneM Heaenn c KOJijieraMH h3 Bcex kohuob Mupa m o6cy£iHTb c HMMM pasHbie TTpo6jieMi>i. 6 NOTES Please see the Book of Abstracts for the title of paper and language of presentation. Veuillez consulter le resume des communications pour les titres des conferences ainsi que la langue utilis^e. Informationen hinsichtlich der Titel und D arbietungssprachen von Vortragen sind im Sammelband der K urzfassungen zu finden. Para los titulos de las ponencias y sus lenguas de presentacion, viase el libro de resumenes. ripocbba o6pamaTbCfl k BwnneTeHio c peaioMe sa tqmo^ floxnaaa m fl3biK0M, na KOTopoM OH byaer HuraTbCfl. The conduct of the sessions is at the discretion of the Chair. Le deroulement des seances est a la discretion du President. Der Gestaltungsablauf der Sitzungen ist dem jeweiligen Sitzungslieter uberlassen. La conducci6n de las secciones es la responsablidad del presidente. Xofl 3aceflaHHH byaeT irpoxoflHTb tto ycMOTpenHio JTpejqceflaTenfl. There will be simultaneous interpretation available for all Plenary sessions. Opening and Closing Ceremonies, and those Colloquia and Symposia held in the Main Hall (Room 1). L'interpretation simultanee sera assuree pour toutes les seances plenieres, les ceremonies d'ouverture et de cloture, ainsi que tous les colloques et symposiums qui se derouleront dans le Main Hall (Salle 1). Wahrend der Plenarsitzungen, Eroffnungs - und Sclupsitzungen, und jenen KoUoquien und Symposien, die im Auditorium (Saal 1) stattfinden, wird simultan gedolmetscht werden. Tiene Vtd. la oportunidad de aprovechar de la traduccion simultanea durante todas las sesiones plenarias, las sesiones de apertura y de clausura, asi como durante los coloquios y simposios que tienen lugar en la sala principal (sala 1). CHHxpoHHbiM TrepeBoa byaer obecTTeneH na ecex rinenapHbix 3acexiaHKflX, Ha TOpWeCTBeHHOM OTKpblTHH H 3aKpbITHM H Ha TeX KOHJlOKBHyMaX M CliMTr03HyMaX, KOTopwe byayx TrpoxoflHTb b TnaeHOM 3axie (ayflMTopitR 1) , 7 F^ROORAMME OF=" MEETINOS SUNDAY AUOUST 21 ROOM 1 : : 0930 hrs, ilCieERS ARE REQUESTED TO BE SEATED BY 0920 hrs. > OPENING PLENARY SESSION STANCE PL^NIl^RE D'OUVERTURE :: EROFFNUNGSPLENARTAGUNG StelON PLENARIA DE APERTURA :: OTKPblTHE CnjIEHAnHOE 3ACEAAHHE> Chair : : President : : Leiter : : Presidente : : IIpexcejiaTejib THE EARL OF HALSBURY LORD ELTON Minister of State, The Home Office, 1984-5 THE EARL OF HALSBURY President, National Policy Committee VENANT CAUCHY President of the Congress President, F6d6ration Internationale des soci^t^s de philosophie JONATHAN COHEN President,International Union of History and Methodology of Science (Division of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science) llOO G.
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